
Terms for subject Statistics containing 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
价格指数index number of prices
价格相对数price-relative n.
具有国际影响的价格prices of international significance
农产品价格指数agricultural price index numbers
出口价格指数export price index
到岸价格cost insurance freight
国际基准价格benchmark international prices
基准价格benchmark price
实际价格actual price
实际价格的加权平均数weighted average of actual prices
家畜价格producer price
消费价格指数consumer price index
生产者价格指数output price index
生产者价格指数farmgate price index
生产者价格指数producer price index
离岸价格free on board
综合价格指数aggregate price index
综合价格指数aggregative price index pl. indices
进口价格指数import price index pl. indices
隐含价格implicit price
零售价格指数retail price index