
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
之本利和the accumulated amount of 1 yuan
之累计额the accumulated amount of 1 yuan
的本利和the compound amount of 1 yuan
一天赚 300 美scoop in 300 dollars a day
技术triotechnology (工程、管理、财务)
不变美之价值real-dollar value
不变美价值constant dollar values
不变美价值真实美元价值constant-dollar values real-dollar values
加勒比地区通用货币名东加勒比East Caribbean Dollar
中国Chinese Yuan
为了达成我们之间的第一笔交易,我们愿将价格降到每公吨100美In order to conclude the first transaction between us, we will lessen the price to $100 per metric ton
为使用车辆,租借人每月应付 1000 美租金给公司For the use of the cars, the tenant shall pay to the company a monthly rental of $1000
半金币a quarter eagle
经济the dual economy
互惠信贷得到的美the swapping dollar
金币a half eagle
亚洲美Asian dollars
亚洲美债券the Asian-dollar bonds
亚洲美市场an Asian-dollar market
人民币Renminbi yuan
今送上小麦样品,请査收。报价为旧金山离岸价,每夸特5000美We have sent you samples of wheat, which we quote $5000 per qr., FOB San Francisco
仍欠主任 8196 美There is still 8196 owing to the director
他今天邮汇三万美给中国银行He has today transferred $30.000 by mail on China Bank
他们专营电子Their speciality is dealing in electronic components
他们以每月分期付款200美的方式买下了这所新房They have bought the new house by pay installments of $200 a month
他们公司是一家拥有200万美资本总额的合资企业Their company is a joint venture with a $2.000.000 capitalization
他们公司要求赔偿五万美的火灾损失Their company claimed $50.000 for fire damage
他们同意按合同每年付1000美They covenanted to pay $1000 per annum
他们向我方出票支取余款 688 美They drew on us for the balance of US $688
他们已给你方开出金额为 25000 美的信用证They have opened an L/C in your favour for the amount of US $25.000.000
他们平均每人每年消费4500人民币They cost on an average RMB ¥4500 per head per annum
他们把损失估定为1000美They assessed damages at US $1000
他们用欺骗手段得到了两万美They obtained $20.000 by deceit
他们的库存可能不足,不能应付旦的业务Their stocks may not be enough to cope with the New Year's trade
他们预计四季度马克将与日一起升值,升值率相同They anticipated that the mark would rise in step with the Japanese yen during the last quarter of the year
他向李先生索要3000美的损坏赔偿费,李先生却反要6000美元的办公室破损费He claimed $3000 in damages against Mr Li, and Mr Li entered a counterclaim of $6000 for loss of office
他对这件衬衣开价10美一件He quoted for this shirt at ten dollars per piece
他的薪水每年增加1000美His salary rises in annual increments of $1000
他购买了 10 万美的公债券He has $100.000 tied up in government securities
付了 2000美金后,你方连续在每月的第15日分期付款,每次金额为 200美After the payment of $2000, you can pay in consecutive installments of $200 each on the 15th day of each month
以美挤兑黄金的风潮run on gold against US dollar
以美计算的国民生产净值dollar NNP
价格徘徊于每米30至38美之间The price is now hovering between $30 and $38 per meter
估计美价值dollar-value estimate
600 余万美的拨款a $6 million-plus appropriation
你方信用证少开金额达1800 美Your L/C is short to the extent of $1800
你方索赔的数目,2000美我方同意支付We agree to accept the amount you claimed, namely $2000
你方金额为567美的支票一张可结清你方账目Your check for $567 will clear your account
使恢复reinvigorate (或精力)
dollars per share
/股dollars per share
全部货物库存的总价值估计约为五万美The entire stock of goods is valued at about $50.000
公司可以以每股10美回收上述股票The company can retire the said stock at $10 per share
公司批准付款一万美The company authorized payment of $10000
公司给她电汇了 2000美供她开销The company cabled her $2000 to cover her expenses
公司计划保持年度红利为每股6.5美不变,包含3.5美元的期中红利The company plans to keep its annual dividend unchanged at $6.5 per share, which includes a $3.5 interim payment
关于氧化铁,我们的价格意见是…美元离价格In regard to ferric oxide, our idea of price is $... and FOB
兹通知贵方,带包装的机器神户船上交货价为7000美We are pleased to inform you that the price of the machine is $7000 packed and delivered FOB Kobe
兹附上我方支票一张,计4838 美,作为退还你方多付的款额We enclose a check for the sum of $4838 as a refund of your overpayment
决定后进先出计算中的美币值原则dollar value principle to determine LIFO computations
净收益一万美将用电汇的方式汇付The net proceeds $10.000 will be paid by way of T.T. remittance
$400 междун.торг. 出售……要价400元offer…for
利克斯银古铸币Rix dollar
利比里亚Liberian dollar (币名)
剩余20万美将用于购置新设备或用于工程师们认为合乎需要的其他目的The remaining 200 000 dollars shall be used for purchasing new equipment or for any other purposes that the engineers may consider desirable
货币名加拿大Canadian Dollar
加拿大Canadian dollar (加拿大主币)
金币eagle (美)
十亿美billion dollars
美国银元silver wing
信托unit trust (投资公司)
信托投资unit trust investment
化货物unitized cargoes
化运输the unitized transportation
工作work task
装运设备unit load device
记录设备unit record equipment
装置试验计划unit test plan
运输unit transportation
卖出这些货以后,我们将赚到1000 美We shall be $1000 to the good after selling these goods
去年我国贸易顺差额超过一亿美Our favourable balance of trade reached more than $100.000.000 last year
双偶dual element
受美打击的国家dollar attack nations
受美打击的国家dollar attack nation
合计 100的费用tot up to ¥100
因船货损坏甚巨,向保险公司索赔总值为一万美The total amount of the claim to the insurance company is $10.000 because the cargo was badly damaged
固定汇率的美市场fixed-rate dollar market
在出口点的美价值dollar value at point of exportation
在协议签字时,应先付一笔300美的定金Upon the signing of the agreement the cash down payment of $300 should be made
在预算中我们预定了 20万美的费用We have provided for $200.000 of expenses in the budget
坚持要200美stick at $200
埃塞俄比亚Ethiopian dollar
估计multiple valuation
分析a multivariate analysis
投资评估图multidimensional portfolio assessment
汇价multiple exchange rate
汇率multiple rate of exchange
汇率制multiple exchange rate system
汇率制度multiple rates of exchange system
汇率制度multiple rates
相关multiple correlation
相关分析multiple correlation analysis
经济论theory of pluralist economy
她正对建筑公司起诉,要求赔偿100万美She is suing the building company for 1.000.000 compensation
她被罚款两万美She was asked to pay a $20.000 fine
如果一年的成交额不到五万美,我方不会付给你方超额佣金If the yearly turnover doesn't reach $50.000, we will not pay you the overriding commission
如果我要从银行借1000 美,你愿作我的担保人吗?If I try to borrow $1000 from the bank, will you be my guarantor n.?
如果雇主的纯利润连续四周内超过一万美,则该雇主应将其利润的5%支付给雇员If the net profit of an employer exceeds ten thousand dollars during successive four weeks, the employer shall pay 5% of such profit to his employees
如违反协议,卖方缴纳罚金 1000美The seller shall pay the penal sum of $1000 for any violation of this agreement
定价 5 be priced 5 yuan
定价为5000美的轿车car priced at $5000
定值美会计constant dollar accounting
寄去XX美支票一张,承付所有费用We send you a check for $ ... in payment of all charges
对所受损失我方要求8000美的赔偿费We claimed $8000 damages for the loss sustained
将价格提高至减至…美元increase reduce the price for $...
就业保险制度自月一日起实施The employment security has been operative since January 1st
居住单housing unit
已汇去 2500 美支付各项费用The remittance for $2500 has been sent to cover the expenses
货币名巴哈马Bahamian Dollar
平均美投资法dollar averaging
当地销售网中的零售商正以25美的价格零售此货Retailers in the local sale network are retailing the goods at 25
当我们以50美出价时,他们却还价100美元When we bid $50, they put in a counterbid of $100
很明显,在运输中此货物发生短重,所以我方现向贵方索赔一万美It is evident that the goods were short in weight during transit, so we are now filing a claim against you for $10000
必需essential elements
愿以 400出售这台机器offer the machine for $ 400
成套生产单complete units
我们从利润中留出一万美保留款作为机动Out of the profits, we have saved $10.000 as retainage for flexible use
我们可以和他们妥协,但赔偿费不能少于1000美We may compromise with them, but the compensation cannot be less than $1000
我们已把美兑换成瑞士法郎We converted our dollars into Swiss francs
我们必须索赔54 000美,以弥补所受的损失We have to ask for a compensation of US $54 000 to cover the loss incurred
我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York
我们核算保险费将超过一万美We reckon the insurance premium to be over $10.000
我们正在编制明年8万美的对外销售预算We are budgeting for US $80.000 of overseas sales next year
我们认为这种衣料至少可以卖到5美一米We think this material for clothing will fetch us at least $5 per meter
我公司上周应收账单款达50 万美The bill receivable in our company was up to $500.000 last week
我建议每月付30美来还清贷款I proposed to repay the loan at $30 a month
我方 5000 人民币的汇票可向中国人民银行提款Our draft for RMB ¥5000 will be drawn on the People's Bank of China
我方不能接受你方赔偿我们600美的决定We cannot accept your decision to compensate us $600
我方产品每台定价100美,包括附件费用在内,非常好销Our product is a good seller at the price of US 100 per set including the cost of accessories
我方卖给你方气垫盘,每只削价20美We sold you air mattresses at the reduced price of $20 per each
我方想购买5-6美的拖鞋We want to buy slippers in ihe 5-6 price range
战略业务单strategic business units (SBUs)
打字员在星期日加班有30美额外报酬The typist had $30 extra pay for working on Sunday
承兑美信用证dollar acceptance credit
把这100万美的投资应用到这项工程上apply the investment of $1.000.000 to the project
按不变价值美计算in constant dollar value
按不变美价格计算支出expenditure in constant dollar
按不变美价格计算的支出expenditure in constant dollar
按每一美平均购入券额计算法dollar average method
按每一美平均购入证券额计算dollar averaging
按每小时5美的价格at the rate of five dollars an hour
损坏赔偿金额最高为150美The ceiling amount of compensation for the damage is $150
控容有限cost-volume-price analysis
操作单functional unit
会计the cent s-less accounting
货币名文莱Brunei Dollar
货币名新加坡Singapore dollars
货币名新西兰New Zeal and Dollar
货币名Japanese yen
基准the yen base
暂停美兑换黄金suspension of the dollar's conversion into gold
朝鲜won (朝鲜货币)
本协议一经执行,美国钢铁公司同意付给东方饭店有限公司 5000美作预付租金Upon execution of this agreement, the United, States Steel Corporation agrees to pay to the Oriental Hotel Ltd. $5000 as advance royalties
杨松有限公司的投资资本为 2000 万美Yangson Co. Ltd. was capitalized at $20.000.000
根据约定,你们应该把向我们开具的1200美即期汇票附于装船单据上As arrange d, you are to attach your sight draft on us for US $1200 to the shipment documents
欧洲美Euro dollar
欧洲美债券Euro dollar bonds
欧洲美存款Euro dollar deposit
欧洲美系统Euro dollar system
此种新产品的零售价每件不得高于58人民币The retail price of this new product shall not be above RMB ¥58 per piece
每个操作单费用cost per functional unit
每公吨美United States dollar per metric ton
每期内一的复利本利和the compound amount of 1 yuan per period
每期间 1美的现值the present worth of $1 per period
每次装载的货物的平均数量约为500吨,价值为5万美The average quantity of each shipment will be 500 tons, valued US $50000
每百固定资产原值实现的利润profit realized from every 100 yuan of the original value of fixed assets
每股美dollars per share
比标价便宜一a dollar off the price
汤姆对这幢房子的报价为一万美,亚历山大却报出 15 000 美元Tom made an offer of $10.000 for Ms house, and Alexander replies with a counteroffer of $15000
oil dollar
法定资本含有一万美的可赎回的优先股票The authorized stock includes $10.000 redeemable preference shares
法郎对美的汇价下跌了 3%The franc was depreciated by 3% against the dollar
浮动美floating dollar
hong dollar
Australian Dollar (货币单位)
牙买加Jamaican dollar (币名)
特别提款权对美的贬值或升值depreciation and appreciation of the SDR in terms of US dollar
现值美current US dollar
现值美等值总额the amount aggregating equivalent in current US dollar
现开报我方第4号目录所列上海真丝印花绸每码包括包装费在内 XX 美We're pleased to quote on Shanghai printed pure silk fabrics as illustrated in our catalogue No. 4 at $... per yard including packing
现销美和清算美元的差价difference between cash dollars and cleaning dollars
生产单manufacturing cell
生产单units of production
由于你方不遵守合同,我方对仓储费和利息损失提出索赔,共计人民币2000Because you don't conform to the contract, we claim compensation for the losses suffered in paying storage and interest, which amount to RMB ¥2000
甲方特此同意接受总额为30万美的金额,以清理全部赔款Party A hereby agrees to accept the total sum of $300 000 in full settlement of all claims
century (钞票)
钞票big boy
百万million (英镑或法郎等)
百万美million U.S. dollars
目前的彩电报盘是每台到岸价300美The current offer for colored TV is $300 per set CIF
真实美价值real-dollar values
真正不变价值real dollar values
真正不变价值real dollar value
石油美oil money
石油美再循环the recycling of petrodollars
石油美再循环recycling of petrodollars
租贷单accommodation unit
稳定stabilized dollar
第一季度,那个国家的黄金和美储备增长了 3亿美元That country's gold and dollar reserves increased by 300 million during the first qua ter
系统system element
系统管理单system management unit
索赔5万人民币claim a compensation of RMB ¥ 50000
Anno Domini (in the year of Lord;since the birth of Christ)
纵向多vertical diversification
经营多business diversification
绝对美标准absolute dollar criterion
维持美政策dollar defence
缅甸kyat (缅甸主币)
United States dollar (美国主币)
U.S. dollar (美国主币)
Unite State dollar
与英镑之间的兑换率the rate between the U.S. dollar and the pound sterling
1 美之现值present worth present value of $1
交易dollar transactions
信用faith in the dollar
信用证dollar L/C
借款dollar loan
债务bond made out in dollar
偏好dollar preference
停止兑换黄金suspension of the dollar's conversion into gold
充斥dollar overhang
兑换率the rate against U.S. dollars
兑换率rate against U.S. dollars
兑换率dollar rate
兑黄金dollar convertibility into gold
公债doUar bond
公债dollar bond
公债dollar stock
dollar zone
区域dollar area
危机United States dollar crisis
危机风暴storms of the dollar crisis
国家dollar countries
地位dollar position
基金dollar pool
复兴the rehabilitation of the dollar
外交dollar diplomacy
外交the dollar diplomacy
对黄金的可兑换性convertibility of dollar into gold
差距dollar gap
差额dollar gap
总购买力general purchasing power of the dollar
成本平均法dollar-cost averaging
打击dollar attack
承付票据dollar acceptance
抽逃flight from dollar
支付协定US dollar payment agreement
汇票dollar bill of exchange
汇票承兑dollar exchange acceptance
波动the fluctuating of the dollar
浮动the fluctuating of the dollar
消耗dollar spending
dollar overhand
dollar glut
20美的钞票double sawbuck
税收抵兑的金额限制dollar limit on the amount creditable
the dollar shortage
贬值dollar depreciation
贬值United States dollar devaluation
贬值 3%The value of the dollar has decreased by 3%
贬值devaluation of U.S. dollar
购买力dollar’s buying power
过剩dollar overhand
金本位dollar gold standard
问题dollar problem
职员每人都有500美的周转金The clerks have a float of $500 each
自即日起,甲方租给乙方该房产,为期3年,年租金为人民币5000Party A leases to Party B the premises for the term of 3 years from the date hereof at the yearly rental of RMB ¥5000
自即日起,该公司租用这台复印机,为期2年,月租金100美The duplicator is leased to the company for the term of two years from the date hereof at the monthly rental of 100 dollars
自己日a free yen
自由汇率购买的美financial dollars
英国铜farthing (四分之一便士)
董事每月有一万美的报酬A director has a monthly remuneration of $10.000.000
装运费总计达人民币 15.000 The cost of the shipping totals up to RMB ¥15.000
该代理商已达到500万美营业额的指标数字The agent has met the target figure of $5 million turnover
该公司从银行借款3万美以偿还债务The company borrowed US $30 000 from the bank to repay its debts
该房主去年在不动产经营中赚了 18 万美The Landlord made $180.000 from real estate deals last year
该股票稳定在1.5美的价位The stock firmed at $1.50
该项滞期费为500美The amount of demurrage incurred is $500
货物单cargo unit
贬值的美cheap dollars (money)
贬值美cheap dollar
资料单information unit
赚进50美be in fifty dollars
这些衬衫以每件五美批发The shirts are wholesaled at $5 for each
这只瑞士表价值 58 美The Swiss watch is worth $58
这块地估价为4000万美The land is valued 40 million US dollars
这套衣服价格200美This suit costs 200 dollars
这家公司具有法定股份…股,每股面值2美元The company has ... shares of authorized stock of the par value of $2 per share
这家合资企业拥有200万美的资本The joint venture has a capital of $2000.000.000
这批货的发货票少开了 490 美The shipment was under-invoiced by $490
这种布20美一米This cloth costs $20 a meter
违规者应处以人民币500以下的罚款One who acts against the regulations shall incur a penalty not exceeding RMB ¥500
迟付的35美请速寄来支票Please let us have your check for the 35 USD overdue
逃离美flight from the dollar
避用美flight from the dollar
gold yuan notes (解放前)
外交the dollar diplomacy
a shoe-shaped gold ingot
帝国dollar empire
帝国主义dollar imperialism
鉴于他们的现状,给予5000美的信贷是可以的Considering their position n., credit of $5000 would do
鉴于你我双方长期的业务关系我们愿减价5%,即每吨60美In view of our longstanding business relations, we will reduce our price by 5%, i.e., to $60 per ton
farthing (英)
silver dollar
零件和件手册parts and components manual
面值 100以下的小额债券a baby bond
面值每股50美的股票half stock
面值100美一股的股票full stock
won (韩国货币)
货币名香港Hong Kong Dollar
黄金美储备gold and dollar reserve