
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一种熔点铅Dalton metal
三菱贝氏体合金高强度钢Mitsubishi bainite steel
三菱贝氏体合金高强度钢MB steel
中间包密度喷涂衬low-density sprayable tundish lining
中间包密度喷涂衬low-density sprayable lining of tundish
中间包液位low tundish level
中间包液位操作tundish operation at low level of steel
中间包液位浇注pouring at low tundish level
中间包内钢水位low steel level in tundish
中间包液位降lowered tundish practice
中间包钢水临界液位critical low liquid steel level in tundish (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中或在浇注末期的液面高度如果低于某一高度,钢水面就会产生旋涡,致使中间包内的渣子流人结晶器,直接影响连铸坯质量。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界低液位。)
中间包钢水温度降temperature drop of liquid steel in tundish
伊泽特无时效性碳钢Izett steel
优质合金废料high grade low alloy scrap
优质合金结构钢quality low-alloy structural steel
优质合金钢quality low-alloy steel
优质合金高强度钢quality low-alloy high-strength steel
优质碳钢quality low-carbon steel
优质碳钼铁quality low-carbon ferromolybdenum
优质磷生铁high quality low phosphorus pig iron
优质磷钢quality low-phosphorus steel
优质磷铸铁quality low-phosphorus cast iron
优质超碳钢high quality ULC steel
伯迈克斯锡铅基轴承合金Bermax bearing alloy (5Sn, 9 ~ 15Sb, 80 ~ 86Pb, 0.5Cu)
倍夹杂macroscopic inclusions
倍显微照片low-power micrograph
倍显微镜low-powered microscope
倍显微镜microscope of low magnification
倍显微镜low-power microscope
倍显微镜像low-power microscopical image
倍显微镜像low-power microscopic image
倍检查macro check
倍检验macroscopic examination
倍检验macrographic examination
倍浸蚀检验macroetch testing
倍浸蚀磨片macroetched slice
倍浸蚀磨片macro-etched slice
倍物镜low-power objective
倍状态macroscopic state
倍组织macroscopic structure
倍金相浸蚀macrographical etching
倍金相浸蚀macrographic etching
分辨率光谱计low-resolution spectrometer
分辨率分光计low-resolution spectrometer
分辨率显微镜low-resolution microscope
分辨率织构low resolution texture
合金dilute alloy
合金工具钢low-alloy tool steel
skhl 合金结构钢skhl steel (原苏联牌号;0.4 ~ 0.8Cr, 0.3 ~ 0.7Ni, 0.3 ~ 0.5Cu)
合金钢low-alloy steel (【技】合金元素含量较低的钢。在我国,通常将合金元素总含量 ≤5% 的钢称为低合金钢。低合金钢一般包括可焊接的低合金高强度结构钢、低合金耐候钢、低合金钢筋钢、铁道用低合金钢、矿用低合金钢等。)
合金钢steel of low alloy content
合金钢lean alloy steel
合金钢丝low-alloy steel wire
合金钢铸造low-alloy steel casting
合金铸钢件low-alloy steel casting
合金铸铁件low-alloy iron casting
合金高强度结构钢low-alloy high-strength structural steel
合金高强度钢low-alloy high-strength steel
合金高强度钢HSLA steel
合金高强度钢low-alloyed high strength steel
合金高强度钢low-alloy high strength steel
含量low assay
平均含量硫below average sulphur
含量贵重组分试样low assay
含铁量烧结矿low-Fe sinter
吸收能力材料material of low absorbing power
堆位层错能金属中的临界切应力critical shear stress in metals of small stacking-fault energy
堆位层错能金属中的流变应力flow stress in metal of small stacking-fault energy
头型振动筛low-head screen
头式连铸机low-head continuous casting machine
头连铸机low-head continuous casting machine
头连铸机low-head continuous caster
头锭low-head ingot (【技】在使用原注锭设备的基础上,降低锭模高度、增加锭模横截面积;同时在锭模四壁加衬绝热套,在钢水面上撒布放热材料,由此浇铸出的钢锭叫做低头锭。其组织结构致密,偏析仅集中于顶部。)
布拉格角衍射线diffraction lines at low Bragg angle
成色黄金low-karat gold
强度weak intensity
强度合金low tensile alloy
强度操作low-intensity operation
强度材料low-strength material
强度水泥low-strength cement
强度焊缝weak weld
强度焦炭soft coke
强度焦炭weak coke
强度焦炭low-strength coke
强度磁选low-intensity magnetic separation
强度等级low-strength level
强度线line of low intensity
强度钢low strength steel
强焦炭weak coke
强焦炭soft coke
成本low cost
指数平面low-index plane
挤压性粉末low-compressibility powder
挥发分烟煤low-volatile bituminous coal
振频大振幅low oscillation frequency, long oscillation stroke
振频小振幅low oscillation frequency, short oscillation stroke
放射性不锈钢low radioactive stainless steel (【技】核聚变堆第一壁材料。 AISI316 型奥氏体不锈钢中的高放射性元素(半衰期长的元素)镍和钼分别用低放射性元素钼和钨置换,而强度和韧性基本不变的新钢种。)
氢型药皮hydrogen-controlled coating
氢焊条basic flux electrode
氢电焊条low hydrogen electrode
氢铁hydrogen-purified iron
氧化镁熔剂low-magnesia stone
氧轴承钢low-oxygen bearing steel
氧钢low-oxygen steel
氮钢low nitrogen steel
氮钢V.L.N. steel
氮钢冶炼法V.L.N. process
氮钢冶炼法very low nitrogen process
low water
水分料成形stiff-plastic making
水分沉淀物low-moisture precipitate
水分煤low-moisture coal
水分矿石low-moisture ore
水分砖料成形机stiff-plastic brickmaking machine
渣量球团pellet with low slag content
冷冻成形cryogenic forming
low temperature stage
还原粉化low temperature breakdown (【技】炼铁用烧结矿和球团矿在低温还原过程中发生碎裂粉化的现象,严重时会影响高炉上部料柱的透气性,破坏高炉炉况顺行。影响烧结矿和球团矿低温还原粉化的因素有:矿石种类、 Fe₂O₃ 的结晶形态、烧结矿碱度、还原温度及铁矿石中其他元素的含量。)
中间,工序间退火process annealing
温不锈钢low temperature stainless steel (【技】指适用于在低温下使用的不锈钢,一般多为稳定性很好的铬镍奥氏体不锈钢,在石油化工、制冷机械等方面具有广泛的用途。)
温作业low temperature operation
温再结晶退火low temperature recrystallization anneal
温冲击试验low temperature impact test
温冷凝器low temperature condenser
温冷却low temperature cooling
温出钢steel tapping at low temperature
温出钢low temperature tapping
温出钢cold melt
温出钢操作low temperature tapping practice
温加工cryogenic preparation
温加工processing at low temperature
温加工cryogenic processing
温加工金属cryogenically worked metal
温加工金属材料cryogenically worked metals
温加热low temperature heating
温区带,段low-temperature zone
温压碎强度cold crushing strength
温双相不锈钢cryogenic dual-phase stainless steel (【技】钢中的显微组织主要由两种相组成,一般分为铁素体-奥氏体型、铁素体-马氏体型和奥氏体-马氏体型等。其中铁素体-奥氏体型双相不锈钢应用广泛,它兼有奥氏体和铁素体不锈钢的优点——具有较高的屈服强度、良好的韧性和焊接性以及较强的耐腐蚀性。)
温反应器low temperature reactor
温反应堆low temperature reactor
温变形low temperature deformation
温变形deformation at low temperature
温变形deformation of low temperature
温变态low temperature modification
GLX-w 温可焊接半镇静钢GLX-w steel
温可熔性low temperature fusibility
温合金low temperature alloy
温吹炼blowing at low temperature
温吹炼blow cold
温回复low temperature recovery
温回火low tempering
温回火low temperature tempering (【技】低温回火通常在150~250° C 之间进行,所得的组织为回火马氏体,可用于消除淬火所形成的内应力,降低脆性。)
温回火处理underhardening (用于高速钢刀具)
温固结low temperature hardening (法)
温固结low temperature hardening
温固结团块low temperature bonded briquette
温固结团块cold-bonded briquette
温固结球团法low temperature pellet process
温固结球团法cold-bonded pelletizing process
温固结球团法low temperature pellet-hardening process
温固结球团法cold-binding process
温塑性plasticity at low temperature
温塑性low temperature ductility
温塑性加工blue temperature working (再结晶温度以下)
零度下温处理subzero treatment
温处理low temperature treatment
温处理cold treatment
温奥氏体不锈钢cryogenic austenitic stainless steel (【技】在低温下使用的奥氏体不锈钢,呈面心立方结构,一般没有.冷脆转变温度,广泛用于低温领域。)
温室cold chamber
温干燥器primary dryer
温干馏碳化low temperature carbonization gas
温应用low temperature application
温应用cryogenic application
温形变热处理low-temperature thermo-mechanical treatment
温快注high-speed pouring at low temperature
温性能low temperature property
温性能cryogenic property
温成型low temperature form
温成形low temperature form
温控制轧制controlled rolling at low temperature
温搪瓷low temperature enamel
温操作low temperature operation
温断裂low temperature cracking
温无磁不锈钢cryogenic non-magnet stainless steel (【技】一种在低温下具有非常稳定奥氏体组织的较高镍、锰含量的奥氏体不锈钢。在低温的大断面锻件或铸件中均无铁素体出现,故可作为无磁钢使用,适用于磁流体发电、核聚变反应堆等相关部件。)
温时效low temperature ageing
温材料low temperature material
温条件cold condition
温槽deep freeze tank
温比热low temperature specific heat
温氧化low temperature oxidation
温泵送cryogenic pumping
温浇注low temperature pouring
温消除应力low temperature stress relieving
温液相cryogenic liquid
温渗氮low temperature nitriding
温炉low temperature furnace
温炉次cold heat (钢水)
温烘烤 low baking
温烘烤low baking
温烧结low temperature sintering (【技】一种烧结温度较低的铁矿石烧结工艺。采用此种烧结工艺可获得强度高、还原性好的粘结相矿物针状铁酸钙,是提高烧结矿质量的重要途径,对烧结节能、高炉顺行、节焦增铁具有十分重要的意义。)
温烧结复合电触头合金low-sintered composite contact metal
温热加工blue working
温热加工blue temperature working
温热加工blue heat working
温热处理low temperature heat treatment
温热处理low temperature heat-treatment
温照相机low temperature camera
温熔炼low temperature smelting
温熔炼low temperature melt
温熔炼low smelting heat
温熔炼法cold melt process
温状况cold condition
温球团固结法low temperature pellet process
温球团固结法low temperature pellet-hardening process
温球团固结法low temperature pellet hardening process
温用润滑剂lubricant for low temperature service
温电加工cryogenic electroprocessing
温电解low-temperature electrolytic processing
温电解cryogenic electroprocessing
温相low temperature phase
温破损low-temperature breakdown
温破损拭验模拟高炉炉身上部条件对高炉原料进行的试验,即在600° C 及还原气氛下进行的转鼓试验low temperature breakdown test
温破碎low temperature break-down
温破碎low temperature breakdown
温硬化hardening at low temperature
温碎裂low temperature breakdown
温碎裂low temperature break-down
温碎裂disintegration at low temperature
温碎裂low temperature disintegration
温碳化炉low temperature carbonization furnace
温磁性cryomagnetic property
温端low temperature end
温箱deep freezer
温粉化low temperature break-down
温粉化low temperature degradation
温粉化low temperature breakdown
温粉化disintegration at low temperature
温粉化low temperature disintegration (率)
温粉化指数low temperature degradation index
温粉化指数low temperature breakdown index
温粉化率low temperature degradation index
温粉化率low temperature breakdown index
温粉化率low temperature disintegration
温织构low temperature texture
温绝缘low temperature insulation
温缺口韧性notch toughness at cryogenic temperature
温缺口韧性notch toughness at cryogenic temperatures
温脆性low temperature embrittlement
温脆性black shortness
温脆性cold brittleness
温脆性brittleness at low temperature
温脆性rheotropic brittleness
温脆性rheotropic embrittlement
温脆性black brittleness
温蒸汽low temperature steam
温蒸馏low distillation
温蠕变low temperature creep
温试验low temperature test
温试验室cold cell
温试验室cold climate cell
温超导材料low temperature superconducting material
温还原low temperature reduction
温还原碎裂low temperature break-down
温还原粉化low temperature reduction degradation
温还原粉化reduction degradation at low temperature (【技】即炼铁用烧结矿和球团矿在低温还原过程中发生碎裂粉化的现象,严重时会影响高炉上部料柱的透气性,破坏高炉炉况顺行。影响烧结矿和球团矿低温还原粉化的因素有:矿石种类、 Fe₂O₃ 的结晶形态、烧结矿碱度、还原温度及铁矿石中其他元素的含量。)
温还原粉化degradation at low temperature reduction (率)
温还原粉化low temperature break-down
温还原粉化率low temperature reduction degradation index
温还原粉化率low temperature reduction disintegration index
温还原粉化率low temperature break-down index under reducing condition
温还原粉化率low temperature reduction degradation index
温还原粉化率low temperature breakdown index
温退火low temperature annealing (【技】将钢坯加热至略低于 Ac₁ 温度,通常为500 ~ 650°C, 经过短时间保温再冷却下来的热处理称为低温退火。低温退火不发生组织转变,常用于合金钢坯消除内应力、降低硬度,同时还有利于表面缺陷的清理。)
温退火stress relieving
温退火process annealing
温退火lonnealing (【技】将钢坯加热至略低于 Ac₁ 温度,通常为 500 ~ 650°C, 经过短时间保温再冷却下来的热处理称为低温退火。低温退火不发生组织转变,常用于合金钢坯消除内应力、降低硬度,同时还有利于表面缺陷的清理。)
温退火处理low temperature annealing treatment
温退火硬化low temperature annealing hardening
温金属cryogenic metals
温钎焊low temperature brazing
温钢steel for low-temperature service (【技】适用于 -20°C 以下,甚至在-269° C 使用的钢种。低温钢除要求室温力学性能外,还必须具有良好的低温韧性。低温钢包括:低温高强度钢、2. 5%镍钢、3. 5%镍钢、5%镍钢、9%镍钢以及奥氏体不锈钢等。)
温钢low temperature steel
温钢cryogenic steel
温钢水low temperature liquid steel
温铁素体钢cryogenic ferritic steel (【技】一种适合于低温条件下使用的低合金铁素体钢。在脆性转变温度以上使用。碳含量较低,铁素体晶粒度小,并要求导致脆性的磷、砷等有害杂质尽可能低,主要用于液体丙烷与丙烯、液氨等液化气的储存和输送装置;寒冷地带野外作业的设备和工程结构;一些冷冻、低温设备等。)
温铁锰铝奥氏体钢cryogenic Fe-Mn-Al austenitic steel (【技】一种无铬、无镍的低温奥氏体不锈钢。由中国最先研制开发成功。具有密度小、强度和韧性好、耐低温等优点。适用于石油、化工等行业的低温用部件。)
温镍钢cryogenic nickel steel (【技】含碳小于0. 13%,含锰小于1. 5% ,有的含少量钼和铬的 Fe-Ni 合金,具有 bcc 晶体结构,当温度下降时都有一个延脆性转变过程。增加镍含量或通过热处理可以降低延脆性转变温度。降低 C. S.P. 含量能够改善这类钢的低温韧性。可用于储存、处理及输送液态乙烯与甲烷、液态天然气、液氧、液氮等液化气的储罐及管道等。)
温阶段low temperature stage
温韧性toughness at cryogenic temperatures
温韧性toughness at low temperature
温韧性toughness at cryogenic temperature
温韧性low temperature toughness
温预加工cryogenic preparation
温马氏体low temperature martensite
温马氏体时效不锈钢cryogenic maraging stainless steel (【技】含碳量极低,含镍量较高,经过固溶处理后即使在 -253°C 依然具有较高的冲击韧性,可以在液氢、液氧的环境条件下使用。低温马氏体时效不锈钢的加工性能,特别是焊接性能良好,热处理简单,在高新技术领域中获得了广泛应用。)
温高强度钢cryogenic high-strength steel (【技】指在低温下不仅具有良好的低温韧性,而且具有较高强度的钢种,主要有以下三类:①低合金低温高强度钢;②冷作硬化奥氏体不锈钢;③高强度不锈钢。)
焊接烟雾锡青铜tin-copper low-fuming bronze
焊接裂纹敏感钢steel with low sensitivity to welding crack
电极lower electrode
电流undercurrent relay
电流密度法low-density method
电流密度电解法low-density process
电阻合金low resistance alloy
电阻合金alloy of low electrical resistance
电阻钢丝extra best best wire (美国商品名)
电阻钢丝low electrical resistance steel wire
电阻钢丝美国商品名extra best best wire
真空soft vacuum
真空rough vacuum
真空low vacuum
真空poor vacuum
真空coarse vacuum
缩性混凝土low-shrinkage concrete
脉石烧结矿low-gangue sinter
脉石球团pellet with low slag content
负荷滴滤池low-rate trickling filter
质量poor in quality
质量燃料low-quality fuel
透气性炉料dense charge
速 X 射线胶片low-speed X-ray film
速成形法low velocity forming method (薄板的)
速搅拌器low-speed agitator
速爆炸成形low-explosive forming
速电子low velocity electron
速轧制low speed rolling
速轧制idling (大型型钢)
速轧机low-speed mill
锆海绵铪low-zirconium hafnium sponge
高铜黄铜red brass
锌粉尘low-zinc dust
锌黄铜yellow pewter
锌黄铜low brass (80Cu, 20Zn)
锌黄铜合金red brass alloy (85Cu, 15Zn)
锡炉渣low-tin slag
锡焊料poor solder
锡螺钉青铜screw bronze (93Cu, 5Zn, 1Sn, 1Pb)
锡量镀锡板low tin coating tinplate
锡青铜low-tin bronze (88Cu, 8 ~ 10Sn,2~4Zn)
锰钢low-manganese steel
阶反射low-order reflection
阻抗玻璃捕油器low-resistance glass oil-trap
阻抗金属捕油器low-resistance metal oil-trap
克罗曼西尔合金结构钢Cromansil (0.2C,1.2Mn,0.7Si,0.5Cr)
克罗洛伊合金耐热钢Croloy (1.2 ~ 9.5Cr,0.08~0.13C,0.2~0.6Si,0.5~ 1.5Mo,有时尚加入 Al、Ti等)
克罗马多尔合金高强度钢Chromador (<0.3C, <0.2Si,0.7~1.0Mn, 0.25 ~0.5Cu,0.7~ 1.0Cr,余量 Fe)
头连铸机semilow head machine
头连铸机semilow head continuous caster
头连铸机semilow head caster
架式机组semi-low head machine
含铅易切削leaded low-phosphorus steel
含铅磷钢leaded low-phosphorus steel
商品最价格floor price
尼尔瓦超膨胀系数合金super Nilvar
屈服降机理yield drop mechanism
布登压真空计Bourdon pressure vacuum gauge
带纹饰的碳钢板mild-steel checkered plate
强度减deterioration in strength
强度降deterioration in strength
强度降系数strength reduction factor
搪瓷用碳钢porcelain enamelling iron
效率降loss of efficiency
ground floor price
least significant digit
作业率minimum availability
使用寿命断面minimum life section
可获利品位minimum payable grade
可轧厚度lower thickness limit in rolling
喷溅损失minimum slopping loss
地下水basal water
坯壳厚度minimum shell thickness (The breakout probability is inversely proportional to the minimum shell thickness at the mold exit and is directly proportional to the temperature of liquid steel. 漏钢概率与结晶器出口处最低坯壳厚度成反比,与钢水温度成正比。)
壁厚minimum wall thickness
完好率minimum availability
应力minimum stress
成本废钢配料程序least cost scrap mix program
操作鼓风working minimum blast (量)
有效鼓风working minimum blast (量)
能级电子lowest energy electron
软化点minimum softening temperature
连铸比minimum continuous casting percentage
锻造比minimum limit of forging ratio (极限)
锻造比极限minimum limit of forging ratio
风速critical air blast
鼓风量critical air blast
格里芬压浇注法Griffin process
氧化物夹杂含量极的板坯slab with very low oxide inclusion content
温度的钢cold steel
温度降temperature reduction
温度降temperature decrease
温度降temperature drop
温度降temperature fall
温度降reduction of temperature
焦比降reduction of coke rate
焦比降reduction of coke rate
球墨铸铁压水管spheroidal graphitic cast iron pipe for carrying water at low pressure
球墨铸铁压水管ductile cast iron pipe for carrying water at low pressure
甲酸iron formate
温性cold-resisting property
透气性降loss of permeability
锅炉水位断流装置low water cut-off device
锅炉用合金钢板low-alloy steel plate for boiler
锥度限报警minimum taper alarm
锥度限报警low taper alarm
锥形槽压喷管low-pressure Venturi with cone tank
锥形槽压文丘里管low-pressure Venturi with cone tank
锰的价氧化物lower oxide of manganese (However, the lower oxide of manganese (MnO) cannot be further reduced by CO or hydrogen at any of the temperatures that encountered in the stack. 然而,在炉身的任何温度下,锰的低价氧化物 (MnO) 都不可能被 CO 或氢进一步还原。)
镍铬铜合金钢Skhl steel
阿克坦尼姆镍铬钴膨胀合金Actanium (40Co, 20Cr, 15.5Ni, 15Fe, 7Mo, 2Mn,0.15C,0.03Be)
阿尔迪克高强度合金钢Aldecor (【技】一种高强度低合金钢,化学成分为: w(Cr)0.5% - 1.25%, w(Mo)0.08% - 0. 28%, w (Cu) 0. 25% - 1.3%, w(Ni)0% -2%, w(C) ≤0. 15%, w(S) ≤0.05%,余为 Fe。)
阿尔迪科高强度合金钢Aldecor (≤ 0.15C, ≤0.05S, 0.25-1.3Cu, 0~ 2Ni, 0.5 ~ 1.25Cr, 0.08 ~ 0.28Mo,余量 Fe)
中间包液位法lowered tundish practice
侵人深度reduction in depth of penetration
地下水位lowering of ground water level
夹杂物含量reduction in inclusion content
夹杂物含量reduce inclusion content
成本cut cost
拉速法method of slowing casting speed (【技】降低拉速法是一种有效处理和防止粘结漏钢的一种方法。发现粘结漏钢苗头或接到粘结漏钢预报,应降低拉坯速度,待拉断的坯壳愈合后,再逐渐将拉速提高到正常水平。)
枪位decreasing lance height
枪位lowering oxygen lance (Slag splashing is usually performed after the steel is tapped, and involves lowering the oxygen lance into the furnace and blowing nitrogen at high flow rates onto the slag. 溅渣护炉通常是在出钢完毕后进行,它包括降低氧枪到炉内并以大流量氮气喷向渣面。)
枪位lower lance height
枪位decrease lance height
氧枪lowering oxygen lance
金损失reduction in gold loss
高度lowering distance
高炉焦比的措施measures to reduce coke rate of blast furnace
高炉焦比的措施measures of reducing coke rate of BF
霍恩塞多段回转窑温直接还原法Hornsey process
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