
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
一周后敏感的症状将消失It will disappear in about a week
痛的It won't hurt
不正确的刷牙方式导致牙龈退缩和牙体磨耗Incorrect tooth brushing causes gum recession and tooth abrasion
两三小时后麻醉效果消失The anesthetic will wear off in about two or three hours
二十四小时内不要漱口,漱口可能影响凝血块的形成Don't rinse for twenty four hours as it may disturb blood clot
今天我们看看你的牙齿,并且会给它照相Today we are going to look at your teeth, and take pictures of them
今天牙神经已被切断,这可能使您感觉有点痛Today the nerve has been cut, so you may feel a little painful
你不有什么不舒服的感觉So you won't feel anything discomfortable
你的牙齿不感觉到疼痛的It doesn't hurt at all
修复后注意事项您很快适应义齿的You will soon get accustomed to the dentures
医生很快就给您看了The doctor will see you soon
印模材料由软渐渐变硬At first, the material will be soft, then little by little, it will harden
即使我们治疗好了这颗牙齿,它也不保留多长时间的Even if we treat it, it won't work for long
可能肿胀几天There might be some swelling for a few days
吸唾器吸出您口腔中的唾液This aspirator will remove the saliva from your mouth
四分钟左右麻药就起作用We will wait about four minutes for the anesthetic to take effect
四分钟左右麻药就起作用。The anesthetic will take effect in about four minutes
在一段时间里,您的牙齿可能感觉不舒服Your tooth may be uncomfortable for a while
夜间疼痛加重吗?Did the pain interfere with sleep?
夜间疼痛加重吗?Did it hurt more at night?
如果我们保留这颗牙,脓肿影响恒牙的形成If we leave it, the infection pus might influence the formation of the following permanent tooth
如果没有日常家庭的维护,治疗将失败The treatment will fail without your daily home care
对于龋洞近髓处,我们用特殊的护髓材料保护牙髓I put a special lining over the deepest part of the cavity to protect the nerve of your tooth
当您感觉不舒服时告诉我,我就立刻停止Tell me if you feel uncomfortable, then I'll stop immediately
当我注射麻药时,您可能感觉到有点针刺感You may feel a little sting when I give the injection
当正畸治疗时,您的牙齿可能感觉敏感During the treatment with braces, you may feel some sensitivity
当钻您的牙时,您感觉有点振动During the drilling of your tooth, you may feel the vibration a little
很快就结束It will soon be finished
说英语吗?Do you speak English?
您不感觉到疼痛,但您将会感觉到您的牙龈有些紧You won't feel pain, but perhaps you'll feel tight on your gum
您可能感觉有异味,请忍耐下You may feel it has a strange taste, but please be patient
您很快就好的You will soon feel better
您愿意等一儿吗?Could you wait for a while?
成功的机大于百分之九十The chance for success is better than ninety percent
用护髓材料来预防牙齿敏感I put a lining under the filling to prevent from sensitivity
用白色树脂材料来充填前牙I'll make a white composite resin filling for your front tooth
轻轻地牵拉您的嘴唇和颊部I'll pull your lip and cheek a little
我不把你弄痛的I won't hurt you
我将把你牙齿上的龋洞清理干净并用树脂充填它们I am going to clean a cavity in your tooth and fill it with composite resin
拔牙后几天唾液里可能带有少量血液It might bleed a little bit for the rest of the day
接下来牙齿因为牙周支持骨的丧失而松动In the advanced stage, teeth become loose because of destruction of the supporting bone
敏感的现象一到两周后消失The sensitivity will disappear in one week or two
根充后的牙改变颜色The tooth with a root canal filling sometimes changes its color
每个人看牙病时都有点紧张Everyone is a little nervous when they have dental treatment
洗完牙后牙齿出现对冷热食物敏感的现象The teeth may become sensitive to hot and cold food for a while
牙周袋内通常存留食物残渣、细菌和牙石There are always food, bacteria and calculus in the pockets
牙结石刺激牙龈Dental calculus irritates the gums
由于托槽磨嘴唇和颊部,您可能感觉不舒服You may feel uncomfortable with the braces, because they touch your cheek and lip
口腔学Social dentistry
X 线片几分钟后洗出来The X-ray will be developed in a few minutes
菌斑中的细菌利用蔗糖形成酸,而酸腐蚀牙釉质Bacteria in the plaque use sugars to fonn acid and the acid dissolves the enamel
被拔除两侧的牙向缺牙处移动并减小间隙The teeth beside the extracted tooth will move and close the space
请保持一咬牙状态Please keep your teeth together for a while
请用鼻子呼吸一Please breathe through your nose for a while
超声洗牙时发出嗡嗡声,产生水雾,并震碎牙结石It makes a buzzing noise, sprays a mist of water and breaks up the calculus
这颗牙可能使您有异样的感觉You may feel a strange sensation in your teeth
钻牙可能使您感觉点疼痛Drilling may hurt you a little bit
麻木的感觉持续两三个小时The numb feeling will continue for two or three hours