
Terms for subject Economy containing 先定 | all forms | in specified order only
先定价证明advanced fixation certificate
事先协定a prior agreement
产品平均先进工时定额average up-todate number of man hours to be spent on a product
仲裁者应就双方的争议解决一切申诉,且这种决定不应成为仲裁的先决条件The arbitrator should decide all claims concerning the disputes between the two parties and the decision should not be a condition precedent to arbitration
先定变数predetermined variables
决定后进先出计算中的币值原则dollar-value principle to determine LIFO computation
决定后进先出计算中的美元币值原则dollar value principle to determine LIFO computations
在协议签字时,应先付一笔300美元的定金Upon the signing of the agreement the cash down payment of $300 should be made
大公司 定价领先price leadership
平均先进定额average advanced norm
我方价目单上的价格公道,定能使你方有优先与我方做买卖的意向The moderate quotation in our price-list will surely cause you to have a preference for doing business with us
所有发货应该按货主事先确认的订单而定All deliveries shall be contingent upon the confirmation beforehand of the order by the owner
按注册先后决定商标所有权制度priority of registration
法定资本含有一万美元的可赎回的优先股票The authorized stock includes $10.000 redeemable preference shares
经预先约定by appointment
这些货物应按事先规定的价格岀售Such goods shall be sold at the price prescribed in advance
先定advance purchase
预先制定的计划forward planning
预先编定的号码系统predetermined code