
Terms for subject Securities containing 信托 | all forms | in specified order only
不动产/房地产信托real estate trust
不动产投资信托兼并REIT-to-REIT merger
不动产投资信托分配规定REIT distribution requirement
不动产投资信托协会National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
不动产投资信托协会净经营收人NAREIT net operating income
不动产投资信托协会净经营系列NAREIT net operating series
不动产投资信托协会回报NAREIT returns
不动产投资信托协会指数NAREIT index
不动产投资信托协会收人对比NAREIT income comparison
不动产投资信托协会数据NAREIT data
不动产投资信托协会易变性NAREIT volatility
不动产投资信托协会系列NAREIT series
不动产投资信托协会股息NAREIT dividend
不动产投资信托协会股息收益NAREIT dividend yields
不动产投资信托协会股息系列NAREIT dividend series
不动产投资信托协会财产指数NAREIT property index
不动产投资信托协会资产价值National Association of Real Estate Investment Trust asset values
不动产投资信托合并REIT mergers
不动产投资信托品质REIT qualification
不动产投资信托回报REIT returns
不动产投资信托子公司REIT subsidiary
不动产投资信托守则Code on real estate investment trusts
不动产投资信托投资策略REIT investment strategy
不动产投资信托持股规则REIT share ownership requirement
不动产投资信托收人测验REIT income test
不动产投资信托收购REIT acquisition
不动产投资信托构成REIT formation
不动产投资信托治理REIT governance
不动产投资信托税收条款REIT tax provision
不动产投资信托管理REIT management
不动产投资信托经营实体REIT operating entity
不动产投资信托结构构成REIT structure formation
不动产投资信托股东REIT shareholders
不动产投资信托股本投资REIT equity investment
不动产投资信托股票REIT shares
不动产投资信托股票策略应用REIT stocks strategic uses
不动产投资信托行业REIT industry
不动产投资信托证券REIT securities
不动产投资信托资产测验REIT asset test
不动产投资信托首次公开发行REIT initial public offering
不完全义务信托imperfect obligation trust
不拥有收益信托no interest in possession
专业化信托管理公司specialized management trust
两级投资信托split level investment trust
个人信托private trust
个人财产信托personal property trust
中国信托商业银行China Trust Commercial Bank, Limited
信托master trust
信托结构master trust
事实上的信托resulting trust
代理信托nominee trust
代理及信托基金agency and trust fund
代表信托delegate trust
信托形式entrustment basis
信托方式持有hold in trust
企业型投资信托corporation type investment trust
保护性信托protective trust
保本单位信托基金guaranteed unit trust
保留收人信托的出让人grantor retaining income trust
信托与抵押trust and mortgage
信托代管函letter of trust
信托优先证券与债券、优先股类似的证券种类trust preferred security
信托依据trust instrument
信托储备中的证券和不动产securities and properties in trust serve
信托凭证certificate of trust
信托协议trust indenture
信托合约trust agreement
信托周转金trust revolving funds
信托和投资企业trust and investment business
信托基金pool of fiduciary fund
信托基金交易trust fund transaction
信托基金总账trust fund ledger
信托声明书declaration of trust
信托契约fidelity contract
信托契约法Trust Indenture Act
信托契约法案Trust Indenture Act
信托委员会trust committee
信托存折trust deposit
信托存款fiduciary deposit
信托存续期trust period
信托安排trust arrangement
信托对信托交易trust-to-trust transfer
信托或代理条款trust or commission provisions
信托房地产trustee estate
信托投资fidelity contribution
信托投资公司trust investment company
信托投资股票trustee share
信托抵押trust mortgage
信托担保债券collateral trust notes
信托担保票据collateral trust notes
信托授予人settlor of a trust
信托提货证trust receipt
信托文件trust instrument
信托trust period
信托机构trust instrument
信托条款fiduciary clause
信托滚动资金trust revolving funds
信托组织优先股一种每季度支付红利的可转换优先股trust originated preferred securities
信托股份证trust share certificate
信托trust deed
信托证券trust securities
信托财产收支报表charge and discharge statement
信托责任trust obligation
信托责任fiduciary obligations
信托账户规定trust account requirement
信托trust charge
信托资产收益人cestui que trust
信托资金总账trust fund ledger
信汇委托书正本original order of mail transfer
信用卡信托credit card trust
债券信托合约bond indenture
债券信托debenture trust deed
债券信托证书debenture trust deed
债务投资信托公司bond investment trust
储蓄信托公司证券市场上存放已付款的证券之处free box
克利福德信托clifford trust
免税信托exempt trust
全美房地产投资信托协会National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
公众信托public trust
公共信托基金public trust fund
公共房地产投资信托public REIT
公司信托corporate trust
公司信托corporation trust
公司信托business trust
公司债券单位信托corporate bonds unit trusts
公司债单位投资信托corporate-bond unit trust
公司房地产投资信托corporate REITs
共同信托community trust
共同信托契约common trust deed
共同基金信托mutual fund trust
共同投资信托公司mutual investment trust
养老金基金持有的房地产投资信托pension-held REIT
决议信托公司resolution trust corporation
减耗信托逐渐消耗的财产信托wasting trust
出口托收信贷行export factoring
分割式资本信托split capital trust
分类信托split trust
分红信托profit-sharing trust
分股信托split level trust
分股信托split capital trust
十年期信托ten-year trust
半秘密信托half secret trust
单位信托基金unit trusts fund
单位信托基金unit trust
单位信托委员会香港证监会Committee on Unit Trusts
单位信托授权authorization of unit trust
单位信托机构代理人institutional unit trust agent
单位信托认可authorization of unit trust
单位股份投资信托unit share investment trust
单元投资信托unit investment trust
参与信托participating trust
双重信托split level trust
双重目标信托dual purpose trust
信托管限governed by a trust
信托限制subject to a trust
受托人无义务的信托passive trust
受益人不得自行处理的信托spendthrift trust
可变信托flexible trust
可转移信托两人以上期限不少于10 年的信托方式clifford trust
合格定期利息财产信托qualified terminable interest property trust
合格房地产投资信托子公司qualified REIT subsidiary
吉尼美信托Ginnie Mae trusts
吉尼美证券单位信托Ginnie Mae certificate unit trust
商业信托公司business trust company
商务信托business trust
固定投资信托公司fixed investment trust
固定股份投资信托公司closed-end mutual fund
国际信托基金offshore mutual fund
国际信托投资公司International Trust & Investment Corp.
国际信托投资公司国投公司International Trust & Investment Corp.
国际投资信托offshore mutual fund
信托规定的范围内subject to a trust
声明信托trust by declaration
外国信托资产和财产foreign trust and estate
外国证券信托机构depository of foreign securites
存款信托公司depository trust company
存款信托和结算公司depository trust and clearing corporation
存款信托支票depository trust cheque
存管信托公司depository trust company
完全秘密信托fully secret trust
定期信托term trust
宣布信托declaration of trust
封闭型投资信托基金closed-end investment trusts
封闭式投资信托closed end type investment trust
市政债券投资信托municipal investment trust (MIT)
市政投资信托municipal investment trust
1990 年信托契约改革法Trust Indenture Reform Act of 1990
1939 年信托证券法Trust Indenture Act of 1939
建设信托construction trust
开放型投资信托open end investment trust
开放式信托open-end trust
强制信托constructive trust
待执行信托executory trust
成立信托setting up a trust
房地产/不动产投资信托real estate investment trust
房地产投资信托公司real estate investment trust
托付信用证escrow letter of credit
托收信贷行factoring company
托管信用证escrow credit
托顿信托虽然名义属于受益人,但实际资产控制权仍为信托授予者拥有的信托方式Totten trust
投票信托协议voting trust agreement
投票信托证明voting trust certificate
抵押信托凭证collateral trust certificate
抵押不动产投资信托Real Estate Investment & Trust
抵押不动产投资信托mortgage real estate Investment trust
抵押品信托债券collateral trust bonds
抵押投资信托mortgage investment trust
拥有收益信托interest in possession trusts
指定的信托账户designated trust account
授权的单位信托authorized unit trust
推定信托implied trust
推定信托constructive trust
摩根士丹利房地产投资信托指数Morgan Stanley REIT index
收人信托income trust
散布式信托sprinkling trust
信托new trusts
新成立的信托newly formed trust
新授权的信托newly authorized trust
新核准的信托newly authorized trust
无为信托passive trust
无关信托irrelevance trust
无利息信托passive trust
日本证券与投资信托协会Japan Securities and Investment Trust Association
明确信托express trust
普通信托common law trust
普通法信托common law trust
普通法商业信托common law business trust
普通管理信托general management trust
有期限不动产投资信托finite life real estate investment trust
未经许可的单位信托unauthorized unit trust
本国信托资产domestic trust
机构单位信托代理人institutional unit trust agent
机构房地产投资信托投资者institutional REIT investor
根据信托规则进行的交易transactions subject to fiduciary rules
根据协议设立的信托trust under agreement
欧洲投资信托证券European Investment Trust
法定信托方式持有hold on the statutory trust
法定商业信托statutory business trusts
泛用信托abuse of trust
波士顿信托Boston trust
注册信托公司registered trust company
海外信托offshore trust
海牙信托公约Hague Trusts Convention
清算信托结构liquidation trust structure
灵活信托flexible trust
特另信托special trust
特拉华州商务信托Delaware Business Trust Act
特殊目标信托special purpose trust
特许权信托royalty trust
现有资产信托ready assets trust
现金贷款信托cash loan trust
生者信托living trust
留存收益信托的出让人grantor retained income trust
短期信托short-term trust
私人房地产投资信托private REIT
第一类信托契约first deed of trust
策划房地产投资信托incubating REIT
纽约摩根担保信托公司Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
综合信托账户omnibus trust account
职工人股信托基金employee stock ownership trust
股本信托equity trust
股本房地产投资信托Read Estate Investment Trust
股票信托证书stock trust certificate
股票收购信托stock purchase trust
股票红利信托stock bonus trust
自利信托self-benefit trust
艺术家共同信托"以物(作品)代币"为交换基础的投资项目Artist Pension Trust
节俭信托spendthrift trust
莫里斯信托Morris trust
被动信托inactive trust
被指定信托nominee trust
让与人信托grantor trust
设备信托债券equipment trust bond
证券信托管理securities trust administration
证券投资信托investment trust on security
证券投资信托公司基金经理securities investment trust enterprises fund manager
财产信托property trust
财产税收投资信托基金estate duties investment trust
贷款信托公司loan and trust company
费巴信托基金VEBA trusts
资产信托assets trust
资产信托会计fiduciary accounting
资产与财产信托公司assets and property trust company
资本信托equity trust
资金信托money trust
转付信托结构pay through owner trust structure
通知信托债券callable trust bonds
酌情处理信托discretionary trust
金融信托公司financial trust company
金融债权信托financial claim trust
金融资产投资证券化信托financial asset investment securitization trust
金融资产证券化投资信托financial asset securitization investment trust
钻石信托基金diamond trust fund
钻石投资信托diamond investment trust
销售信托trust for sale
附带条件的信托qualified trust
限制性信托qualified trust
隔代转移过户或信托generation-skipping transfer or trust
集合信托master trust
集合信托计划master trust scheme
雇主信托employer trustee
信托账户non-discretionary accounts
非不动产信托投资合作伙伴Non-REIT partners
非不动产信托投资实体Non-REIT entity
非不动产信托投资所有者Non-REIT owners
非不动产信托股票Non-REIT stocks
非授权信托non-discretionary trust
非独立执行的信托ministerial trust
非生存性不动产信托投资non-surviving REIT
风险信托基金go-go fund
马省信托方式Massachusetts trust
马萨诸塞州信托股东承担有限信托责任的企业组织Massachusetts trust