
Terms containing 假期 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.一致性预期假设homogeneous expectations assumption
tech.三天假期许可证three-day pass
corp.gov.不发工资的特别假期special leave without pay
China, polit.不在休假期in session
busin.两周假期fortnight's holidays
corp.gov.临时假期casual leave
busin.会计期间假定accounting period assumption
fin.保费假期premium holiday
hydroel.st.假同期fictive synchronize
tech.假周期函数pseudo-periodical function
tech.假周期函数pseudo-periodic function
gen.假如外国公民想获得长期居留权,就必须先申请,然后再等候批准If a foreigner wants to obtain long-term residency in another country, he or she has to apply for it first and then wait for permission
tech.假定前期固结压力virtual preconsolidation pressure
space假延长期炸弹引信dummy long delay bomb fuze
econ.假想法一返本期法pseudo method, years-to-payback
busin.假报日期false dating
environ.假期holiday 1. A period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest, travel or recreation 2. A day on which work is suspended by law or custom, such as a religious festival, bank holiday, etc. (1. 从工作或学习中停下来休息,旅游或娱乐的一段时间。 2.根据法律或习俗暂停工作一天,比如某个宗教节日,或者休假日等。)
exhib.假期school holidays
econ., int. law..假期holidays and paid leaves of absence
law假期leave of absence
fin.假期之薪vacation pay
tech.假期和节日工资vacation and holiday pay
textile假期奖金holiday allowance
busin.假期奖金holiday bonus
busin.假期工薪leave pay
busin.假期工资照付vacation pay
proj.manag.假期工资leave pay
tech.假期工资vacation pay
textile假期津贴vacation allowances
corp.gov.假期积存leave credit
corp.gov.假期管理系统缩写为LMSLeave Management System
interntl.trade.假期薪工vacation pay
proj.manag.假期薪金leave pay
tech.假期补贴paid absence allowance
tech.假潮周期period of seiche
tech.假的早期基督教教堂建筑pseudo-basilica (church)
otorhinol.假腺期pseudoglandular period
busin.假远期buyers usance
interntl.trade.假远期信用证usance credit payable at sight
textile假远期信用证usance letter of credit payable at sight
busin.假远期信用证nominal forward letter of credit
China, law假释考验期满expiration of the probation period for parole
econ.停薪假期leave without pay
corp.gov.全薪特别假期special leave with full pay
textile公共假期public holiday
econ.公共假期public holidays
econ.公司准许所有的工作人员在圣诞节期间休假三天The company allows all the workers to take three days' holiday at Christmas
logist.〔租约术语〕包括星期日和节假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Included
busin.半日假期half holiday
corp.gov.半薪特别假期special leave with partial pay
corp.gov.发全额工资的特别假期special leave with full pay
corp.gov.回籍假期累计时间travel credit for home leave
commer.填写假日期false dating
busin.填写假日期即用倒填日期,以掩盖迟延装船false dating
commer.如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外SHEX, unless worked
commer.如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外SHEX, unless used
proj.manag.家庭和医疗假期条例Family and Medical Leave Act
avia.对复员军人的教育和假期训练educational and vocational training
busin.寿命周期假设life-cycle hypothesis
HR带薪假期paid leave
busin.年度假期annual leave
securit.当地预期假设local expectation hypothesis
fin.当期假定终身寿险current assumption whole life insurance
fin.当期假设保险current assumption insurance
gen.我期待这个假期能出国I'm hoping to go abroad during the break
econ.按晴天工作日计算,星期日、假日除外weather working days, Sundays, holidays excepted
commer.按晴天工作日计算,星期日及假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
interntl.trade.按晴天工作日计算,星期日及节假日除外weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
logist.〔租约术语〕排除星期六、日和节假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
logist.〔租约术语〕排除星期日和节假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
tech.放假日期liberty day
corp.gov.无薪假期leave without pay
corp.gov.无薪特别假期special leave without pay
proj.manag.无薪进修假期no-pay study leave
logist.〔租船合同〕星期五和节假日除外Fridays and Holidays Excepted
econ.星期例假连续计算running days
logist.〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日包括在内Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Included
logist.〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日即使使用也不包括Saturdays, Sun days and Holidays Excepted Even IF Used
logist.〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日如果使用就包括在内Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted Unless Used
exhib.星期六/日与节假日除外Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excepted
logist.〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日除外Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
econ.装卸期星期六、星期天和假期除外Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excepted
commer.星期天与假日包括在内Sundays and holidays included
commer.星期天和假日停止工作Sunday and holiday cessation of work
interntl.trade.星期天和假日包括在内Sundays and holidays included
commer.星期日与假日包括在内Sundays and holidays included
commer.星期日与假日除外Sundays and holidays excepted
econ.星期日与节假日除外Sunday and holidays excepted
commer.星期日与节假日除外亦缩为 SHEXSundays and holidays excepted
busin.星期日假日包括在内sunday and holidays included
tech.星期日、假日除外Sunday holidays excepted
proj.manag.星期日、假日除外Sunday, holidays excepted
econ.装卸期星期日假日除外Sundays and holidays excepted
interntl.trade.星期日假日除外sundays and holidays excepted
tech.星期日、假日除外Sunday and holidays excepted
econ.星期日及假日在内shine (Sundays and holidays included)
econ.星期日及假日除外Sundays and holidays excepted
interntl.trade.星期日及节假日除外weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
busin.星期日和假日包括在内Sundays and holidays included
interntl.trade.星期日和假日在内sundays and holidays included
interntl.trade.星期日和假日除外Sundays and holidays excepted
securit.星期日和假日除外except Sunday and holidays
interntl.trade.星期日和假日除外,但已使用者应予计算租船用语sundays and holidays excepted, unless used
econ.星期日和假日除外,但已使用者应予计算Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used
econ.星期日和假日除外,即使利用也不计Sundays and holidays excepted even if used
interntl.trade.星期日和假日除外,即使已经便用sundays and holidays excepted, even if used
econ.星期日和节假日包括在内Sundays and holidays included
busin.星期日和节假日在内租船合同用语Sundays and holidays included
econ.星期日和节假日除外Sundays and holidays excepted
proj.manag.星期日和节假日除外Sunday and holidays excepted
busin.星期日和节假日除外租船合同用语Sundays and holidays excepted
busin.晴天工作日,星期天及例假日除外即不计入装卸时期weather working day, Sunday and holiday excepted
econ.晴天工作日,星期天及假日除外weather working days, Sunday and holiday excluded
econ.晴天工作日,星期日及假日除外weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
logist.晴天工作日、星期日和例假日也予以计人装卸期间内weather working days, Sunday and holidays included W.W.D. SHINC
logist.晴天工作日、星期日和例假日除外不计人装卸时期weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
econ.晴天工作日、星期日和节假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays expected
busin.有薪假期leave with pay
busin.有薪假期假期工资照付paid vacation
busin.有薪酬假期compensated absence
exhib.期六/日与节假日除外Saturdays, sundays and holidays excepted
tech.期望假说expectancy hypothesis
tech.期望效用假设expected utility hypothesis
securit.期货市场的假定/前提premises of futures market
corp.gov.核定假期approved leave
econ., int. law.法定假期official holiday
busin.法定假期approved leave
tech.法定假期legal holiday
tech.法定假期dies non
busin.照付工资的假期paid leave
corp.gov.特别假期special leave
gen.琳达,好好享受假期!你想去哪儿度假,买机票了吗?Linda, enjoy your holiday! Where do you want to go? Did you buy the flight ticket?
tech.短周期假潮short-period seiche
corp.gov.积存假期accrued leave
corp.gov.积存假期accrued annual leave
busin.积存假期accumulated leave
securit.纯预期假说pure expectations hypothesis
corp.gov.缩短享受回籍假周期accelerated home leave entitlements
gen.美国独立日就跟你们的国庆节一样,不过我们可没有运气享有这么长的假期Our Independence Day is just like your National Day, but we are not that lucky enough to have such a long holiday
econ.薪资照付的假期leave with pay
tech.薪资照付的假期paid leave
busin.薪金照付的假期leave with pay
tech.补偿假期reimbursed leave
busin.补偿性假期compensatory leave
interntl.trade.计人星期日.倒假日的晴天工作日计入装卸时间weather working days, Sundays and holidays included
tech.超过假期break liberty
gen.较长的假期sabbatical (休假,公休)
gen.较长的假期sabbatic (休假,公休)
corp.gov.进修假期study leave
busin.连续休假期holiday-studded period
busin.适应期望假设adaptive expectation hypothesis
tech.长周期假潮long period seiche
interntl.trade.长期收入假设permanent-income hypothesis
busin.长期收入假设permanent income hypothesis
corp.gov.长期服务假long service leave
busin.长期病伤假生活费long-term sickness and injury leave living expense
China, law假期except during vacations
commer.除去星期日与假日的晴天工作日数weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
interntl.trade.除去星期日,倒假日的晴天工作人日不计入装卸时间weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
interntl.trade.除去星期日、假日的晴天工作日weather working day holiday and Sunday excepted
shipb.除晴天工作日、星期日和假日外weather working days, Sunday & holidays excepted
busin.因遭不幸雇员假期工资照付compassionate leave
securit.预期假设expectation hypothesis
econ.预期效用假说expected utility hypothesis