
Terms containing 使用 线 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.不使用无线电设备进场着陆nordo approach
tech.不再使用的路线line out of use
telecom., brit.不需领执照即可使用的无线电频谱unlicensed wireless spectrum
telecom., amer.不需领执照即可使用的无线电频谱unlicensed radio spectrum
auto.仅在公路干线上使用all highway work
cryptogr.使用二等分的椭圆曲线要点乘法elliptic curve point multiplication using halving
avia.使用包线operating envelope
avia.使用基线要求operational baseline requirement
el.使用寿命曲线life curve
auto.使用寿命曲线mortality curve
el.使用期限曲线life curve
O&G使用期限的特性曲线life curve
shipb.使用电磁起重机、真空起重机和输送滚道组成机械化运输线use electromagnetic crane, vacuum one and carrying roller-way to compose a mechanization transportation line
shipb.使用电磁起重机、真空起重机和输送滚道组成机械化运输线use electromagnetic crane, vacuum crane and carrying roller way to compose a mechanization carrying line
busin.使用系数限定直线法straight line modified by usage factor
avia.使用速度包线operational speed envelope
avia.使用部分飞行控制系统的半自动"点水"悬停航线modified flight control system jump pattern
auto.汽车公路干线上使用trunk-line service
railw.咽喉道岔或到发线的使用通过能力utilizable carrying capacity of turnout or receiving and dispatching tracks at station
auto.汽车固定路线使用运营regular route servi ce
auto.在不同变换路线使用irregular route service
tech.岸线使用权littoral right
tech.岸线使用计划waterfront utilization planning
telecom.手机通话时使用扬声器或有线耳机,并使手机尽量与身体保持距离,能有效减少辐射Using your cell phone's speaker or connecting a wired headset - while keeping the handset away from your body - drastically reduces radio frequency exposure
gen.无线电网使用试验net service test
dentist.有效的刷牙和使用牙线可以去除菌斑Plaque can be removed by effective tooth brushing and dental flossing
avia.机场与航线导航设备使用费charges for airports and route navigation facilities
avia.机场及航线导航设备使用费charges for airports and route navigation facilities
auto.汽车环线形路使用round-trip service
el.用户线路使用系统subscriber line use system
gen.〔击穿〕电压-击穿前使用时间曲线voltage-time-to-breakdown curve
tech.线路使用权trackage rights
tech.线路使用程度line utilization
tech.线路使用系数line-use ratio
agric.线路停止使用line out of service
telecom.线路停止使用信号line-out-of service signal
commer.该服务热线发现,64%的男性和24%的女性咨询者在打电话前没有阅读产品使用手册The service hotline found that 64 % of its male callers and 24% of its female callers had not read the instruction manual before ringing up
auto.路线的使用质量serviceability of route
agric.近红外线辐射的使用use of near infrared radiation
commer.通常的航线不再可使用The usual route is no longer available
tech.铁路线联合使用区段joint section of line
tech.高度使用的传输线high usage trunk