
Terms for subject Aviation containing 先导 | all forms | in specified order only
先进中距离空对空导弹advanced medium range air-to-air missile
先进单脉冲导引头advanced monopulse seeker
先进反辐射制导导弹advanced antiradiation guided missile
先进反辐射导弹advanced antiradiation missile
先进地对空导弹advanced surface-to-air missile
先进地面导弹系统advanced surface missile system
先进地面引导与控制系统advanced surface movement guidance and control system
先进地面运动导引与控制系统advanced surface movement guidance and control systems
先进威胁红外对抗/通用导弹告警系统advanced threat infrared countermeasures/common missile warning system
先进导弹弹射架advanced missile bomb ejector rack
先进导弹控制系统advanced missile control system
先进导弹系统advanced missile system
〔英〕先进导航系统advanced chain home
先进巡航导弹advanced cruise missile
先进弹道导弹ballistic advanced missile
先进弹道导弹截击系统airborne ballistic missile intercept system
先进弹道导弹防御倡议advanced ballistic missile defense initiative
先进弹道导弹防御局advanced ballistic missile defense agency
先进弹道导弹防御计划advanced ballistic missile defense program
先进性能反雷达导弹advanced capability anti-radar missile
先进战术激光雷达导引头advanced tactical LADAR seeker
先进截击导弹advanced intercept missile
先进技术巡航导弹advanced technology cruise missile
先进潜射导弹advanced underwater missile
先进激光制导导弹系统advanced laser-guided missile system
先进理念导弹advanced concepts missile
先进电视导引头advanced television TV seeker
先进的制导技术advanced guidance technology
先进的导弹技术综合advanced missile technology integration
先进的导弹模式advanced missile model
先进的导弹预警系统advanced missile early warning system
先进的巡航导弹技术advanced cruise missile technology
先进的常规有支架导弹advanced conventional standoff missile
先进的战略空射导弹advanced strategic air-launched missile
先进的点防御面导弹系统advanced point defense surface missile system
先进的空对地导弹advanced air-to-surface missile
先进的空对空导弹air-to-air advanced missile
先进的空对空拦截导弹advanced intercept air to air missile
先进的防空区外发射的导弹advanced tactical stand-off missile
先进短程空对空导弹advanced short range air-to-air missile
先进空地导弹导引头advanced air-to-surface missile seeker
先进空对面导弹引头advanced air-to-surface missile seeker
先进空空截击导弹advanced intercept air to air missile
先进红外弹道导弹光学传感器系统advanced infrared ballistic missile optical sensor system
先进自导导弹寻的advanced seeker homing
先进近距空对空导弹advanced short range air-to-air missile
先进远程空对空导弹advanced long range air-to-air missile
先进通信导航监视系统advanced communication/navigation/surveillance system
先进重型反坦克导弹系统advanced heavy antitank missile system
先进重型攻击导弹系统advanced heavy assault missile system
先进防务区外发射战术导弹advanced tactical standoff missile
先进雷达导弹跟踪系统advanced radar missile scoring system
先进面对空导弹系统advanced surface-to-air missile system
动态先导dynamic lead guidance
地面发射的先进中距离空对空导弹surface launched advanced medium range air-to-air missile
导弹先于目标通过计算相遇点early-bird encounter
挪威先进地对空导弹系统Norwegian advanced surface-to-air missile system
空中发射的先进冲压式喷气发动机导弹air launched advanced ramjet missile
空对空导弹先进处理器技术advanced processor technology for air-to-air missile
空对空导弹先进的导引头技术advanced seeker technology for air-to-air missiles
空对空导弹的先进导引头技术advanced seeker technology for air-to-air missiles
防空区外发射的先进常规导弹advanced conventional standoff missile