
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
亚洲阿拉国家与核科技相关的研究、开发和培训合作协定Co-operative Agreement for Arab States in Asia for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology
南布哥和帕拉伊巴股票交易所巴西Pernambuco and Paraiba Stock Exchange
尔尼股票交易所瑞士或伯恩股票交易所Berne Stock Exchange
利比亚阿拉外国银行Libyan Arab Foreign Bank
加拿大阿尔塔省证券委员会Alberta Securities Commission
加拿大风险交易所加拿大由阿尔塔和温哥华股票交易所全并而成TSX Venture Exchange
干酪标准Standard for Danbo
沙特阿拉货币机构Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
沙特阿拉金融局沙阿拉值特Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority
温尼商品交易所加拿大Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
温尼证券交易所加拿大Winnipeg Stock Exchange
潘一韦公司Paine Webber Inc.
粮农组织与阿拉地区渔业产品销售信息及咨询服务中心合作协定Cooperation Agreement between FAO and the Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region
粮农组织驻沙特阿拉办事处FAO Office in Saudi Arabia
粮农组织驻阿拉也门共和国代表处FAO Representation in Yemen Arab Republic
粮农组织驻阿拉联合酋长国代表处FAO Representation in United Arab Emirates
联合国发展组织阿拉湾方案Arab Gulf Programme for the United Nations Development Organizations
西利亚证券交易所俄国Siberian Stock Exchange
阿拉农业发展组织Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
阿拉农业投资与发展管理局Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development
阿拉劳工组织Arab Labour Organization
阿拉化肥生产者联合会Arab Federation of Chemical Fertilizer Producers
阿拉区域渔业产品市场信息和咨询服务中心Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region
阿拉卫星通讯组织Arab Satellite Communications Organization
阿拉国家区域局Regional Bureau for Arab States
阿拉国家广播联盟Arab States Broadcasting Union
阿拉国家航运公司the National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia
阿拉地区渔产品销售信息及咨询服务中心Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region
阿拉妇女总联合会General Arab Women Federation
阿拉工业发展和矿物开采组织Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization
阿拉工业发展组织Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization
阿拉干燥地区和旱地研究中心Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands
阿拉技术援助基金会Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African and Arab Countries
阿拉投资保险公司Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation
阿拉文编辑办公室Arabic Desk
阿拉文翻译组Arabic Translation Group
阿拉标准化和计量学组织Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology
阿拉海湾国家合作理事会Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
阿拉海湾国家合作理事会Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
阿拉渔业生产者联盟Arab Federation of Fish Producers
阿拉电信联盟Arab Telecommunications Union
阿拉经济及社会发展基金Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
阿拉经济及社会规划研究所Arab Institute for Economic and Social Planning
阿拉经济统一理事会Council of Arab Economic Unity
阿拉经济联盟理事会Council of Arab Economic Unity
阿拉联合国家轮船公司United Arab Shipping Co.
阿拉联盟阿盟League of Arab States
阿拉联盟教育、文化及科学组织Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization
阿拉联盟文献及信息中心Arab League Documentation and Information Centre
阿拉规划研究所Arab Planning Institute
阿拉货币基金Arab Monetary Fund
阿拉货币基金会Arab Monetary Fund
阿拉间投资担保公司Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation
阿拉马格里布联盟Arab Maghreb Union
阿拉鱼品生产者联盟Arab Federation of Fish Producers