
Terms for subject Business containing 兑现 | all forms | in specified order only
兑现的票据bad paper
兑现的货币non-convertible currency
兑现票据inconvertible paper
兑现纸币fiat money
兑现纸币inconvertible paper money
兑现纸币unexchangeable paper money
兑现纸币fiat currency
兑现纸币本位inconvertible paper standard
兑现货币本位fait standard
兑现货币本位制fiat standard system
兑现银行券irredeemable bank-note
不能兑现的纸币irredeemable bank-note
不能兑现的纸币钞票inconvertible notes
不能兑现票据inconvertible paper
交单兑现documents against cash
交银行即可兑现指支票等on presentation
有承兑行标记的保证兑现支票marked cheque
兑换现金turn into cash
公债,股份等兑现cash in
兑现信用证encashment credit
兑现准备金convertible reserve
兑现cash store
兑现支票cashing cheque
兑现支票cash cheque
兑现的纸币convertible note
兑现的纸币convertible money (paper)
兑现礼券gift coupons cashing
兑现票据clear a bill
兑现汇票represent bill of exchange
再向银行兑现支票represent a cheque at the bank
凭单兑现documents against presentation
凭单兑现cash against documents
利息兑现用现金支付利息cashing interest
兑现纸币convertible pay money
兑现纸币convertible bank notes
国内汇兑付现domestic money order cashing
奖金兑现用现金发奖金cashing prize
履行兑现报酬default free return
履行兑现证券default free security
兑现的支票cashed check
兑现票据paid bill
兑现股票paid share
应收票据与应收承兑汇票贴现discounting notes and acceptance receivable
应收贴现票据与承兑汇票discounted note and acceptance receivable
延期兑现extension of maturity
承兑贴现率acceptance rate
把筹码兑成现金cash in one's checks
按现价兑换conversion at the current price
无条件兑现unconditional redemption
无法兑现的票据uncollectible notes
有条件票据兑现qualified acceptance of bill
期票兑现日期date of maturity
兑现支票uncashed cheque
海外兑现支票cheque cashing overseas
现金兑换单cash exchange memo
现金兑换店cash stores
筹码兑现cash in
筹码兑成现金cash-in checks
索赔兑现obtain satisfaction of claim
股利兑现用现金发放股利cashing dividend
近期兑现资产near-liquid assets
部分兑现支票split check