
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一般生产合作联合general co-operative union
万国博览world exposition
三边委员Trilateral Commission
不同经济和社制度国家间的贸易trade among countries having different economic and social system
不承担保险者的non-underwriting member
专业public accounting
世界人口world population conference
世界土地改革world land reform conference
世界粮食world food conference
世界贸易中心协world trade centres association
世界银行和国际开发协按部门分配承诺款项一览表distribution of Bank and IDA commitments by sector-amounts
世界银行理事World Bank board of governors
业务委员business board, joint business committee
东方航空协orient airlines association
东道国关系非正式混合委员informal joint committee on host country relations
中国出口商品交易Chinese Export Commodities Fair
中国国际贸易促进CCPIT China Council for Promotion of International Trade
中国国际贸易促进委员China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
中国国际贸易促进委员对外贸易仲裁委员会the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of China council for the Promotion of International Trade
北大西洋组织内1952年设立的旨在对中国禁运的中国委员China Committes
中级计员semi-senior accountant
中美洲自由贸易联合Central American Free Trade Association
临时分类委员interim nomenclature committee
二十国委员Committee of Twenty
互保协mutual club
企业private accounting
企业工enterprise union
企业总enterprise accounting
优先录用工会员工厂preferential union shop
优先录用工会会员的工厂,优待员企业preferential shop
优待员企业preference shop
优待员企业preferential shop
合集团collector pool
股东名簿register of members
员免费all members admitted free
员公司member corporation
员店member firm
员船公司participating carrier
员运费率member rate
员银行member bank
counter sign
计个体accounting entity
计主任accountant general
计习惯作法accounting conventions or practices
计事项business transaction
计事项accounting event
计人员accounting personnel
计估价accounting valuation
计兑换率accounting rate
计凭证accounting evidence
计制度system of account
计单位basic accounting unit
计单位accounting unit
计单位accounting entity
计单据accounting document
计变动accounting changes
计基础basis of accounting
计实务accounting practice
计室counting house
计师public accountant
计师professional auditor
计师professional accountant
计师chartered accountant
计师certified public accountant
计师的助手junior accountant
计师职业public accounting
计师证明的账目certified accounts
计师证明的资产负债表certified balance sheet
计年度accounting year
计年度account year
计总报告general accounting report
计惯例conventional accounting
计成本监督accounting cost control
计成本管理accounting cost control
计手册accounting manual
计手续accounting procedure
计报告accounting reports
计报表accounting statement
计收益率accounting rate of return
计政策accounting policy
计期间fiscal period
计档案accounting archives
计汇率accounting rate
计法accountancy law
计理论accounting theory
计监督accounting control
计科accounts section
计科目accounting item
计科目title of account
计科目caption of account
计科目account title
计科目分类classification of accounts
计科目卡card of accounts
计等式accounting equation
计管理accounting control
计结算期accounting period
计统制accounting control
计规程manual of accounts
计规程accounting manual
计账册的检验test of accounting records
计账簿accounting books
计运算accounting operation
计错误accounting errors
计项目accounting item
议日期表以外的要求request for departures from the calendar
议记录record of conferences
议记录簿minute book
entrance fee
费分摊额amount assessed
赚钱的人money spinner
president of a society
有特殊制服的伦敦同业公livery company
伦敦学仓至仓条款Institute Warehouse to Warehouse Clause
伦敦学保证条款Institute warranties
伦敦学战险条款Institute War Clauses
伦敦学条款institute clause
伦敦学保险条款Institute Clauses
伦敦学罢工暴动民众骚动险条款Institute Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions Clauses
伦敦学罢工险条款Institute Strike Clause
伦敦学货运险条款Institute Cargo Clause
伦敦市行city company
伦敦油籽协the Incorporated Oil Seed Association
伦敦谷物商业协London Corn Trade Association
伦敦贴现市场同业公London Discount Market Association
债权人meeting of creditors
全国制造商协美国National Association of Manufacturers
全国制造商协National Association of Manufacturers
全国制造者协National Association of Manufacturers NAM
全国外贸管理公司协美国National Association of Export Management Companies
全国对外贸易协national foreign trade council
美国全国汽车协National Automobile Association
全国经济发展协National Economic Development Council
全国证券交易商协自动行情指数National association of securities dealers automated quotations index
全国证券商人协national association of securities dealers
全国零售信贷协national retail credit association
全权代表conference of plenipotentiary
全球银行同业金融电讯协Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
全美工程师协US Corps of Engineer
海运运价conference rates
公共保险协public insurance association
公司工company union
公平交易委员fair trade commission
日本公平交易委员Fair Trade Commission
公用事业委员utility commission
公认计师certified public accountant
共同海损结算者协规则rules of practice of the associations of average adjusters
关税合作理事Customs Co-operation council
关税委员tariff commission
关税贸易总协定第35条员国article 35 nation of GATT
内部计事项internal transaction
分期付款贸易协hire purchase trade association
分步成本process cost accounting
分类委员nomenclature committee
创办委员organizing committee
初次preliminary meeting
初级计员junior accountant
利比里亚国家投资委员National Investment Commission (Liberia)
利率和股息委员committee on interest and dividends
副总计师deputy controller
化学工业协manufacturing chemists association
午前市场morning market session
战争险条款institute war clause
条款institute clause
货物保险条款institute cargo clause
协调委员conciliation commission
单位entity accounting
博览trade fair
各轮rounds of talks
合同机座谈会美国小企业与政府商会,制造业公司等合作举行的会议contract opportunity meeting
合同诉讼委员contract appeals board
同业公trade guild (organization)
同业公trade association
同业商trade union
同业工staple products guild
同业工craft union
同文照identical note
售货sales convention
board of trade
society of commerce
chamber of commerce
Camara de Comercio
之组织organization of the chamber of commerce
指定的接受人official receiver
签证费commerce note fee
联合会associated chamber of commerce
证明书费chamber of commerce noting fee
商业mercantile accounting
商业business accountancy
商业仲裁委员commercial arbitration commission
商业公commercial guild
商业协commercial guild
商业协commercial federation
商业学society of commerce
商业社commercial society
商业行为及价格委员trade practices and prices commission
商人行merchant guild
商品交易trade fair
商品交易总理事director general of fair trading
商品展览competitive exhibition
商品展览commodity fair
后的会议resumed session
外汇经纪人公exchange broker's association
外贸主任委员chairman of the foreign exchange and trade commission
临时委员会俗称"小型联大"Interim Committee of the General Assembly
大型bull session
大规模社间接资本计划large scale social overhead capital projects
天然橡胶生产国协association of national rubber producing countries
太平洋地区经济合作委员Pacific Basin Economic Co-operation Committee
太平洋地区贸易及发展Conference for Pacific Trade and Development
太平洋西行班轮公Pacific West Bound Conference
失业救济委员Unemployment Compensation Board
失去买卖的机lose one’s market
完整计事项completed transaction
布雷顿森林1947年联合国货币金融会议Bretton Woods Conference
帐房计室counting room
帝国联合协Imperial Federation League
常设政府间混合委员permanent mixed intergovernmental commissions
1955 年国际商国际仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration 1955
年国际法律委员通过的标准仲裁程序规则Model Rules of Arbitral Procedure adopted by the International Law Commission, 1958 1958
年国际法律委员通过的标准仲裁规则Model Set of Arbitration Rules 1957
1969 年美洲商事仲裁委员程序规则Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission, 1969
1966 年联合国亚洲与远东经济委员国际商事仲裁规则和调解准则Rules for International Commercial Arbitration and Standards for Conciliation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far Esat, 1966
年联合国国际卖货时效United Nations Conference on Prescription Limitation in the International Sale of Goods New York, May June, 1947 1947
1966 年联合国欧洲经济委员仲裁程序规则Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1966
广州交易Canton Fair
开发协信贷IDA credits
开发援助委员Development Assistance Committee
单位general accounting unit
计部general accounting department
总公司controlling-company accounting
总统科学顾问委员presidents science advisory committee
总裁board of governors
成本cost account
成本计员cost accountant
成本计规程cost manual
成熟的社maturing society
托运人协shippers' council
托运人协shipper's councils
执照委员licensing committee
扩大就业机优惠企业因增雇工人而得到的赋税优惠job development credit
找就职机look out for an opening
承销人协issuing house association
技术援助协Technical Assistance Board
按国际商和解规则的和解条件terms of settlement under the ICC International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Conciliation
按工种组织的工craft union
按总物价水平调整purchasing power unit accounting
收费极高的夜总clip joint
政府governmental accounting
政府government accounting
整元whole dollar accounting
普通regular members
普通general accounting
普通计人员general accountant
普通计制度general accounting system
有价证券和交易所委员Securities and Exchange Commission
有机即装运shipment by first opportunity
未参加海运公的航运业者non-conference operator
未得标商unsuccessful bidder
均等equalization of opportunity
均等equality of opportunity
均等equal opportunities
对等互惠reciprocity of opportunities
s成本opportunity cost
成本值opportunity cost value
机械设备批发商协associated equipment distributions
标准保赔协Standard P and I Club
橡胶制造业公Rubber Manufacturing Association
欧洲工作科学协European Work Science Federation
欧洲支票社Eurocheck community
欧洲煤钢社European Coal & Steel Community
欧洲经济合作组织委员Council for the Organization for European Economic Cooperation
联合国欧洲经济委员Economic Commission for Europe (of UN)
欧洲议European Assembly
正式照personal note
水脚公freight conference
水险费率委员CMS Rating committee
汽车协Automobile Association
浑事仲裁委员Maritime Arbitration Commission
日内瓦海上法law of sea conference
海事仲裁委员maritime arbitration commission
海关代理人协average adjuster’s association
海关合作理事customs cooperation council
海关合作理事税则目录customs cooperation council nomenclature
海商法外交Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Laws
日本海外经济协作基金Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
海洋法conference on law of the sea
海牙仲裁常设委员Permanent Court of Arbitration (the Hague)
海牙和平Hague Conference
海运水脚会员运费率member rate
清理程序中的债权人指定检查委员liquidation: committee of inspection
物价委员price commission
物价所得委员price-income board
特许计师chartered accountant
特许拍卖商及房地产掮客协Chartered Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' institute
理事trustee council
理事board of management
理事board of directors
生产工程师协Institution of Production Engineers
生产者协producer's association
真实机成本real opportunity cost
会计social accounting
保险social security
保险信托基金social insurance trust binds
保险制度social security system
保险法social security act
保险福利social security benefits
保险税social security taxes
信贷活动social credit movement
倾销social dumping
准则public policy
基本设施social infrastructure
基本设施费用social overhead cost
契约social contract
安全法案social security act
安全税security tax
安全给付social security benefit checks
成本和效益social cost and benefit
核算技术social-accounting techniques
福利指标social indicator
福利的课税原则social welfare principle of taxation
经济指标socio-economic indicator
经济政策socio-economic policies
经济病症socio-economic diseases
舆论所造成的通货膨胀social inflation
销售观点social marketing concept
间接成本social overhead capital
风险social risks
税则分类委员nomenclature committee
税则委员tariff commission
税务tax accounting
稳定币值Stabilized accounting
空运协air transport association
筹备委员preparatory committee
签证委员visa committee
索赔事项咨询委员advisory board on compensation claims
索赔委员claims commission
索赔委员claims board
美中贸易全国理事National Council for US-China Trade
美加商业仲裁委员Canadian-American Commercial Arbitration Commission
美国全国商United States Chamber of Commerce
美国劳工联合AFL American Federation of Labour
美国劳工联合-产业工会联合会劳联-产联AFL CIO American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organization
美国劳资关系委员Labor Relations Commission
美国各州的州议general court
美国商务仲裁协American Arbitration Association
美国国内运输管理委员Interstate Commerce Commission
美国国际经济政策International Economic Policy Council
美国承包商协Associated general contractors of America
美国机械成品学American Machinery & Allied Products Institute
美国标准委员American Standard Association
美国殖民协American Colonization Society
美国海运协运费率United States Maritime Commission rates
美国电子设备销售协National Electronic Distributor’s Association
美国石油公American Petroleum Institute
美国租税协national tax association
美国联邦储备系统公开市场委员open market committee of the F.R.S.
美国联邦贸易委员Federal Trade Commission
美国联邦通商委员Federal Trade Commission
美国航空保险协United States Aviation Underwriters
美国船东协Association of American Steamship Owners
美国运输协Transportation Association of America
美国进口商全国委员National Council of American Imports
美国银行协American Banker's Association
美国销售协American Marketing Association
美国验船协American Bureau of ships
美洲商事仲裁委员Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission
美洲法学Inter-American Council of Jurists
美洲法律委员Inter-American Juridical Committee
美洲洲际商事仲裁委员Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission
美联邦海事委员U.S. Federal Maritime Commission
职业工trade union
职能functional accounting
联合业务委员joint business committee
联合国United Nations assessments
联合国亚洲及太平洋经济和社委员会United Nations Economic and social commission for Asia & the Pacific Escap
联合国亚洲及远东经济委员United Nations Economic Commission for Asia & the Far East
联合国亚洲及远东经济委员economic Commission for Asia and Far East
联合国亚洲和太平洋经济社委员会亚太经社会United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
联合国区域委员UN Regional Commissions
联合国国际贸易法律委员United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
联合国地理名词标准化United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
联合国大第七届特别会议Seventh Special Session of the U.N. General Assembly
联合国拉丁美洲经济委员United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
联合国拉丁美洲经济委员Economic Commission for Latin America
联合国杜保防研究所UN Social Defence Research Institute
联合国欧洲经济委员买卖一般条件和标准合同格式General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
联合国法律委员国际支付研究小组Study Group on International Payments
联合国法律委员国际汇票Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
联合国海上货物运输United Nations Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
联合国海洋法UN Conference on the law of the sea
联合国科学和技术应用于发展咨询委员United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
联合国经济及社理事会经社理事会United Nations Economic and Social Council
联合国经济发展特别基金Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
ECWA联合国西亚经济委员Economic Commission for Western Asia
联合国货币金融United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
联合国贸易与发展United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合国贸易与发展贸发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合国贸易发展贸发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合国贸易法律委员的审查事项范围说明terms of reference of UNCITRAL
联合国资本开发基金United Nations Capital Development Fund
联合国非洲经济委员United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
联合国非洲经济委员Economic Commission for Africa
联合委员joint committee
联合委员joint commission
联合股份协等于股份公司joint stock association
联席joint conference
联运保赔协Through Transit Club
联运协through-transit club
美国联邦外汇委员Foreign Exchange Commission
联邦海事委员Federal Maritime Board
联邦贸易委员federal trade commission
联邦贸易委员法federal trade commission act
航空运输协运价IATA rate
航运公shipping conference
航运公freight conference
航运公标准运价conference rate
船业总chamber of shipping
船公司协船东保障和赔偿协会shipowner's club
荷兰王国船东协Royal Netherland Shipowners' Association
董事partner’s meeting
董事board of trustees
行列matrix bookkeeping
西半球外贸及仲裁Western Hemisphere Conference on Foreign Trade and Arbitration
调解委员mediation board
财产信托fiduciary accounting
财务financial accounting
责任profitability accounting
责任responsibility accounting
责任activity accounting
贸发议中央经济数据系统UNCTAD Central Economic Data System
贸发议和总协定合办的国际贸易中心UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Center
贸发议无形贸易和贸易资金委员会UNCTAD Committee on Invisibles and Financing Related to Trade
贸易协Finance House Association
贸易同业公会费membership dues to trade association
贸易和发展理事Trade and Development Board (of UNCTAD)
贸易委员trade committee
贸易惯例法审查委员Trade Practice Act Review Committee
贸易机trade access
资深计员senior accountant
资深计师senior accountant
赋税委员Ways and Means
美国国会赋税委员Ways and Means Committee
赔偿协通知付款书club calls
逆出口管理委员export-import board
通货与信用委员currency and credit board
通货协currency association
遗产fiduciary accounting
遗产estate accounting
酿油厂联合brewer's association
销售sales talk
销售小组委员committee of sales organization
销货sales talk
错支脱销机overrun one's market
隐形贸易委员invisible transactions committee
员国non-member state
员成员的航运公司non-conference line
员费率non-member rate
员运输率non-member rate
员银行non-member bank
非公成员的定期船non-conference line vessel
非公成员的航运公司non-conference line
非协条款non-institute clauses
非政府专业协non-governmental professional association
非洲石油进口国阿拉伯特别基金Special Arab Fund for Africal Oil Importers
联合国非洲经济委员Economic Commission for Africa (of UN)
非海运水脚会员运费单non-member rate
预期forward accounting
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