
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一对一one-on-one (发行人与单一机构投资者进行的会议。一对一会议一般只安排给很有可能会买人相当大量股票和表示有兴趣与管理层会面的大型机构)
一般general account
一般物价水平general price-level accounting
一般物价水平变动general price-level change accounting
一般物价水平可变现净值general price-level net realizable value accounting
一般物价水平现值general price-level present value accounting
一般物价水平调整历史成本general price-level-adjusted historical cost accounting
一般物价水平调整时值general price-level-adjusted current value accounting
一般物价水平重置成本general price-level replacement cost accounting
上海世博Shanghai World Expo
上海国家计学院Shanghai National Accounting Institute
上海2010年世博Shanghai 2010 World Exposition
上诉委员appeal panel
不变币值constant-dollar accounting
不变币值通货膨胀constant-dollar inflation accounting
不变购买力constant purchasing power accounting
不断完善社主义市场经济体制constantly improve the socialist market economy
不独立分店计制centralized branch system (dependent branch system)
不符合公认计原则non-compliance with GAAP
专业professional accounting
专业professional dues
世界交易所联合World Federation of Exchanges (世界主要证券交易所的国际性组织,前身为成立于1961年的"国际证券交易所联合会(法语名:Federation Internationale des Bourses de Valeurs, FIBV) ", 2001年10月改为现名)
世界博览World Exposition (简称"世博会")
世界大型企业联合Conference Board (美国的一家非牟利民间调查机构,创立于1916年,总部在纽约,因定期发布美国消费者信心指数及美国和其他几个国家的先行经济指数而享有盛名)
世界大型企业联合中国先行经济指数Conference Board LEI for China
世界大型企业联合中国先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic Index for China
世界大型企业联合先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic Index
世界大型企业联合美国先行经济指数Conference Board LEI for the U.S.
世界大型企业联合美国先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic index for the U.S.
世界工联盟World Federation of Trade Unions
世界开发融资机构联合World Federation of Development Financing Institutions (1979年9月在马德里成立)
世界投资促进机构协World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (总部设于瑞士日内瓦的非政府和非牟利组织)
世界贸易中心协World Trade Centers Association (国际贸易促进组织,成立于1970年,总部设在纽约)
世界黄金协World Gold Council
业务分类activity accounting (responsibility accounting)
业绩评价performance accounting
东亚及大洋洲证券交易所联合East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation
东亚证券交易所联合East Asian Stock Exchange Conference
两点套汇直接套two-point arbitrage (direct arbitrage)
个体观念之entity concept of accounting
个别折旧计法与分组折旧会计法unit and group bases of depreciation accounting
《中华人民共和国计法》Law on Accountancy of the People's Republic of China
《中华人民共和国注册计师法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Certified Public Accountants
中国计学会Accounting Society of China
中国期货业协China Futures Association (全国期货行业自律性组织,为非营利性的社会团体法人,成立于2000年12月29日,常设机构设在北京)
中国欧盟商European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
《中国证券监督管理委员公告》China Securities Regulatory Commission Official Bulletin (出版物)
中央经济工作Central Economic Work Conference
中欧峰EU-China summit
中等intermediate accounting
中级计员semisenior accountant
中美商贸联委China-U.S. Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade
中美城市经济合作U.S. -China Initiative on City-level Economic Cooperation
企业business accounting
《企业计准则》Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises (2006 年2月颁布)
《企业计准则——基本准则》Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises: General Standard
企事业内的计人员private accountant
众议院筹款委员House Ways and Means Committee
员交纳情况status of contribution
员会计师incorporated accountant
消失的成本avoidable cost
分析比率accounting ratio
计上持续观念continuity concept (of accounting)
计上的客观性objectivity in accounting
计上的改革整顿accounting reorganization
计上的资本accounting capital
计上衡量观念measurement concept (of accounting)
计专家expert accountant
计专门化specialized phases of accounting
计主义accounting doctrine
计主任controller of accounts
计主任accountancy general
计主任科长,会计长accountant general
计之矩阵表示法用纵横棋盘式对照表表示出业务的借贷科目;或用"线型"来表示事物的数量与质量的关系matrix approach accounting
计习惯做法accounting convention (or practices)
计事况事项accountable condition or event
计事务所accounting firm
计事务管理management accounting office work
计事项accounting events
计事项审计transaction auditing
计事项审计transaction audit
计交易accounting transaction
计人员手册Accountant’s Handbook
计价格accounting price
计估价accounting estimate
计作为一种信息处理系统accounting as an information system
计信息accounting information
计信息系统accounting information system
计假定accounting postulates
计假定accounting assumption
计公司public accounting firm
计决算报表statement of final accounts
计准则accounts rules
计准则accounting standards
计准则委员会Accounting Standard Board
计凭证accounting document
计分析accounting analysis
计利润accounting profits
计利率accounting rate of interest
计制度system of accounting
计制度system of accounts
计制度predetermined cost accounting
计制度fiscal system
计制度系统account system
计制度汇编manual of accounts
计制度汇编manual of accounting
计制表机accounting tabulating machine
计功能function accounting
计助理员assistance accountant
独立核算计单位accounting entity
计原则accounting policy
计原则principle of accounting
计原则原理accounting principles
计原则accounting principles
计原则委员会accounting principle board
计原则委员会accounting principles board
计原则部的态度action by accounting principles board
计原理principles of accounting
计原理principle of accounting
计原理accounting principles
计变更accounting changes
计变通办法accounting alternative
计名词accounting terminology
计员accounting clerk
计周期accounting cycle
计基本原理postulate of accounting
计基本原理accounting postulates
计处accounting department
计处accountant’s department
计处理accounting treatment
计处理方式accounting treatment
计季度fiscal quarter
计学法accountant’s method
计学说accounting doctrine
计实体accounting entity
计室accounting office
计局accountant bureau
计工作电子计算机化accounting by EDP (electronic data processing)
计师certified public accountants
计师之助手junior accountant
计师事务所public accounting firm
计师协会association of accountants
计师意见书opinion of independent accountants
计师报告accountants' report
计师报告accountant’s report
计师査帐报告accountant’s report
计师法accountant’s method
计师索引accountant’s index
计师统一考试uniform CPA examination
计帐册books of accounts
计帐册accounting records
计帐册account books
计帐册的检验test of accounting record
计年度fiscal accounting year
计年度financial fiscal year fin. yr.
计年度year of account
计年度the fiscal year
计年度the financial year
计年度account fiscal year
计年度岁尾分摊法allocation at fiscal year-end
计循环accounting cycle
计惯例accounting practice
计惯例accounting convention
计惯例/实务accounting practice
计所得accounting income
计手册manual of accounting
计手册account manual
计打字员accounting typist
计技术accounting technique
计报告financial return
计报告fiscal statement
计报告accounting report
计报表的内容content of accounting statements
计报表的格式form of accounting statements
计报表的编制方法compilation method of accounting statements
计报表资料accounting information
计收入accounting income
计政策的公开disclosure of accounting policies
计教育education for accounting
计方法basis of accounting
计方法体系accounting method system
计方程accounting equation (accounting identify)
计方程式accounting identity
计方针中的行为迹象behavioral aspect of accounting policy
计日报daily accounting report
计月报表account current
计期刊《会计论文集》accounting series releases
计期间惯例accounting period convention
计机器accounting machine
计杂志journal of accountancy
计核査院长control general
计检查control of accounts
计检查官comptroller of the treasury
计检査员commissioners of audit
计检査官controller of accounts
计概念accounting concepts
计比率accounting rate
计法fiscal law
计法accounting act
计法或审计法施行细则regulations for the enforcement of the law of account (or audit)
计现代化modernization of accounting
计理论介绍introduction to accounting theory
计用语accounting terminology
计电子计算机accounting computer
计登记簿register of income account
计的作用accountant’s role
计的例行手续mechanics of accounting
计的基本原理fundamentals of accounting
计的基本原理fundamental of accounting
计的定义accounting defined
计的新发展late development of accounting
计的机器整理machine method of accounting
计的机械化mechanization of accounting
计监督accounting supervision
计矩阵accounting matrix
计研究accounting research study
计研究accounting study
计研究公报accounting research bulletin
计研究杂志journal of accounting research
计科accounting division
计科accounting house
计科account section
计科目title of account (name of account; account title)
计科目name of account
计科目分类classification of accounts (account classification)
计科目分类accounting classification
计科目分类说明classification manual of accounts
计科目卡card of account
计科目名称capital of account
计科目图表chart of accounts (classification of accounts)
计科目组织plan of account
计科目编号account number
计科目表accounts chart
计科目表chart of accounts (classification of accounts)
计科目表classification of accounts (account classification)
计科目表account chart
计程序accounting procedure
计程序手续委员会Committee on Accounting Procedure
计程序规程手册manual of accounting instruction
计程序委员会committee in accounting procedure
计程序手册manual of accounting procedures
计程式accounting equation
计等式the accounting equation
计等式accounting equation (accounting identify)
计等式accounting identity
计管理management through accounting
计簿accounting form
计簿册accounting books
计系department of accounting
计系accounting department
计系统accounting system
计组织accounting organization
计结构mechanics of accounting
计结构之基点the account building block
计编号accounting code number
计职业accounting profession
计职业界accounting profession
计职能function of accounting
计职能accounting function
计观念accounting concepts
计规则accounting rules
计规则accounting regulations
计规定accounting provisions
计规程manual of accounting
计规程accounting procedure
计规程manual of accounts (accounting manual)
计规程accounting regulations
计计算机computing accounting machine
计评论accounting review
计试算表trial balance of totals
计责任制度accountability system
计资料的用途usefulness of accounting data
计趋势和会计技术accounting trend and techniques
计过程accounting process
计部门accounting department
计长主办会计费用controller's expense
计领导accounting generalship
议费用convention expense
association fee
费分摊assessment of contributions
费基准basis of contributions
费摊定assessment of contributions
传统conventional accounting
传统基金Heritage Foundation
传统成本conventional cost accounting
伦敦保险协货物保险条款Institute cargo clause
伦敦经济London Monetary and Economic Conference
伦敦金银市场协London Bullion Market Association
《公司财务报表的计和报告准则》Accounting and Reporting Standards for Corporation Financial Statement
分公司分厂divisional accounting
分批lot accounting
分批成本job order costing accounting
分批成本job cost accounting
分摊assessed contribution
分摊费拖欠款arrears of assessed contributions
分支机构branch accounting
分期付款之计处理方法installment method of accounting
分期付款制的计处理installment basis accounting
分析analytical accounting
分析计学analytical accounting
分离separate accounting
分算split assessments
分货币费分摊记帐split assessment accounting
分部departmental accounting
分部divisional accounting
分部segment accounting
分部department accounting
分项item accounting
创业板上市委员GEM Listing Committee
初等elementary accounting
初等计学principles of accounting
初级成本elementary costing accounting
利益冲突事宜委员Conflict Committee
各类股票的计处理accounting for various classes of stock
储蓄放款协会,信用合作社saving-and-Ioan association
合伙partnership accounting
合格计员qualified accountant
合营partnership accounting
同业professional dues
同业公会费association dues
《国际计》International Accounting
《国际计公报》International Accounting Bulletin
《国际计准则》International Accounting Standards
《国际计和报告准则》International Standards of Accounting and Reporting
《国际计杂志》International Journal of Accounting
《国际计研究》Journal of International Accounting Research (美国会计学会 (American Accounting Association,简称 AAA)主办的刊物之一)
计上的应用accounting applications
计中电子计算机适用性的研究feasibility studies for computers in accounting
处理计事务accounting data process
复式double-entry bookkeeping
复式double entry accounting
复式double-entry accounting
复式计制度double-accounting system
复式记录器计机multiple register accounting machines
外商投资企业accounting of enterprises with foreign investment
外币计报表折算translation of foreign currency statements
外币交易的计处理accounting treatment for foreign currency transactions
外部external accounting
外部报告财务会计accounting for external reporting
大幅度提高社保障水平substantially increase social security benefits
大规模社动荡mass social unrest
大都人寿保险MetLife (美国最大的人寿保险公司之一,创立于1868年,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第122位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第129位)
小康社moderately prosperous society
币值变动accounting for changing money value
币值稳定stabilized accounting
市场架构改革统筹委员Co-ordinating Committee on Market Structure Reform
市政municipal accounting
布雷顿森林体系 II 峰Bretton Woods II summit
津贴representation allowance
开业计师professional accountant
引伸出来的计惯例derivative accounting convention
引发社动荡lead to social unrest
成本industrial accounting (cost accounting)
成本cost accounting
成本计算期间cost accounting period
成本计中心cost center accounts
《成本计准则说明》Statement of Cost Accounting Standards
成本计分析cost accounting analysis
成本计制度之设置installation of a cost system
成本计原则cost accounting principle
成本计员cost accountant
成本计师协会Cost Accountant's Association
成本计循环cost accounting cycle
成本计标准委员会Cost Accounting Standards Board
成本计的分步法process method of cost accounting
成本计的发展development of cost accounting
成本计的规章制度rules and regulations of cost accounting
成本计程序cost accounting procedures
成本计规程手册cost manual
成本计部科,股cost accounting department
成本概念和标准委员Committee on Cost Concepts and Standards
成本流量观念之cost flow concept of accounting
按总物价水平调整pupu accounting (purchasing power unit)
最大限度地创造就业和发展机maximize the creation of employment and development opportunities
有中国特色的社主义民主政治socialist democratic politics with chinese characteristics
有执照的执业计师licensed public accountant
服务业service enterprise accounting
期权市场国际协International Options Markets Association
期货业协Futures Industry Association (前身是1955年5月成立的商品交易公司协会 (ACEF),近年来该协会的影响力已渐渐超出美国国界,成为一个国际性的期货协会组织)
期货经理人协Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers
未交outstanding contribution
计年度current fiscal year
本期货币current dollar accounting
标准计实务standard accounting practice
标准成本计部分计算partial plan of standard accounting
标准化standardized accounting
标准成本标准成本制度standard cost accounting standard cost system
标准成本计的单一计划single plan of standard cost accounting
标普投资政策委员S & P Investment Policy Committee
栏外below the line
欧元区13国财长eurozone's finance ministers' group
欧洲发展基金European Development Fund
欧洲咨询委员European Advisory Committee
欧洲央行European Central Bank conference
欧洲理事外交关系委员会European Council on Foreign Relations
欧洲理事常设主席president of the EU council of ministers
欧洲社基金组织Composite Social Fund
欧洲系统风险委员European Systemic Risk Board
欧洲经济共同体合作储蓄和信贷机构协Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Institutions of European Economic Commodity
欧洲经济委员European Economic Council
欧洲经济理事European Economic Coucil
欧洲自由贸易协European Free Trade Association (总部设于日内瓦)
欧洲证券交易商协European Association of Securities Dealers
欧洲证券交易商协自动报价系统European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (简称"伊斯达克 (EASDAQ)")
欧洲证券监管机构委员Committee of European Securities Regulators
欧盟委员主席European Union Commission President
欧盟委员主席European Commission president
欧盟峰European Union summit
欧盟峰EU summit
欧盟议听证会European Parliament hearing
清算clearing member
清算员资格clearing membership
清算liquidation accounting
清算accounting for liquidation
渐进式变化的机chance for incremental change
理事多年工作计划Council MYPOW
理事多年工作计划Council's Multiyear Programme of Work
理事多年工作计划Council's Multiyear Programme of Work 2010-2013
理事多年工作计划Multiyear Programme of Work of the Council
理财general accounting
理财financial accounting
生产单位production unit accounting
生死攸关的欧盟峰make-or-break European Union summit
用机械的mechanical accounting
第七届亚欧首脑Seventh Asia-Europe Meeting
《美国执业计师协会职业准则》AICPA Professional Standards
《美国执业计师协会职业道德法规》AICPA Code of Professional Ethics
《美国税收协期刊》Journal of the American Taxation Association (美国会计学会 (AAA)主办的刊物之一)
老龄化社greying society
—般物价水平调整general price-level-adjusted accounting
营业处理各种营业费用及收益帐项accounting of business
人员financial accountant
基础fundamentals of financial accounting
基础fundamental of financial accounting
财产计科目表property chart of accounts
财务general accounting
财务financial accountant
财务计准则委员会Financial Accounting Standards Board
《财务计准则委员会公告》FASB Statement
《财务计准则委员会征求意见稿》FASB Exposure Draft
《财务计准则委员会讨论备忘录》FASB Discussion Memorandum
《财务计准则汇编》Statement of Financial Accounting Standard
《财务计准则说明》Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
财务计基金会Finance Accounting Foundation
财务计处general accounting and finance department
财务计处accountant branch
财务计报告financial accounting report
财务计标准委员会financial accounting standards board
财务计标准的解释interpretation of statement of financial accounting standards
财务计理论financial accounting theory
财务计责任fiscal accountability
财务计责任financial accountability
《财务与计》Finance and Accounting
财务委员financial committee
财务报告式financial reporting accounting
财务报告理事Financial Reporting Council
财务报表涵盖的计期间accounting period covered by the financial statements
财务汇报检讨委员financial reporting review committee
财务管理人员accounting for stewardship
财政委员financial committee
财政学society of public finance
财政部计准则委员会China Accounting Standards Committee (成立于1998年10月,是中国会计准则制定的咨询机构)
财政部-联邦储备系统管理委员treasury-federal reserve
财资市场公Treasury Markets Association
责任responsibility accounting (profitability accounting, activity accounting)
责任profitability accounting (responsibility accounting)
责任activity accounting (responsibility accounting)
责任计概念concept of responsibility accounting
责任发生制accounting on obligation basis
责权发生制accrual basis
货币价值变动accounting for changing money and value
货币价值调整money-value adjustment accounting
货币政策委员Monetary Policy Committee
货币购买力变动accounting for changes in the purchasing power of money
通知照circular note
通胀inflation accounting
通货膨胀accounting for inflation
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