
Terms for subject Commerce containing 保险条款 | all forms | in specified order only
中国保险条款China Insurance Clauses
保险地点条款location clause
保险延展条款extended cover clause
保险追加条款rider of insurance
保险除外责任条款exclusion clause
协会罢工、暴动与民变保险条款Institute Strike, Riots and Civil Commotions Clauses
协会航空货物保险条款Institute Air Cargo Clauses
协会货物保险条款Institute Cargo Clauses (包括:单独海损不赔 (FPA),单独海损包括在内 (WA),一切险 (All Risks))
受主导保险人所同意的条款约束:无须再行磋商terms to be agreed with leading underwriters
在合同中规定保险条款specify the insurance clause in a contract
标准保险条款standard policy provisions
海上保险延伸条款marine extension clause
火险保单关于抵押财产的赔偿顺序条款full contribution mortgage clause
联合保险条款coinsurance clause
自动恢复保险金额条款automatic reinstatement clause
请将你方信用证中的保险条款与销售合同中的一致起来Please bring the insurance clause in your L/C into correspondence with that in the S/C
货物装船前或卸岸后陆上运输中发生损失的保险条款shore clause
黄曲霉素险系中国保险条款中的一种特殊附加险Aflatoxin risk is a special additional coverage in CIC