
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
三方加一联合委员Tripartite Plus Joint Commission
三方委员Tripartite Commission
不分 年龄人人共享的社society for all ages
不分年龄人人共享的社inclusive society for all ages
不扩散条约专家委员Zangger Committee
不扩散条约审议和延期1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
不扩散条约审议和延期NPT Review and Extension Conference
不扩散条约审议和延期Conference on the review and extension of the NPT
不扩散核武器条约缔约国第...次审议大Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 2005
不扩散核武器条约缔约国1995年审议和延期NPT Review and Extension Conference
不扩散核武器条约缔约国1995年审议和延期1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
不扩散核武器条约缔约国1995年审议和延期Conference on the review and extension of the NPT
与武装部队或武装团伙有关系的儿童的保护和重返社指导方针Paris Principles
与武装部队或武装团伙有关系的儿童的保护和重返社指导方针Guidelines on the protection and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups
世界国家公园大World National Parks Congress
世界气候议宣言Declaration of the World Climate Conference
世界气候变化World Climate Change Conference
世界气候影响研究方案科学咨询委员Scientific Advisory Committee on the World Climate Impact Programme
世界环境与发展委员World Commission on Environment and Development
世界环境与发展委员的报告:我们共同的未来Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future
世界环境与发展委员的报告:我们共同的未来Brundtland Report = Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future
世界环境与发展委员的报告:我们共同的未来Brundtland Report
世界生态旅游首脑World Ecotourism Summit
世界老年学大World Congress of Gerontology
世界老龄基金World Foundation on Ageing
世界道路协World Road Association
东亚和东南亚增长经验区域讨论Regional Seminar on East/South-East Asian Growth Experience
东京全球环境和人类对可持续发展的反应Tokyo Conference on Global Environment and Human Response Towards Sustainable Development
东南亚国家热带木材产品销售合作专家组Expert Group Meeting on Cooperation Among Southeast Asian Countries in the Marketing of Tropical Timber Products
东南亚国家联盟东盟领导人地震海啸灾后特别Special meeting of Association of South-East Asian Nations leaders in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami
东海岸发展方案综合环境影响评估协商Consultative Meeting on Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment for the Eastern Seaboard Development Programme
东盟港务局ASEAN Port Authorities conference
东盟船东协联合会Federation of ASEAN Shipowners Associations
东非区域海洋和海岸环境的保护、管理和发展问题全权代表Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region
中亚联合委员joint commission for Central Asia
中亚至欧洲贩毒路线问题国际Ministerial Conference on Drug Routes from Central Asia to Europe
中亚跨国有组织犯罪问题讨论Central Asian Seminar on Transnational Organized Crime
中国残疾人联合China Disabled Persons' Federation
中美洲可持续发展环境首脑Central American Environment Summit for Sustainable Development
中美洲环境与发展委员Central American Commission on Environment and Development
中部非洲和平与安全理事中非和安会Council for Peace and Security in Central Africa
中非/乍得联合委员Central African/Chadian Joint Commission
临时执行委员方案、预算、行政和组织事项工作组Temporary Executive Committee Working Group on Programme, Budgetary, Administrative and Organizational Matters
为不分年龄人人共享社规划可实现目标国际专题讨论会International Symposium on Planning Attainable Targets for Societies for All Ages
为亚洲及太平洋残疾人努力缔造一个包容、无障碍和以权利为本的社琵琶湖千年行动纲要Biwako MIllennium Framework for Action Towards an Inclusive, Barrier-Free and Rights-Based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific
为亚洲及太平洋残疾人努力缔造一个包容、无障碍和以权利为本的社琵琶湖千年行动纲要Biwako Millennium Framework for Action
为南部非洲受旱灾影响国家举行的区域间认捐Interregional Pledging Conference for Drought-affected Countries in Southern Africa
为2002年约翰内斯堡议做准备-来自北极的初步想法:北极环境合作十年Preparing for Johannesburg 2000 - An Initial Arctic Message: 10 Years of Arctic Environmental Cooperation
为新能源和可再生能源调动资金区域协商Regional Consultative Meeting on the Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy
主管运输和通讯部长Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Transport and Communications
乌里玛委员Ulema Shura
《亚穆苏克罗协定》,内容涉及解除武装、复员和重返社方案的联合行动计划和准则Yamoussoukro agreement on the joint operational plan and guidelines for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme
伊图里绥靖委员Ituri Pacification Commission
伊图里绥靖委员支助股Ituri Pacification Commission Support Unit
伊斯兰环境价值观讨论Seminar on Environmental Values in Islam
聚大陆边convergent continental margin
计标准工作组Working Group on Accounting Standards
议事务科Conference Services Section
体力活动、老龄和体育世界大World Congress on Physical Activity, Ageing and Sports
停火委员Darfur Ceasefire Commission
停火委员Ceasefire Commission
停火政治委员Ceasefire Political Commission
停火联合军事委员Ceasefire Joint Military Committee
健康老龄的决定因素专家委员Expert Committee on Determinants of Healthy Ageing
儿童和妇女社统计和指标专家协商Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women
儿童基金/亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会亚洲及太平洋区域儿童和妇女社会统计和指标专家协商UNICEF/Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia and Pacific region
儿童环境International Children's Conference on the Environment
儿童环境Children's Conference on the Environment
充分一体化的、具有人情味的社fully integrated, humane societies
充实的, 融入社的生活full and inclusive life
全国儆恶委员National Commission for the Rehabilitation of Sinistrés (totally wrong s/2001/1076 para. 7f)
全国复员,重新加入和重返社委员会NCDRR National Commission for Demobilization, Reinsertion and Reintegration
全国大National Congress Party
全国捍卫民主理事CNDD rebels = National Council for the Defence of Democracy
全国捍卫民主理事CNDD pro-Hutu
全国真相与和解委员National Truth and Reconciliation Commission
全国过渡理事National Transition Council
全国选举委员, 基础广泛的broad-based National Electoral Commission
全民投票委员Referendum Commission
全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员GHS Subcommittee
全球化所涉社问题世界委员会World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization
全球化管理委员Committee on Managing Globalization
全球各代人议:21世纪公平发展的设想与行动Global Meeting of Generations: Vision and Action for Equitable Development in the Twenty-first Century
全球机制促进委员Facilitation Committee
全球测绘国际指导委员International steering committee for global mapping
全球海洋观测系统非洲委员GOOS-Africa Committee
全球环境与发展Global Meeting on Environment and Development
全球环境和人类响应可持续性发展问题Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response towards Sustainable Development
全球环境和人类对可持续发展的反应议信 托基金Trust Fund for the Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response towards Sustainable Development
全球环境和人类采取措施促进可持续发展Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response toward Sustainable Development
全球环境基金特别参加者Special Participants' Meeting of the Global Environment Facility
全球统一制度小组委员Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
全球统一制度小组委员GHS Subcommittee
全球青年务虚.Global Youth Retreat
公元2000年及其后欧洲经委成员国环境保护和自然资源合理利用区域战略Regional Strategy for Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources in ECE Member Countries Covering the Period up to the Year 2000 and Beyond
公平的全球化:为所有的人创造机A fair globalization: creating opportunities for all
公民社civil society
公约执行情况审查委员 CRICCommittee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention CRIC
公约执行情况审查委员Comittee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention
公认计原则Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
公路交通事故记录, 分析和低成本补救措施讨论Seminar on Road Traffic Accident Recording, Analysis and Low-cost Remedial Measures
公路交通对环境影响评估讨论Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment of Road Transport
共和人士联合Rally of the Republicans
关于员国执行相关制裁措施的书面分析评估written analytical assessment of Member State implementation of relevant sanctions measures
关于不分年龄人人共享社的政策区域间专家组会议Interregional Expert Group Meeting on Policies for a Society for All Ages
关于中美洲和加勒比可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Central America and the Caribbean
关于亚太人口老年化 圆桌Roundtable on the Ageing of Asian Populations
关于亚太经社区域公共企业技术转让管理地区讲习班Regional Workshop on Management of Transfer of Technology by Public Sector Enterprises in the ESCAP region
关于亚太经社区域跨国公司对高污染工业的环境管理问题专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Environmental Management of Transnational Corporations in Pollution-Intensive Industries in the ESCAP Region
关于亚太经社区域社发展行动议程的马尼拉宣言Manila Declaration on the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region
关于加速执行亚太经社区域社会发展行动议程的马尼拉宣言Manila Declaration on Accelerated Implementation of the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region
关于妇女参与发展的区域非政府组织专题讨论Regional NGO Symposium on Women in Development
关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约缔约方Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书缔约方Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
关于环境上和社上可持续发展的世界银行年度会议Annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development
关于相互关联国家模式系统的区域讨论Regional Seminar on an Interlinked Country Model System
关于编写划界案提交大陆架界限委员的训练手册training manual on the Preparation of a Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
关于联合国环境与发展议成果执行情况10年审查的区域意见Regional Message for the 10-year Review of the Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
关岛自决委员Guam Commission on Self-Determination
关爱青年咨询理事Tunza Youth Advisory Council
切尔诺贝利事故十周年国际议:总结事故的放射性后果International Conference One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Radiological Consequences of the Accident
刑事司法程序中的人权保护Conference on the Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Justice Proceedings
刑事司法管理和信息项目专家组议:改进国家和国际数据收集和交换Expert Group Meeting on Criminal Justice Management and Information Projects: Improving National and International Data Collection and Exchange
刚果战斗人员解除 武装、复员和重返社disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of Congolese combatants
利比里亚人和解与民主团结Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy
利用儿童从事犯罪活动问题Meeting on Instrumental Use of Children in Criminal Activities
到2000年及其后的环境展望政府间闭期间筹备委员会Intergovernmental Inter-sessional Preparatory Committee on the Environmental Perspective to the Year 2000 and Beyond
制定有效的联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案部长级Ministerial Meeting on the Creation of an Effective United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme
制定综合运输规划高级专家Meeting of Senior Experts on the Development of Integrated Transport Planning
制宪Constitutional council
制宪Constituent assembly
制宪支尔格大Constitutional Loya Jirga
制宪议Constituent Assembly
前南斯拉夫境内职责移交指导委员Steering Committee on transition of responsibilities in the former Yugoslavia
前战斗人员重返社和社区支助项目project for the reintegration of former combatants and support to communities
化学品审查临时委员Interim Chemical Review Committee
化学工业在环境保护中作用讨论Seminar on the Role of the Chemical Industry in Environmental Protection
北大西洋合作理事North Atlantic Cooperation Council
区域咨询委员Regional Advisory Committee
区域备灾讨论Regional Seminar on Disaster Preparedness
区域海洋公约和行动计划全球Global Meeting of Regional Seas Conventions and Actions Plans
区域经济合作委员Committee on Regional Economic Cooperation
区域经济合作委员Committee for Regional Economic Cooperation
区域能源发展方案三方审查Tripartite Review Conference of the Regional Energy Development Programme
千年五周年峰Millennium + 5 Summit
千年五周年峰millennium review summit
千年五周年峰High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly
千年审查峰millennium review summit
千年审查峰Millennium + 5 Summit
千年审查峰High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly
协商Shura, local
协调和监察联合委员协监委Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board
卑尔根Regional Conference at Ministerial Level on the Follow-up to the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED in the ECE Region
卑尔根Bergen Conference
南太平洋人类环境South Pacific Conference on the Human Environment
南太平洋人类生态与环境行动委员South Pacific Action Committee for Human Ecology and Environment
南太平洋应用地球科学委员South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission
南部非洲区域土壤保护和利用委员Southern African Regional Commission for the Conservation and Utilization of the Soil
卫星作物监测区域评价讨论Regional Evaluation Seminar on Satellite Crop Monitoring
卫星遥感用于资源管理、环境评价和全球变 化研究:发展中世界的需要和应用国际International Conference on Satellite Remote Sensing for Resource Management, Environmental Assessment and Global Change Studies: Needs and Applications for the Developing World
卫生与环境委员Commission on Health and the Environment
卫生和发展小组委员Subcommittee on Health and Development
卫生组织/儿童基金改善发展中国家妇幼营养战略WHO/UNICEF Strategy for Improved Nutrition of Mothers and Children in the Developing World
印度支那促进妇女参与经济发展讨论Indo-China Seminar on Promoting Women's Participation in Economic Development
印度洋海洋事务经济、科学和技术合作Conference on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Marine Affairs in the Indian Ocean
危险货物运输和全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家委员Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
危险货物运输问题专家委员Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
危险货物运输问题专家小组委员TDG Subcommittee
危险货物运输问题专家小组委员Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
危险货物运输问题小组委员Sub-Committee on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods
危险货运小组委员TDG Subcommittee
危险货运小组委员Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
各国港务局总裁与澳大利亚港口海事局协联席会议Joint Meeting of Chief Executives of Port Authorities and the Association of Australian Port and Marine Authorities
各国货运业者协行政首长会议Meeting of the Chief Executives of National Freight Forwarders Associations
各国贫穷概念和衡量尺度专家组Expert Group Meeting on National Poverty Concepts and Measurement
合作保护开发西非和中非区域海岸和沿海环境全权代表Conference of Plenipotentiaries on Cooperation in the Protection and Development of Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region WACAF
合作开发和保护撒哈拉以南非洲沿海和海洋环境南非Conference on Cooperation for the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa
后勤委员Committee on Logistics
后续工作委员Follow-Up Committee
后续行动委员Follow-up Commission Commission de Suivi
商业合作理事Business Cooperation Council
土地管理官员meeting of officials on land administrators
在各省之间分配议席位allocating parliamentary seats among provinces
"在城市一级促进环境保护-行动战略和方法"国际专家International Experts' Conference: "Promotion of Environmental Protection at Municipal Level - Strategies and Approaches for Action"
地中海沿岸国"蓝色计划"政府间Intergovernmental Meeting of the Mediterranean Coastal States on the "Blue Plan"
地方合同委员local committee on contracts
地方政府争取可持续未来世界大World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future
地方索偿审查委员Local Claims Review Board
地球联合United Earth
地球问题首脑Earth Summit
塔利班协商Taliban Shura
塔吉克人纳扎尔委员Tajik Shura-e-Nazar faction
复员和重新融入社Demobilization and reintegration of former combatants
多国复员和重返社方案Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Programme
多国复员和重返社方案Multi-country Demobilization and Reintegration Programme.
多边捐助者合作支助湄公河委员主要职位设置和能力建设Mekong River Commission Multi-donor Partner Support to the Mekong River Commission MRC for Key Officers Posts and Capacity-building
事务和会议事务部,会议部department of general assembly affairs and conference services
1991年12月6日第46/36H号决议范围内的国际武器转让准则Guidelines for international arms transfers in the context of General Assembly resolution 46/36 H of 6 December 1991
第六十届会议高级别全体会议Millennium + 5 Summit
第六十届会议高级别全体会议millennium review summit
第六十届会议高级别全体会议High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly
第51/45N号决议范围内特别强调巩固和平的常规武器控制/限制和裁军准则Guidelines on conventional arms control/limitation and disarmament, with particular emphasis on consolidation of peace in the context of GA Res. 51/45N
第四届特别会议fourth special session of the General Assembly
议室full-sized conference room
大支尔格loya jirga
大支尔格Loyah jirgah
大支尔格grand assembly
大气变化问题世界议: 对全球安全的影响World Conference on the Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security
大气污染和气候变化问题部长级Ministerial Conference on Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change
大陆架界限委员Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
太平洋民事登记和生命统计讨论Pacific Seminar on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
太平洋能源Pacific Energy Meeting
太阳能科学和技术专题讨论Symposium on Solar Science and Technology
失踪人员委员Committee on Missing Persons
将妇女的关切纳入发展规划指导方针评价Meeting to Evaluate Guidelines on Integrating Women's Concerns in Development Planning
将环境因素纳入经济决策过程南亚次区域专家组Subregional Expert Group Meeting on Integrating Environmental Considerations into Economic Policy-making Processes for South Asia
小岛屿发展中国家可再生能源和能效领域能力建设专家Expert Meeting on Capacity-Building for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Small Island Developing States
小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展全球Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
小领土、请愿书、新闻和援助小组委员Subcommittee on Small Territories, Petitions, Information and Assistance
就委员综合名单上的人拟定特别的刑警组织国际通知special Interpol international notice for persons on the Committee’s consolidated list
布隆迪问题国际司法调查委员International judicial commission of inquiry for Burundi
常驻代表和亚太经社成员指派的其他代表咨询委员会Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission
干旱半干旱土地的可持续水资源管理国际专题讨论International Symposium on Sustainable Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
干旱和荒漠化国际专题讨论International Symposium on Drought and Desertification
干旱、荒漠化和自然灾害问题常设委员Standing Committee on Drought, Desertification and Natural Disasters
1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况最后审查大特设全体委员会Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Final Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s
2000年大第二十四届特别会议关于社会发展的进一步倡议Further Initiatives for Social Development of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly 2000
2001年环境议与展览Environment 2001 Conference and Exhibition
1995年社发展问题世界首脑会议《哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development, 1995
1996年第二次联合国人类住区人居二议关于人类住区的《人居议程》和《伊斯坦布尔宣言》Habitat Agenda and the Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements of the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II, 1996
2002年约翰内斯堡首脑World Summit on Sustainable Development
2002年约翰内斯堡首脑Johannesburg Summit 2002
并在国际社支助的解除武装、复员、遣返、安置和重返社会方案disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration
《建立非洲经济共同体条约关于泛非议的议定书》Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community relating to the Pan-African Parliament
开发人力资源提高中等城市生活质量区域讨论Regional Seminar on Human Resources Development to Improve the Quality of Life in Intermediate Cities
开发计划署支助的水资源管理中心科学咨询委员Advisory Scientific Committee of the UNEP-supported Centre for Water Resources Management
开展亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年的Meeting to Launch the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons
弱增生或非增生型聚型大陆边poor or non-accretionary convergent margin
强调环境方面的科学与技术问题部门Sectoral Meeting on Science and Technology with Special Emphasis on the Environment
恐怖主义问题国际International Conference on the Question of Terrorism
恢复中非共和国境内对话问题中非经货共同体国家元首特设委员Ad Hoc Committee of Heads of State of CEMAC for the Resumption of Dialogue in the Central African Republic
恢复和社持续司Rehabilitation and Social Sustainability Division
托管委员包括非自治领土Trusteeship Committee including non-self-governing territories
执行亚太经社区域社会发展行动议程国家讲习班National Workshop on Implementation of the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region
执行建立国家警察的程序的技术委员Technical Committee to implement procedures for the establishment of the national police
执行建立国防部队的程序的技术委员Technical Committee to implement the procedures for the establishment of a national defense force
执行控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约不限成员名额特设委员Open-ended Ad Hoc Committee for the Implementation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes and their Disposal
执行监测委员IMC Implementation Monitoring Committee
执行监测委员Implementation Monitoring Committee
持续治理委员Council of Ongoing Government
指示性费分摊比额表indicative scale of contributions
捐助方所要求的报告程序和计标准reporting procedures and accounting standards that are imposed by various donors
支助萨过渡国际委员International Committee in Support of the Transition
支持在非洲执行国际防治荒漠化公约内罗毕Nairobi Meeting to Support the Implementation of the International Convention on Desertification in Africa
改善亚太经社区域农村住房条件区域讨论会Regional Seminar on the Improvement of Rural Housing for the ESCAP Region
政党和议员议后续工作委员会Follow-up Committee to the Meeting of Political Parties and Members of Parliament
《政府和工联合公告》附加条款codicil to the joint Government/trade unions communiqué of 6 March 2001
政府环境法高级官员特别Ad Hoc Meeting of Senior Government Officials Expert in Environmental Law
政府间协商委员Intergovernmental Consultative Committee
政府间气候变化专门委员Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC
政府间气候变化专门委员IPCC =Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
政府间气候变化专门委员Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
政府间海洋学委员Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
政府间环境教育Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education
政治和安全事务委员Committee on Political and Security Affairs
政治委员Political Committee for the implementation of the Agreement
教科文组织政府间生物伦理学委员Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee , UNESCO
教科文组织/环境规划署大UNESCO/UNEP Congress
最有成功机的方法best-shot technology
最高协调理事Supreme Coordination Council
服务和发展问题讨论:外国直接投资和贸易的作用Seminar on Services and Development: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade
机构行政首长Heads of Agency Meeting
机构间提高妇女地位小组委员Inter-Agency Subcommittee on the Advancement of Women
村长老Taupulega Tokelau
根据社发展、人权和不歧视领域工作所采用的整体办法holistic approach in the work done in the fields of social development, human rights and non-discrimination
桑戈委员Zangger Committee
次区域组织和亚太经社行政首长协商会议Consultative Meeting among the Executive Heads of Subregional Organizations and ESCAP
欧洲共同体委员关于共同体内环境和自然资源状况资料的收集、协调和确保一致问题试验项目的工作方案Commission Work Programme concerning an experimental project for gathering, coordinating and ensuring the consistency of information on the state of the environment and natural resources in the Community
欧洲刑事司法信息系统电脑化讨论:现状、方法、前景和效果European Seminar on Computerization of Criminal Justice Information Systems: Realities, Methods, Prospects and Effects
欧洲和北美洲城市安全和预防犯罪European and North American Conference on Urban Safety and Crime Prevention
《欧洲委员关于在生物学和医学应用中保护人权和人类尊严公约》Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine
欧洲环境与健康European Conference on Environment and Health
欧洲环境法理事European Council on Environmental Law
"欧洲环境"部长级Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe"
欧洲空气污染损害森林与水资源 原因及防止问题多边Multilateral Conference on the Causes and Prevention of Damage to Forests and Water by Air Pollution in Europe
欧洲经委区域世界环境与发展委员会报告后续行动部长级区域会议Regional Conference at Ministerial Level on the Follow-up to the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED in the ECE Region
欧洲经委区域世界环境与发展委员会报告后续行动部长级区域会议Bergen Conference
欧洲经济委员United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
武装集团解除武装、复员和重返社disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
民族解放委员National Liberation Council
民间社civil society
气候与水Conference on Climate and Water
气候与水国际International Conference on Climate and Water
气候变化和海洋委员Committee on Climate Changes and the Ocean
气候变化和温室气体问题Conference on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases
气候变化、能源、可持续发展委员第九届会议筹备工作讲习班Workshop on Climate Change, Energy and Preparations for the Ninth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development
气候学委员Commission for Climatology
气候应用和数据咨询委员Advisory Committee for Climate Applications and Data
气象学和气候学特殊应用委员Commission for Special Applications of Meteorology and Climatology
气象组织/亚太经社热带气旋问题小组Panel on Tropical Cyclones WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones
气象组织/亚太经社热带气旋问题小组WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones
气象组织/亚太经社/红十字会协会热带旋风地区防灾备灾指导方针编辑委员会WMO/ESCAP/LRCS Editorial Board on the Guidelines for Disaster and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas
水与环境问题国际议:21世纪的发展问题International Conference on Water and the Environment: Development issues for the 21st century
水利开发应用计算机讨论Seminar on the Use of Microcomputer in Water Resources Development
水学Water Academy
水运小组委员Water Transport Sub-Committee
水需要量管理和污染控制区域Regional Conference on Water Demand Management and Pollution Control
海关合作理事世界海关组织Customs Cooperation Council
海平面上升问题小国Small States Conference on Sea Level Rise
海洋法技术问题咨询委员Advisory Board on the Technical Aspects of the Law of the Sea
海洋科学方案秘书处间委员Inter-Secretariat Committee on Scientific Programmes Relating to Oceanography
清洁生产问题国际高级别讨论High-Level International Seminar on Cleaner Production
港口税则结构专家组Expert Group Meeting on Port Tariff Structure
港口管理局行政首长Meeting of Chief Executives of Port Authorities
湄公河委员Mekong River Commission
湄公河流域区域发展国际专题讨论International Symposium on the Regional Development of the Mekong Basin
特别政治和非殖民化委员Special Political and Decolonization Committee
特别政治和非殖民化委员Fourth Committee
特别着重于货车控制系统的铁路计算机化专家Expert Meeting on Railroad Computerization with Special Emphasis on Wagon Control Systems
特别起诉委员Special Prosecutions Commissions
特派团团长是指在安全理事的同意下由秘书长任命的特别代表/指挥官,负责联合国在特派团内的所有活动head of mission means the special Representative/Commander appointed by the Secretary-General with the consent of the security council responsible for all united nations activities within the mission
特遣队所属装备管理审查委员contingent-owned equipment management review board
理事Governing Council
生物多样性 和生态系统 服务政府间 科学政策平 台问题特设政府 间和多方利 益攸关者Ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services
生物多样性 和生态系统 服务政府间 科学政策平 台问题第二 次特设政府 间和多方利 益攸关者Second ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services
生物多样性公约缔约方Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平 台问题特设政府间和多方利益攸关者Ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services
生物多样性技术展览Biodiversity Technology Fair
生物多样性问题科学专家不限成员名额政府间Open-ended Intergovernmental Meeting of Scientific Experts on Biological Diversity
生物技术风险评价国际专题讨论International Symposium on Risk Assessment in Biotechnology
生物物理和社经济方面的参数biophysical and socio-economic parameters
员国的技术和金融专家组成的第二和第三阶段工作组phase II and phase III working groups, made up of technical and financial experts from member states
电信议和放映影视能力teleconferencing and video-presentation capacity
电力与环境关系问题专家联合Joint Meeting of Experts on the Relationship between Electricity and the Environment
电力与环境问题高级专家专题讨论Senior Expert Symposium on Electricity and the Environment
电力系统节约和优化能源专题讨论Symposium on Energy Conservation and Optimization Relating to Power Systems
电子协商Consultative Meeting on Electronics
真相委员Truth Commission
研究制订未来气候变化应变政策Conference on Developing Policies for Responding to Future Climatic Change
确保用于债务减免的资源不从计划给予发展中国家的官方发展援助资源中扣除resources provided for debt relief should not detract from ODA resources intended to be available for developing countries
停战social truce
及相关统计学讨论会Seminar on Social and Related Statistics
发展委员会NGO Committee on Social Development
发展委员会Committee on Social Development
发展委员会残疾问题特别报告员Special Rapporteur on disability of the Commission for Social Development
发展管理信息系统social development management information systems
发展问题世界首脑会议亚太部长级筹备会议Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference in Preparation for the World Summit for Social Development
控制social control
经济趋势分析科Socio-economic Trends Analysis Section
脆弱群体事务小组委员会Subcommittee on Socially Vulnerable Groups
社区参与预防犯罪专家组Expert Group Meeting on Community Involvement in Crime Prevention
空间技术促进发展专题讨论Symposium on Space Technology for Development
第七届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大区域间筹备会议知名人士会议第一主题: 发展情况下犯罪和预防犯罪的新层面Interregional Preparatory Meeting Meeting of Eminent Persons for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders on topic I: New Dimensions of criminality and crime prevention in the context of development: challenges for the future
第二次世界气候Second World Climate Conference
第五委员Fifth Committee
第五委员Administrative and Budgetary Committee
第四委员Special Political and Decolonization Committee
第四委员Fourth Committee
筹备国际老年人年欧洲专家Conference of European Experts Preparing for the International Year of Older Persons
筹备社发展问题世界首脑会议部长级区域会议Regional Ministerial Conference in Preparation for the World Summit on Social Development
紧急人道主义、社和文化方案Emergency Humanitarian, Social and Cultural Programme
紧急支尔格大Emergency Loya Jirga, to decide on composition of the new Transitional Administration
缔约国conference of the parties
缔约方Conference of the Parties
缔约方conference of the parties
老年人照料专家组议:性别问题层面Expert Group Meeting on Caregiving and Older Persons: Gender Dimensions
老年人问题大Congress on Older Persons
老龄化和都市化:挑战与机遇-走向共享社Ageing and Urbanization: Challenges and Opportunities-Towards a Community for All
老龄问题专题讨论:政策问题与未来挑战International Symposium on Ageing: Policy Issues and Future Challenges
老龄问题世界大World Assembly on Ageing
老龄问题全国理事老龄理事会National Council on the Ageing, Inc. NCOA
联合停火委员Joint Ceasefire Commission
联合军委Joint Military Commission
联合合作委员Joint Committee on Cooperation
联合国中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (中部非洲咨委会)
联合国人类住区United Nations Conference on Human Settlements
联合国人类环境议宣言Stockholm Declaration
联合国人类环境议宣言Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
联合国关于犯罪趋势、刑事司法制度的运作和预防犯罪战略的第二次调查研讨Research Workshop on the Second United Nations Survey of Crime Trends, Operations of Criminal Justice Systems and Crime Prevention Strategies
联合国刑事司法标准和准则的形成和应用问题区域间专家筹备Interregional Preparatory Meeting of Experts on Formulation and Application of United Nations Standards and Norms in Criminal Justice
联合国区域制图United Nations regional cartographic conference
联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员辐射 科委United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
联合国可持续发展委员United Nations board for sustainable development
联合国图书馆现代化和综合管理指导委员Steering Committee for the Modernization and Integrated Management of United Nations Libraries
联合国基金United Nations Foundation, Inc.
联合国审查各岛屿领土特别发展需要区域讨论United Nations Regional Seminar to Review the Special Development Needs of Island Territories
联合国小武器和轻武器非法贸易各方面问题大United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
联合国执行首长协调理事United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination , formerly the Administrative Committee on Coordination ACC
联合国探索与和平利用外层空间外空 会议United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
联合国改革国际International Conference on United Nations Reform
联合国欧洲经济委员Economic Commission for Europe
联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方United Nations Climate Change Conference
联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方COP of UNFCCC
联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
联合国特别委员特委会United Nations Special Commission
联合国环境与发展United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
联合国环境与发展Earth Summit
联合国环境规划署理事Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP GC
联合国社防卫信托基金United Nations Trust Fund for Social Defence
联合国粮食及农业组织粮食和农业遗 传资源委员Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of FAO
联合国系统行政首长协调理事Chief Executives Board
联合国系统行政首长协调理事United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
联合国系统行政首长协调理事Chief Executive Board
联合国美洲区域制图United Nations regional cartographic conference for the Americas
联合国老龄问题世界大信托基金United Nations Trust Fund for the World Assembly on Ageing
联合国荒漠化问题United Nations Conference on Desertification
联合国贸易和发展United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合国遥感技术的未来趋势及其潜在经济影响United Nations Meeting on Future Trends of Remote Sensing Technology and its Potential Economic Impact
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案网年度联合方案协调Annual Joint Programme Coordination Meeting of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案网联合方案 协调Joint Programme Coordination Meeting of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法标准和规范执行情况前工作组Pre-sessional Working Group on the Implementation of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法领域国家通讯员欧洲讨论European Seminar for United Nations National Correspondents in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders
航空环境保护委员Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection
航运、运输和通信委员Committee on Shipping and Transport and Communications
萨赫勒国家间抗旱常设委员Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel
行协Administrative Committee on Coordination
行政协调药物管制小组委员会ACC Subcommittee on Drug Control
行政和公务员制度改革独立委员Independent Reforms Commission of Administrative and Civil Services
行政和预算委员Fifth Committee
行政和预算委员Administrative and Budgetary Committee
行政问题财务和预算问题协商委员Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions Financial and Budgetary Questions
行政问题协商委员consultative committee on admin questions
行政首长协调United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
行政首长协调Chief Executives Board
行政首长协调Chief Executive Board
行预咨委 = 行政和预算问题咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
调动财务资源促进新能源和可再生能源高级别区域协商High-Level Regional Consultative Meeting for Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy
调查委员,以调查政治犯问题和布隆迪的监狱状况Commission of Inquiry to investigate the question of political prisoners and prison conditions in Burundi
谈判气候变化框架公约的专题Specialized Conference for the Negotiation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change
贝扎大Beja Congress
负责研究设立公共财政研究所的可行性的顾问Meeting of Consultants for the Study on Feasibility of Establishing an Institute of Public Finance
贫穷和收入分配统计-讨论Seminar on Statistics of Poverty and Income Distribution
贸易和投资小组委员Subcommittee on Trade and Investment
贸易委员Committee on Trade
贸易、环境和可持续发展高级别High-level Meeting on Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development
赫尔辛基委员Helsinki Commission
赫尔辛基委员Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission
转变: 发展与环境的机国际会议International Conference on Conversion: Opportunities for Development and Environment
转型期国家环境与自然资源计讲习班Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting with Particular reference to Countries in Transition
退化林地的荒漠化和再造林问题专家Expert meeting on desertification and reforestation of degraded forest lands
通过保护海洋环境免受陆上活动污染全球行动纲领政府间Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt a Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities
通过经济增长和社发展减缓贫穷委员会Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development
通过经济增长和社发展减缓贫穷委员会Committee on Poverty Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development
道路养护管理系统讨论Seminar on Road Maintenance Management Systems
遥感技术应用于土地使用规则和环境测量区域讨论Regional Seminar on the Applications of Remote-Sensing Techniques to Land-use Planning and Environmental Surveying
遥感用于大地构造测绘和探矿区域讨论Regional Seminar on Remote Sensing Applications for Geotectonic Mapping and Mineral Exploration
遵守委员Compliance Committee
防止外层空间军备竞赛特设委员Ad Hoc Committee on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space
防止水灾涝地管理原则-讨论Seminar on Principles of Flood Plain Management for Flood Loss Prevention
《防治荒漠化公约缔约方议与国际农业发展基金关于全球机制模式和行政业务的谅解备忘录》Memorandum of Understanding between the Conference of the Parties of the UNCCD and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Regarding the Modalities and Administrative Operations of the Global Mechanism ICCD/COP/10
防治荒漠化共同政策部长级Ministerial Conference for a Joint Policy to Combat Desertification
防治荒漠化行动计划的财务问题咨询Advisory Meeting on the Financial Aspects of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
阿富汗-北约过渡进程联合委员Afghan-NATO Integral Board
阿富汗和巴基斯坦和解与和平联合委员Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Commission for Reconciliation and Peace
阿富汗和平与重返社方案Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme
阿布贾和平Intra-Sudanese Peace Talks
阿布贾和平Inter-Sudanese Peace Talks on the Conflict in Darfur
阿布贾和平Abuja Peace Talks
阿拉伯世界生物多样性专家组Expert Group Meeting on Biodiversity in the Arab World
阿拉伯国家计标准讲习班Workshop on Accounting Standards in the Arab Countries
阿拉伯国家环境事务部长理事Council of Arab Environmental Affairs Ministers
阿拉伯国际计会议Arab International Accounting Conference
阿拉伯环境与发展部长级议行动计划Plan of Action of the Arab Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development
阿拉伯环境事务非政府组织Meeting for Arab environmental non-governmental organizations
陆源污染及沿海地区活动引起海洋环境退化问题专家Meeting of Experts on the Degradation of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Sources of Pollution and Activities in Coastal Areas
限制战略武器strategic arms limitation talks
限制战略武器限武会谈SALT I & II = Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
限武strategic arms limitation talks
陶瓷和其他硅酸业节约能源区域讨论Regional Seminar on Energy Conservation in Ceramics and Other Silicate Industries
青少年犯罪预防与待遇及公众参与国际讨论International Seminar on the Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency through Community Participation
青年问题机构间委员Interagency Committee on Youth for the Asia-Pacific Region
非政府组织/媒体关于环境宣传的专题讨论NGO/Media Symposium on Communication for Environment
非政府组织资源动力促进社发展联盟Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations in Resources Dynamics for Social Development COAL'99
非洲主管可持续发展与环境部长Conference of African Ministers responsible for Sustainable Development and the Environment
非洲及太平洋环境与发展机构间委员Inter-agency Committee on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific
非洲境内冲突起因和促进持久和平与可持续发展大不限成员名额特设工作组open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group of the General Assembly on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa
非洲干旱和荒漠化问题特别Special Meeting on Drought and Desertification in Africa
非洲干旱地区可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Dry-Zone Africa
非洲沙漠和旱地委员African Deserts and Arid Lands Committee
非洲环境议行动计划Plan of Action of the African Environmental Conference
非洲环境和可持续发展问题区域African Regional Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development
非洲环境影响评价高级别African High-Level Meeting on Environmental Impact Assessment
非洲环境问题部长级Ministerial Conference on the African Environment
非洲环境问题部长级议行动纲领Programme of Action of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment
非洲经委Economic Commission for Africa
非洲能源和可持续发展高级别区域African High-level Regional Meeting on Energy and Sustainable Development
非洲部长级环境African Ministerial Conference on the Environment
非自治领土情报委员Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories
项目审查委员Project Review Committee
TCDC-ECDC项目活动审查和制定国家协调中心Meeting of TCDC-ECDC National Focal Points on Review of Activities and Formulation of a Programme
饮水供应和卫生机构间指导委员Inter-Agency Steering Committee for Water Supply and Sanitation
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