
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一个计期的全部会计程序bookkeeping cycle
一对一one-on-one meeting
一般公认计准则generally accepted accounting principals
一般清算general clearing member
上市计及招股章程审阅部香港联合交易所有限公司Listing Accountancy and Prospectus Vetting Department Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
上市上诉委员Listing Appeals Committee
上市公司专业委员professional commissions of listed company
上市公司董事行为规范Code of Conduct of Directorate of Listed Company
上市决策委员Listing Decisions Panel
上市发行证券协Public Securities Association
上市委员成员履历listing committee members' biographies
上市委员报告listing committee report
上市审议小组/委员Listing Review Panel
上市提名委员香港联合交易所有限公司Listing Nominating Committee Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
上市政策委员Listing Policy Committee
上市证券协模型public securities association model
上报证监稽查reporting to CSRC for inspection
上海国家计学院Shanghai National Accountant InstituteSNAI
上海期货同业公Shanghai Municipal Futures Industry Association
上诉委员香港证监会appeal panel
下推push-down accounting (公司合并时,在财务报告中,根据买方有投票权的股份重新建立会计和报告基础的行为)
不动产投资信托协National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
不动产投资信托协净经营收人NAREIT net operating income
不动产投资信托协净经营系列NAREIT net operating series
不动产投资信托协回报NAREIT returns
不动产投资信托协指数NAREIT index
不动产投资信托协收人对比NAREIT income comparison
不动产投资信托协数据NAREIT data
不动产投资信托协易变性NAREIT volatility
不动产投资信托协系列NAREIT series
不动产投资信托协股息NAREIT dividend
不动产投资信托协股息收益NAREIT dividend yields
不动产投资信托协股息系列NAREIT dividend series
不动产投资信托协财产指数NAREIT property index
不动产投资信托协资产价值National Association of Real Estate Investment Trust asset values
不变的机成本constant opportunity cost
不同行业内同行的职工工horizontal union
不满一个计期的折旧fractional period depreciation
不费劲而赚大钱的机gravy train
专门separate accounting
业务顾问委员Business Advisory Council
业绩表现标准委员committee for performance presentation standards
东亚股票交易所East Asian Stock Exchange Conference
两级制董事two tier board
个人香港联合交易所有限公司individual member Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
个人投资者协National Association of Individual Investors
个人结算individual clearing member
个人金融顾问协National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
中华人民共和国注册计师法Law of PRC on Certified Accountants
中华台北金融监管委员Chinese Taipei Financial Supervisory Commission
中国计准则Accounting Standards of the PRC
中国计准则体系China Accounting Standards System
中国计标准China Accounting Standard
中国计标准Accounting Standards of the PRC
中国证券业协会证券分析师专业委员Securities Analysts Association of China
中国事务委员香港期货交易所有限公司Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited China Affairs Committee
中国企业投资协China Enterprises Investment Association
中国保险监督管理委员简称"中国保监会"China Insurance Regulatory Commission
中国国债协National Debt Association of China
中国特色的社主义Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
中国证券业协基金公会Chinese Association of Securities Investment Funds, the
中国证券业协基金公会the CASIF Chinese Association of Securities Investment Fund
中国证券监督管理委员China Security Regulatory Commission
中国证券监督管理委员中国证监会China Securities Regulatory Commission
《中国证券监督管理委员公告》刊物China Securities Regulatory Commission Official Bulletin
中国证券监督管理委员股票发行审核委员会条例Regulations of the Public Offering Review Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission
中国证监主席Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission
中国证监"股票发行核准程序"CSRC Procedures for Review and Approval for Share Issues
中国金融理财标准委员Financial Planning Standard Council of China
中国银行业监管委员中国银监会China Banking Regulatory Commission
中外合资经营企业计规则Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture
中央证券存管处国际Conference of Central Securities Depositories
中小型企业委员small and medium enterprises committee
临时股东大extraordinary shareholders meeting
临时股东大extraordinary general meeting
丹麦金融监督委员Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
为举行股东大暂停一天交易one-day trading suspension for holding the general meeting
主席chairman's conference
二十国集团G20华盛顿峰Group of 20 summit in Washington (2008年11月15日在美国华盛顿举行,会上讨论了促进全球经济增长,改革全球金融监管体系等问 '题)
亚太贷款市场协Asia Pacific Loan Market Association
亚洲公司治理协Asia Corporate Governance Association
亚洲证券分析师协Asian Securities' Analysts Council
亚洲证券分析师协Asian Securities Analysts Council
企业计准则Accounting Standards for Enterprises
企业承担社责任enterprises burdened with social responsibility
企业社责任corporate social responsibility (CSR)
企业融资协the Corporate Finance Association (CFA)
员交易商member traders
员代码member code
员做空member short sale
员做空比率members' short sale ratio
员制证券交易所membership system of stock exchange
员号码member code
员商号member firm
员折价member takedown
员抛售member short sale
员经纪人board broker
员认购价member takedown
员账户member account
员费率member's rate
员资料提取系统member access services
员资格公司membership corporation
员资格的标准membership levels
员银行联邦储备系统成员的银行member bank
员风险监控monitor of member risk
counter signature
计丑闻accounting scandal
计假设accounting assumption
计做手脚window dressing
计先决条件accounting postulate
计公告accounting pronouncement
计决定accounting decision
计决算accounting decision
计准则accounting principles
计准则accounting guidelines
计及审计执业标准standard of accounting and auditing practices
计处理方法对会计处理和控制方式进行分类,以便记录企业财务状况的变化accounting process
计审计accounting audit
计审计意见书accountants opinion
计师事务所accounting firm
计师报告规则accountant's report rules
计师资格证accountants certificate
计师过失责任negligence obligation of accounts
计常规accounting practice
计常规accounting convention
计年度national business year
计总署General Accounting Office
计报告accounting statement
计报告招股书附录accountants report
计报告期accounting period
计报表accounting report
计披露accounting disclosure
计指引accounting guidelines
计收益率=平均净利4-增量投资额accountant's rate of return
计收益率= 平均净利 / 增量投资额accountant's rate of return
计政策的公开disclosure of accounting policy
计政策的披露disclosure of accounting policy
计数据accounting information
计数据处理accounting data process
计文件accounting document
计标准全球趋向一致global convergence of accounting standards
计标准实例说明Statement o£ Standard Accounting Practice
计清算accounting liquidity
计破产accounting insolvency
计科目资金capital of account
计程序/手续accounting procedure
计簿account book
计粉饰报表window dressing
计结账日accounting date
计解释accounting interpretation
计财务报表account statement
计账户风险accounting exposure (因汇率变化,而造成账户的风险)
计账目编号accounting code
计跨期所得税当期计列制flow through basis
计跨期所得税当期计列方法flow through method
计预测accounting estimate
议记录minute book
伦敦可可集散市场协London Cocoa Terminal Market Association
伦敦证券交易所牌价委员quotation committee of London Stock Exchange
低于法定标准的计体系substandard accounting
议记录keep minutes of a meeting
使资本社socializing capital
scheduled meeting
regular scheduled meeting
借贷计制度debt and credit accounting system
债券市场协bond market association
债权人议主席chairman of the creditors' meeting
债权人议的决议resolution of the creditors
克罗地亚证券委员Croatian Securities Commission
全国人大常委法制工作委员中国Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee
全国小企业协National Small Business Association
全国投资银行公巴西National Association of Investment Banks ANBID, Brazil
全国期货协national futures association
全国社保障基金National Social Security Fund
全国社保障基金理事会National Council for Social Security Fund China
全国股票经纪人协National Stockbrokers Society
全国证券交易协National Securities Trade Association
全国证券交易商协自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations System (NASDAQ)
全国证券交易商协自动报价系统指数National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation Indexes
全国证券交易商协自动报价系统期权自动系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation Options Quotation Execution System
全国证券交易商和投资经营者协National Association of Securities Dealers and Investment Managers
全国证券商协自律监管公司NASD Regulation, Inc. NASDR US
全国货币委员主席president of the National Monetary Committee
全国金融工作National Financial Work Conference China
全国银行及证券监察委员墨西哥National Banking and Securities Commission Commision Nacional Bancariay de Valores, CNBV, Mexico
全美个人投资者协National Association of Individual Investors
全美房地产投资信托协National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
全美投资者公司协National Association of Investor Corporation
全美股票经纪人协National Association of Stockbrokers
公司机company opportunity set
公司的投资委员firm investment account committee
公司监事supervisory committee of company
公司社责任corporate social responsibility (CSR)
公司董事协National Association of Corporate Directors
公开发行审核委员机制中国人民银行Public Offering Review Committee PORC mechanism
公开发行审议委员机制Public Offering Review Committee mechanism
公开市场委员美联储机构之一Open Market Committee
冒充证监人员pretending to be CSRC staff
创业板上市委员GEM Listing Committee
创立大inaugural meeting
利益冲突事宜委员conflict committee
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省证券委员British Columbia Securities Commission
加纳证券交易委员Ghana Securities and Exchange Commission
北京国家计学院Beijing National Accounting Institute
北美证券管理人协North American Security Administrators Association
北美证券管理者协North American Security Administrators Association
协同机synergistic opportunity
协商kick-off meeting
协调kick-off meeting
单位信托委员香港证监会Committee on Unit Trusts
单独路演推介中的单独会谈one-on-one meeting
卡国企业投资协China Enterprises Investment Association
卢森堡金融行业监管委员Grand Duchy of Commission de surveillance du secteur financier, Luxembourg
印度证券与外汇委员Securities and Exchange Board of India
印度证券交易委员Securities and Exchange Board of India
厄瓜多尔公司监管委员Ecuador Superintendencia de Compañías
合并业务accounting for business combinations
合规委员compliance committee
同期准备金contemporaneous reserve accounting
向证监递交资料submission of information to Commission
启动kick-off meeting
员工股权计划计惯例accounting practice for employee stock ownership plans
商业委员board of trade
商业机business opportunity
商品期货交易委员Commodity Futures Trading Commission
塞尔维亚证券和金融市场委员Securities and Financial Market Commission of Serbia
塞浦路斯证券交易委员Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission
增量机成本incremental opportunity cost
增长机growth opportunity
增长机净现值net present value of growth opportunity
增长机净现值net present value of growth opportunityNPVGO
增长机净现值模型net present value of growth opportunity model
增长机现值present value of growth opportunity
外部outside accountants
多米尼加证券监管委员Superintendencia de Valores de la Dominican
失去机股市上opportunity loser
夸张式计计账法aggressive accounting
套利机arbitrage opportunity
套利机增大arbitrage space expand
套利机放宽arbitrage space expand
存款公司协The Deposit-Taking Companies Association
存款机构放松监管委员Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee
孟加拉证券交易委员Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
香港证券监督管理委员会学术咨询委员Academic Advisory Committee
香港证券监督管理委员会学术评审咨询委员Academic and Accreditation Advisory Committee
定期regular scheduled meeting
定期scheduled meeting
定期regular meeting
定额fixed rate membership fee
实业银行家协Industrial Banker Association
审慎监管prudential meeting
小而专的机niche opportunity
尼日利亚证券交易委员尼日利亚Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission
尽职调查due diligence session
尽职调查准备due diligence meeting
尽职调查质询due diligence meeting
市场业绩委员market performance committee
市场业绩委员纽交所的一个特别委员会market performance committee
市场间风险管理委员intermarket risk management committee
市政证券规则制定委员Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
希腊资本市场管理委员Greece Capital Market Commission
常务董事executive board
常设委员分会standing sub-committee
平均计收益average accounting return
平等信贷机法案equal credit opportunity act
平等机的规定如,抽签购股equal opportunity requirement
意大利全国证券交易所监察委员Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa, Italy
成本计数据基础cost accounting data base
成本计规则cost accounting regulation
成本和管理计师协会Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
成立大inaugural meeting
执行议决议implement the resolution of meeting
执行委员国际证监会组织executive committee IOSCO
执行董事board of managing directors
承兑银行委员acceptance house committee
投机机arbitrage space
投资俱乐部协National Association of Investment Clubs
投资储蓄协stock association
投资公司学Investment Company Institute
投资审查委员board of investment
投资机一览表investment opportunity schedule
投资机安排investment opportunity schedule
投资机研究study of investment opportunity
投资机集合investment opportunity set
投资策略委员investment strategy committee
投资管理及研究协Association for Investment Management and Research
投资者公司协National Association of Investors Corporation
投资银行商协Investment Bankers Association
指定的报告designated reporting member
指数咨询委员Index Advisory Committee
挪威金融监管委员Norway Finanstilsynet
捷克证券委员Czech Securities Commission
摩洛哥证券交易委员Morocco Conseil Déontologique des Valeurs Mobilières
收购上诉委员香港证监会takeovers appeal committee
收购与兼并委员香港证监会takeovers & mergers panel
收购后对目标公司董事的控制control of target's board after purchase
收购机acquisition opportunity
政府国民抵押贷款协简称"吉尼美"Government National Mortgages Association
政府国民抵押贷款协债券Government National Mortgage Association Bonds
政府国民抵押贷款协债券Government National Mortgage Association Bonds
普华永道计师事务所Price Waterhouse Coopers
暂停经纪员资格suspend a broker's membership
最佳机killer opportunity
有效正式valid formal meeting
期权交易options trading member
期货经纪人和交易商协Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers
期货行业协Futures Industry Association
期货赔偿基金委员香港证监会Futures Compensation Fund Committee
未抓住机opportunity loser
未来投资机future investment opportunity
价格估值valuation of opportunity cost
成本评估valuation of opportunity cost
收购中的损失敌意收购要约可能会剥夺目标公司股东选择更好报价的机会opportunity loss
window period
股票交易所组合的全部股票集合opportunity set
融资opportunistic financing
机构大institutional conference
机构投资者委员council of institutional investors
权益汇总的计方法pooling of interests method of accounting
权责发生制accounting on accrual basis
权责发生制计惯例accrual accounting convention
标准计准则standard accounting practice
标准计实务说明statement of standard accounting practice
株式kabushiki kaisha (Japanese)
根西岛金融服务委员Guernsey Financial Services Commission
横向工horizontal union
欧洲区委员国际证监会组织European Regional CommitteeICXSCO
欧洲基金及资产管理协European Fund and Asset Management Association
欧洲证券交易商协自动报价交易系统伊斯达克European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System
欧洲证券监管机构委员The Committee of European Securities Regulators
欧洲金融分析师协学会European Federation of Financial Analyst Societies
沉重的社负担heavy social burdens
特别股东大extraordinary shareholders meeting
特别股东大extraordinary general meeting
特别股大extraordinary general meeting
特有机niche opportunity
特许计师Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
特许计师chartered accountant (CA)
特许计师协会Association of Chartered Accountants
特许注册计师协会 eAssociation of Chartered Certified Accountants
特许注册计师协会Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
特许金融分析师协Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts
理事board of councilors
理事下设的审议委员会Review Committee under the Board of Governors
理事成员council member
瑞士商品、期货及期权协Swiss Commodities, Futures and Options Association
瑞士联邦金融委员Swiss Federal Banking Commission (Commission federates des banques)
申报前pre-filing conference
破产计师accountant in bankruptcy
破产清算执业人员委员Insolvency Practitioners Committee
破产问题小组委员Insolvency Sub-committee
一般资金social overhead capital
主义市场体系socialist market system
主义市场理论socialist market theory
信用登记系统social credit registry system
公众general public
失调social maladjustment
意识共同基金socially conscious mutual fund
经济基础建设socio-economic infrastructure
经济指数socioeconomic index
良知型共同基金不投资于有害于社会环境产业的基金social consciousness mutual fund
责任投资social responsibility investment
责任方式social responsibility approach
资本再生产social capital reproduction
间接资本social capital
集资social collection of funds
集资funds raised in society
票据交换所员银行member bank of the clearing house
票据清算协clearing house association
程序审核委员process review panel
第一员公司first member firm
第一次股东大statutory meeting
筹资机capital raising opportunity
管理计协会Society of Management Accountants
管理委员governing committee
粉饰计账目cooking the books
粉饰计账目juggling the books
索赔事项咨询委员advisory board on compensation
网上web casting
网上股东大投票online general meeting voting
网络web casting
罗马尼亚国家证券委员Romanian National Securities Commission
美国一般公认计原则US GAAP
美国个体投资者协American Association of Individual Investment
美国债券业协Bond Market Association
美国公司董事协National Association of Corporate Directors
美国商法协American Business Law Association
美国工人工组织美国劳联一产联American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
美国律师协American Bar Association
美国投资俱乐部协National Association of Investment Clubs
美国抵押银行家协Mortgage Banker Association of America
美国注册计师协会American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
美国统一证券识别委员Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures
美国统一证券识别委员Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures
美国联邦交易委员US Federal Trade Commission
美国证券交易商协 FR-1 表要求承销商填表,保证承销新股过程中遵守诚信原则National Association of Security Dealers Form FR-1
美国证券交易商联合National Association of Securities Dealers
美国证券交易委员United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
美国证券交易委员公告SEC statement
美国证券交易委员文档Securities and Exchange Commission filings
美国证券交易委员规定SEC requirement
美国证监United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
美国评估协American Appraisal Associates
美国银行家协交换号码ABA transit number
美国银行家抵押贷款协Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)
美联储理事Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
职工代表大staff and workers' congress
职工代表大employee's assembly
联合纽约证券交易所会员机构的合伙人或股东,而不是交易所会员allied member
联合交易委员Joint Exchange Committee
联合交易所委员Joint Exchange Committee
联邦交易委员监管证券交易中违规违法行为的机构Federal Trade Commission
联邦住房财政委员Federal Housing Finance Board
联邦储备委员Federal Reserve Board FRB
联邦储备系统管理委员美国联邦储备系统五大组成部分之一,联邦储备系统核心机构Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
联邦储蓄与贷款协Federal Savings and Loan Association
联邦公开市场委员Federal Open Market Committee
联邦国民抵押贷款协Federal National Mortgage Association
联邦国民抵押贷款协Federal National Mortgage Association
联邦电信委员Federal Communications Commission
联邦顾问委员Federal Advisory Council
股东shareholders' meeting
股指专家委员证监会committee of index experts
董事与首席执行官的沟通Board-CEO communication
董事主席chairman of the board of directions
董事会议记录board minute
董事会议通知Board Meeting Notifications
董事全体成员all directorate members
董事公告directorate announcements
董事决议board resolution
董事意见分歧split board
董事权力条款此款授予董事会权力来决定绝对多数条款是否生效board-out clause
董事秘书secretary to directorate
董事秘书directorate secretary
董事秘书对外公布公司信息secretary to directorate publishing company information
董事筹委会preparatory board
董事观点不统一split board
董事运作的效率efficiency of directorate operation
董事领导下的厂长分工负责制system of the director of a factory assuming responsibility under the leadership of the Board of Directors
董事领导下的厂长负责制factory director responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors
董事领导下的总经理负责制president responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors
蒙古证券交易委员Securities and Exchange Commission of Mongolia
融资结构安排与收购计调整structuring finances and allowing for purchase accounting adjustment
行业协industry association
行业工trade body
西方七国财长G-7 finance ministers
谨慎监管prudential meeting
财务计准则委员会Financial Accounting Standard Board
财务计标准说明Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
财务分析中的计数据矩阵和分析工具matrix of accounting data and analytical tools for financial analysis
财务分析师协Financial Analyst Society
货币委员currency board
货币政策委员中国人民银行monetary policy committee
资产信托fiduciary accounting
资产的经管责任/计责任accountability for assets
资本的社机会成本social opportunity cost of capital
资本社化分配social allocation of capital
资本结构调整accounting recapitalization
资金的机成本opportunity cost of capital
轮回制董事每次更换董事只更换一部分,轮流更换staggered board
轮选制董事classified board
轮选制董事staggered board
退会员outgoing member
退出机、脱手机会exit opportunity
通用计准则Generally Accepted Accounting Principals
遵守证监的相关规定abide by the relevant rules stipulated by the CSRC
错过交易机由于经纪人的疏忽而错过一项对客户有利的交易missing the market
长期投资储蓄协permanent stock association
长期股票协permanent stock association
阿尔伯塔省证券委员加拿大Alberta Securities Commission
阿尔及利亚证券交易所监督和经营委员Algeria Commission d'Organisation et de Surveillance des Operations de Bourse
阿根廷国家证券委员Argentina Comision Nacional de Valores
附属affiliated member
限制董事行为restriction of board action
需经证监批准收取的费用fees approved by Commission
非结算non-clearing member
饼干罐计法做假账的一种手段,利用违规储备金调节利润。在资本市场上,"饼干罐"是指企业利用"准备金"作为企业报告业绩的"缓冲区",收益好时提取一些违规准备金,在会计账目需要时将其一部分转回,从而可以粉饰账目Cookie Jar Accounting
香港网上经纪协Hong Kong Association of Online Brokers, the
香港联交所员交易研究调查SEHK members transaction survey
香港联交所期权结算所SEOCH member
香港股票经纪人协Association of Stockbrokers in Hong Kong
香港股票经纪商协Stockbrokers' Association of Hong Kong
香港证券交易所联合Hong Kong Federation of Stock Exchanges
香港证券和期货委员Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
香港证券经纪协Hong Kong Stockbrokers Association
香港证监审计委员会audit committee
香港证监投资者调查SFC investor survey
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