
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一些投资公司认为价格已降到最限度,以后只会上升Investment companies took the view that prices had reached rock bottom and could only go up
上海一家主要玩具制造商正以很的价格供应各种玩具枪A leading toy maker in Shanghai is now offering toy guns of different kinds at very low prices
两天前,我们中止了关于这些进口商品质量劣的争执We had hiatus in our dispute over the inferior quality of the imported goods two days ago
中等偏收入一类的国家lower end of the middle-income spectrum
中类偏收入一类的国家lower end of the middle-income spectrum (居民)
为求最佳经济福利,必须在最平均成本点上生产necessity for operation at point of lowest average cost, for optimum economic welfare
于此规定的最租船费应由非洲近东有限公司付给联合货运公司The minimum charterage herein specified shall be paid by African Near East Limited to United Van Lines
优先股比率的资本low geared capital
优惠项目的最税额minimum tax on preference items
优质,高产,消耗production increases with quality up and cost of production down
估值偏货币the undervalued currency
伸缩性面值股票elastic low-par stock
一级的企业合作the microlevel of enterprise cooperation
于下限below lower limit
于估计的产量under run
于公平价值less than fair value
于公平价格less than fair value
于帐面价值买入purchase at less than book value
于标准的人寿the substandard life
于标准的摊还期限below-guideline life
于标准的险substandard risk (保险)
于桥高below bridge
于票面价值一有贴水par below-at a discount
于面值发行的股票stock issued at less than book value
short crop
产作物poor cropper
产作物light cropper
产牧场low yielding pasture
keen price
价交易down tick
价出售sell at a low high price
价出售sell at a fraction of the price
为了做广告而价出售的商品low-price special goods
价售出job off
价易耗品low priced and easily worn articles
价股penny stock
优点折旧价值the underdepreciated value
the under valuation
low estimate
估价值the under valuation
估价值的保单an undervalued policy
估税the undervaluation duty
值易耗品low value and easily wornout articles
值易耗品low priced and easily worn articles
值易耗品摊销分配表amortization schedule of low cost and short lived articles
值的股票cats and dogs
储备政策low reserve policy
low interest
贷款easy money
利息the batement of interest
利率low rate
利率政策low-interest rate policy
美国 利贷款easy value
利贷款lending on a soft basis
劣投入inferior input
劣的质量损害了制造商的声誉The poor quality has detract-ed the reputation of the manufacturer
品位矿石low grade
国民平均收入宽减办法low per capital income allowance formula
国民平均收入宽减办法low per capita income allowance formula
depressed area
层堆放low elevation stacking
层次的特点secondary characteristics
层次的特点certain secondary characteristics
层管理部门bottom management
工资moderate wages
差额地租differential rent
度发展均衡状态underdevelopment equilibrium
度均势low equilibrium
息信贷cheap credit credit at a reduced rate of interest
息借款贷款loans from cheapened borrowing resources
息再贴现手段low-cost rediscount facilities
息政策low interest policy
息货币easy money (cheap money)
息贷款low interest loans
息贷款cheap credit
息贷款low credits
息贷款low-interest credit
息贷款easy money (cheap money)
成本low cost
成本产品low cost product
成本住房计划low-cast housing project
成本生产low cost production
所得税宽免税low-income allowance
瑞士执行价选择权low exercise price options
收人补助费reverse income tax
收入中央计划经济low income centrally planned economy (国家)
收入中央计划经济国家low-income centrally planned economy
收入,低消费政策low income, low-consumption policy
收入农业区low-income farm area
收入国家简写为LIClow-income countries
收入国家简写为LIClow-income economies
收入国家简写为LIClow-income economy
收入水平low income level
收入缺粮国low-income and food-deficit countries
收入缺粮国low-income, food-deficit country
收入缺粮国low-income food-deficit country
收入缺粮国分类LIFDC classification
收入衡量标准low-income criterion
收入补助negative income tax
收入补助费reverse income tax
收益的折让low-income allowance
效率low efficiency
效率分配inefficient allocations
森林覆盖率国家low forest cover countries
森林覆盖率国家low forest cover country
次留置权债券junior lien bond
水准均衡lowlevel equilibrium
水准的均衡陷阱low-level equilibrium trap
水平low level
水平假设low assumption
热量国家low-calorie countries
热量国家low-calorie country
cheap rate
率关税the nuisance tariff
生产率low productivity
的工作重复率low job repeat rate
low carbon
碳经济low-fossil-fuel economy
票面值股份low value stock
租金的low rental
税国tax heaven
劣等low grade
级债券junior bonds
级扣押权债券junior lien bond
级证券junior securities
能人口number of the mentally deficient
落的信用the falling credit
薪给moderate salary
质产品shoddy goods
费用值易耗品low cost
运费招揽承运货物completive cargo
集中度low concentration
额收入等级low income bracket
你们没有从精美的工艺来衡量而估该产品的价值You undervalue the product without considering it's excellent workmanship
你方不仅未能按时履行合同,而且所供货物的质量远远于标准Not only have you been unpunctual in execution n., but you have deliver articles far below the standard
你方如果不能达到最的销售指标,本代理合同即告终止The agency agreement terminates if you fail to meet the minimum sales quotas
你方所需数量于最低起订量,因而不能抵补我方为制作特殊集装箱的额外费用The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers
你方提供货物的质量于我们所期望的样品标准You have supplied goods inferior to the standard we expected from the samples
使生产成本降一半halve the production cost
债券抵押贷款的利率往往很Bond collateral loans usually carry low rates
偿债力最标准margin of solvency
偿债力量标准margin of solvency
允许的帐面价减written down allowance
允许的账面价值减数额the writing down allowance
全面降关税across-the-board tariff reductions
公定最行市official minimum rate (汇价)
利润率下法则law of diminishing rates of profit
利润率下说theory of the falling rate of profit
化验员已作过化验分析,他报告说化学成份为…%,低于保数The analyst has had an analysis made and he reports that the chemical content is ...%, less than guaranteed
半自给自足的收入阶层the semi-subsistence low-income sector
半自给自足的收入阶层semi-subsistence low income sector
价格force down
大米价格screw down the price of (rice)
价格force down prices
行市depress a market
合理降成本reasonable cost down
名义费用的货币low nominal-cost currency
向顾客岀售质量劣的商品'sell the schlock to the customer
售价比… 低undersell
商业周期的trough (期)
在库值易耗品low value and easily wornout articles in store
在最平均成本点上生产pure competition cost
点的经济衰退double-bottomed recession
奖金最标准minimum funding standard
如我方报价于竞争对手,我们就能获得订单We can obtain the order if we underquote our competitors
如果发生人力无法控制的任何偶发事件,卖方和买方必须彼此协商,以便使损失减少到最程度in the event of any contingencies beyond control, the seller and the buyer shall consult with each other in order to minimize the loss
如果贵方告知最出口起售量,我们将很高兴We should be glad if you would let us know the minimum export quantities
如这笔转让业务未做成,购买价格将不能降If such assignment cannot be effected, any abatement in the purchase price shall not be made
官方最利率official minimum rate
就我看来,该公司不会按最价把该项商品卖给我们My inference is that the company will not sell us the item at the rock-bottom price
币值过the undervaluation of currency
市价的the shrinkage in market value
市价的shrinkage in market values
市场利率the easiness of money market
市场萧条使他们情绪The falling market set them in low spirits
平均最需要量average minimum requirement
开价再些就无利可图了There is no benefit in charging a lower price
强制规定的最储备compulsory minimum reserve requirement
很抱歉我们不能按照你方的要求将价格降5%We regret we cannot reduce the price by 5% as desired
很遗憾,你方产品质量We regret to say that your products are in low quality
得到补偿的最生产量write-off quantity
成本或市价at the lower of cost or market
成本与市价孰估价法the valuation at cost or market
成本降cost reduction (program, 方案)
成本降rate of cost reduction
成本降金额amount of cost reduction
我们已报给你特价,以利促销We have quoted you a very low price to facilitate sales
我们希望以后能以较价格购进棉花We are hopeful of being able to buy the cotton at lower price later
我们库存已售光,无法再用非常的价格做交易了We shall be unable to repeat the very low prices when our stocks are exhausted
我们必须在薪水中考虑到生活费用的高We must allow for the cost of living in the salaries
我们遗憾地通知你们面粉质量大大于标准We regret to inform you that the flour is far below standard
我方将向你方销售另一种高质量的材料,价格廉,请予以考虑We shall sell you another kind of material of high quality at a lower price. Please take it into consideration
我认为这批货的质量等级应降I think there should be a degradation in the quality of the goods
承包商支付的工资和津贴不于工会确认的最低标准Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions
指规数最额值indicative planning figure floor value
按最价订价策略pendulum pricing
按比率降scale down
按较价格at a discount
一揽子方便条件贷款minimum package facilities of a loan
交易额保证guarantee of minimum turnover
rock bottom prices (格)
价定价法penetration pricing
拍卖价格reserve price
价格rock-bottom price
价格lowest price
价格knockdown price
价格和最高价格floor and ceiling prices
保护价minimum safeguard price
保证工资call pay (被迫停工时)
保证金要求maintenance margin requirement
储备法minimum reserve method
储备规定minimum reserve requirements
利润minimum project
利润比minimum profit ratio
利率lowest interest rate
利率rate floor
利率prime rate of interest
利率prime rate
制造量minimum manufacturing quantity
周转率minimum turnover
售价an upset price
妻求报酬率minimum requirements of acceptability
银行支票户必须保持的存款余额free balance
存款额compensatory balance
存货just-in-time inventory
存货水平minimum stock level
容许可靠性minimum acceptable reliability
容许收益盈利minimum acceptable rate of return
小时工资minimum wage
工作性能minimum operational characteristics
工资living wages
工资制minimum wage system
工资法minimum wage laws
工资法minimum wage law
工资额wages floor
银行存户的平均余额minimum average balance
平均成本lowest average cost
库存minimum inventory
库存法minimum store method
库存量the minimization quantity stores
应缴股本额开业股本minimum subscription
征税收入minimum taxable income
总成本lowest total overall cost
成本与估算明细表least cost and estimating schedule
成本估算与日程安排系统least-cost estimating and scheduling system
成本估计minimum cost estimating
成本使用期minimum cost life
成本分析minimum cost analysis
成本分析least cost analysis
成本法则minimum cost rule
成本的组合least cost combination
成本规划minimum cost programming
成本路线least cost route
技术要求minimum technological requirement
拍卖价限upset price
拍卖限价an upset price
收人补助negative income tax
收入分析minimum returns analysis
收益率minimum rate return
效用原则principle of least utility
最大存货控制min-max inventory control
最大采购min-max procurement
最高存货制a minimum-maximum inventory
有吸引收益minimum attractive return
期望报酬率minimum attractive rate of return
水平操作点operation at point of lowest average
物价等的the rock-bottom
minimum equilibrium
现金金额minimum cash balance
生产bare subsistence
生产成本lowest production cost
生活工资living wage
生活标准minimum standard of living
生活费minimum of subsistence
的价格bedrock price
的价格bedrock (rock-bottom)
突击费用minimum cost crash
级专业人员entry-level professional
纲领minimum programme
纲领minimum program
经营周转存货minimum operating inventory
联合价格minimum association price
能源要求minimum energy requirement
自留留成retention minimum
规划时限the minimum planning horizon
计货量minimum ordering quantity
计费金额minimum fee chargeable
订货量threshold point ordering
认捐额minimum subscription
认股额minimum subscription
费用minimum charge (per B/L)
资产minimum assets
资源成本the minimal resource cost
资源成本minimal resource cost
运费freeze rate
运费提单the minimum bill of lading
西欧共同市场的进口家禽规定的进口价the sluice-gate price
销售价minimum sales price
限价制度floor price system
限度at the least
限度zero norm
限度minimum margin
限度准备minimum reserve
限度准备法minimum reserve method
限度协议threshold agreement
限度原则minimum principle
限度工资minimum wage
限度年金付款minimum number of annuity payment
限度的生活费bare subsistence
限额the nil norm
限额zero norm
需要minimum requirements
预期回报率cut-off rate of return
预期资本回收率hurdle rate
额运费freight in full
黄金准备金比例minimum ratio of gold reserve
黄金准备额minimum ratio of gold reserve (比例)
最高最税率maximum and minimum tariff (system, 制)
有利的最生产minimum viable production
本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对的价格出售货物It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price
机器发生故障,因此生产速度降There was a machinery break down so that the progress of the production has decelerated
廉的房租nominal rent
的经济发展速度over cooling
商品的价格mark down (the goods)
标价降marking down up price (提高)
次最递盘者the second lowest bidder
欧共体市场对家禽规定的最进口价sluice-gate price
此外,着陆费往往是不In addition, the landed costs are often not low
此套设备将以价出售The set of equipment will be sold at low price
此类装置不得以于我方规定的价格出售Such devices will not be sold at less prices than those prescribed by us
汇兑low exchange
汇兑最限度inferior limit of exchange
汇率的最the floor exchange rate
物价fall of price
物价fall in price
生产要素的最成本least factor-costs for producing
生产要素的最成本least factor costs
生产费用的生产者low-cost producer
生存和繁荣必要的最利润minimum profit needed for the survival and prosperity
生活最minimum of subsistence
生活水平降decline in the living standard
生育baby bust
由于有缺点,部分材料必须降等级Part of the materials have to be degraded because of defects
marginally less
股票for short account
社会经济地位下阶层socially under-privileged group
税收优惠的最minimum tax on tax preferences
紧缩通货和压物价deflate currency and prices
职位由级别较的工作人员充任the encumbrance of post by staff at lower level
行市一直prices ruled low
行情下降至最the bottom falling
补偿性最应存款compensating balances
调整调高生活费cost-of-living adjustment
账面价值降the written-down value
账面价值降written down value
货币购买力的decline in dollar purchasing power
质量差是该公司利润的一个重要原因Poor quality is an important factor in the firm's lower profits
write down
竞争对手的广告稿knocking copy
购买力的decline in purchasing power
资本under capitalization
资本定价偏underpricing of capital
资金最标准minimum funding standard
递价者lower bidder
适当的降modest price reduction
逐步降step down
逐项商品减关税制product-by-product tariff reduction
逐项商品减关税制product-by-~ tariff reduction
通货undervaluation of currency
通货价值过the undervaluation of currency
销售额是推销员工作不积极所导致的失误The lower sales figures were the fault of a badly motivated sales force
price abatement
take from
downward adjustment (价格)
level down
put down (the price of cotton, 棉花价格)
reduction of cost
价格abate the price
价格reduce prices
标低价格marking down prices
内部税率reduction of internal tariff
利息lowering of interest
利率reduction of interest
场地使用费reduction of site use fee
市政建设费reduction of municipal construction fee
品率reduce the number of rejects and seconds
废品率reduce the number of rejects and seconds
成本cost saving
成本cost reduction (费用)
成本cost down
成本法cost minimization principle
成本联盟Cost Reduction Alliance
排污贷款emission reduction credit
提取国家补贴费用的标准reduction of the standard of payment and subsidies to be paid to the state
支付工资beat down wages paid
次品率reduce the number of rejects and seconds
物价cut the price
生活水平decline in the living standard
生活环境reduced circumstances
…的地位deflate (或重要性)
的操作费用reduced operating costs
税率tax breaks
提高贷款利息marking down up loan
标低贷款利息marking down loans
费率reduction of rates
运费rate cutting
风险建议recommendations for risk improvement
预定的最收益报酬minimum reserved rate of return
预定的最收益率minimum reserved rate of return
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