
Terms for subject Dentistry containing 使 | all forms
今天牙神经已被切断,这可能会使您感觉有点痛Today the nerve has been cut, so you may feel a little painful
使做了窝沟封闭,每餐后刷牙也是非常重要的It is very important to brush all your teeth after every meal, even though they have been sealed
使局部疼痛和肿胀,也不要用冰或冷水敷拔牙创Please don, t place ice or cold water over the extraction area, even if you have pain or swelling
使我们保留这颗牙齿,它也没什么功能了Even if we keep it in your mouth, the tooth won't work properly any more
使我们治疗好了这颗牙齿,它也不会保留多长时间的Even if we treat it, it won't work for long
我将使你的牙齿睡觉I will make your tooth go to sleep
我将用树脂材料来封闭这些窝沟,使他们容易清洁I'll seal these grooves with this white plastic material to make them easy to be cleaned
我将给您的牙齿抛光使牙体表面光滑Now I will polish your teeth to make them smooth
我给你的牙齿上涂一些氟以使它们更坚硬I will put some fluoride on your teeth to make them strong
放松自己,使自己感觉舒服Relax and make yourself comfortable
有效的刷牙和使用牙线可以去除菌斑Plaque can be removed by effective tooth brushing and dental flossing
牙龈有炎症时您应避免使用硬毛牙刷You should avoid using a hard toothbrush when your gums are inflamed
疼痛使您不能入睡吗?Did the pain keep you awake at night?
这颗牙可能会使您有异样的感觉You may feel a strange sensation in your teeth
通过这个小眼可以使脓液引出This opening in the tooth will let the infection drain
钻牙可能会使您感觉点疼痛Drilling may hurt you a little bit
首先,我将调改托盘使它适合您的牙弓形态First, I'll adjust the tray to fit the size of your mouth