
Terms for subject Project management containing 会计 | all forms | in specified order only
专业会计师注册记录册register of professional accountants
会计与审计程序accounting and auditing procedure
会计与核数程序accounting and auditing procedure
会计主体accounting entity
会计准贝accounting principle
会计凭证account book
会计分期accounting period
会计account law
会计类别accounting class
会计结算日期accounting date
会计计价accounting valuation
会计账册account book
会计账簿book of account
会计账簿account book
会计账簿accountant book
公认会计原则acceptable accounting principle
在软件初始安装期间下载的电子许可证会一直保留在计算机上、 而且不会过期The e-license they downloaded during initial setup of the software remains resident on their computer perpetually and does not expire
在高度依赖计算机的现代社会、软件特别是大型实时安全攸关软件的可靠性成为计算机界和整个社会都非常关注的问题In a highly computer-dependent society, reliability of software, especially of big realtime safety critical ones, gains far-ranging attention from computer community and the rest of the world
基金会计基准fund accounting basis
多伦多移民就业委员会还为职业移民者组织了为期4 个月的辅导计划TRI EC also organizes a four-month mentoring scheme for professional immigrants
如果需要会计方面的建议、我会去找专业会计师If I need some accounting advice, I always go to a professional accountant
OSI/RM 将计算机网络体系结构划分为应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层七个层次OSI/RM classify the structure of the network into application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer and physical layer
帮助用户执行简单财务会计任务如余额支票簿和支付账单的一种应用程序软件personal finance manager
开业会计independent accountant
当然、聪明的读者会注意到、这种云计算趋势有一个明显的缺点Of course, clever readers will have noticed that this trend toward cloud computing has an obvious flaw
成本会计总观costs accounting-overview
成本会计总观cost accounting-overview
成本会计流程图costs accounting flow chart
执业会计certified public accountant (CPA)
执业会计师及注册核数师事务所firm of certified public accountants and public auditors
CAI 是个安排学生到预先设计了学习计划的会话模式的电脑上的教育观念CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan
注册会计chartered accountant (CA)
注册会计incorporated accountant
激进会计aggressive accounting
特许会计chartered accountant (CA)
现金会计制度cash accounting system
美联储不应当为了刺激累计总需求而做出会导致未来通货膨胀的承诺The Federal Reserve should not make a credible commitment to future inflation as a means of stimulating aggregate demand
计算机犯罪是一个全社会普遍关注的问题Computer crime has been the question concerned commonly by society
财务委员会批准扩大学生车船津贴计划的适用范围、把25岁以上的合格学生包括在内FC approved to expand the ambit of the Student Travel Scheme to include eligible students aged over 25
通用会计制度Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
部门主会计division controller
顾问会计consultant accountant
首席会计chief accountant