
Terms for subject Economy containing 信托 | all forms | in specified order only
一般信托general management trust
专业管理信托specialized management trust
专门管理信托the specialized management trust
丢失或残损货物托付信用disposal of claim for consignments lost or damaged
住宅贷款信托债券the trust of housing loan bonds
信托personal trust
信托in trust
信托the fiducial business
信托fiducial business
信托a letter of trust
信托债券trust indentures
信托债券depositary receipt
信托债券depository receipt
信托准备中的证券及不动产securities and properties in trust reserve
信托及代理基金trust and agency funds
信托受益人cestui que trust (income beneficiary)
信托商店second hand shop
信托基金pool of fiduciary funds
信托基金总账trust fun ledger
信托契约条例trust indenture act
信托契约条例trust indentures act
信托存放股票shares deposited on trust
信托存放股票shares deposited in escrow
信托帐户escrow account
信托a deposit vault
信托房地产trust estate
信托投资fidelity investment
信托投资业务trust and investment business
互惠基金信托投资公司open-end investment corporation
互惠基金信托投资公司open-end trust
信托投资公司investment trust company
信托收据depository receipt
信托收据depositary receipt
信托收据trues receipt
信托机关fiduciary institution
信托组织储蓄银行Trustee Savings Bank
信托组织储蓄银行协会Trustee Savings Banks Association
信托股票trust fund
信托证券depository receipts
无记名信托证券bearer depositary receipts
信托财产fiduciary estate
信托资金trust capital
信托银行a trustee bank
信托限度fiducial limit
债券信托business as trustee of bonds and debentures
偿债基金信托a sinking fund trustee
美国克利夫兰信托公司Cleveland Trust Corporation
兑现信托transit letter
全球信托收据global depository receipts
公共信托public trust (信托人为团体)
公司型投资信托corporation type investment trust
公益人寿保险信托charitable life insurance trust
公营信托public trustee (公司)
农业信托账户farm trust account
农民贷款信托公司farmer's loan and trust company
分期定额付款的契约性信托投资计划front-end load plan
分期定额付款的契约性投资信托计划front-end loan plan
分期定额付款的契约性投资信托计划contractual plan
单位信托投资公司unit trust
单位信托投资unit trust investment
单位投资信托公司指向小额投资人收集资金, 并代投资人投资的债券公司unit of trust
单位股投资信托unit share investment truse
单元信托unit trust (投资公司)
单元信托投资unit trust investment
合同型投资信托contractual type investment trust
员工持股信托employee stock ownership trust
美国商业信托公司Mercantile Trust Co.
商业银行的信托bank trust department
固定性投资信托the non-discretionary trust
土地信托land trust
备付外债本息的财政信托账户fiscal trust accounts for payments of principal and interest of external bonded debts
外国信托资产foreign trusts
外国信托资产和财产foreign trusts and estates
多方捐助信托基金multidonor trust fund
多边信托基金multilateral trust fund
存券信托公司depository trust company
定额投资信托closed-end investment trust
将投资利息滚入本金的信托基金accumulation units
年金信托annuity trust amount
应缴税款信托账户tax accrual trust account
开放型投资信托公司open-end investment trust
慈善基金的政府信托official trustees of charitable fund
房地产投资信托real estate investment trust
房地产投资信托real estate investment trust
所有收到的款项由会计作为信托基金加以保管All moneys received were held by the accountant as a fiduciary trust
执行信托业务的权利trust power
投票信托the voting trust
投资信托公司an investment trust
抵押不动产投资信托公司mortgage real estate investment trust
授与信托资产人a grantor of trust
授与人预立的信托资产the grantor trust
授权信托证书a voting-trust certificate
救灾信托基金Disaster Relief Trust Fund
无限信托基金出售价格an offering price
普遍信托基金general trust fund
本国信托资产domestic trusts
根据判决设立的信托trust under decree
根据协议设立的信托the trust under agreement
根据遗嘱设立的信托trust under will
法定信托legal trust
法庭信托court trust
法院信托court trust
特种信托reserve trust
生存信托living trust (信托合约规定人在世有效)
社会保险信托基金social insurance trust funds
禁支信托基金the non-expendable trust fund
私人信托private trust-fund (基金)
租赁信托公司hire purchase company
信托资产人a grantor of trust
美国互相信托投资基金balance fund
股权信托a voting trustee
表决信托voting trust
信托人的报告trustee's report
让与人信托the grantor trust
设备信托equipment trust obligation (certificate)
设备信托公司equipment trust
证券信托securities trust
财产信托会计the accrual in fiduciary accounting
货物信托债券collateral trust bonds
遗嘱信托testamentary trust (信托条件须至信托人死亡后,始根据遗嘱发生效力)
遗嘱信托the testamentary trust
遗嘱信托a testamentary trustee
金融机构包括银行、保险公司、投资信托公司等等Financial institutions include bank, insurance company, or investment trust, etc
银行和信托公司bank and trust company
银行家产业开发信托公司banker's industrial development trust
长期受益信托strict settlement
隔代遗产信托generation-skipping trust
项目信托基金project trust fund