
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
三叶草clover fallow
三叶草闲地clover fallow
上胚轴epicotyl dormancy
眠子粒nondormant grain
不可逆irreversible shock
眠期mittel ruhe
中毒克毒素toxic shock toxin
中耕cultivation fallow
中耕闲地cultivation fallow
二次secondary dormancy
伦代Huron (era)
伯氏公式木材求积式Huber's formula
假权leave entitlement
克温度shock temperature
克阻滞shock stoppage
养地recreation site
复期refractory period
斯氏压碎器Hughes press
止核resting nucleus
止电位resting potential
止细胞resting cell (cellula quiescens)
渔期fishing off season
温过低hypothermy (hypothermia)
dormancy (dormantia)
眠促醒dormancy awaking
眠促醒dormancy awakening
眠促醒剂dormancy breaker
眠修剪latent pruning
眠初期first rest
眠卵winter egg
眠卵人工孵化artificial hatching of dormant egg
眠合子hypnozygote (hypnozygota)
眠后期latent rest
眠块茎latent tuber
眠夏孢子amphispore (amphispora)
眠孢子cystospore (cystospora)
厚壁眠孢子hypnospore (hypnospora)
眠孢子rest spore
眠孢子dormant spore
眠孢子cyst (cysta)
眠孢子囊sporangiocyst (sporangiocystus)
眠孢子囊resting sporangium
眠孢子堆cystosore (cystosorus)
眠季dormant season
眠形成层细胞dormant cambium cell
马铃薯眠打破breaking of dormancy
眠打破dormancy breaking
眠打破break of rest
眠打破break of dormancy
眠插dormant cutting
眠期种子resting stage
眠期dormancy period
眠期喷射dormant spray
眠期喷药dormant spraying
眠期喷药dormant spray
眠期接spring grafting
眠机理mechanism of dormancy
眠枝dormant wood
眠枝接dormant wood grafting
眠枝接dormant grafting
眠枝插dormant wood cutting
眠模式dormancy pattern
眠火hangover fire
眠状态state of dormancy
眠状态condition of dormancy
眠的latent (latens)
眠破除剂dormancy breaker
眠种子latent seed
眠种子resting seed
眠种子dormant seed
眠组织dormant tissue (tela dormiens)
眠终期final period of dormancy
眠芽statoblast (statoblastus)
眠芽latent bud (hibernaculum)
眠芽rest bud
眠芽sleeping bud
眠芽resting bud
眠芽dormancy bud
眠芽接grafting in the dormant bud
眠芽接园艺dormant budding
眠菌丝体resting mycelium (hyponomycelium)
眠解除termination of diapause
眠进展progression of dormancy
lie fallow
耕地idle land
sacrifice paddy field
闲农作制fallow farming system
闲制fallow system
闲区fallow plot
闲地中耕机lea cultivator
闲地再耕reploughing of fallow
闲地分类classification of fallow fields
闲地土壤fallow soil
闲地土壤耕作fallow soil cultivation
闲地施肥fallow manuring
闲地施肥法fallow fertilization
闲地栽培种fallow cultigen
闲地灌溉fallow irrigation
闲地翻耕fallow plowing
闲地耕作lea ploughing
闲地耕作fallow cultivation
闲地耕作机field tiller
闲地耕翻lea ploughing
闲地耕耘机lea cultivator
闲地轮作fallow rotation of crop
闲地除草耕松机field cultivator
闲地面积area of fallow field
闲方式mode of fallow
闲期fallow period
闲期管理between-season care
闲栽培fallow culture
闲稻田sacrifice paddy field
闲耕作制fallow farming system
闲耕作制fallow cropping system
闲轮作制fallow rotation system
闲阶段fallow stage
低渗hypotonic shock
促成forcing dormancy
促成forced dormancy
pseudodiapause (pseudodiapausus)
light shock
photodormancy (photodormantia)
眠种photodormant species
闲果园full fallow garden
具单止期的monocystic (monocysticus)
内源endogenous dormancy (dormantia endogena)
冬季眠开始onset of winter dormancy
冬季winter fallow
冬季闲地winter fallow
初次primary dormancy
割胶闲期tapping holidays
occupied fallow
half fallow
闲作物half-fallow crops
闲地half fallow
双作twice-ploughed fallow
双作闲地twice-ploughed fallow
夏季summer dormancy
夏季眠的summer dormant
夏季summer fallowing
夏季summer fallow
夏季闲地summer fallow
夏季绝对闲地clean summer fallow
多年perennial fallow
多年闲地perennial fallow
子粒grain dormancy
完全complete dormancy
完全full fallow
完全complete fallow
完全闲地full fallow
完全闲地complete fallow
家畜息区resting area
家畜息棚loafing shed
小麦wheat fallow
小麦闲地wheat fallow
屏障coulisse fallow
屏障闲地coulisse fallow
干旱drought dormancy
领养老金年老退superannuate (superannuasre)
年老退superannuation (superannuatio)
幼虫larval diapause
延期delayed fallowing
延长眠期prolonging dormancy
强制imposed rest
强制imposed dormancy
强制obligatory dormancy
强制forced dormancy
强制眠期forced dormancy period
微细胞制片的克法preparation of microcell by shock
悬挂式闲地耕耘机mounted-frame tiller
打破break of rest
打破breaking of rest
打破breaking of dormancy
打破break of dormancy
打破眠期breaking of dormant period
打破眠期breaking of resting period
放牧late fallow
放牧summer fallowing
放牧grazing fallow
放牧闲地late fallow
放牧闲地grazing fallow
闲地fresh fallow
施肥manure fallow
施肥闲地manure fallow
无厩肥闲地fresh fallow
无耕作uncultivated fallow
无草weed-free fallow
无草闲地bare fallow
早期清洁early clean fallow
早期清洁闲地early clean fallow
早期绝对early clean fallow
早期绝对闲地early clean fallow
春耕闲地early fallow
late dormancy
晚期绝对late clean fallow
晚期绝对闲地late clean fallow
有机体organic dormancy
未打破unbroken dormancy
未施肥unmanured fallow
未施肥闲地unmanured fallow
未解除unbroken dormancy
栽培cultural fallow
栽培闲地cultural fallow
栽培闲地cultivated fallow land
cotton fallow
闲地cotton fallow
植物眠期plant dormant period
次生灌木林地secondary bush fallow
淹水flood fallowing
克元件heat shock element
克因子heat shock factor
生理heat dormancy
deep rest
deep dormancy
玉米maize fallow
玉米闲地maize fallow
环境environmental dormancy
甘油glycerol shock
生态ecodormancy (ecodormantia)
生理physiological dormancy
留茬stub fallow
留茬闲地stub fallow
相关芽correlated bud dormancy
相对复期relative refractory period
true dormancy
短期short fallow
短期bastard fallow
短期闲地bastard fallow
秋冬autumn-winter dormancy
秋季autumn fallow
秋季闲地autumn fallow
秋耕fall fallow
秋耕black fallow
秋耕闲地fall fallow
秋耕闲地black fallow
秋耕闲地autumn ploughed fallow land
种子grain dormancy
种子种子seed rest
种子seed dormancy
种子眠与离体生长seed dormancy and growth in vitro
种子眠与试管内生长seed dormancy and growth in vitro
种子眠期seed dormant period
种蔓cane dormancy
rice fallow
闲地rice fallow
第二次second fallow
终止finish fallowing
绝对dead fallowing
绝对deal fallowing
绝对dead fallow
绝对bare fallow
绝对clean fallow
绝对absolute fallow
绝对闲地clean fallow
绝对闲地absolute fallow
绝对闲地bare land
绝对闲地bare fallow
绿肥green manurial fallow
绿肥闲地green manurial fallow
绿色green fallow
绿色闲地green fallow
羽扇豆lupine fallow
羽扇豆闲地lupine fallow
old fallow
闲地old fallow
耕作worked fallow
耕作cultivated fallow
embryo dormancy
自发spontaneous rest
自发autonomic dormancy
自然natural dormancy
自然nature dormancy
自然automatic rest
自然眠期natural dormancy period
花生种子眠期groundnut period of dormancy
bud dormancy
苜蓿alfalfa fallow
苜蓿闲地alfalfa fallow
若虫nymphal diapause
营养体vegetative dormancy
装轮式闲地中耕机carrier-type field cultivator
装轮式闲地耕耘机carrier-type field cultivator
贮料眠孢子allocyst (allocystus)
alternate cultivation and fallow
land on fallow rotation
轮作耕种与休闲交替alternate cultivation and fallow
退人员retired personnel
退农场主retired farmer
退地主retired landlord
退old-age pension
道氏眠期药液Dow dormant
眠期long dormant period
长期long dormancy
长期long fallow
长期long term fallow
长期闲农业long fallow agriculture
长期闲地long fallow
predormancy (praedormantia)
饲料forage fallow
饲料闲地forage fallow
饲料作物fodder fallow
饲料作物闲地fodder fallow
首次primary dormancy
马铃薯potato dormancy
马铃薯Irish potato dormancy
马铃薯打破potato dormancy break
黑色rare fallow
黑色deal fallowing
黑色black fallow
黑色闲地rare fallow