
Terms for subject Technology containing 停留 时间 | all forms | in specified order only
一次货物作业平均停留时间average time of detention per goods operation
中转停留时间time of detention in transit
中转车平均停留时间average time of detention per goods operation
中转车平均停留时间average detention time of car in transit
停留时间hold-up time
停留时间resident time
停留时间stop time
停留时间resistance time
停留时间detention period
停留时间显示器residence time indicator
停留时间net retention time
单次潜水水底停留时间single diving bottom time
名义水力停留时间nominal hydraulic retention time
名义水力停留时间nominal hydraulic residue
固体停留时间solid retention time
固体停留时间solid residence time
固体实际停留时间actual solid retention time
固体粒子停留时间solids holdup
在大气中停留时间atmospheric residence time
在对流层停留时间tropospheric residence time
在对流层停留时间tropospheric life-time
停留时间total retention time
停留时间total residence time
总剂量停留时间total dose-stay time
无调中转车停留时间detention time of car in transit without resorting
曝气池停留时间aeration tank detention time
有调中转车停留时间detention time of car in transit with resorting
次货物作业平均停留时间average detention time
水力停留时间hydraulic retention time
水力停留时间hydraulic detention time
水底停留时间duration of staying on bottom
水底停留时间bottom time
污泥停留时间sludge retention time
污泥停留时间sludge residence time
沉沙池停留时间retention period of grit chamber
沉砂池停留时间detention period in grit chamber
混凝土在搅拌车内的停留时间elapsed time
火车一次作业平均在港停留时间average time used for loading discharging a train
炉能停留时间residing time in furnace
物料在窑内停留时间time of passage through kiln of material
生物固体停留时间biological solid retention time
生物固体停留时间biologic solid retention time
相对停留时间relative retention time
相对停留时间relative resident time
停留时间short residence time
窑内停留时间time of passage through kiln
窑内停留时间retention time in kiln
绝对停留时间absolute retention time
货车一次作业平均在港停留时间average time used for loading a wagon
货车一次作业平均在港停留时间average time used for discharging a wagon
车辆停留时间car detention time
车辆停留时间规定标准establishment of car detention standards
铁路车辆在港停留时间port time of rail car
非号码制统计货车停留时间计算法non-code system