
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
世界上相对迷的富国world's relatively sluggish rich countries
严重deeply undervalued
严重severe downturn
收人发展中国家low and middle-income developing countries
收人者low- and middle-income earners
人为压人民币汇率以支持出口商keep the renminbi artificially cheap to support exporters
人为压本币汇率artificially weaken one's currency
人民币undervalued renminbi
人民币汇率偏问题issue of renminbi undervaluation
人民币汇率被yuan's undervaluation
今天最today's low
价收盘close low
价值估公司undervalued company
价值估证券undervalued securities
价格过证券underpriced securities
价格高分析rich cheap analysis
优惠项目最税额minimum tax on items of preference
或高于帐面价值发行股票stock issued at less or at more than book value
于市场水平的利率lower-than-market rates
于投资级别债券sub-investment grade debt
于投资级的股票equities ranked below investment grade
于正常价格at a discount
于票面价值—有贴水par below - at a discount
于面值under par
价发行at discount
价股 +C20011low priced stock
价股penny stock (指市值跌至1美元以下的股票)
价股cheap stock
利率的银行账户low interest-bearing bank accounts
增长国家low-growth countries
廉汇率cheap exchange rate
息信贷cheap credit
息政策cheap money policy
息账户和债券low-yielding accounts and bonds
息贷款low-interest funds
息贷款loan with low interest
息资金cheap fund
成本技术low-cost technology
成本融资low-cost finance
报利率submit low rates
close low
收人国家low-income countries
收人国家low income countries
收人家庭low-income families
收人群众low-income people
收益债务low-yielding liabilities
效私人投资支出inefficient private investment spending
的生产成本low production cost
等级债券low grade bond
级债票junior bonds
级扣押债券junior mortgage bond
级扣押权保证junior lien mortgage
级抵押权保证junior lien mortgage
级股票junior stock
股利股票low dividend stock
评级抵押品low-grade collateral
评级证券low-grade securities
附加值low value added
限制性贷款low-conditionality loans
借人息的美元borrow the US currency at low rates
价的要约low-ball offer
允许的帐面价值减数额writing down allowance
全日最day low
全日最day low price
全日最daily low
全球经济international downturn
全球经济global downturn
全球经济downturn in the global economy
公定最利率official minimum rate
出售附加值商品sell low-value-added goods
利用汇率政策来抵消较贸易壁垒的好处use exchange rate policies to take away the benefits of lower trade barriers
劳动密集型的端制造业labor-intensive, low-end manufacturing
历史成本与可实现净值孰lower of historic cost or net realizable value
债券收益率drive down yields
美元weaken the dollar
美元汇率put downward pressure on the dollar
美元汇率keep the dollar down
美元汇率hold down the value of the dollar
货币汇率keep currency cheap
长期利率push down long-term interest rates
长期利率drive down long-term interest rates
取最相近整数的较round down
售价或高于帐面价值selling price less or more than book value
固定最成本要求fixed minimum capital requirement
会费固定最fixed floor
对收入于法定标准的联邦帮助negative income tax
将外汇风险降至最minimize foreign exchange risks
将通胀拉至可控制的水平bring inflation down to a manageable level
当日最day low
当日最day low price
当日最daily low
总成本或总市价孰lower of total cost or total market
成本与市价孰cost or market whichever is lower (cost or/of market rule)
成本与市价孰规则whichever is lower cost or market price
成本与市场孰的原则rule of cost or market
成本或市价孰低者为准lower of cost or market the lower-of-cost or market rule: cost or markets whichever is lower
成本或市价孰at the lower of cost or market
成本或较原则cost or less principle
成本降cost reduction
成本降计划cost reduction programs
成本降amount of cost reduction
房地产市场property market downturn
投资价值或现行成本孰lower of investment value or current cost
抛售selling climax
拍卖时以于贷主所定最低价为贷主买回拍卖品buy in
持有大量收益的银行存款hold vast quantities of low-yielding bank deposits
按两者中较者计算whichever is lower
按成本与市价孰估价valuation at the lower of cost or market
按类别的总成本或总市价孰lower of total cost or total market by group
按项目的成本或市价孰lower of cost or market by item
债券收益率drive down bond yields
支票产最存款minimum cash balance for checking account
无息或息贷款loan with no or low interest
日元undervalued yen
交易数额minimum transaction size
价格minimum price
供款额minimum contribution
保证收益率minimum guaranteed yield
保证金额minimum guaranteed amount
准备额minimum reserve
叫价best ask
可以接受的价格lowest possible price
存量法minimum stock method (base stock method)
差额minimum balance
成本minimum cost
收入补助negative income tax
收益风险minimum return risk
效率规模minimum efficient scale
汇率floor exchange rate
流动力minimum liquidity
清偿力minimum liquidity
税率minimum tax
豁免规定de minimus waiver provision
资本要求minimum capital requirements
起拍价stop-out price
限度bottom line
预期收益率hurdle rate
最高和最限额upper and lower limits
楼市property market downturn
汇价exchange rate undervalued
汇率估策略strategy of currency undervaluation
汇率估货币undervalued currency
法定最公积储备金legal minimum reserve
法定最工资legal minimum wage
法定最汇率official minimum rate
法定最股本authorized minimum capital stock
监管宽松、税率较的投资环境lightly-regulated, low-tax environments
稳步降关税和非关税壁垒steadily reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers
经济周期trough of the economic cycle
经济效用减decline in economic usefulness
结构性structurally undervalued
绿色、碳发展green, low carbon development
能接受的最收益率lowest acceptable rate of return
能接受的最收益率cut-off rate of return
触及 22 个月新hit a fresh 22-month low
adjust downwards
货币汇率currency undervaluation
at fire sale prices
利率时期era of ultra-low interest rates
于预期的利率much lower-than-expected interest rates
通过通胀降债务规模inflate away one's debt
银行借款最利率bank prime rate
长期维持利率keep rates low for a long time
adjust downwards
人为技术转让壁垒reduce artificial barriers to technology transfer
借贷成本reduce borrowing costs
公共债务erode the public debt stock
关税税率lower tariffs
利率lower interest rates
外资准人门槛reduce the foreign barriers to entry
失业率reduce the unemployment rate
意外事件潜在风险reduce potential risks from unexpected events
成本reduction of cost
成本措施cost down policy
成本的投资支出cost reduction expenditure
收益率lower yields
收益率bring yields down
整体增速bring the headline rate down
物价cut prices
票面价格reduce the par value
管理费decreased overhead
融资成本reduce its financing costs
融资风险reduce funding risks
行政成本decrease administrative costs
进口成本reduce the cost of imports
通胀cut inflation
通胀速度的决心determination to slow the pace of inflation
银行业部门的压力reduce stress in the banking sector
银行存款准备金率lower the required reserve ratio
风险reduce risk
预计之最报酬率minimum desired rate of return
high-low method
点法high-low point method
点法high-low method
高增长、通胀的时代years of high growth and low inflation