
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
上市公司计监督委员会Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
与世界贸易组织联络的委员Committee on Liaison with the WTO IMF, Executive Board
世代generational accounting
世界减灾World Conference on Disaster Reduction
世界劳工联合World Confederation of Labour
世界粮食理事World Food Council
世界银行发展经济学年Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics World Bank
世界银行和基金组织理事关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Development Committee
世界银行和基金组织理事关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Development Committee
世界银行和基金组织理事关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
世界银行和基金组织理事年会事宜联合特别委员会Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund
世界银行/基金组织务办公室Bank/Fund Conferences Office
世界银行-基金组织金融部门联络委员Bank-Fund Financial Sector Liaison Committee
中非银行委员Central African Banking Commission
执董会主席的议总结Chairman's summing-up IMF, Executive Board
亚太经济合作理事APEC Council
亚太经济合作理事APEC Forum
亚太经济合作理事Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
亚太经济合作理事Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚太经济合作理事Asia-Pacific Economic Forum
亚太经济合作理事Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
亚太经社Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
仅有资格得到国际开发协贷款的国家IDA-only country
仅适用于使用国际开发协贷款国家的减债贷款IDA Debt Reduction Facility
仅适用于使用国际开发协贷款国家的减债贷款Debt Reduction Facility for IDA-Only Countries
份额总检查全体委员Committee of the Whole for the General Review of Quotas IMF, Executive Board
份额检查全体委员Committee of the Whole on Review of Quotas IMF, Executive Board
伊斯兰金融服务委员Islamic Financial Services Board
伊斯兰金融机构计和审计组织Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions
务官员Conferences Officer
员费membership fees
员费membership dues
外表决voting without meeting
枯竭的资源exhaustible resource
计做法accounting procedures
计做法accounting methods
计做法accounting practices
计制度accounting system
计总署General Accounting Office
计恒等式accounting identity
计恒等式balance sheet equation
计恒等式accounting equation
计惯例accounting conventions
计方法accounting procedures
计方法accounting methods
计方法accounting practices
计概念accounting concept
计汇book rate
计汇accounting rate
计汇率accounting exchange rate
计汇率shadow exchange rate
计科目表chart of accounts
计程序accounting methods
计程序accounting procedures
计程序accounting practices
计记录accounting documents
计记录accounting records
计记录books and records
计造假accounting fraud
议程序联合委员会Joint Procedures Committee IMF-IBRD Annual Meetings
议记录summary record
议记录summary proceedings
估算的社缴款imputed social contributions
估算的雇主社缴款employers' imputed social contributions
regular meeting IMF, Executive Board
信息技术政策委员Information Technology Policy Committee
信贷协cooperative savings association
信贷协credit union
储蓄协savings association
储蓄贷款协savings and loan association
全体职工大Townhall Meeting
全国证券交易商协National Association of Securities Dealers
全国证券交易商协自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations system
全球咨询委员Global Advisory Committee
全球金融体系委员Committee on the Global Financial System
公司计准则corporate accounting standards
公民社civic society
公认的计原则generally accepted accounting principles
关于执5 计行董事定期选举事宜的规则委员Committee on Rules for the year Regular Election of Executive Directors IMF, Executive Board
关于执董改革的第七次拟议修正案Board Reform Amendment
关于执董改革的第七次拟议修正案Seventh Amendment
关于执董改革的第七次拟议修正案Proposed Seventh Amendment on the Reform of the Executive Board
内部executive session IMF, Executive Board
减贫战略国际International Conference on Poverty Reduction Strategies
减贫战略国际International Conference on National Poverty Reduction Strategies
助理务秘书长Assistant Secretary for Conferences
发展委员Joint Development Committee
发展委员Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
发展委员的全体委员会Committee of the Whole for the Development Committee IMF, Executive Board
发展援助委员Development Assistance Committee
发展筹资问题国际Monterrey Conference
发展筹资问题国际FfD Conference
合作储蓄协cooperative savings association
合作储蓄协credit union
名人委员Committee to Study Sustainable Long-Term Financing of the IMF
名人委员Committee of Eminent Persons
名人委员Crockett Committee
名人委员Committee of Eminent Persons to Study Sustainable Long-Term Financing of the IMF
员工大Townhall Meeting
商业business accounting
国别咨询委员country advisory committee debt restructuring
国家减贫战略国际International Conference on Poverty Reduction Strategies
国家减贫战略国际International Conference on National Poverty Reduction Strategies
美国国家财政责任和改革委员Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Commission
美国国家财政责任和改革委员Fiscal Commission
美国国家财政责任和改革委员National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
国际计准则International Accounting Standards
国际计准则委员会International Accounting Standards Committee
国际计准则理事会International Accounting Standards Board
国际计师联合会International Federation of Accountants
国际议译员联合会International Association of Conference Interpreters
国际保险监管机构协International Association of Insurance Supervisors
国际保险监管者协的核心原则IAIS Core Principles
国际保险监管者协的核心原则Insurance Supervisory Principles
国际商International Chamber of Commerce
国际官方统计协International Association for Official Statistics International Statistical Institute (ISI)
国际开发协的减债贷款IDA Debt Reduction Facility
国际开发协的减债贷款Debt Reduction Facility for IDA-Only Countries
国际开发协的贷款转赠款机制IDA buy-down mechanism
国际掉期与衍生工具协International Swaps and Derivatives Association
国际统计学International Statistical Institute
国际自由工联合会International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
国际证监组织International Organization of Securities Commissions
国际货币与金融委员International Monetary and Financial Committee
国际货币与金融委员主席Chairman of the IMFC
国际货币基金组织与世界银行理事年会Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors
国际货币基金组织与世界银行理事年会Annual Meetings
国际货币基金组织与世界银行理事年会Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank
国际贸易委员International Trade Commission
国际金融学Institute of International Finance
国际金融机构咨询委员Meltzer Commission
国际金融机构咨询委员International Financial Institution Advisory Commission
20国集团/国际货币与金融委员数据缺陷倡议Data Gaps Initiative
20国集团/国际货币与金融委员数据缺陷倡议G-20/IMFC Data Gaps Initiative
20国集团洛斯卡沃斯峰Los Cabos Summit
20国集团洛斯卡沃斯峰Los Cabos G20 Summit
基金组织国际收支统计委员IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics
基金组织治理改革委员Committee on IMF Governance Reform
增长与发展委员Commission on Growth and Development
世界银行与基金组织合作问题外部审查委员External Review Committee on World Bank-IMF Collaboration
外部审计委员External Audit Committee
多国复员和重返社方案Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program Africa
太平洋经济合作理事Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
安全理事Security Council
安理Security Council
官方社official community
定期regular meeting IMF, Executive Board
审计委员audit committee
富裕社affluent society
对外推介outreach session
对外推介研讨outreach seminar
对外推介研讨outreach program
小规模restricted session IMF, Executive Board
尚未利用的谋利机unexploited profit opportunity
就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with civil society on IMF Governance Reform
就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar consultations
就基金组织治理改革问题与民间社开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with the Fund on Reform of IMF Governance
summit meetings
工作人员协委员会SAC Office
工作人员协委员会Staff Association Committee
巴塞尔委员Basel Committee
巴塞尔委员Cooke Committee
巴塞尔委员Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
巴塞尔支付与结算系统委员Basel Committee on Payment and Settlement System
巴塞尔银行监管委员Basel Committee
巴塞尔银行监管委员Cooke Committee
巴塞尔银行监管委员Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
布雷顿森林Bretton Woods Conference
布雷顿森林United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
布鲁金斯学Brookings Institution
常务委员standing committee
常设委员standing committee
Annual Meetings
Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors
Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank
年报委员Committee on the Annual Report IMF, Executive Board
应计制accrual basis for recording
应计制accrual accounting
应计制accrual basis of recording
应计制accrual basis accounting
成员国资格委员membership committee
成员国资格委员Committee on Membership -- IMF, Executive Board, country
成本cost accounting
房屋协building society
房屋贷款协building and loan associations
执董Board of Executive Directors
执董Executive Board
执董主席Chairman of the Executive Board
执董会议室Board Room
执董会议室Executive Board Room
执董工作计划组Board Work Program Unit
执董情况介绍Informal Board Briefing
执董情况介绍Board Briefing
执董政策文件policy Board paper
执董研讨会Board seminar
执董行政事务委员会Committee on Executive Board Administrative Matters IMF, Executive Board
执董讨论Board Discussion
执董议事程序规则procedural guidelines IMF Executive Board
执董非正式研讨会Informal Board Seminar
执行董事Board of Executive Directors
执行董事Executive Board
《执行董事年度报告》Annual Report
《执行董事年度报告》Annual Report of the Executive Board
执行董事报告report of the Executive Board
技术援助委员Technical Assistance Committee
投诉委员Grievance Committee
拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
指导委员steering committee
指导委员advisory committee
指导委员bank advisory committee London Club
推介outreach session
推选理事主席和副主席selection of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen BL, Board of Governors
美国政府国民抵押贷款协Ginnie Mae
美国政府国民抵押贷款协Government National Mortgage Association
时价current cost accounting
春季Spring Meetings
普遍接受的计准则generally accepted accounting principles
最低社保障social protection floor
最基本国家社数据组minimum national social data set
未设基金的雇员社福利unfunded benefits
未设基金的雇员社福利unfunded social benefits
未设基金的雇员社福利unfunded employee social benefits
window of opportunity
成本opportunity cost
权责发生制accrual basis of recording
权责发生制accrual basis for recording
权责发生制accrual accounting
权责发生制accrual basis accounting
条文解释委员Committee on Interpretation IMF, Executive Board
根据承诺预先记录的计制commitment basis
根据承诺预先记录的计制commitment basis accounting
检查委员Review Committee
欧共体委员European Commission
欧共体委员Commission of the European Communities
欧洲共同体委员European Commission
欧洲共同体委员Commission of the European Communities
欧洲标准化委员European Committee for Standardisation
欧洲理事European Council
欧洲理事Council of Europe
欧洲社基金European Social Fund
欧洲经委Economic Commission for Europe
欧洲自由贸易协European Free Trade Association
欧洲金融市场协Association for Financial Markets in Europe
欧洲银行监管委员Committee of European Banking Supervisors
欧盟委员European Commission
欧盟委员Commission of the European Communities
欧盟理事Council of Ministers
欧盟理事Council of the European Union
欧盟理事提出的两项旨在加强欧元区经济监管与合作的法案two pack European Union
正式的执董研讨会Formal Board Seminar
民间社civic society
民间社全球政策论坛Civil Society Global Policy Forum
民间社政策论坛Civil Society Forum
民间社政策论坛Civil Society Policy Forum
民间社组织civil society organization
民间社组织非正式大会CSO Townhall Meetings
海关合作理事Customs Co-operation Council
《海关合作理事税目》Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs
《海关合作理事税目》Brussels Nomenclature
《海关合作理事税目》Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
《海关合作理事税目》Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature
海湾合作理事Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾合作理事Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾合作理事Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
海湾阿拉伯国家合作理事Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾阿拉伯国家合作理事Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾阿拉伯国家合作理事Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
特别special meeting IMF, Executive Board
环境green accounting
环境environmental accounting
环球银行金融电信协Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
理事Board of Governors
理事年会Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors
理事年会Annual Meetings
理事年会Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank
《理事年会会议记录》Summary Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors
生产的社净收益net social benefit of production
生产的社净收益social surplus
监督委员Surveillance Committee IMF, Executive Board
监督委员Oversight Committee
研究基金组织可持续的长期融资问题名人委员Committee to Study Sustainable Long-Term Financing of the IMF
研究基金组织可持续的长期融资问题名人委员Committee of Eminent Persons
研究基金组织可持续的长期融资问题名人委员Crockett Committee
研究基金组织可持续的长期融资问题名人委员Committee of Eminent Persons to Study Sustainable Long-Term Financing of the IMF
研讨和海外培训科Seminars and Overseas Section
保险social insurance
保险福利social insurance benefits
保险缴款social insurance contributions
保险费payroll tax
保障social security
保障体系social security system
保障体系safety net
保障体系social security scheme
保障体系social safety net
保障基金social security funds
保障缴款social security contributions
保障计划social security scheme
保障计划social security system
剩余net social benefit of production
剩余social surplus
固定成本overhead capital
固定成本social overhead capital
基础设施social infrastructure
基础设施费用overhead capital
基础设施费用social overhead capital
安全网social safety
影响分析social impact analysis
影响评估social impact assessment World Bank
总产值gross social product centrally planned economies
成本social cost
支出social wage
支出social expenditure
收益率social rate of return
救济福利social assistance benefits
救济计划social assistance scheme
核算social accounts
核算social accounting
福利social welfare
福利social benefits
福利性产品merit good
缴款social contributions
科威特阿拉伯经济发展基金Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
第十四条款磋商委员Committee on Article XIV Consultations IMF, Executive Board
级联合委员Joint Development Committee
级联合委员Development Committee
级联合委员Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
经互Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
经济互助委员Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
经济及社信息和政策分析部Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis
经济及社理事会United Nations Economic and Social Council
经社理事United Nations Economic and Social Council
经销委员marketing board
统计委员Statistical Commission
绿色green accounting
绿色environmental accounting
美国劳工联盟及产业工联合会American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
美洲进步同盟委员Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress
职工协SAC Office
职工协Staff Association Committee
联储公开市场委员Open Market Committee
联储公开市场委员Federal Open Market Committee
联储公开市场委员Federal Reserve Open Market Committee
联合发展委员Joint Development Committee
联合发展委员Development Committee
联合发展委员Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
联合发展委员执行秘书处Office of Executive Secretary, Joint Development Committee
联合国儿童基金United Nations Children's Fund
联合国国际人口与发展United Nations International Conference on Population and Development
联合国国际贸易法委员United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
联合国最不发达国家问题United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
联合国环发大Earth Summit
联合国环发大United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
联合国环境与发展大Earth Summit
联合国环境与发展大United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
联合国货币与金融Bretton Woods Conference
联合国货币与金融United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
联合国贸发United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
联合执行委员Joint Implementation Committee
联合执行委员Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
联邦储备体系理事Federal Reserve Board
联邦储备体系理事Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
联邦储备委员Federal Reserve Board
联邦储备委员Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
美国联邦国民抵押贷款协Fannie Mae
美国联邦国民抵押贷款协Federal National Mortgage Association
蒙特雷Monterrey Conference
蒙特雷FfD Conference
蒙特雷International Conference on Financing for Development
西亚经济社委员会Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
西亚经社Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
认捐pledging conference debt restructuring
议程与程序委员Agenda and Procedures Committee
证券交易委员Securities and Exchange Commission
评估反洗钱措施的特设专家委员PC-R-EV Committee
评估反洗钱措施的特设专家委员Select Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures
评估委员Evaluation Committee IMF, Executive Board
货币委员monetary board
贫困和社影响分析poverty and social impact assessment
贫困和社影响分析Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
贫困和社影响评估poverty and social impact assessment
贫困和社影响评估Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
贸易政策协调委员Trade Policy Coordinating Committee
贸易谈判委员Trade Negotiations Committee
资产负债表balance sheet accounting
土耳其资本市场委员Capital Markets Board
连续性continuous session IMF, Executive Board
退休金委员Pension Committee
通货膨胀inflation accounting
金融稳定委员Financial Stability Board
美国金融稳定监督委员Financial Stability Oversight Council
银行咨询委员advisory committee
银行咨询委员steering committee
银行咨询委员bank advisory committee London Club
阿布扎比阿拉伯经济发展基金Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development
阿拉伯海湾合作理事Gulf Cooperation Council
阿拉伯海湾合作理事Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
阿拉伯海湾合作理事Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
阿拉伯科学研究理事联合会Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils
阿拉伯经济社发展基金Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
阿拉伯经济统一理事Council for Arab Economic Unity
阿拉伯经统理事Council for Arab Economic Unity
附属ancillary meetings IMF-IBRD Annual Meetings
20集团商务峰Business Summit
20集团商务峰G20 Business Summit
雇主实际的社缴款actual social contributions
雇主实际的社缴款employer's actual social contributions
雇主的社缴款employer contribution
雇主的社缴款employer's social contributions
雇主社保险计划employer social insurance scheme
雇主社福利employer social benefits
雇员的社缴款employee contribution
雇员的社缴款employee's social contribution insurance, pensions
非正式informal meeting IMF Executive Board
非正式的执董情况介绍Informal Board Briefing
非正式的执董情况介绍Board Briefing
非洲保险市场议的保险准则CIMA Code
非洲保险市场议的保险准则Insurance Code of the Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets
非洲国家保险市场大Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets
非洲增长和机法案African Growth and Opportunity Act
非洲经济委员Economic Commission for Africa
预算委员Committee on the Budget IMF, Executive Board
预算重点委员Committee on Budget Priorities
风险管理咨询委员Advisory Committee on Risk Management
首脑summit meetings
高峰summit meetings