
Terms containing 侧 斜 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一侧加长并凿斜的榫眼pulley mortise
swim.侧斜线打腿thrust diagonally sidewalks
oil井斜钻头侧向分力inclinational bit side force component
gen.从中心线向两侧倾斜be sloped transversely each way from the center line
tech.从中线向船侧倾斜的油轮raised tank top
baseb.侧斜线球cross fire
tech.使船向一侧倾斜hove down (小船修理时)
auto.车身向倾斜lateral inclination
tech.侧位倾斜体层照相术lateral inclined tomography
surg.侧位倾斜断层摄片lateral inclined tomography
otorhinol.侧位后倾斜位断层 X 线摄影postero-lateral inclined tomography
bridg.constr.侧向倾斜lateral tilt
wind.侧向倾斜side rake
space侧向倾斜仪lateral clinometer
dril.侧向倾斜角lateral inclination
bridg.constr.侧向斜撑lateral diagonal bracing
bridg.constr.侧向斜撑lateral diagonal
bridg.constr.侧向斜撑杆lateral bracing member
water.res., ecol.侧向流斜板式沉淀池inclined-plank settling tank of lateral flow
tech.侧向流斜板式沉淀池incline-plank settling tank of lateral flow
tech.侧向测斜仪lateral clinometer
otorhinol.侧向髁道斜度lateral condyle path inclination
tech.侧墙对角斜撑sidewall diagonal
tech.侧墙车体斜撑sidewall body brace
met.侧壁斜度angle of sides (孔型的)
archit.孔型侧壁斜角angle of sides
tech.侧壁斜角angle of sides (孔型)
baseb.侧投斜线球cross fire
nautic., tech.侧斜skew
tech.侧斜lateral oblique position
tech.侧斜冰碛层lateral moraine
tech.侧斜刚度sideway stiffness
bodybuild.侧斜卧臂侧平举incline lateral arm raise
agric.侧斜圆盘排种器inclined plate seed-metering device
gen.侧斜siderake (角)
met.侧斜端砖end-skew on edge
tech.侧斜端砖end skew on edge
tech.侧斜翻斗side dump bucket
nautic., tech.侧斜螺旋桨skewed propellers
wind.侧斜side rake
expl.侧斜lateral inclination
nautic., tech.侧斜skew angle
nautic., tech.侧斜轴向位移skew-induced rake
oil侧斜锥杆side draw pin
railw.侧架上斜弦杆side frame top oblique chord
railw.侧架下斜弦杆side frame bottom oblique chord
textile侧缝斜袋slant side pocket
dril.侧钻造斜器sidetracking whipstock
dril.侧钻造斜器side-tracking whipstock
dril.侧钻造斜或纠斜用水泥塞cement type whipstock
tech.侧面倾斜side set
met.侧面斜度taper of sides
tech.侧面斜撑side bracing
tech.侧面斜撑side shoring
met.倾斜侧导式围盘sloping bar side guard type repeater
met.倾斜侧导式围盘sloping bar-side guard-type repeater
auto.倾斜的侧窗玻璃inclined side windowpane
tech.倾斜轮式侧向搂草机oblique reel-side delivery rake
tech.水库、水池的侧斜inside slope
dermat.内侧偏斜medial deviation
auto.内侧有斜切槽式活塞环inner bevel type ring
dril.单点侧斜照相机single shot camera
met.单端斜侧楔形砖feather-end on edge
danc.双锁步强度倾斜步侧行完成double lock oversway hover to PP
danc.右脚斜进右侧引导RF diagonally forward side leading
surg.后外侧倾斜断层摄片posterolateral inclined tomography
swim.向两侧斜线上下打腿thrust diagonally sideward
oil向倾斜下侧downdip side
gymn.向前斜向单臂侧翻forward oblique one-arm handspring
gymn.向后斜向单臂侧手翻backward oblique one-arm handspring
oil向地堑侧倾斜grabenward inclination
bodybuild.哑铃斜托侧弯举dumbbell preacher hammer curl
danc.坠式或侧倾式强度倾斜步drop or tilt oversway
tech.外侧楼梯斜梁outer stringer
nautic., tech.侧斜大侧斜桨叶highly skewed blade
nautic., tech.侧斜桨叶highly skewing blade
nautic., tech.侧斜螺旋桨highly skewed propeller
nautic., tech.侧斜螺旋桨high skewed propeller
nautic., tech.侧斜螺旋桨和超大侧斜螺旋桨highly skewed propellers and very highly skewed propellers
met.孔型侧壁斜度slope of groove
met.孔型侧壁斜度collar taper
met.轧辊孔型侧壁斜度slope of groove
met.孔型侧壁斜度inclination of pass side
dermat.尺侧偏斜ulnar deviation
danc.左脚斜进在侧行位置中以左侧引导LF diagonally forward, left side leading in PP
dril.带斜向器的套开窗侧钻工具pack-stock sidetracking system
oil平缓侧翼倾斜gentle flank dip
dril.斜井中钻头侧向分力inclinational bit side force component
dril.斜井井眼上侧high side
dril.斜井的下侧井壁lower wall
dril.斜井的下侧井壁lower side of the wellbore
dril.斜井眼下侧low side
avia.斜侧壁sloping sidewall
agric.斜侧接{园艺}oblique side grafting
tech.斜侧接oblique side grafting
tech.斜侧照明oblique lighting
met.斜侧面滚动导轮bevelled wheel
tech.斜侧面镜头angle shot
tech.斜口侧壁splayed jambs
tech.斜口侧石sloping curb
tech.斜径侧切rift cutting
tech.斜梁有侧板的楼梯closed string staircase
tech.斜梁有侧板的楼梯closed string stair
tech.斜沟两侧挂瓦条valley-side bauen
tech.斜沟两侧瓦下的间隙clearance under valley tiles
textile斜穿侧缝开衩夹克colley west on ward
dril.未设定方位和斜度的侧钻blind sidetrack
dermat.桡侧偏斜radial deviation
tech.楼梯外侧斜outer string
tech.楼梯斜梁侧板string board
tech.窗框两侧斜window flanning
tech.筑成从内侧至外侧向上倾斜的弯道banked bend
cont.cast.结晶器侧壁斜度taper in mould walls
baseb.肩斜上侧投球法three-quarter overhand
nautic., tech.侧斜rudder setting angle
nautic., tech.螺旋桨的侧斜skew angle of propeller
textile侧斜插袋forward pocket
gen.侧斜negative side rake (angle)
auto.车辆动力学车辆侧倾斜率vehicle roll gradient
met.轧槽侧壁斜度taper on grooves
met.轧槽侧壁斜度taper on groove
met.轧槽侧壁斜度taper of groove
roll.轧槽侧边斜角groove angle