
Terms for subject Technology containing 保证 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子信誉保证blanket fidelity bond
一般责任保证general obligation bond
不保兑信用证non-confirmed L/C
不动产抵押保证real security
不参与竞争保证covenant not to compete (卖方作出在有限时间、范围内不与买方竞争的保证书)
不抵押保证条款negative pledging clause
中立保证warranty of neutrality
书面保证written undertaking
买主资力保证del credere
买方套购保证buyer's hedging
买方对所有权得保证guarantee of title
井孔净保证出水量net safe yield of well
交现金保证cash deposit as collateral
产品质量保证product quality guarantee
产量保证production quantity guarantee
仓库保证godown warrant
以汇票为担保的证券bill on deposit
保证guarantee (人)
供应保证supply bond
供货人保证信函supplier's letter of guarantees
供货商保证信函supplier's letter of guarantees
保付证券assumed bonds
保兑保证confirming margin
保兑不可撤销信用证confirmed irrevocable credit
保兑不可撤销委托购买证confirmed irrevocable authority to purchase
保兑信用证cumulative letter of credit
保兑跟单信用证confirmed documentary credit
保存物证preservation of physical evidence
保护证书certificate of protection (美国)
保留金保证retention money bond
保税提货许可证customs warrant
保税提货许可证bond note
保证guarantee (人)
保证security bond
保证written pledge
保证交货guaranteeing delivery
保证dependable yield
保证产品质量的人员quality assurance personnel
保证surety bond
保证付款guarantee pay
保证价值warranted value
保证价格购买guaranteed purchase
保证供应区maintenance area
保证供应电力系统no-break power system
保证供水流量duty water
保证供水调度线dependable flow rule curve
保证信用证stand-by letter of guarantee
保证借款guaranteed loan
保证债务suretyship obligation
保证债务surety obligation
保证债务guaranteed debt
保证债权人提出立刻履行guarantee on first demand
保证guaranteed value
保证偿还bail out
保证入流量dependable inflow
保证准备security reserves
保证准备guaranteed reserve (金)
保证出产量safe yield
保证出力dependable output
保证出力firm capacity
保证出力guarantee output
保证出力guaranteed output
保证出力dependable energy
保证到货时状态condition guaranteed on arrival
保证制度guaranteed system
保证功率dependable power
保证功率guaranteed output
保证功率assured power
保证动作safety action
保证发行准备fiduciary reserve
保证合同suretyship contract
保证合同contract of guarantee
保证合同履行guaranteed performance
保证基金guaranteed fund
保证失业率warranted unemployment rate
保证契约guaranty bond
保证存款guaranteed deposit
保证屈服应力guaranteed yield stress
保证屈服强度guaranteed yield strength
保证工作周guaranteed working week
保证工资base rate
保证工资计划guaranteed wage plans
保证利息guaranteed annuity interest
保证年度工资guaranteed annual wage
保证年金选择权guaranteed annuity option
保证assurance factor
保证性试验warranty test
保证承担义务contract in
保证承诺consent of surety
保证支付guaranteed payment
保证收取货款佣金del credere commission
保证效率warranted efficiency
保证最大连续出产guaranteed maximum continuous output
保证最高价合同guaranteed maximum contract
保证guaranteed period
保证period of warranty
保证duration of guaranty (限)
保证commitment period
保证期限duration of guarantee period
保证水力发电量dependable hydroelectrical capacity
保证水力发电量dependable hydroelectric capacity
保证水深guaranteed water depth
保证水量safe yield
保证水量dependable yield
保证汽耗steam rate guarantee
保证汽耗guaranteed steam consumption
保证使用流量firm discharge
保证流量dependable discharge
保证深度guaranteed depth
保证guarantee point
保证燃料消耗量warrant fuel consumption
保证surety bond
保证工资guaranteed rate
保证frequency of exceedance
保证率曲线curve of guarantee rate
保证率频率法duration-frequency method
保证电能firm energy
保证电路guarantee circuit
保证的确认考核confirmation test for guarantee
保证真空guaranteed vacuum
保证票据guaranteed bill
保证票据backed bill
保证精度guaranteed precision
保证精度guaranteed accuracy
保证系数assure factor
保证系数assurance factor
保证subscribing witness
保证股利guaranteed dividend
保证股息guaranteed dividend
保证股票guaranteed stock
保证股票guaranteed share
保证航速guaranteed speed
保证负债guaranteed liability
保证责任liability on guaranties
保证责任liability for guarantee
保证载重量和包装容积guaranteed deadweight, bale-space
保证输出功率firm output
保证退款money-back guarantee
保证重量guarantee of weight
保证重量guaranteed weight
保证surety bond
保证deposite for security
保证caution money
保证retention money
保证maring and guaranty
保证good faith money
保证bid bond
保证金买卖securities business
保证金交易中所交存的保证金margin transaction guarantee money
保证金存款marginal deposit for security
保证金收据deposite receipt
保证金率margin rate
保证金规则margin rules
保证金附加条款memorandum of deposit
保证隹用期限warranty life
保证马力guaranteed horsepower
保释保证bail bond
保险保证certificate of insurance
保险人保证underwriter's guarantee
保险人保证insurer security
保险凭证insurance policy
保险单权益证明policy proof of interest
保险证certificate of insurance
信用保证credit security
信用保证债券guaranteed bond
信用保证金额credit amount
信贷限额保证cover for lines of credit
借款保证loan guarantee
借款偿还保证guarantee of repayment
债务保证security for debt
全面保证契据general warranty deed
全面质量保证total quality assurance programme
全面质量保证total quality assurance program
全额保证full margin
公会保证条款institute warranties
公用事业保证deposite with public utility corporate
公用事业保证deposit with public utility corporate
共同海损分摊保证security for payment of contribution
共同海损无限保证unlimited general average guarantee
保证的抵押合同mortgage contracts with warrants
具资产保证的证券asset-backed securities
内在保证implied warranty
保证开发的信用证guaranteed letter of credit
凭要求付款的保证on demand bond
出口信用保证guarantee of export credits
出口信贷保证export credit guarantee
出口信贷保证Export Credit Guarantee Department (英国)
分期付款保证instalment guarantee
分期付款和保证金购买instalment and margin purchase
制造厂保证manufacturer's guarantee
制造工艺保证manufacturing practice guarantee
保证collateral surety
卖方保证条款packer guarantee clause
历史性建筑保护证明certificate of historical buildings
历史性建筑保护证明certification of historic buildings
历史性建筑保护证明certificate of historic buildings
反面保证条款negative pledge clause
变动保证variation margin
可撤销无保兑银行信用证revocable unconfirmed banker's credit
可撤销的银行未保兑信用证revocable unconfirmed banker's credit
可靠性保证reliable assurance
可靠性保证规划reliability assurance programme
可靠性保证规划reliability assurance program
合同保证deposite on contracts
合同保证contract bond
合同付款保证contract payment bond
合同执行保证contract performance bond
同等保证条款equal coverage
保证人提供的担保counter guarantee
品质保证quality guarantee
国内资源保证feed degree of domestic resources
基本有保证almost full
基面保证low tide cumulative probability of datum
存款抵押保证collateral pledge agreement
完工保证construction bond
完工保证performance bond
完工施工保证completion bond
完工承包保证completion bond
客户保证负债customer's guarantee liability
客户保证customers' deposit
屋顶维修保证roofing bond
履约保证security for fulfillment
履约保证performance security
履约保证guaranty bond (书)
履约保证guarantee of performance
履约保证performance guarantee money
履约担保履约保证securities for fulfillment
履行保证performance bond
工料支付保证guaranty bond (书)
工程保证consent of surety
工程质量保证completion bond
工艺性能保证process performance guarantees
工艺性能未保证赔偿费liquidated damages for process performance failure
已收保证earnest money received
已收合同保证contract deposits received
已收合同保证contract deposit received
开航保证warranty to sail
开采量保证率曲线curve of guarantee rate of mining quantity
性能保证performance guarantee
性能保证performance bond
总括保证保险blanket bond
房屋投资保证housing investment guarantees
保证risk note
承兑保证guarantee acceptance
承包保证completion bond
承包人保证underwriter's guarantee
承包商保证underwriter's guarantee
承包商保证builder bond
承包者保证underwriter's guarantee
承担保证covering note
技术保证maintenance logistics
投标保证tender guarantee
投标保证letter of guarantee for bid
投标保证guaranty bond
投标保证guaranty money of tender
投标保证bid security
投标保证initial guarantee
投标保证bid deposit
投标商合约保证bid security
投资保证方案investment guaranty programme
投资保证方案investment guaranty program
押标保证tender bond
押标保证bid bond
担保信用证guarantee letter of credit
拆房屋承包人的具结保证wrecking bond
按合约支付保证caution money paid on contract
按时到达保证time arrive guarantee
损失赔偿保证letter of indemnity
搬移保证removal bond
收货人保证consignee's letter of guarantee
政府信用保证government credit guarantee
施工保证completion bond
保证合同nude contract
保证基金non-guaranteed fund
保证without warrants
明示保证expressed warranty
最低年工资保证guaranteed annual wage plan
最低通航水位保证guaranteed rate of the lowest navigable water level
最低通航水位保证guaranteed rate of the lowest navigable stage
最大保证出力maximum guaranteed capability
最小保证流量lowest guaranteed discharge
最小保证流量lowest assured discharge
最高通航水位保证guaranteed rate of the highest navigable water level
最高通航水位保证guaranteed rate of the highest navigable stage
保证市场投资guaranteed market investment
保证的委员会决议certified board resolution
有充分保证fully ensured
有抵押保证的证券mortgage-backed securities
气蚀保证cavitation guarantee
水轮机保证效率guaranteed turbine efficiency
汽蚀保证pitting guarantee
法定保证legal margin
法律保证judicial guarantee
海值保证warranty of seaworthiness
海员保险证书crew's insurance certificate
海损保证average guarantee
海损保证average deposit
海损分担保证average agreement
消极保证条款negative pledge clause
消费保证consumption guarantees
消费保证deposite for consumption
消费保证deposit for consumption
深度基准面保证guaranteed rate of depth datum
潜水医务保证diving medical support
潜水医务保证diving medical security
煤矿保证条款colliery guarantee
特许权保证franchise bond
环境监测质量保证environmental monitoring quality assurance
现金保证cash guarantee
现金保证dollar margin
生产厂商保证manufacturer's bond
生理保证physiologic security
生理保证physiological security
生理保证physical security
监测质量保证quality assurance for monitoring
破产清理中的保证债权secured creditors'right in bankruptcy proceed ings
票据保证guarantee of bills
票据保证guarantee of a bill
空化保证cavitation guarantee
竣工保证completion bond
竣工保证制度performance bond system
系统保证出力assured system capacity
保证凭证naked warrant
纳税保证security of tax payment
终身保证lifetime warranty
绝对保证absolute undertaking
继电器保证起动值relay must-operate value
缓解保证release insuring valve
职工保证保险fidelity guarantee insurance
航道水深保证guaranteed rate of channel depth
船员保险证书crew's insurance certificate
船舶保证vessel bond
船闸通航时间保证guaranteed rate of lock's navigable time
草签保证initial endorsement
获得保证金退款obtain satisfaction of a claim
营运区保证trading warranty
营造商的保证builder's warranty
补交保证金通知margin call
补偿保证indemnity bond
保证本人guaranty principal
解除限定继承权保证disentailing assurance
讼费保证security for cost
设计保证design certified value
设计水位保证guarantee rate of designed water-level
设计流量保证guarantee rate of designed flow
设计流量保证guarantee rate of designed discharge
调节保证计算calculation of regulation guarantee
财务信用保证financial credit guarantee
财政保证financial guarantee
货主保证guarantee of shipper
货仓保证warehouse warrant
货运种类或数量限制保证loading warranties
承包人对承包工程的质量保证guarantee against defects
质量保证guarantee of quality (书)
质量保证guarantee against defects
质量保证certificated quality level
质量保证体系quality assurance control system
质量保证手册quality control assurance manual
质量保证技术出版物quality assurance technical publications
质量保证控制程序quality assurance operating procedure
质量保证period of quality guarantee
质量保证模式model of quality assurance
质量保证计划quality control planning
质量保证计划quality control system
质量保证计划quality control plan
质量保证计划quality assurance plan
质量保证验收人员quality assurance personnel
质量保证验收标准quality assurance acceptance standard
购得货品的保证warranty of merchandise purchased
贷款保证stand-by fee
赔偿保证bond of indemnity
赔偿保证backward letter
载明保证express warranty
运行保证考核performance guarantee test
运转保证周期operational proof cycle
返还保证counter letter
进口商声明及保证importers statement and guarantee bond
违反航行范围的保证breach of trading warranty
连续保证continuing guaranty
追加保证call margin
追加保证maring calls
追加保证additional cover
退还保证deposite releases
退还保证deposit releases
通航保证navigable stage frequency
通航水位保证guaranteed rate of navigable water stage
通航水位保证guaranteed rate of navigable water level
银行偿付保证bank refund guarantee
银行出具的履约保证bank guarantee for performance bond
银行出具的投标保证bank guarantee for bid bond
银行现金保证letter of credit
销售保证sales warrant
保证的公司债券guaranteed bond
附加保证additional deposit
附带保证collateral warranty
降水量保证率曲线curve of guarantee rate of precipitation
投标人的非串通保证affidavit of non-collusion
预付保证deposite premium
预付保证deposit premium
预收保证margin money
预算保证budgetary support
预约初保凭证open ship
默认保证implied warranty