
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一般营养素缺乏general nutrient deficiency
合成肥料ternary fertilizer
不能比incomparable element
主要矿质营养principal mineral nutrients
主要营养素缺乏major element deficiencies
对称现象binary symmetry
diacid base
binary theory
亚神经系统subneuronal system
亲电体效应electrophile-responsive element
估算单evaluation unit
佛波酯效应phorbol ester response element
信息information element
detail (复)
件表面温度component surface temperature
件误差component error
era 古代Proterozoic
明粉Glauber's salts
电荷element of electric charge
ultimate element
素出现element occurrence
素周期律periodic law of element
素周期系periodic system of element
素周期表periodic table of element
素氮elemental nitrogen
素组成elemental composition
组演算式语言tuple calculus language
公共单common element
关联控制服务association control service element
interior element
分析probit analysis
致死率probit percentage kill
转化probit transformation
分类阶category (categorius)
初级抽样单primary sampling units
化学素循环circulation of chemical elements
化学营养chemical nutrients
离子系homoionic system
single element
素肥料one-nutrient fertilizer
原子数据atomic data element
反应responsive element
"同"exclusive NOR element
听觉神经auditory neuron
启动子promotor element
吸附营养素离子adsorbed nutrient ion
器官形成organogenetic element
器官形成 有效available organogenic element
器官形成生物organogenetic bioelement
图像picture cell
土壤营养素水平soil nutrient level
地貌单geomorphological element
基层分类单basic categories
基本base element
增强子enhancer element
get over
合成肥料complex synthetic fertilizer
离子系multi-ionic system
离子计multi-ion meter
指有机的polyprotic acid
polyprotic acid
polyfunctional acid
指有机的polybasic acid
鱼肥compound fish fertilizer
多种微量multiple minor element
大量major element
大量major nutrient
子单subelement (subelementum)
存储单location (locatio)
macroelement (macroelementum)
少量oligoelement (oligoelementum)
常量营养macronutrient (macronutriens)
平均矿质营养素需要量average mineral nutrient requirements
应答队列单reply queue element
建造building element
母质层paralichic contact
微量素缺乏 microelement deficiencies
微量素缺乏症minor element deficiency
微量素肥料trace fertilizer
微量素肥料minor element fertilizer
微量素营养minor element nutrition
微量营养micronutrient element
生命必要bioelement (bioelementum)
必需营养essential nutrient
恢复单unit of recovery
手性结构单chiral building block
执行execution element
插人insertion element
放射性radioelement (radioelementum)
效应responsive element
cAMP 效应cAMP response element
cAMP 效应件结合蛋白cAMP response element binding protein (CREB protein)
敏感sensor element
施用微量minor element application
无机mineral element
无机inorganic element
无机营养inorganic nutritive element
晶体crystal element
最后last element
最大maximum element
有价值生物valuable bioelement
木质部单xylem element (xylemoelementum)
植物的营养nutrient element in plant
植物营养素含量plant-nutrient-element content
植物量的矿质mineral elements in phytomass
模拟数字analogue-digital element
次生secondary element
次生secondary nutrient
水文地质单hydrogeological unit
流体fluid element
澄清单clarification unit
热休克heat shock element
热激heat-shock element
特定particular element
特异distinguished element
特异素增加element-specific increase
特殊营养素需要量specific nutrient requirements
环境测量敏感environmental measuring sensor
环腺苷酸效应cAMP response element
环腺苷酸效应件结合蛋白cAMP response element binding protein (CREB protein)
生化单位biochemical unity
生物处理单biological treatment unit
甲状腺素效应thyroxine response element
电热件式蒸汽发生器steam generator with electric heating element
电负electronegative element
痕量trace element
痕量营养trace nutrient
相等equal element
矿质inorganic element
矿质素缺乏症状symptom of mineral element deficiency
矿质营养inorganic nutritive element
矿质营养素缺乏症symptom of mineral deficiency
磷钾二肥料binary PK fertilizer
神经纤维neuroprotofibril (neuroprotofibrilla)
神经纤维neurofibril (neurofibrilla)
神经纤维的neurofibrillar (neurofibrillaris)
离子交换单ion-exchange unit
窄小输导单narrow conducting element
积累症 III 型Forbes' disease
组成型启动constitutive promoter element
维管单vascular element (elementum vasculare)
聚集rendezvous element
肥料主要major fertilizer elements
自走式装载单self-propelled loader unit
营养nutrient (nutriens)
营养element of nutrition
营养素离子nutrient ion
营养素缺乏nutrient deficiency
营养素缺乏诊断nutrient deficiency diagnosis
营养素需要突变体nutrient requiring mutant
ghost element
蜕皮激素效应ecdysone response element (EcRE)
表面曝气单surface aeration unit
计数counting element
试验单experimental unit
请求 / 应答单request / response unit
超导单superconducting cell
超小型microelement (microelementum)
超微量ultratrace element
转换器逻辑converter logic element
远侧序列distal sequence element
重金属heavy - metallic element
重金属素污染heavy metal contamination
金属效应metal response element
Gd, 64gadolinium
铁反应iron response element
限爆explosion-containing component
雌激素效应estrogen response element
非必需non-essential element
顺式cis element
预防性营养素剂量prophylactic doses of nutrients
颗粒状金属particulated elemental metal