
Terms for subject Finances containing 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
不洁价格dirty price
东京股票价格指数Tokyo Stock Price Index (通称"东证指数")
个人消费支出价格指数personal consumption expenditures price index
个别价格变动specific price changes
中国价格China price
习惯性价格customary price
二级市场的价格发现机制price-discovery mechanism through secondary trading
交割价格delivery price
交易价格变异trading variation
以合理价格增长growth at a reasonable price
以最佳价格/条件执行交易的原则principle of best execution
以英镑计算的价格sterling price
以要素价格表示at factory price
价格上涨失控的威胁threat of runaway price rises
价格上涨的翘尾影响carry-over effect of the CPI increase
价格上涨预期expectations of higher prices
价格上限upper price limit
价格下降falling prices
价格之单位价值单位unit of value (standard unit of value)
价格之维持price maintenance
价格体系price system
价格决定的共同因素co-determinants of price
价格压力效应price pressure effect
价格发现discovering price
价格发现机制price discovery mechanism
价格变动单位tick size
价格合同price contract
价格学说theory of price
价格差异pricing differentials
价格差距过大wide price
价格差额price margin (gross margin)
价格幅度closing range
价格幅度限制permissible price range
价格形成机制pricing mechanism
价格指标price indicators
价格收入price receipts
价格放开price liberalization
价格登记price record
价格的稳定性price stability
价格的自由波动uncontrolled fluctuation in price
价格目标price target
价格看涨upward price trend
价格竞争competition in price
价格系列series of price
价格范围price range
价格触发点in strike
价格计算calculation of price
价格让步price concession
价格theory of price
价格趋势分离broadening (技术分析中使用的术语)
价格过低证券underpriced securities
价格过高股票overvalued stock
价格过高证券overpriced securities
价格通道price channel (技术分析工具之一,该通道由上趋势线(即"阻力线")和下趋势线(即"支撑线")形成。上升通道代表价格看好,下降通道代表价格看跌)
价格高低分析rich cheap analysis
会计价格accounting price
估定价格appraisal price
低于正常价格at a discount
保持大宗商品价格合理稳定maintain the stability of commodity prices at a reasonable level
保障价格support price
兑换价格公司债券调换普通债券conversion price
全球粮食价格的飙升spike in global food prices
公允价格justified price
公平价格fair value
公开发行价格public offering price
公用事业股票平均价格指数utilities average
农业生产资料价格指数price index of agricultural means of production
农村居民消费价格指数rural consumer price index
出厂价格netback price
出台新的价格管控措施impose fresh price controls
分拆调整后价格split-adjusted price
分类商品价格指数price index of commodities by groups
初步稳定价格initial stabilizing price
初步稳定价格行动initial stabilizing action
到岸价格cost insurance & freight
到岸价格加佣金及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interst
到岸价格加兑换费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
加强价格监管strengthen oversight and supervision of prices
单一价格竞价市场single price auction system
即期汇票银行买入价格demand draft buying
双方议定价格setting price
双重价格two-way price
双重价格two-price system
发包合同价格contract price
发行价格issuance price
合同价格target price
合约约定价格firm price
合适的资本价格appropriate price of capital
名义约定价格nominal contract price
商品价格暴跌tumbling commodity prices
回购价格buy-back price
固定价格pegging prices
固定价格要约回购self-tender offer at fixed price
固定制造费用价格差异fixed overhead price variance
固定资产投资价格指数price indices of investment in fixed assets
国内市场价格domestic market price
国内资产价格domestic assets prices
国外价格波动foreign prices fluctuation
国际转让价格international transfer price
土地价格land prices
土地交易价格指数land transaction price index
场外价格水平kerb level
垄断价格monopoly-price theory
城市居民消费价格指数urban consumer price index
基准价格notation price
基本稳定价格行动primary stabilizing action
大宗商品价格prices of major commodities
大宗商品价格prices of commodities
大宗商品价格飙升surge in commodity prices
存货价格变动帐户inventory fluctuation account
完税价格value for customs purpose
对大宗商品价格的担忧concern over commodity prices
履约价格strike price
证券交易履约价格strike price
履约价格striking price
履约价格exercise price
工业品价格指数industrial product price index
工业品出厂价格指数producer's price index for manufactured products
巴黎证券交易所股票价格指数Paris Bourse's Index of Share Price
帐面价格book price
帐面价格accounting price
平均价格average price method
平均执行价格期权average-strike option
年度价格审计annual price review
建议价格suggestive price
引发价格全面下跌trigger widespread falls
引发资产价格泡沫lead to asset price bubbles
当前价格current price
当地价格price loco
当期普通股平均市场价格average market price of ordinary shares in the current period
影子要素价格shadow factor price
总行使价格aggregate exercise price (出售或买人期权的行使价格乘以合约金额)
恒生 AH 股价格指数Hang Seng China AH Price Indexes
恶性价格竞争virulent price competition
成本价格cost rate
成本价格cost of price
成本决定帐面价格cost determines book valuation
或以更优价格or better
房地产价格real estate price
房地产价格指数real estate price index
房屋租赁价格指数real estate rent and leasing price index
房屋销售价格指数price index of real estate sales
把稳定价格总水平放在更加突岀的位置prioritize overall price stability
投人价格通货膨胀input price inflation
抛售价格close-out price
价格水平调整的报表price level adjusted statement
按不变价格计算calculate at constant price
按不变价格计算calculated according to constant price
按可比价格计算calculate at comparable price
按比例相应增减价格slide scale
按现行价格计算in current price
按现行批发价格计算calculated according to current wholesale price
按票面价格at par
按认股价格的收入receipt for the subscription price
控制价格增长control price increases
控制大宗商品价格波动keep the fluctuation of commodity prices under control
推动价格上涨provoke a rise in the price
推高价格push up prices
推高大宗商品价格push up commodity prices
推高大宗商品价格lift commodities prices
操纵价格price manipulation
操纵证券交易价格犯罪crime of rigging trading prices of securities
收兑价格call price (redemption price)
收盘价格closing rate
改革大宗商品价格形成机制reform the commodity pricing mechanism
敲定价格strike price (英语与"exercise price"同义,指期权(options) 或期货 (futures) 合约内指定在到期日或行使日持有人可以这个价格买人或卖出相关股份的价格)
敲定价格striking price (英语与"exercise price"同义,指期权 (options) 或期货 (futures)合约内指定在到期日或行使日持有人可以这个价格买人或卖出相关股份的价格)
敲定价格exercise price (英语与"strike price"同义,指期权 (options) 或期货 (futures)合约内指定在到期日或行使日持有人可以这个价格买人或卖出相关股份)
无套利期货价格arbitrage-free futures price
时间与价格自由决定委托time and price discretionary order
普通消费价格指数ordinary consumer price index
普通股股票价格指数common stock index
最低价格minimum price
最低可以接受的价格lowest possible price
最佳价格best price
最佳价格at-best order
最佳价格规则best price rule
最大价格波幅maximum price fluctuation
最小价格波幅minimum price fluctuation
最小的价格波动minimum price movement
最终产品价格final goods prices
最近价格last price method
最高价格maximum price
期权价格option price (期权费;权利金)
材料价格差异帐户materials price variance account
标准采购价格standard purchase price
核心消费价格指数core consumer prices index
止损价格stop price
每日价格上下限daily trading limit
每日价格波动限幅daily price swing limit
每日价格限制daily price limit
消费品价格膨胀consumer price inflation
炒高价格price ramping
现行清算价格current liquidation price
理论价格theoretical price
理论性参考价格系统theoretical indicative pricing system
看涨价格bullish price
票面价格face par
票面价格par amount
离岸价格free on board (国际贸易上最广泛使用的价格条件之一)
离岸加运费价格cost and freight
稳定价格stabilizing price
稳定价格操作人stabilizing manager
稳定价格期间stabilizing period
稳定价格行动stabilizing action
粮食价格food price
粮食价格上涨rising food prices
粮食价格上涨food-price inflation
粮食价格危机food-price crisis
统一价格指领用材料的计价uniform price method
维护价格support price
综合运用价格和数量工具utilize the tools of prices and quantity in an integrated manner
缴纳资本超过设定价格之溢价additional paid capital excess of stated value
美国消费者价格指数United States consumer price index
股息价格dividend-price ratio
股票价格下跌slip in stock prices
股票价格对账面价值比率price-book value ratio
股票价格平均数stock average
股票价格指数market index of stock prices
股票价格简单算术平均指数simple arithmetical stock price average index
船上交货价格FOB vessel
英国商品价格指数U.K. Commodity Index
行使价格strike price
行使价格striking price
行使价格exercise price
行权日价格vesting date price
要素价格理论theory of factor price
认股价格subscription price
认股权证价格warrant price
议价价格指数negotiated price index
调拨价格allocated price
调整后的期货价格adjusted futures price
货价加保险费和运费的价格cost insurance & freight
货币与价格数量说quantity theory of money and price
购买地价格price loco
资产价格asset price
资产价格下降论theory of decreasing asset price
资产价格不断下跌cascading declines in asset prices
资产价格泡沫asset-price bubbles
赎买价格call price (redemption price)
超出票面价格above par
跨国转账价格制定法multinational transfer pricing method
输人港船上交货价格free overside
进货价格prime costs
进货价格prime cost
远期价格forward price
远期汇票价格usance bill rate
迫使大宗商品价格回落force commodity prices down
迫卖价格forced sale value
逐步上升价格escalation price
通知偿还价格call price (redemption price)
通胀和资产价格上行压力upwards pressure on inflation and asset prices
遏制价格压力suppress price pressures
采用的价格agreed cost
金融工具价格prices of financial instruments
金融资产价格指数financial price index
链式消费价格指数chained CPI
长久价格secular price
附带稳定价格行动ancillary stabilizing action
降低票面价格reduce the par value
除息价格ex-dividend price
障消价格outstrike price
障生价格instrike price
非食品类价格non-food commodity prices
预定价格estimated price method
预计价格anticipated price
预计价格区间projected price range
食品价格推动的通胀food-driven inflation
首次公开发行价格IPO price
黄金价格的调节机制gold -specie-flow mechanism