
Terms for subject Technology containing 伽马 | all forms | in specified order only
伽马函数trigamma function
不完全伽马函数incomplete gamma function
中子伽马测井neutron-gamma log
中子伽马测井曲线neutron-gamma log curve
中子伽马灵敏度比neutron-to-gamma sensitivity ratio
伽马gamma (γ, 磁场强度单位,等于奥斯特)
伽马一中子测井gamma-neutron log
伽马一中子测井曲线gamma-neutron log curve
伽马一径迹换算系数gamma-trace converted coefficient
伽马一时间曲线gamma-time curve
伽马偏高限higher area limit of gamma
伽马光子gamma photon
伽马光子探测器gamma photo detector
伽马光子源gamma photo source
伽马光子路径paths of gamma photos
伽马变换gamma transform
伽马场级限gamma field grade level
伽马实际资料图gamma real data figure
伽马射线传感器gamma-ray sensor
伽马射线光谱测定法gamma-ray spectrometry
伽马射线共振gamma-ray resonance
伽马射线分光计gamma-ray spectrometer
伽马射线屏蔽gamma ray shielding
伽马射线录井gamma-ray log
伽马射线探测gamma-ray probe
伽马射线探测器gamma-ray detector
伽马射线料位控制装置gamma-ray level controller
伽马射线检验gamma-ray examination
伽马射线波谱仪gamma-ray spectrometer
伽马射线测井gamma-ray logging
伽马射线测井gamma-ray log
伽马射线测井剖面gamma-ray log
伽马射线湿度计gamma-ray moisture meter
伽马射线源gamma-ray source
伽马射线照射gamma-ray irradiation
伽马射线照相术gamma radiography
伽马射线能量gamma-ray energy
伽马射线观测gamma-ray observation
伽马射线计数器gamma-ray counter
伽马射线谱法gamma-ray spectrometry
伽马射线辐射器gamma-ray emitter
伽马射线辐射料位计gamma radiation level indicator
伽马射线辐照gamma-ray irradiation
伽马常数gamma constant
伽马异常曲线面积gamma anomaly curve area
伽马强度平剖图profile on plane of gamma intensity
伽马强度等值图contour map of gamma-ray intensity
伽马强腐水性地区gamma polysaprobic zone
伽马指数gamma exponent
伽马放射性gamma radioactivity
伽马放射性同位表gamma-emitting radioscope
伽马断面等值图contour map of cross section of gamma
伽马概率分布gamma probability distribution
伽马Gamma survey method
伽马活化分析法gamma activation analysis method
伽马测井gamma log
伽马测井换算系数gamma-log converted coefficient
伽马测井曲线图electronic log
伽马热释光法gamma heat releasing light method
伽马矩阵gamma matrix
伽马编录值gamma documentary value
伽马能谱分析analysis of gamma spectrum method
伽马能谱取样gamma spectrum sampling
伽马能谱法gamma spectrometry
伽马衰变gamma decay
伽马谱仪gamma spectrometer
伽马谱标准剖面图standard profile of gamma spectrum
伽马辐射取样gamma radiation sampling
伽马辐射屏蔽gamma ray shielding
伽马gamma acid
伽马高区限high area limit of gamma
伽马雕带Pergamum frieze (小亚细亚的遗迹)
入射伽马光子能量incident gamma photon energy
单能伽马射线monoenergetic gamma rays
同位素伽马常数gamma constant of isotope
固定高度伽马测量constant altitude gamma survey
地外伽马射线extraterrestrial γ-ray
地表微迹伽马测量ground minute trace gamma survey
地面伽马总量测量total count ground gamma-ray survey
地面伽马能谱测量ground gamma-ray spectrometry
多道伽马射线谱仪multichannel gamma-ray spectrometer
大气伽马射线次级通量secondary flux of atmospheric y-ray
天然伽马射线背景natural y-ray background
太阳伽马射电暴solar γ-ray burst
定向伽马取样oriented gamma sampling
定向伽马能谱取样oriented gamma spectrum sampling
差值法伽马取样difference gamma sampling
差值法伽马能谱取样difference gamma spectrum sampling
差动四通道伽马射线能谱仪differential four-channel gamma-ray spectrometer
带屏伽马测量gamma ray survey with shield
伽马辐射intense gamma radiation
报警器伽马测量alarm gamma ray survey
换算系数伽马conversion factor gamma value
散射伽马测井scattered gamma-ray log
数字伽马测量digital gamma ray survey
无源伽马射线分析passive gamma-ray analysis
机械加深伽马测量mechanic deepened gamma ray survey
伽马射线共振吸收nuclear gamma-ray resonance adsorption
次生伽马能谱测井secondary gamma ray spectrum log
次生伽马能谱测井曲线secondary gamma-ray spectrum log curve
水下贝塔一伽马测量beta-gamma survey under water
汽车单伽马能谱法single gamma spectrum method with truck
浅孔伽马测量shallow hole gamma ray survey
浅海伽马能谱测量gamma-spectrum survey in shallow sea
湖底伽马测量gamma survey on lake bottom
湖底伽马能谱测量gamma-spectrum survey on lake bottom
湮没伽马射线annihilation γ-ray
炮眼法伽马取样gamma sampling by uphole method
犁铧伽马测量gamma ray survey with share
狄拉克伽马代数Dirac gamma algebra
相对伽马场图relative gamma field map
瞬发伽马prompt fission gammas
瞬发伽马射线prompt gamma ray
瞬发伽马射线prompt gamma
瞬发伽马射线分析prompt gamma-ray analysis
瞬发伽马能量prompt gamma energy
瞬发伽马辐射prompt gamma radiation
移动式伽马辐照器mobile gamma irradiator
级联伽马发射cascade gamma emission
伽马放射性核素pure γ radioactive nuclide
自然伽马刻度值gamma ray log calibration value
自然伽马刻度器gamma ray log calibrator
自然伽马射线测井natural gamma ray logging
自然伽马测井gamma-ray log
自然伽马测井曲线gamma ray log curve
自然伽马能谱测井gamma ray spectrum log
自然伽马能谱测井曲线gamma ray spectrum log curve
补偿型伽马射线箱compensated gamma-ray chamber
贝塔一伽马取样beta-gamma sampling
贝塔一伽马测量beta plus gamma survey
贝塔一伽马综合分析beta-gamma composite analysis
贝塔一伽马编录值beta-gamma documentary value
伽马射线ultra-gamma ray
路线伽马测量line gamma ray survey
还原伽马reproduction gamma
选择伽马伽马测井selective gamma-gamma log
选择伽玛一伽马测井曲selective gamma-gamma log curve
阿马伽体积单位Amagat volume unit
阿马伽制Amagat system
阿马伽-勒杜克定则Amagat-Le-duc rule
阿马伽图Amagat diagram
阿马伽密度单位Amagat density unit
雪层上汽车伽马测量gamma survey on snow with truck
顺便伽马检查following gamma examination
高分辨伽马射线测谱学high resolution gamma spectrometry
高能伽马光子发生器high energy gamma photon generator
高能伽马射线high energy gamma-ray
高能伽马射线energetic gamma-ray