
Terms for subject International trade containing 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子价格flat price
一揽子价格package price
一揽子价格blanket price
一般价格price generally charged
一般价格general level of prices
上市价格listed price
下跌价格panic price
不亏不盈价格breakeven price
不变价格constant price
不变价格comparable prices
不可变更的价格firm price
不合理价格unreasonable prices
不合理价格unfair prices
不易变动的价格nonflexible price
不盈不亏价格break-even price
不能与同业竞争的价格price not competitive
不规定发行价格的无面值股true no par stock
世界价格world price
世界市场参考价格reference world market price
两种价格基础two price basis
中等价格股票medium priced stock (middle priced stock)
中间价格middle price
临时暂定价格provisional price
买卖价格basis of price
法语买方仓库交货价格ex buyer's godown
买方仓库交货价格ex buyer’s godown
买方关栈交货价格ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid
二级次要市场价格secondary market price
井头价格wellhead price
交易价格transaction price
交易所价格exchange price
交易所外价格off-board price
某地交货价格FOB price
交货价格delivered price
交运价格shipment price
产品价格product price
优惠价格favourable price
伦敦到岸价格条件London landed terms
估算或预定价格cost out
估计价格estimate price
估计价格estimated price
估计的价格probable price
伸缩性价格flexible price
价格ground floor price
低于票面价格below par
低到极点价格rockbottom price
使价格上涨corner the soar market
使价格略跌spark off a slight fall in price
使降低价格screw down
供应价格supply price
供给价格supply price
依商品质量调整价格的协议quality discount agreement
依照票面价格at par
倾销价格dumping price
入门价格threshold price
全面价格all-round price
公司内部价格intracompany price
公定价格public price
公布价格published price
公平价格just price
公平交易价格fair-trade price
公平市场价格fair market price
公开市场价格open-market price
公开招标价格competitive price
公正价格just price
公道价格fair price
公道价格equitable price
共通价格blanket price
关栈价格in bond price
具有气压计功能的价格领导者barometric price leader
内部调拨价格transfer price
再出售价格resale price
再售价格resale price
农产品价格farm product price
农产品价格政策crop-pricing policies
农民售货价格指数index of prices received by fanners
农民购货价格指数index of prices paid by farmers
刊物价格quoted price
初步价格preliminary price
初级产品价格commodity price
初级产品与制成品价格之间的剪刀差disparity between the prices of primary products and those of manufactures
初级产品与制成品世界出口价格指数world export price indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods
初级商品价格指数price index of primary commodities
到岸价格cost freight and insurance
到岸价格成本、保险费加运费价cost, insurance and freight
到岸价格caf cout, assurance, fret
到岸价格净价成本、保险费、加运费净价cost, insurance, freight net
到岸价格加佣金cost, insurance, freight and commission
到岸价格加佣金价成本、保险费、运费加佣金价cost, insurance, freight and commission
到岸价格加佣金及利息价成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
到岸价格加内河运费价成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway
到岸价格加利息价成本、保险费、运费加利息价cost, insurance, freight and interest
到岸价格加卸货价成本、保险费、运费加卸货价C.I.F. landed
到岸价格加战争险价成本、保险费、运费加战争险价cost, insurance, freight and war risks
到岸价格加战争险在内价C.I.F.W. payment upon arrival
到岸价格加汇费成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
到岸价格加汇费价成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance freight and exchange
到岸价格加班轮条件成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
到岸价格加结关费用价成本、保险费、运费加结关费用价cost, insurance, freight cleared
到岸价格加进口关税价成本、保险费、运费加进口关税价C.I.F. duty paid
到岸加利息价格成本加保险费、运费及利息后的 价格cost, insurance, freight and interest
到目的港价格free destination
到货价格to arrived price
到货价格to arrive price
到货价格delivered price
到达时价格day of arrival price
到达目的地价格rendu price
制造者价格manufacturer’s price
包括一切费用的价格all round price
包括佣金在内价格price including commission
包括平舱费的离岸价格free on board and trimmed
包括清理及乎仓费在内的离岸价格free on board stowed and trimmed
包括起岸用费在内价格landed price
区域价格zone price
协商价格negotiated price
协定价格conventional price
协议价格agreement price
协议稳定价格agreed stable price
单一价格only one price
单一价格uniform price
单一价格one price
单一价格"single price"
单一价格unitary price
单一价格single price
单列价格list price
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller’s godown
拉丁语卖方仓库交货价格ex seller's godown
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller’s warehouse
卖方仓库交货价格ex seller's godown
卡特尔价格cartel price
即期价格sight rate
卸岸价格landed price
厂地交货价格ex-factory or mill price
压低价格roll back
压低... 的价格force down the prices of...
压低市场价格roll back prices
价格O. P., o.p.
原料价格差异material price variance
原材料价格差异material price variance
原油价格crude price
石油参考价格reference price
参考价格price indication (ideal)
参考价格制度reference price system
参考价格制度reference price mechanism
参考价格机制reference price mechanism
各费在内的价格all prices
合同价格contract of price
合同规定的价格contract price
合同规定价格contract stipulated price
合理价格reasonable price
合理的价格fair price
合约价格contract price
同行价格trade price
名义价格nominal prices
名义合同价格nominal contract price
名义票面价格nominal par
含佣价格price including commission
启运价格shipment price
吸引价格price leader
哄抬价格price pushing
证券投机中的哄抬价格活动bull operations
集中特定货物交易的哄抬价格集团/集团性哄抬价格daisy chain
哄抬市场价格bull the market
商业行为及价格委员会trade practices and prices commission
商品目录价格catalogue price
商岸价格FOB value
均衡价格equilibrium price
坚挺的市场价格strong market
垄断价格cartel price
垄断价格monopoly price
外国价格foreign price
外币起岸价格C.I.F. value in foreign currency cost, insurance and freight value in foreign currency
国公司转让价格制订法multinational transfer pricing
大概的价格probable price
契约价格contract of price
奖励价格incentive price
完税价格dutiable price
完税价格price for tax assessment
完税价格duty-paid price
完税价格dutiable value
完税价格duty-paid value
完税后货栈交货价格ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty paid
官方价格official price
实卖的价格realized price
实售价格realized price
实物价格physical price
实现价格realized price
实际价格true price
实际价格realized price
实际价格real price
实际供应价格true supply price
少数买主垄断价格oligopsony price
少数卖主垄断价格oligopoly price
就近价格ann arm's-length price
市场价格下跌falling market
市场价格政策marketing price policies
市场价格条款market value clause
市场价格market price method
市场需求价格market demand price
平均价格mid-point rate
平均价格mean price
平面价格flat list prices
开出价格giving quotation
开口价格open price
开始价格initial price
开拍价格upset price
开标价格tenders price
开盘价格opening transaction
开盘价格opening price
引发价格trigger price
当地价格local price
当地价格price local
当地价格local prices
当地交货价格loco price
当时价格prevailing price
影子价格推算价格shadow price
影子要素价格shadow factor prices
征税参考价格tax reference price
价格all round price
价格作用aggregate price effect
总括价格lump-sum price
恐慌价格panic price
成交价格street value
成交价格transaction value
成交价格transaction price
成交价格幅度trading range
成本价格膨胀cost inflation
成本货价加保险费及运费价格C.I.F. price
成本加费用价格cost-plus price
成本加运费价格cost and freight
成本加运费价格C. and F. (cost and freight)
打过折扣的价格discount price
批发价格wholesale rates
批发价格trade price
批发价格指数index number of wholesale prices
抑制购买的价格prohibitive price
投标价格tender price
折减价格price at a discount
折扣价格prices at a discount
折扣价格price at a discount
折華价格middle price
抛售价格forced sale value
报酬性价格remunerative prices
交易所押金短少时的价格exhaust price
挂牌价格listed price
指學价格guiding price
指导价格guiding price
指明价格indication of price
指标价格target price
指示价格indicative price
指示性价格indication of price
按你方价格成交close at your price
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值G.N.P. at constant prices
按市价计算:生产者价格by market price: producer's price;purchaser's price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值G.N.P. at market prices
按当时价格at current price
按指定价格水平买卖的指示stop-order (stop loss order)
按指数调整价格indexation of prices
按最好价格at best
按现行价格at current price
按现行价格兑换conversion at the current price
按现行市场价格at the market
按现货价格买进buying sight rate
按过去较低成本规定现行产品价格的政策rollback policy
授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利share option
掠夺性价格predatory price
掠夺性价格predatory pricing
推动价格上涨boost prices
支付发票价格金额settlement of the invoiced price
无合同规定时支付合理价格原则quantum meruit
收盘价格closing price
收购价格purchasing price
斯坦达德与普尔公司的股票价格指数Standard & Poor's Stock Price Indexes
昂贵的价格exorbitant prices
易变动价格flexible price
价格interim price
暂定价格tentative price
暂定价格provisional price
暂时价格interim price
暴涨的价格soaring price
暴跌的价格slumping price
最低价格lowest quotations
最低价格reservation price
交易所最低价格ground floor
最低价格bottom price
最低价格reserve price
最低价格rock bottom price
最低价格bedrock price
最低价格check price
最低价格购得设备procuring equipment at lowest practicable cost
最低输出价格check price
最初价格initial price
最后价格final price
最后消费价格final consumer price
最新价格行情recent quotation
最新价格recent quotation
最高价格ceiling price
最高月价价格peak monthly price
有伸缩性价格flexible price
有利的价格remunerative prices
有效价格effective price
有涨有跌的价格price mixed
有选择的价格冻结selective price freezes
期货价格future price
期货价格futures price
期货价格forward price
未完税买方货栈交货价格ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty unpaid
机动价格flexible price
机动价格flexibility of price
极不利价格penal rate
极不利的价格penal rate
极限价格threshold price
标准价格benchmark price
标准价格standard price
标准价格normal price
标准价格指领用材料的计价standard price method
标准材料价格standard material price
标准购入价格standard purchase price
标签价格sticker price
标高价格marked up
标高价格的原价original mark up
次级市场价格secondary market price
正常价格regular price
正常价格normal value
正常价格normal price
正常供给价格normal supply price
正式价格official price
水闸价格sluice-gate price
没票商价格的股票unvalued stock
油槽车整车价格tank wagon price
油田价格field price
油舱交货价格tank cession price
价格ruling price
价格overseas price
清理费在内的离岸价格free on board stowed (FOB stowed)
清算价格clearing price
溢值价格premium price
火车上交货价格FOB train
特贵价格fancy price
特贵的价格fancy price
现行价格current rate
现行价格prevailing rate
现行价格prevailing price
现行价格current ruling price
现行价格existing price
现行价格current price
现行国内价格current domestic value
现货价格price on spot
现金价格cash price
生产价格price of production
生产者价格producer price
生产者价格producer's price
疲软价格soft price
真实价格real price
真正价格true price
真正供给价格true supply price
码头交货价格free at quay
码头交货价格ex pier (wharf)
确定的价格firm price
确报到岸价格offer firm CIF
票面价格以下的股票below par stock
离岸价格FOB port of shipment
包括理舱费在内的离岸价格FOB stowed
离岸价格包括理仓平仓费用在内FOB stowed and trimmed
离岸价格F.O.B. price value
税收参考价格tax reference price
稳定价格price stabilization
稳定价格卡特尔price stabilization cartel
稳定股票市场价格的业务活动operations for stabilizing the stockmarket price
稳定证券价格通过大量买进维持其最低价格stabilize a security
第二手价格second-hand value
管制价格controlled price
管制价格administered price
"粘性"价格指不易变动的价格"sticky" price
索取要求价格price appeal
累积总需求价格aggregate demand price
价格package price
组合价格package price
缺货价格scarcity value
美国价格U.S. value
美国股票在伦敦的价格London price
美国购买价格American purchasing price
美国销售价格American Selling Price.
美国销售价格American selling price
股本油价格equity price
股票价格share price
股票价格平均数stock price average
股票价格指数stock price index
股票价格涨落线advance-decline line
股票价格规定regulation of stock price
股票价格规定regulation of stock
股票价格限制stock price restraint
股票平均价格stock averages
股票的核定价格票据交换.所的making up price
票据交易所的股票的核定价格make up price
膨胀性价格哄抬inflationary price push
船上交货价格F.O.B. price value
船上交货价格FOB price
船上交货价格F.O.B. price
船上交货价格freight on board
船上交货包括理船费用价格F.O.B. & S.
船上交货包括理船费用价格F.O.B. & Stowed
船用燃料价格bunker price
船舶价格分析小组Ships Cost Analysis Panel
启运港船边交货价格free along ship (F. A. S.)
船边交货价格FAS price
启运地船边交货价格free alongside ship
虚构的价格forced quotation
补助价格subsidized price
补进价格making up price
补进价格making up prices
规定价格fixing the price
规定发行价格的面值股stated value no par stock
计划预定价格target price
认购价格subscription price
证券价格security price
证券价格平均数stock price average
证券价格指数index number of prices of securities
谈判价格negotiated price
货价、保险费加运费在内的价格cost, insurance and freight
货价,保险费、运费加汇费利息在内的价格cost, insurance, freight and exchange interest
货价、保险费、运费加佣金在内的价格C.I.F. and C. cost, insurance, freight and commission
货价加保险费在内的价格cost and insurance
货价加运费价格C&F Price
货价加运费价格cost and freight
货价加运费价格C & F cost and freight
货价加运费的价格cost and freight
货价加运费的价格C.F. price
货价及运费价格cost and freight price
货价及运费价格C.F. price
货存关栈价格price in bond
货币价格currency price
购买价格purchase price
购买价格buying price
购买地价格price local
购买者价格by market price: producer's price;purchaser's price
购回价格buyback price
赎回价格surrender value
赎回价格call price
赔本价格junk price
起动价格闸门价trigger price
起岸价格.C.I.F. value
转卖价格resale price
转售价格resale value
转账价格transfer price
输入价格import price
边境交货价格franco border
边际价格marginal price
边际需求价格marginal demand price
适当价格reasonable price
价格prevailing price
通常价格standard rate
通知偿还价格call price
通行价格going price
英国《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
英国《金融时报》工业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
英国《金融时报》股票价格指数Financial Tinies Stock Indices
销售价格selling price
销售场价格saleyard price
长期价格secular price
长期供给价格long period supply price
阴影要素价格shadow factor prices
附加价格extra price
降低价格Knocked down
降低价格同盟Price Reduction League
降回价格rollback price
限制价格check price
限制价格定货limited price order
限定价格price fixing
限定价格limit price
限界价格marginal price
需求价格demand price
需求价格弹性price elasticity of demand
价格竞争non-price competition
非官方价格unofficial price
非正式价格unofficial price
非法价格exorbitant prices
预付价格price for forward delivery
预付价格advance price
预定价格set prices
预测价格forecast price
预示的价格indicative price
预算价格estimate price
领头价格price leadership
饱和价格satiety price
黄金双重价格two-price gold system
Showing first 500 phrases