
Terms for subject International trade containing 信托 | all forms | in specified order only
一国法院委托他国法院协助调查证据的信letters rogatory
一国法院委托另一国法院对于诉讼案件就地调查证据的信letter requisitorial
不动产信托real estate trust
不动产投资信托公司Real Estate Investment Trust
不可撤销之信托irrevocable trust
专门的管理信托specialized management trust
个人信托individual trust
中国国际信托投资公讀China International Trust & Investment Corporation
书面信托express trust
企业寿命保险信托business life insurance trust
住宅贷款信托债券trust of housing loan bonds
保险费信托基金premium trust funds
信托业务fiducial business
信托业务fiduciary work
信托业务trust business
信托letter of trust
信托仓库safe deposit
信托保险trust insurance
信托债券trust bonds
信托储蓄商业银行trust savings & commercial bank
信托公司trust stock company
信托公司confirming house (trust)
信托公司safe company
信托协定trust agreement
信托及代理基金trust-and-agency fund
信托发行纸币的fiduciary issuance
信托受益人cestui que trust
信托合同条款terms of trust
信托合约trust obligation
信托周转金trust revolving fund
信托商店trust shop
信托基金trust fluid
信托基金fund in trust
信托契据trust deed
信托契据deed of trust
信托契约deed of trust
信托契约fiduciary contract
信托契约trust indenture
信托委员会board of trustees
信托存款deposit in trust
信托存款trust deposits
信托投资trust investment
信托投资公司trust & investment corporation
信托投资法案trust indenture act
信托收据trust receipt
信托方案trusteed plans
信托机构fiduciary institution
信托组织储蓄银行协会T.S.B. A trustee savings banks association
信托结构unit trust
信托职务fiduciary capacity
信托职责trust obligation
信托规约法案trust indenture act
信托证书trust certificate
信托证券trustee securities
信托证券trust certificate
信托负债trust liabilities
信托财产trust estate
信托贷款outside loan
信托资产trust assets
信托银行trustee bank
信托银行trust bank
信托银行业务trust banking
债券信托契约bond indentures
债券投资信托bond investment trust
偿债基金信托sinking fund trustee
公平信托公司equitable trust company
公益信托public trust
公益生命保险信托charitable life insurance trust
公立信托public trust
共同信托基金common trust fund
农民贷借信托公司farmers loan and trust company
分行信托branch trust department
单位投资信托公司unit investment trust
单纯信托simple trust
可取消之信托revocable trust
可取消的信托revocable trust
合同式投资信托contractual type investment trust
商业信托common-law trust
商业信托common law trust
商业信托business trust
商业投资信托公司commercial investment trust company
固定信托组织fixed trust
国家信托national trust
复合信托complex trust
委托代理信letter of procuration
寄托因待条件的成熟而寄托于第三者的信用证escrow credit
强制信托involuntary trust
投票信托voting trustee
投资信托investment trust
投资信托trust investment
投资信托公司股票trust share certificate
抵押信托债券collateral trust bonds
抵押信托债券collateral trust bond
担保信托债券collateral trust bonds
担保信托债券collateral trust bond
担保信托公司guaranty trust company
授权信托voting trust
授权信托证书voting-trust certificate
无记名信托证券bearer depositary receipts
暗示信托implied trust
法定信托constructive trust
法定信托证券authorized depository
特种信托special trust
破产信托trustee in bankruptcy
社会保险信托基金social insurance trust binds
私人信托private trust fund
简单信托simple trust
美国信托证券American Depositary Receipts
联合国工发组织总信托基金UNIDO Central Trust Fund
股票投资信托stock investment trust
自由信托voluntary trust
自身偿还的信托基金self-liquidating trust hind
设备信托公司债equipment trust bonds
设备信托公司证equipment trust certificate
证券投资信托securities investment trust
财产信托会计fiduciary accounting
货币信托money trust
货币信托money in trust
贷款信托loan trust
资本额固定投资信托closed-end type investment trust
车辆信托car trust
违反信托breach of trust
遗嘱信托testamentary trust
银行信托公司banker's trust company
银行委托外国银行承兑其本票的信函letter of indication
长期信托long-term trust
闭锁投资信托closed-end type investment trust