
Terms containing 倾 斜 误差 | all forms | in specified order only
construct.倾斜侧倾误差heeling error
tech.倾斜度误差bank error
tech.倾斜误差oblique error
tech.倾斜误差error of tilt
tech.倾斜误差tilt error
geophys.倾斜误差bank error
space倾斜误差heeling error
avia.磁罗盘在飞行中的倾斜误差heeling error
shipb.倾斜误差heeling error instrument
tech.指示倾斜航线方向误差indicated slant course directional error
tech.水平轴倾斜误差error due to inclination of horizontal axis
tech.波前倾斜误差wavefront tilt errors
tech.竖直轴倾斜误差error due to inclination of vertical axis