
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
上年度的未决赔款责loss portfolio of the preceding year
职董事outside director
不履行债务引起的责liability for nonperformance of an obligation
不带何条件的遗产estate in fee simple
不承担责assume no responsibility for
不知道法律不能免除责Ignorantia legis non excusat
不能改变的责范围"unbreakable" limitation
不论何原因的一切险all risks whatsoever
不负何风险assume no risk
不负住何责without prejudice to the bank or any of its officers
不负赔偿责not liable for indemnity
与债务人负连带责的人party jointly or severally liable with the debtor
与债务人连带负责的何其他方any other party jointly and severally liable with the debtor
严格赔偿责strict liability
个人责personal liability
个人责individual liability
个人责risk for own account
个别责several liability
临时ad hoc assignment
化验师chief analyst
主要责ultimate liability
举反证的责reversed burden of proof
举证责burden of proof
举证责onus probandi
举证责onus of proof
举证责burden of persuasion
举证责在于原告actori incumbit onus probandi
交叉责船舶碰撞条款用语cross liabilities
人命丧失或人身伤害的责liability for loss of life or personal injury
何人不得凌驾于法律之上nemo est supra leges
何可以接受的any acceptable
务大纲terms of reference
务期限mandatory period
ad arbitrium
意仲裁劳资纠纷voluntary arbitration
意准备voluntary reserve
意卸货港交货optional delivery
意处理订单discretionary order
意性或强制性适用optional or mandatory application
意折旧depreciation arbitrary
意指数voluntary appropriation
意港optional port
意管产人executor de son fort
意装载条款optional stowage clause
意议定书optional protocol
意账户交易discretionary account transaction
择强制管辖optional compulsory jurisdiction
择性mandatory or optional
择条款optional clause
职合伙人active partner
选条件optional condition
选股利发付方法optional dividend
选货物optional cargo
会计主accountant general
低标准统一赔款责low level uniform liability system
侵权行为的赔偿责tort liability
保兑责confirmed engagement
保证责reserve liability
保险单责准备金policy reserves
保险责终止termination of risk
保险责终止规定termination of cover
保险责范围insurance coverage
保险责范围insurance cover
理事会board of trustees
信用主credit manager
免除汇票上的责exclusion of liability on the bill
免除责exemption from liability
免除部分责partially exempt obligations
全权代理委general power of attorney
全权委full power
全部责full liability
公众责public liability
公共责保险public liability insurance
公司清理程序中财产管理人所指定的特管理人liquidation: special manager
公司由于知情而应负的责corporate privity
关于延迟的责限制limitation of liability for delay
关于无责的合同规定stipulation of non-liability
关于海上运载核材料方面民事赔偿责的国际公约1975年7月15 日International Convention Relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material
关于货物的责liability in respect of cargo
准予担律师职务call of the ban
准许充律师admitted to the bar
出资本而不事的股东dormant partners
出资本而不事的股东dormant partner
分保责准备金reinsurance reserve
分出未满期责portfolio ceded
分别负担保责severally liable as guarantor
制造厂商责保险manufacturer’s liability insurance
制造商对产品所负的责products liability
核数师predecessor auditor
单一的责范围single limitation of liability
单一的责限制single limitation of liability
单一责赔偿原则single liability principle
单独承担的责undivided responsibility
卸货后船方不再担负责not risk after discharge
原告负举证的责actori incumbit probatio
原始责original responsibility
双重限制责制度dual system of limitation of liability
反面举证责reversed burden of proof
发票人限制责的规定stipulation by drawer restricting liability
合伙人间的责liability between partners
合同规定的责contractual liability
合同责contractual obligation
合同责contract obligation
合股连带责公司joint stock company liability
向... 交售quotas for the sale of... to...
向责第三方追偿recourse against the responsible third party
向责第三者追偿recourse against the responsible third party
否认责disclaim liability
否认责条款disclaimer clause
启运后解除责not risk after shipment
四分之三碰撞责条款three-fourths running down clause
处理船主责范围以外的索赔的基金limitation fund
外贸会主委员chairman of the foreign exchange and trade commission
多种方式联运人的"绝对"赔偿责制度system of "absolute" liability for the MTO
certificate of appointment
代理权power of attorney
代理署名人per procuration (P. P.)
企业同盟blind pool
取款背书endorsement by procuration
律师出庭辩护者warranty of attorney
letter of attorney
power of attorney
背书power of attorney endorsement
范围terms of reference
证书letter of authorization
定期租船人的责time charterer’s liability
对债务应负责be liable for a debt
对财产损失的责liability for damage to property
已发生责obligation incurred
已发生责数余额obligated balance
代理per procuration (per pro)
年布鲁塞尔关于统一若干有关海船船东责范围规则的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Seagoing Vessels Brussels, 25 August 1924 1924
应负损害赔偿责be held responsible for damages
应负票据上的责liable on a bill of exchange
延展责条款extended cover clause
延迟所负的liability for delay
建立信的措施confidence-building measure
扩展保险责extension of insurance liability
扩展保险责批单extended coverage endorsement
扩展责extended cover
扩展责条款extended cover clause
承保部分责writing a line
承兑责liability for acceptance
承包商责contractor’s liability insurance
承担未满期责portfolio assumed
承担责bear the responsibility
承担责obligation incurred
承担赔偿责honor one's liability
承认责admission of liability
承运人对迟延的责carrier liability for delay
承运人的最高责限度carrier's maximum liability
承运人责carrier liability
承运人责保险carrier's liability insurance
承运人责最高限度maximum carrier liability
承运人责条款carrier's liability clause
承运人责的豁免immunities of the carrier
承运人责carrier's risk
抗辩及限制责defenses and limits of liability
have charge of
友好调解人act as amiables compositeurs
角色play the role
运输拆卸distribution service
指出相反证据的责burden of rebuttal
按包计算的责范围per package limitation of liability
按单位的责限制集装箱提单unit limitation of liability
集装箱提单按单位的责限制unit limitation of liability
按单位的责限制limit on unit liability
按重量的责限制per weight limitation of liability
按重量的责限制per weight limitation (of liability)
损失所负的liability for loss
提出证据的责onus of proof
主义laissez faire
政策laissez faire
旅客责保险passenger liability insurance
无限责unlimited liability
无限责unlimited liabilities
无限责合伙人general partners
无限责合伙人general partner
普通责的债券general-obligation bonds
最大责限度maximum liability
最高责maximum liability
有关民事责的诉权claim for liability
有权收回未到期责option to withdraw portfolio
有限责Pty Ltd. proprietary limited
有限责incorporated liability
有限责proprietary limited Pty Ltd
有限责limited liability
有限责公司company with limited liability
有限责的合伙人limited partner
有限责股东limited partner
未了责到期满为止running off of a portfolio
未注明何日期not dated (at all)
未满期责准备金unearned premium reserve
末了责转入entry of portfolio
根据责范围提出的抗辩权defenses and limits of liability
根本责ultimate liability
比率责再保险quota share reinsurance
民事责保险civil liability insurance
汇票的第一位责primary liability (on a bill of exchange)
汽车第三者责保险motor vehicle third party insurance
汽车第三者责third party motor insurance
汽车责保险motorcar liability insurance
汽车责保险motor car liability insurance
法定责范围legal limitation of liability
法律责legal liability
注销委cancel a power of attorney
消费者对商标厂牌的信brand loyalty
港口主harbour master
仲裁员sole arbitrator
调解员sole conciliator
理论上的最高责maximum theoretical liability
由货主担负一切责at owner’s risk and responsibilities
电梯责保险elevator liability insurance
目的港船上交货价 ex ship,货离钩绳不负责之交付free overside
相互债务责mutual obligations
相互责mutual responsibility
码头业主责wharf owners liability
碰撞责collision liability
票据上的责liability on the instrument
票据外的责liability outside the instrument
第三方责third party liability
第三者责保险third party insurance
第三者责法定保险compulsory third party insurance
第三责third party liability
第二位责secondary liability
管理遗产委letter of administration
累积责aggregate liability
纯粹放制度purely permissive system
绝对赔偿责absolute liability
统一责标准uniform level of liability
统一赔偿责限额规则uniform monetary limitation of liability rule
核数师successor auditor
网状赔偿责network liability system
职业责保险professional liability insurance
背书责liability for endorsement
自由放laissez faire
自留责保险retention policy
自留责保险单retention policy
自负责own risk
航空责保险aviation liability insurance
船东责shipowner's liability
船东责限制limitation of shipowner's liability
船到港后解除责not risk after landing
船方不负卸货责free discharge
营业主sales manager
装船前不负保险责non-risk till waterborne
解除汇票上前手的责discharge of a prior party
诽谤责保险defamation insurance
负有不同的举证责with variation as to the burden of proof
财产毁损责保险property damage liability insurance
财产-责保险property-liability insurance
会计profitability accounting
会计responsibility accounting
会计activity accounting
保险承保人liability insurer
审计responsibility audit
成本法responsibility costing
期限period of responsibility
的最高限度limitation limit
的过失标准fault standard of liability
累积accumulation of risks
终止与留置权条款cesser and lien clause
终止条款cesser clause
航次租船合同中的终止条款cesser clause
范围scope of cover
范围limitation of liability
范围条款limited responsibility clause
范围条款limitation clause
保险起讫commencement and termination of cover
连锁chain of responsibility
限制条款limitation clause
限额liability limits
限额limit of liability
赔偿责保赔承人p and I liability insurer
赔偿责免责事项exceptions from liability
赔偿责regime of liability
赔偿责制度systems of liability
赔偿责制度system of liability
赔偿责制度regime of liability
赔偿责的免责事项exception from liability
赔偿责的时效和地效temporal and geographical limits of liability
赔偿责的时间及地区限制temporal and geographical limit of liability
转承责vicarious responsibility
转移责契约hold-harmless agreement
过失所负的liability for fault
过失赔偿责fault liability
运输责obligation to carry
连带责joint liability
逃避责escape liability
金钱责的最高限度monetary limitation amount
银行保密责banker's duty of secrecy
防止伪造货币公约及择议定书1929年Convention for Optional Protocol regarding the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency
附带责和费用incidental liabilities and expenses
限制责的规则limitation of liability rule
除外责loss not covered
除外责losses not covered
雇主责保险employer's liability insurance
非契约性责non-contractual liability
非契约性赔偿责non-contractual liability