
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一般举证责general burden
一般责条款general liability clause
不信动议non-confidence motion
不信no confidence vote
不可信的商业行动fly by night business operation
不承担责disclaim responsibility
不能改变的责范围unbreakable limitation
不能胜inequality to a task
不负责的推销blind selling
不负赔偿责hold no liability for damages
不负连带责bear no responsibility for any other party
不追究责保险no-fault insurance
与债务人相连的责any other party jointly and severally with the debter
会计员private accountant
专利权patent assignment
业主责owner's liability
个人岗位责system of personal post responsibility
个人责private responsibility
个人责individual responsibility
个人责保险personal liability policy
个体责solo responsibility
临时incidental task
保险精算师chief actuary
办事员chief clerk
助理assistant superintendent
科员chief clerk
主要key task
主要责primary liability
举反证责即提出相反证据的责任burden of rebuttal
举证责burden of adducing evidence
商务或保险中举证责指在商务或保险合同中,订约一方向另一方索赔,须提供证据证实,有举证责任,对方亦可提供反证burden of persuasion
争议责contesting liability
交叉责cross liability
交叉责保险cross liability insurance
交叉责条款cross liability clause
产品担保责liability under product warrant
产品责中心product center
产品责预防product liability prevention
产品赔偿责products liability
产权和财政责课税法tax equity and fiscal responsibility act
人为责事故human element accident
人事主主管personnel director
人事人力资源主director of personnel or human resources
人身伤害责保险bodily injury liability insurance
仓库管理主General Storekeeper
企业内部经济责system of the economic responsibility within an enterprise
企业的社会责social responsibility of enterprise
企业经营承包责contractual management responsibility for an enterprise
企业责business accountability
会计主accountant officer
会计主account officer
会计师法律责accountant's legal liability
会计责accounting responsibility
会计责单位accountability unit
估计务完成日期estimated task completion date
低标准统一赔偿责low-level uniform liability system
作业务分摊task sharing
作业步骤job step task
使有连带责render joint liable
使负责lay an obligation upon
借款人担保债务责borrower's liabilities on account of guaranty
免负卸货责即卸货费用由收货人负担free discharge
全部履行责total discharge of liability
全部责full responsibility
全部责complete responsibility
全面经济责complete economic responsibility system
公共责保险单public liability policy
公司应负责corporate privity
共同承担责原则principle of co-responsibility
共同承担责的原则principle of co-responsibility
共同责mutual responsibility
共同责保证solidarity guarantee
共同责制度solidarity protectionism
共同连带责joint and separate responsibility
主任interlocking director
冲压车间主stamping superintendent
决定determination of the mission
减轻的责diminished responsibility
分担责burden sharing
分担责share the blame
分摊责distribution responsibility
分赔责deprived liability
保险分赔责derived liability
分部主section head
分部主divisional director
列明的责范围positive grant of cover
列明除外责的广泛承保范围broad grant of cover minus exception
日期date of first appointment
利润责单位profit responsibility unit
制品责指产品制造人及批发商,零售商因该产品本身的瑕疵,使消费者受到损失时,应负损害赔偿责任product liability
制造厂商责保险manufacturer's liability insurance
经理former manager
经理ex manager
董事长ex-chairman of the board of directors
领导ex leader
领导者former leader
副主deputy chief
副主Dir deputy director
副主deputy manager
副主理事alternate director
办事主chief clerk
办事处主manager in charge of an office
办公室主chief clerk
加工车间主machining superintendent
助理主Assistant Chief
单一责single liability
单位责限制unit limitation of liability
单位责限度limit on unit liability
单独承担责undivided responsibility
单独的责independent liability
卸货后无责no risk after discharge
卸货后解除责not risk after discharge
厂商责manufacturer's liability
厂商责保险manufacturer's liability insurance
厂长聘appointment system for directors
原责original responsibility
双方均有责both to blame
双方法律责bilateral legal responsibility
各别责sever able liability
各种务角色multiple-task role
各种不同的varying duty
各部责概要summary of responsibilities
合一责限额combined single liability
合伙人之间的责liability bet ween partners
合同责obligation of contract
合同责的保证security of contract obligation
向责第三方追索recourse against the responsible third party
向责第三者追索recourse against the responsible third party
商业企业business accountability
商业经营责commercial management responsibility system
在职tenure of office
坚决完成工作务的人铁人iron man
委付delegation of responsibility
完不成务损失loss in case of failure
完全不承认责disclaim all liability
完工责completed operation liability
完成get over a task
完成务付高报酬high pay for success
审计员责auditor's responsibility
审计师刑事责auditor's criminal liability
审计师民事责auditor's civil liability
审计师法律责legal responsibility of auditor
审计师责auditor's responsibility
审计师责auditor's liability
entrance into office
、调职和解职旅差费travel on appointment, transfer and separation
尽责pay one's dues
履行公务责exercise the duties of one's office
履行责performance responsibility
岗位责post duty system
岗位责system of assigning responsibility by post
岗位责system of personal responsibility of post
岗位责system of fixed responsibility for a specified job
代理per procuration
代理背书per procuration endorsement
审计师permanent auditor
船东managing owner
雇员career employee
应付工资税责liability for payroll tax
应负汇票上责liable on a bill of exchange
应负责assumed obligation
应负…责任be held responsible for...
应负赔偿责held responsible for damage
应负赔偿责be held responsible for damages
开脱责的免责事项exculpatory exception
强制赔偿责保险compulsory liability insurance
当事双方的何一方either party
彼此高度信high standard of mutual confidence
律师职业责保险lawyer's professional liability insurance
务/总报酬制total task/total reward schemes
成本按责分类classification of costs by responsibility
我想知道,保险公司是否对丢失承担责I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss
托运人的赔偿责indemnity of the shipper
执行exercise of one's duties
执行管理责executive management responsibility
扩大保险责extension of insurance liability
扩大责指保险责任extended cover
扩展责extended coverage
承保对被保险人提出的责索赔cover liability claim against the assured
承保责总额liability coverage
承包人责contractor's liability insurance
承包责system of contracted responsibility
承包责contracted responsibility system
承担赔偿honour liability
承担债务责be liable for debts
承担票据上责liable on the bill
承担责liability assumed
承担责accepting responsibility
承担责assumed responsibility
承运人最高限度责carrier's maximum liability
承运人责保单carrier liability policy
承运人责保险carrier liability insurance
承运人责最大限度maximum carrier liability
承运人责period of the carrier's responsibility
承运人责的豁免immunity of the carrier
承运人责豁免immunity of the carrier
承运人迟延责carrier liability for delay
技术人员聘appointment system for technical personnel
技术部主chief technical officer
抗辩及限制责defences and limits of liability
报务主chief radio officer
主席take the chair
公职权right to hold public office
新职务enter upon a new career
领导职务assume leading position
担保责liability on guaranty
担保责liability on guarantee
担保责warranty liability
担保责liability for guarantee
拒绝承担责disclaim responsibility
持证书的会计主certified general accountant
指定designated task
按包件计算的责限制per package limitation liability
按单位责限度limit on unit liability
按单项务核算accounting based on task
按时完成completing task on time
按期付息责gale of interest
按比例计算责pro rata liability
按责报告reporting by responsibility
损坏赔偿责liability for damage
授权—目标—责—控制体系delegation-objective-responsibility-control system
推卸责pass the buck
推托责dodge a responsibility
推脱责dodge a duty
推脱责shift of responsibility
推诿责shuffle off liability
提供有缺陷设备的责liability for defective equipment
提出issue the challenge
提出证据的责onus probandi
提示相反证据的责burden of rebuttal
收回诺言承担的责back out
对工商业主义laissez faire
存量政策arbitrary inventory policy
式管理laissez-faire management
式领导free-rein leadership
式领异free-run leadership
政策laissez-faire policy
laissez-faire method
物价水平大幅度波动large-scale swings of laissez-faire price levels
管理drifting management
旅客法定责passenger legal liability
明示责承担义务express undertaking
易变断续variable intermittent duty
普通general assignment
普通责债券general-obligation bonds
普通责债券general obligation bond
普通责特税债券general-obligation special-assessment bonds
有关连责connected liability
有清算责的合伙人liquidating partner
有责in fault
有责感的人responsible individual
有限责公司incorporated liability
有限责公司liability company
有限责公司companies with limited liability
有限责公司company Ltd.
有限责公司proprietary limited
有限责公司company of limited liability
有限责公司的法律规定legal provision for a limited liability company
有限责合伙合营special partnership
有限责合伙人limited liability partner
有限责合伙人special partner
有限责合伙企业limited liability partnership
有限责合伙公司limited partnership
有限责服务公司limited service
有限赔偿责limited liability
有限赔偿责范围保险单limited policy
保险未了责期满为止running off of a portfolio
权利与责right and obligation
检查责inspection responsibility
次责second liability
民事责obligation relating to civil law
民事责能力capacity of having private obligation
民事责赔偿civil remedy
水险延长责期条款marine extension clause
汇票的第一位责prime liability on bill of exchange
汽车第三方责保险motor vehicle third party insurance
汽车责事故保险automobile liability insurance
汽车责保险automobile liability insurance
汽车责保险单automobile liability policy
汽车责保险证明书automobile liability insurance certificate
派生的责derived liability
派生责derived liability
消费者对商标的信brand loyalty
渎职责malpractice liability
港务主Port Director
港务主harbor master
特别ad hoc appointment
特别工作acyclic task
职员servicing officer
生产主production superintendent
生产主plant superintendent
生产责production responsibility
生产责保险production responsibility insurance
生产责system of responsibility in production
生产责system of fixed responsibility in production
由码头主承担责wharf owner's liability
畐主associate director
监护责duty of care
监管task of supervision
码头业主责wharfowners liability
stiff task
碰撞事故collision liability
社会责social role
票据上的责liability on the instrument
票据外责liability outside the instrument
稽查主chief of inspector
第三者法定责third party legal liability
第三者责third-party liability
第三者责保险third-party insurance
第三者责法定保险如汽车compulsory third party insurance
签约聘的职员officer on contract
签约聘的职员officer on agreement
管理者责stewardship responsibility
管理责management's responsibility
管理责accountability in management
管理责幅度span of managerial responsibility
紧急urgent task
紧急中止abort of mission
繁重onerous task
终身life tenure
终身life appointment
经济责economic accountability
经济责economic liability system
经济责economic responsibility
经理的选manager selection
经理责responsibilities of manager
经理责managerial responsibility
经理责managerial personnel responsibility system
经管责方式accountability approach
经营role of operation
经营责operating responsibility
编辑主copy chief
"网状制"赔偿责"network system" of liability
网状制赔偿责network system of liability
网状赔偿责规则network liability rule
美容业务过失责保单beauty parlor malpractice policy
美容业务过失责保险beauty parlor malpractice insurance
职业责professional liability
职位与position and employment
职务assignment of duty
职务job tenure
联产承包责contract system of responsibility linked to production
appointment system
股东责liability of shareholder
股份连带责公司joint stock company liability
背书责liability under endorsement
舞弊责liability for fraud
船主责shipowner's liability
船坞所有人责dock owner's liability
船方不承担责ship not responsible
船身责保险单liability insurance for hull policy
营业主operating officer
营业责保险business liability insurance
营销主director of marketing
机动车辆行为责保险法规act liability insurances
行政管理主director of administration
要求他方履行分担责的诉讼action for contribution
规划programmed task
规定established role
规定define role
计划planning proposals
计划intended role
计划主programs director
人员transferred officer
调度主control master
负单独海损责即货运中由于海上自然灾害及意外事故造成的损失,保险人负责赔偿,包括单独海损在内with particular average
负法律责bear legal liability
负…责任take care of
负连带债的债务several liability
负连带责several liability
负连带责jointly and severally bound
负连带责的担保joint and several guarantee
财产损坏责保险property damage liability insurance
财产损失责liability for damage to property
财产责保险property-liability insurance
财务主chief of finance
财务主finance officer
财务主financial officer
财务副主assistant treasurer
财务责financial responsibility law
保险财务责financial responsibility law
与权力系统lines of responsibility and authority
中心burden centre
中心responsibility centre
中心burden center
事故accident arising from negligence
事故accident out of negligence
人员accountable person
价格控制法control method of responsibility and price
保险合同contract of insurance for responsibility
保险最高限额liability limit
公司liability company
分工allocation of responsibilities
分担条款prorate liability clause
分散decentralization of responsibility
划分division of responsibility
制度system of assigning responsibility
制造成本汇总表factory cost responsibility summary
发生会计制accounting on obligation basis
增加accession of liability
尚未确定liability not yet determined
年龄age of responsibility
成本计算responsibility costing
成本计算responsibility costing
投标人responsible bidder
投标人出价人responsible bidder
报告responsibility report
推诿shift of responsibility
支付书accountable warrant
标准或程度及赔偿限额level or degree and monetary limit of liability
终止与留置条款多见于租船合同cesser and lien clause
租船合同上终止条款指租船人在装船及支付预付运费,滞期费等费用后才终止责仟cesser clause
股东managing partner
船东managing owner
范围extent of responsibility
范围portfolio entry
证书certificate of appointment
起讫点point of inception and termination of liability
chain of responsibility
限制limit of liability
限额liability limit
限额制度limitation of liability system
预算即企业内各责任中心编制的预算responsibility budgets
保单注明的货物保险除外责指保险人不负赔偿责任的损失excluded loss-cargo
资产经营责assets operation responsibility
资产经营责assets operation responsibility system
资方不信distrust of management
赔偿责reparation duty
赔偿责indemnity liability
赔偿责的区域限制geographical limit of liability
赔偿责范围area of liability
超额完成exceed the target
超额完成beat the target
超额责保险excess liability insurance
超额责保险excess liabilities insurance
船舶踫撞责条款running-down clause
车间主factory superintendent
转移责协定hold goods hold harmless agreement
运输部主chief transportation officer
近海污染责offshore pollution liability
逃避不了的责inescapable duty
逃避责evasion of responsibility
逃避责shirk responsibility
逃避责side-step responsibility
逃避责avoidance of responsibility
逃避责scuttle out of one's responsibilities
道德责moral obligation
道德责moral duty
遗产管理委letters of administration
遗产管理委letter of administration
重大责major responsibility
销售主director of marketing
销售责中心sales center
长期permanent appointment
附带责与费用incidental liability and expense
附条件的承担责conditional liability
限制责范围条款limited responsibility clause
限制责规则limitation of liability rule
限制赔偿责right to limit liability
限定保险人责条款clause limiting insurer liability
除外责excluded liability
除外责risk excluded
保险除外责risk exclude
除本职外兼in addition to other duties
集体责collective responsibility
雇主第三者责保险employer's third liability insurance
雇主责保险指对职工保护责任employer's liability insurance
雇员责事故保险合同blanket bond
非合同责non-contractual liability
预算管制主budget controller
预防维修工作preventive maintenance job tasks
领导责leadership responsibility
首要责first obligation
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