
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
一旦爆堆受到开挖、'运输或后续处理时扰动、这种物质就随时释放到大气之中This material remains available to be released to the atmosphere whenever the muckpile is disturbed by excavation, transport or subsequent handling
中国力学学China Society of Mechanics
中国岩石力学与工程学Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering
中国工程爆破协China Society of Engineering Blasting
中国爆破器材行业协China Explosive Material Trade Association
议出谋划策contribute good ideas for a conference
为了社正气、他敢想、敢说、敢做He dares to think,to speak and to act on behalf of a healthy tendency in society
线line of insection
人生的价值在于为社做贡献,而不是从中牟利A person's value consists in making contributions to society rather the making profits from it
从水下不同地点测到的诸多方位角的聚有助于给某一声源定位The of a series of bearing angles measured from different underwater locations can help locate a sound source
聚角。辐合角convergent angle
侧方交在两个已知点和一个待定点组成的三角形中,分别测量一个已知点和待定点的内角,以计算待定点坐标的测量方法隧道或平巷炮孔组的侧边孔,它决定着洞口的宽度side intersection
先进的社是由物质文明、精神文明和环境文明构成的An advanced society consists of material,spiritual and environmental civilizations
况且、气体的浓度不同、比如在爆轰态、造成不同的膨胀状态Also, different gas concentrations result at different states of expansion,for example at the detonation state
凡社成员均受道德约束Any social member is morally bound
出于安全目的之考虑、不损毁临近设施、又要让社满意、控制飞石对表皮作业至关重要Flyrock control is crucial in blasting operations because of safety considerations, damage to nearby infrastructure and a "social licence to operate"
前方交在两个已知点和一个待定点组成的三角形中,分别观测两个已知点的内角,以计算待定点坐标的测量方法forward intersection
加拿大金刚石钻进协Canadian Diamond Drilling Association
化学工业协英国Chemical Industries Association
和专业团体的角色role of associations and professional societies
即便在爆破完全封闭且岩石没有破碎的情况下、穿行在岩层的压力脉冲继续向前进人大气Pressure pulses traveling through the rock continue onward into the atmosphere even when the blast is completely confined and the rock is not broken
后方交在待定点上,对三个已知点观测其方向值,以计算待定点坐标的测量方法three-point intersection
后方交在待定点上,对三个已知点观测其方向值,以计算待定点坐标的测量方法rear intersection
咱们确定一下开的日期吧Let's decide on the data to hold a meeting
回避社问题evade social issues
国家发展和改革委员State Development and Reform Committee
国际岩石力学学1962年在萨尔茨堡创立的国际组织。穆勒教授是主要创始人,自创立到1966年一直担任学会主席。该学会为非营利机构,其运行靠成员会费和捐赠来维持。学会的活动不因会员的捐赠而受到限制,其主要活动目的是通过条例来陈述的。1966年学会秘书处在葡萄牙的里斯本设立总部International Society for Rock Mechanics
国际炸药工程师学International Society of Explosives Engineers
国际炸药工程师学1974年组建的非营利机构,其原名叫炸药工程师学会,在1992年走向国际化。学会的组建成员建立了广泛的与爆破相关的学会工作目标,起初确立的研究、教育论坛、政府法规、技术情报、标准化、认证和国际合作至今仍是学会的工作宗旨。自1974年开始每年均举行学术会议International Society of Explosives Engineers
国际爆破破岩学术International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
国际研讨international symposium (on)
在岩体内传播的应力波中断时、出现不利形势Problem situations can arise when the transmission of stress waves within the rock mass are interrupted
在有多重共线性的情况下、就出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables
道路坡度交intersection of grades
外行处理这事,没有专业知识,肯定失败A layman is bound to fail without a specific technical knowledge of it
多方位的convergence of a series of bearing angles
大气温度和风速的变化影响爆炸能在空气中的传爆Variations in air temperature and wind velocity influence the transmission of blast energy through the air
奥地利化学学Chemical Society
奥地利岩石力学学Austrian Society of Rock Mechanics
如果岩石碎片抛到容许的范围之外、就造成人员伤亡和财产损坏These rock fragments result in human injuries, fatalities and structure damages when they are thrown beyond the allowable limits
如果炮泥长度大、则形成大块岩石If the stem-mming length is long, then large pieces of rock will form
安全爆破距离是指抛掷的碎片不越出预定的范围、对周围人和物不造成伤害的最小距离A safe blasting distance is the minimum distance beyond which the throw of fragments does not affect the surroundings significantly
小组风险评研讨team-based risk workshop
工程地质学家协Association of Engineering Geologists
当前排炮孔抵抗线不足或钻孔偏离了设计的方向时、也发生自由面破裂现象F-bursting can also occur when the front row has insufficient burden or drilling deviations from design
当炸药威力大、产生的震感强、噪声大、飞石多。如果炸药威力太小、由于抵抗线和围压增加、导致爆破失败、而且对于每次延时所用的药量而言、所产生的振动会比预计的要大While a high powder factor may generate higher levels of vibration, noise and flyrock, a power factor that is too low may cause a blast to fail and may generate more vibration than expected for the charge per delay that was used, because of increased burden and confinement
所属的采矿工程师学American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
有些气体如果管理不当、引起爆炸Some gases are explosive if not properly managed
成本一种资源〈或资金或劳力等〉用于本项目而放弃用于其他机会时,所可能损失的利益opportunity cost
柴油燃料在开采、提炼和运输过程中产生二氧化碳CO₂ emissions are found from the extraction, refining and transport of diesel fuel
欧洲化工制造厂联合法语Conseil Europeen de l'Industrie Chimique
欧洲炸药制造商联合Federation of European Explosive Manufacturers
欧洲炸药制造商联合欧洲炸药制造商的一个组织,1975年成立,始为化工产品制造商联合会欧洲委员会的一个分支机构。后者设立在布鲁塞尔。联合会的目标是改善和开发炸药制造技术,改善炸药制造和炸药运输、操作、储存和使用的安全、治安和工作条件F-of European Explosive Manufacturers
欧洲炸药工程师联合European Federation of Explosive Engineers
欧洲炸药工程师联谊1988年10月成立于德国阿亨的一个欧洲炸药制造商组织。联合会理事会已经制定了关于欧洲爆破工作者立法和教育的统一计划European Federation of Explosive Engineers
欧洲炸药测试标准化委员European Commission for the Standardization of Explosive Tests
气候变化带来的巨大威胁、现在已被主流科学广泛地认知、且日益得到全社的认可The enormous threat posed by climate change is now widely recognized by mainstream science and is increasingly gaining public acceptance
水在零度以下变成冰Water changes to ice below the zero temperature
水胶炸药遇到明火燃烧、而不爆炸When subjected to opencast flame, water gels tend to bum without detonation
湿火药不起爆Wet gunpowder will not
炮泥不足时出现螺纹线。由于空气冲击波、螺纹线是由炮泥释放脉冲形成的R-occurs when stemming material is inefficient or insufficient. Rifling is driven by the stemming release pulse SRP for airblast
炸药制造商协Insitute of Makers of Explosives
炸药制造者协一个美国商业组织,它制定有关炸药商业生产、使用方面的技术规范,如炸药在生产过程的安全、运输、贮存以及使用的规范。 IME 已经出版了一系列炸药安全手册Institute of Makers of Explosives
炸药工程师协society of Explosives Engineers
然而、与这些巨大的效益结伴而行的是、炸药在使用时产生声响和振动、这是无法摆脱的负面影响Along with these immense benefits, however, the use of explosives has an unwanted side effect in the form of sounds and vibrations
然而、制造炸药使用生物燃料代替化石燃料的结果、使二氧化碳的整体排量降低、因为生物燃料在生长期从大气中消除同样当量的二氧化碳However, the use of biofuels instead of fossil fuels in explosives would result in lower overall CO₂ emissions, as the biofuel growth phase removes an equivalent amount of CO₂ from the atmosphere
然而、在实际爆轰条件下、热甲烷只要高于较低的可燃界限、一旦与大气的氧接触就燃烧However, under actual detonation conditions the hot CH₄ is likely to combust on contact with atmospheric oxygen provided it is above the lower flammability limit
燃料学Institute of Fuel
爆破不只是爆破工作者的事,也是全社的事Blasting is not a mere concern of blasters but of the whole society
爆破中所用的炮泥类型和分量以及对阶梯地形的处理、大大地影响抛向空中的物质的多寡、因此也大大地影响一次爆破中可能喷出的飞尘比例The type and adequacy of the stemming material used and the management of progressive relief during detonation have a strong influence on the amount of material thrown into the air and hence the proportion of dust likely to be emit ted from a blast
爆破产生的气体沿着炮孔将孔口周边的堵塞物和/或碎块抛出Blast gases can vent up along the blasthole to launch stemming material and/ or fragments from the collar region
爆破损伤机理影响最终爆破效果blast induced damage mechanisms that affect final wall blasting
由于对爆破影响最大的因素是地质、所以复杂的地质结构使小规模的岩石爆破成为真正的爆破设计难题Since the factor having the greatest influence over blasting is geology, complex geologic structures can make small fragmentation a true blast design challenge
由于很多人缺席议、有关问题没有形成决议Due to the absence of many from the meeting, no resolution was formed over the relevant issues
百万分之一的机on chance in a million
监督委员supervisory board
短路把保险丝烧断A short circuit will blow the fuse
矿冶学Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
矿山机电工程师协Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
不公是不合理的立法造成的、社会弊端是不道德的行为造成的Social injustice is caused by irrational legislation, social evils by immoral conducts
公德social morals
折现率由国家规定的、根据资金的供需状况和机会成本用以调控投资项目经济可行性的折现率social discount rate
效益一项工程对就业、增加收人、提高生活水平等社会福利方面所做各种贡献的总称social benefit
环境是环境总体下的一个层次,指人类在自然环境基础上,通过长期有意识的社会活动,加工改造自然物质,创造出的新环境social environment
经济效益socio-economical benefit
美国土木工程师学American Institute of Civil Engineers
美国培训和发展学American Society for Training and Development
美国工程技术理事American Engineeing Council
美国工程标准化委员American Engineering Standards Committee
美国科学促进American Association for the advancement of Sciences
美国线材协American Wire Association
美国部队工程师协Corps of Engineers, V.S. Army
美国采矿、冶金及石油工程师学of ALME Society of Mining Engineers of
美国采矿、冶金及石油工程师学American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers
美国采矿,冶金和石油工程师学American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
美国采矿学American Institute of Mining
英国工程技术标准协British Engineering Standard Association
药柱和水的扬程压力不改变这种炸药的密度The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition
董事奉命调查所有破坏规章制度的问题The board of directors is charged with investigating all the alleged breaches of the rules
董事打算放弃这个爆破工程The Board of Directors is going to abandon this blasting engineering project
指责首相行为不合法The parliament charges that the prime minister acts unlawfully
近来、人们把研究的重点大多放在破碎曲线的细端、以探索爆破的潜力、因为爆破的结果影响到含金属矿石随后的粉碎和加工制造过程More recent focus has been provided on the finer end of the fragmentation curve to explore the potential of blasting to influence the subsequent crushing and nulling performance of metalliferous ores
这个问题看上去对很多人异常重要、但对新的工作委员来说可能是小事一桩This problem, which is seemingly important to many others, is likely to be a minor concern to the new working committee
这些人往往因为微不足道的琐事而大发雷霆These guys tend to explode at any moment over the least thing
这种氧化溶液在两种情况下都解体为微珠、在连续相内形成非连续相。这种乳化剂减少界面张力、并使这两个相In either case the oxidizer solution is broken up into small droplets which form a discontinuous phase in a continuous phase. The emulsifying agent reduces the interfacial tension and keeps the two phases from separating
通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在一些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height
遭到社谴责的假冒产品sham products blasted by the pubic
金刚石岩芯钻机制造者协Diamond Core Drill Manufacturer's Association
首相喉咙发炎、明天的上他不能讲话Due to the severe fire in his throat,the prime minister will not be able to give a speech at tomorrow's conference