
Terms for subject Electronics containing 优级 | all forms
中优先级通道请求channel request medium priority
中央存储器访问优先级central memory access priority
中断优先级interrupt priority
串行端口中断优先级priority of SPI
交错优先级广播识别broadcast recognition with alternating priorities
休斯敦自动假脱机优先级系统Houston automatic spooling priority system
休斯敦自动假脱机远程作业输人优先级Houston automatic spooling priority with remote job entry
优先级precedence rate
优先级令牌环priority token ring
优先级令牌组priority token bank
优先级令牌组加权公平排队priority token bank weighted fair queuing
优先级令牌组最小内偏差priority token bank minimum inter-departure
优先级接人控制生效技术priority access control enabled
优先级控制顺序priority control sequence
优先级操作目标priority operational objective
优先级规定priority regulation
优先级选择表priority selection table
优先级选择表扩充priority selection table extension
优先级队列priority queue
优先级降序descending order of priority
优先级需求协议demand priority protocol
优先级预判决协议priority preparatory decision protocol
传输优先级指示符transmission priority indicator
传输优先级数transmission priority number
低优先级bottom priority
低优先级报文开始start of message-low precedence
低优先级通道请求channel request low priority
保密、优先级结构化异步传送模式网络secure, priority structured ATM network
信兀丢弃优先级指示cell loss priority indication
信元丢弃优先级cell loss priority
全局串行通道发送出错优先级priority of global serial channel transmit error
全局串行通道发送有效优先级priority of global serial channel transmit valid
全局串行通道接收出错优先级priority of global serial channel receive error
全局串行通道接收有效优先级priority of global serial channel receive valid
全局服务优先级表global service priority list
全局系统优先级表global system priority list
内部优先级号internal priority number
加权优先级队列weighted priority queue
发送优先级与路由send priority and route
可编程计数器阵列中断优先级priority of PCA interrupt
块优先级控制block priority control
外部优先级号external priority number
多优先级系统multipriority system
多优先级系统multiple priority system
多级优先multilevel precedence
多级循环优先级multilevel rotating priority
定时器中断优先级priority of timer interrupt
市话业务优先级表local service priority list
当前优先级指示器current priority indicator
总线优先级bus priority
总线优先级控制bus priority control
恢复优先级restoration priority
把门定时器中断优先级priority of WDT interrupt
抖动补偿优先级jitter compensation priority
报文开始优先级start of message priority
指向具有更高优先级并将要执行任务的任务控制块task control block high-prior-ready
按优先级顺序输出系统priority order output system
时钟优先级clock priority
更改优先级change priority
最新优先级分配latest precedence partition
最高优先等级top priority
服务优先级表service priority list
本地业务优先级表local service priority list
模数转换优先级priority of A/D conversion
消息优先级message priority
特许调度优先级privileged dispatching priority
相对优先级测试电路relative priority test circuit
自动化假脱机操作优先级automated spooling priority
计算机传送与寄存器操作的优先级程序组织程序priority routine organizer for computer transfers and operations of register
话音中断优先级系统voice interruption priority system
资源固定面向优先级按需分配fixed priority-oriented demand assignment
起始优先级号initial priority number
输人/输出优先级input/output priority
面向争用优先级的按需分配contention priority-oriented demand assignment
面向优先级的按需分配priority-oriented demand assignment
面向优先级的按需访问priority-oriented demand access
高优先等级high priority
高优先级报文开始start of message-high precedence
高优先级用户high priority user
高优先级通道请求channel request high priority