
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
与数据库结构有关的数据称为数据、 元数据可以通过多种不同方法检索Data about the database structure is called metadata and can be retrieved by a number of different methods
两年之后、美国的最低工资标准有望达到每小时7. 25美Over the next two years, the minimum wage in the United States is expected to rise to $7.25 an hour
以港为本位的债券bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars
以港计算expressed in Hong Kong dollar
以英特尔处理器的性能为例、看一下晶体管的平均价格---- 1968 年、一美可以买一个晶体管Processor performance on Intel chips, the average price of a transistor—1968, you could buy one transistor for a dollar
假设 8% 的年回报率的话、这足以把1美变成100多美元That's enough to turn $ 1 into over $ 100, assuming an 8% annual return
内容格式meta-content format
形态方法metamorphosing 的简写形式
数据库更新代理试图使用新的简单邮件传输协议SMTP域名来更新元数据库The metabase update agent is trying to update the metabase with a new Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP domain name
工程量清单elemental bill of quantities
格中的内容居中显示、并且通常通过单元格来输入数据Display is centered on cells, and data entry is often performed through cells
文件格式Windows Metafile Format
图像picture element (pixel)
在2000年、青海省城市和农村年家庭平均可支配收入分别是多少In 2000, what was the per capita annual disposable income of urban and rural households in Qinghai?
在电子表格中位于输人单起始处的一个字符label prefix
复合多conglomerate diversification
外国日债券samurai bond
字符character cell
幸运的是、中国 1.9 万亿美的外汇储备仍在继续增长、虽说增幅有所放慢Happily, its $1,900 bn of reserves are still growing, even if the pace of reserve accretion is slowing
当一家亚洲央行用当地货币买进美时、净结果就是国内货币供应量上升When an Asian central bank buys dollars in exchange for local currency, the net result is an addition to the domestic money supply
您可以禁止"自动填充"、方法是按住 Ctrl 键的同时拖动选定两个或更多单格的填充柄You can suppress series AutoFill by holding down Ctrl as you drag the fill handle of a selection of two or more cells
政府希望把外汇储备多化:在今年、政府对于新的国库券的购买已经急速下降The government would like to diversify out of dollarsːits new purchases of treasury securities have fallen sharply this year
欧洲美用于欧洲国家之间的各种贸易Eurodollar is used for trade within Europe
每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提出你几乎不注意的50美、累积起来一年就有600 美元、还有你的投资回报That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $ 600 a year, plus your return on investment
活动单active cell
混合单格引用mixed cell reference
债券bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars
汇价exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar
汇值上升appreciation of the exchange value of Hong Kong dollar
汇值下降depreciation of the exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar
汇率指数effective exchange rate index of Hong Kong dollar
的名义及实际汇率nominal and effective exchange rates for the Hong Kong dollars
物业税及薪俸税合计应缴税款总额为10 240美Total tax payable under property tax and salaries tax is $ 10240
现在、该行有意率先去除政府的"金脚镣"、即以优先股和认股权证形式存在的100亿美The bank now intends to be the first to throw off the government's golden fetters一$ l0bn in the form of preferred stock and share warrants
用美结算settle accounts in U.S. dollar
简单素是只含有文本的XML元素。它不可以含有其他元素或属性A simple element is an XML element that contains only text. It cannot contain any other elements or attributes
系统单是用于容纳组成计算机系统的大多数电子元件的容器The system unit is a container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system
计算机接口单computer interface unit
贸易加权美trade-weighted dollar
重新恢复数据、 即对存储单中因读取数据而造成的数据破坏进行恢复To regenerate data in storage units where the process of reading data results in its destruction
银行借出贷款一百万美、 现在贷款人尚在偿还中The bank has one million dollars outstanding loan
高盛表示、巴菲特50亿美的注资将以配售永久优先股的形式进行Mr. Buffett's $5bn infusion comes in the form of a private placement of perpetual preferred stock, the company said