
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
不承认何责任disclaim all liability
验船师principal surveyor
代替别人承担的责vicarious responsibility
代理人的责liability of agent
选备件optional spare-parts
估计job estimate
估计的务完成日期estimated task completion date
保险责起讫the commencement and termination of cover
免除责的规定stipulation of nonliability
免除责证明书certificate of formal discharge claim
否认责disclaimer liability
务造型机multistation moulding machine
天津新河船舶重工有限责公司Tianjin Xinhe Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
完成务日期task completion date
定期租船人的责和权利liabilities and right of time charterer
定期租船租船人的责和权利liabilities and right of time charterer
定期租船船东的责和权利liabilities and right of owner under time chart
定期租船船东的责和权利liabilities and right of owner under time charter
实验experiment duties
室主head of an office
对损失所负的责liability for loss
山海关船舶重工有限责公司Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd
山西平阳重工机械有限责公司Shanxi Pingyang Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd.
山西平阳重工机械有限责公司Shanxi Pingyang Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd
山西汾西重工有限责公司Shanxi Fenxi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
广州文冲船厂有限责公司Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard Co., Ltd
广西西江航运建设发展有限责公司Guangxi West River Shipping Construction Development Co., Ltd
广西西江航运建设发展有限责公司Guangxi Xijiang River Shipping Construction Development Co., Ltd
延期责liability for delay
承运人对迟延所负责carrier's liability for delay
承运人的最大责限制carrier's maximum liability
承运人的责carrier's liability
承运人责豁免immunities of the carrier
承运人责限制limit of carrier liability
拖轮和被拖船的责liability of towboat and tow
无过失责nonfault liability
未履行的责undischarged obligation
模拟意输入analogue arbitrary input
武汉重工铸锻有限责公司Wuhan Heavy Industry Foundry & Forge Co., Ltd
武汉重工锻铸有限责公司Wuhan Heavy Industry Foundry & Forge Co., Ltd.
江南造船集团有限责公司Jiangnan Shipyard Group Co., Ltd
江苏无锡海鹰企业集团有限责公司Haiying Enterprise Group Co., Ltd, Jiangsu Wuxi
沪东中华造船集团有限责公司Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd
河南柴油机集团有限责公司Henan Diesel Engine Group Co., Ltd
租船人责保险charterer's legal liability insurance
经营管理责responsibility system for operation and management
航次务书voyage order
船东责ship-owner's liability
船坞主dock master
行李和包裹的运输责carrier's responsibility for baggage and parcel
限制权利的丧失loss of right to limit of responsibility
违反合同的责liabilities for breach of contract
连锁责chain of responsibility
重庆市海运有限责公司Chongqing Marine Shipping Co., Ltd
重庆齿轮箱有限责公司Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd
青岛北海船舶重工业有限责公司Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
青岛北海船舶重工有限责公司Qingdao Beihai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co., Ltd
韩国大宇造船和海洋工程责有限公司Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Company Limited, South Korea