
Terms for subject Technology containing 偏航 | all forms | in specified order only
偏出航向fall off
偏浪航行steaming with the sea on the bow
偏离等航线departure from isochronism
偏离航向off the course
偏离航向offset direction
偏离航程deviation from voyage route
偏离航迹误差cross-track error
偏离航道off channel
偏航leeway (角)
偏航yawing motion
偏航不稳定性yawing instability
偏航与航速指示器drift and speed indicator
偏航yaw meter
偏航传感器yaw detector
偏航信号off-course signal
偏航修正off-course correction
偏航修正drift correction
偏航力矩drifting moment
偏航加速度自记仪yaw-sensing accelerograph
偏航运动加速表yaw-sensing accelerometer
偏航加速表yaw acceleration
偏航动作yaw maneuver
偏航同步器yaw synchronizer
偏航同步机yaw synchro
偏航回路yaw loop
偏航安定性yaw stability
偏航安定性direction stability
偏航平面plane of yaw
偏航引起的力矩moment due to yawing
偏航报告deviation report
偏航指示区clearance sector
偏航指示器drift indicator
偏航指示器yaw indicator
偏航指示器deflection indicator
偏航指示器course deviation indicator
偏航控制通道yaw control channel
偏航操纵yaw control
偏航敏感度lateral sensitivity
偏航敏感度angular deviation sensitivity
偏航机动性yawing maneuverability
偏航条款deviation clause
偏航校正drift correction
偏航校正仪yaw calibrator
偏航模拟机yaw simulator
偏航滚转动作yaw-roll maneuver
偏航滚转陀螺仪yaw-roll gyroscope
偏航灵敏度yaw sensitivity
偏航灵敏度lateral sensitivity
偏航灵敏度angular deviation sensitivity
偏航物体yawed body
偏航率陀螺仪yaw rate gyroscope
偏航amount of drift
偏航自由度yaw freedom
偏航yawing angle
偏航drift angle
偏航amount of yaw
偏航角传感器yaw-angle sensor
偏航角传感器yaw-angle pickoff
偏航角指示器drift angle indicator
偏航角控制drift angle control
偏航角速度yaw rate
偏航角速度控制yaw rate control
偏航警报器off-course alarm
偏航drift meter
偏航运动yawing rotation
偏航陀螺仪yaw gyroscope
偏航频率yaw frequency
偏航飞行single drift flight
地速偏航指示器ground drift indicator
增幅偏航diverging yaw
天气偏航调整weather yaw adjustment
平均偏航mean yaw
平均偏航average yaw
测航偏角take a drift
潜望式偏航测角器periscopic drift angle
潜望式偏航角观测器periscopic drift-angle sight
电子偏航测量仪electronic driftmeter
航偏角crab angle
航偏角aircraft yaw
航向一偏航指示器course and drift indicator
航向一偏移指示器course and drift indicator
航向一偏移计算器course and drift calculator
航向偏离指示器course line deviation indicator
航向偏离指示器course deviation indicator
航向偏移course offset
航向偏移course deviate
航向偏荡角幅course yawing amplitude
航线偏差course ine deviation
航线偏差指示器course line deviation indicator
航路偏向指示器course and drift indicator
航迹偏差track deviation
航迹偏离度分布曲线distribution curve of flying path deviation
航迹偏离极限track deviation limit
航迹偏移距离cross-track distance
航道偏离中心部分off-center portion of channel
贝拉米偏航Bellamy drift
起飞偏航take-off drift