
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
催化净化器three-way catalytic converter
中非共和国过渡时期国家Head of State of the Transition in the Central African Republic
化学武器   binary chemical weapon
使用美资本市场上可获得的金融工具financial instruments available in the capital markets for United States dollars
保留联合国向东道国借12亿美的选择权,但又不要求联合国一定要借任何数额preserve the Organization’s option to borrow the $1.2 billion from the host country without binding the United Nations to borrow any part of the $1.2 billion
2000年及其后欧洲经委会成员国环境保护和自然资源合理利用区域战略Regional Strategy for Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources in ECE Member Countries Covering the Period up to the Year 2000 and Beyond
医疗设施单medical facility module
式干租赁制度modular wet/dry lease system
式干租赁制度装备使用月费计算方法monthly equipment usage charge for the modular dry lease system and components of are defined in chapter 8
平流层探测单Stratosphere Sounding Unit
开国勋日Founder’s Day Bernuda
微量金属trace metal
恢复中非共和国境内对话问题中非经货共同体国家首特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee of Heads of State of CEMAC for the Resumption of Dialogue in the Central African Republic
"特种"主要装备应当是价值超过500美一套装备中所有物品的总价,且预期使用寿命超过一年special case" major equipment should be of a value greater than US$ 500 collective value of all items in the set, and with a life expectancy greater than one year
电线、布线、电路件和照明设备electrical harnesses, wiring, circuitry and lighting sets
推算的开支dollar-driven expenditures