
Terms for subject Technology containing 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
一小时空闲时间的价格price of an hour's leisure
一揽子价格lump price
上涨价格escalating prices
上限价格ceiling price
不变价格fixed price
不可靠价格capricious value
不均衡价格disequilibrium price
不擅自降低零售价格的协定fair-trade agreement
与市场一致的价格in-line price
专业化协作价格prices for specialization and cooperation
世界市场价格world market price
世界出口价格指数world export prices indices
世界市场价格international market price
中标价格successful price tendered
中等价格medium price
临时价格Interim price
习惯价格customary price
习惯性的价格customary price
买主垄断价格oligopsony price
买方仓库交货价格ex buyer's godown
二部价格dual price system
井头价格well-head price
交到船上燃料舱价格free into bunker
交到驳船价格free into barge
交叉价格弹性cross price elasticity
交换价格value of exchange
交换价格exchangeable value
交易价格transaction value
交易价格price of transaction
产品价格product charges
产品价格price of products
产品国内价格domestic price of products
产品国际价格international price of products
付现价格cash price
付现金价格cash price
代理费在内的力岸价格free on board and commission
代销价格price for account
以低于平均价格买进average down
以最好价格订购order at the best
以本国货币表示的价格prices in local currencies
以离岸价格by free on board
以高于平均价格卖出average up
伦敦价格London price (指美国股票在伦敦的价格)
估税价格assessed valuation
估算价格estimated price
估计价格imputed price
住房价格residential building rate
住房零售价格house purchase price
佔计价格estimated value
佔计价格estimated amounts
供货价格supply price
保税价格bonded price
保证价格购买guaranteed purchase
保险加空运费价格freight by plane
信息价格函数information cost function
修正后价格revised price
修正后的价格指数corrected price indices
修理价格repair cost
债券价格bond price
假定价格hypothetical price
先导价格price leadership
兑换价格convertible price
入账价格entry price
公平价格reasonable price
公断价格price arbitration
共同价格blanket price
内河到岸价格cost insurance freight inland waterway
内涵价格hedonic price
内部价格inside price
内部结算价格internal settlement price
内部转让价格internal transfer price
决定价格fix a price
冻结价格frozen price
净到岸价格insurance and freight net
减低价格reduce price
分包价格subcontract price
分化价格price differentiation
分期付款价格hire purchase price
分期付款购货的附加价格carrying charges
分类价格class price
分部价格split tariff
初步价格initial price
初级商品价格commodity price
初级商品价格的指数price index number of primary commodities
到岸价格伦敦条款cost, insurance and freight London terms
到岸价格加代理费和汇费cost, insurance, freight, commission and exchange
到岸价格加佣金,汇费及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission, exchange and interest
到岸价格加兵险货到付款价payment upon arrival, cost, insurance, freight and war-risks-payment upon arrival
到岸价格加利息和佣金cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission
到岸价格加利息和汇费cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange
到岸价格加战争险货到付款价payment upon arrival, cost, insurance, freight and war-risks-payment upon arrival
到岸价格加结关费用价cost, insurance, freight and cleared
到港价格free overboard
制定价格rate marking
价格carrying charges
劳务价格labour cost
劳务价格labor rate
劳务价格labour rate
劳务价格labor cost
劳动的标准价格normal price of labour
劳动的标准价格normal price of labor
包含手续的价格price including commission
区域价格zone price
区域价格政策spatial pricing policy
协定价格price agreed upon
协定价格agreement price
协议价格negotiated price
单件产品价格piecework price
单位价格unit rate
卖主垄断价格oligopoly price
卖主控制价格seller's price
卖主控制价格oligopoly price
卖方价格price of the selling party
卸货费在内的到岸价格条款freight land terms
厂内价格in-house price
厂内计划价格in-house planned price
厂定价格factory-set price
双轨价格double rice system
双重价格double price
发票价格净额net invoice price
发送价格shipment price
受制约的价格forced price
变动价格合同fluctuating price contract
变动价格合同cost-plus contract
变化的价格variable prices
可变价格variable cost
可变动的价格flexible price
可支配价格disposable price
可比非控制价格comparable uncontrolled price method
可能的价格possible price
可调整的每日价格限度variable daily limit
各费在内的价格all price
合同价格的充分性sufficiency of contract price
合同约定价格firm price
合理价格fair value
吊钩下交货的到岸价格cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
同业价格fellow-trader price
哄抬价格活动bull operation
哄抬拾市场价格bull the market
商业内部调拨价格transfer prices among commercial enterprises
商品目录价格catalog price
回购价格buy back price
因子价格界限factor-price frontier
土地征购价格land purchasing price
地产价格property value
地区价格zone rate
备忘录价格memorandum value
复合理论价格theoretical prices on a composite basis
复合理论价格theoretic prices on a composite basis
外部不经济性的价格和产出效应price and output effect of external diseconomy
多种价格multiple pricing
季节性价格seasonal price
完好货物的价格sound market value
完税后买方关栈交货价格ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty paid
定低价格under price
实用价格applied cost
实际价格actual cost
实际供给价格true supply price
客运价格passenger way-bill
家庭单元价格family unit price
小商品价格prices of miscellaneous goods
就船交货价格free on board
居间价格trader's price
岸上交货价格landed terms
市场价格变动准备金reserve for market fluctuation
市场价格总额aggregate market value
市场价格的下跌market depreciation
市场价格趋势tendency of market
市场劳动力价格market price of labour
市场劳动力价格market price of labor
市场清算价格market cleaning price
市场饱和价格satiety price
幅度价格prices fluctuating within a certain range
平均单位支付价格指数index of average unit price paid
平均发行价格average issuing price
平均相对价格average relative price
平抑价格stabilize price
平抑价格keep down price
平抑价格controlling the price
平稳价格flation price
供求平衡价格equilibrium price
应征税价格dutiable price
应用价格applied cost
开闸价格sluice-gate price
弹性价格政策flexible-price policy
当地价格local rate
当地交货价格price loco
当年价格price for the indicated year
当年价格current year's price
价格生长率total value increment percent
总承包商固定价格开价单general contractor's fixed price offer
成本价格prime cost
成本价格上涨cost inflation
成本价格合同cost-value contract
成本价格指数cost-price index
成本一保险加空运费价格cost-insurance and freight by plane
成本加保险费一运费和卸货费价格条件cost-insurance-freight and landed terms
成本加运费价格cost and freight price
成本加运费保险费价格freight insurance
成本加酬金价格cost-plus price
房屋折旧后价格remaining value of house
批发价格曲线wholesale price curve
批发商品价格水平level of commodity price at wholesale
承包工程价格contract value
技术价格函数technical cost function
投标价格tendered price
投标价格contractor's price
投标价格bid schedule of price
折扣价格discounted price
折扣价格discount cost
报出价格offering price
抬高价格jack up the price
押金缺少时的价格exhaust price
拟订相同价格的行动conscious parallel action
指示价格indication price
价格ad valorem (计税)
价格水平调整的报告price level adjusted statement
按不变价格计算的资产现有价值value of the stock of assets at constant price
按中等开销加利润原则确定的价格cost-plus price
按原保险单价格value as in original policy
按国家调拨价格作价price of equipment should be set at the normal allocation price
按市场价格估价valuation at market price
按现行价格计算calculated according to current price
按现行市场价格at the current market price
按销售价格盘存法selling price inventory method
控制价格pegged price
控制价格price control
控制价格administered rate
控制价格结构trigger price mechanism
推定价格constructed price
推定价格computed price
推荐零售价格recommended retail price
提前偿还债券价格call price
撇奶油式价格skimming price
操纵价格administered-price theory
收购价格指数procurement price index
放开价格loosen up price
敏感价格sensitive price
敏感商品价格sensitive goods price
敏感性价格sensitive price
敲定价格strike price
无盈亏价格break-even zone
无竞争力的价格price not-competitive
无竞争力的价格non-competitive price
日用品价格consumer price
日用品价格指数consumer price index
普遍价格prevailing price
晴雨表式价格领导barometrical price leadership
晴雨表式价格领导barometric price leadership
最优价格best price
最低出口价格floor price
最低价格定价法penetration pricing
最后价格final price
最大可预测价格maximum foreseeable cost
最好可成交价格best obtainable price
最少价格影响least price distortion
最终价格final price
最终效用价格理论final utility theory of value
最终购入价格method of price of last purchase
最适当价格政策optimal price policy
最高价格ceiling rate
最高价格highest price method
最高月份价格peak monthly price
有吸引力的价格charming price
有吸引力的价格charm price
有竞争能力的价格competitive price
服务性支出价格指数price index number of service expenditures
服务项目价格指数price index of service items
期望正常价格expected normal price
材料价格差异materials price variance
材料价格差异分析analysis of material price variance
材料价格差异率materials price variance ratio
材料消费价格差异materials usage price variance
材料燃料价格的控制price control of material and fuel
材料耗用价格差异materials usage price variance
材料预算价格material price for estimation
材料预算价格budgeted material price
松脂价格废水rosin processing wastewater
松脂价格废水pine gum processing effluent
标准价格target price
标准价格normalized price
标准价格list price method
标准的价格单位standard unit of value
标明价格labelled price
标明价格labeled price
标明的价格posted price
标有价格工料单priced bill of quantities
标高价格trade up
标高价格的通货膨胀mark-up inflation
模仿价格imitative pricing
正式价格office price
每字节价格cost per byte
每普式耳价格price per Bushel
每股股利与目前价格的比率dividend yield
汽船交货价格条件free on steamer
法定价格stated value
法定价格legal standard of value (标准)
法定固定价格official price
波动价格合同fluctuating price contract
浮动价格slide price
浮动价格fluctuating price
浮动价格商品floating item
海外价格offshore cost
海边价格coastal price
消费价格指数consumer price index number
消费价格指数consumer price index
消费者价格consumer price
涉外价格price involving foreign countries
清偿价格redemption price
滑动价格合同sliding price contract
潜在价格shadow price
热能价格heat price
煤的框架口交货价格pit-head price of coal
煤的矿山价格pit-head price
燃料价格附加费surcharge on fuel prices
特别价格special price
特定价格或更优价格at or better
特昂价格fancy price
现场交货价格ex point of origin
现时价格up-to-date price
现款价格spot price
现行价格financial price
现行价格current cost
现行价格going rate pricing
现货市场价格actual market price
现金付款的最低价格spot price
现金付款的最低价格cash price
现销价格cash sale price
理论价格theoretic price
理论出租价格theoretical leasing price
理论出租价格theoretic leasing price
生产价格cost price
生活消费品价格consumer price
生活费用价格总指数total price index of living cost
申报价格declared value
电力价格power cost
盈余价格比率方法earnings/rice ratio method
目前税项与价格之比率present incidence
目标利润转移价格target profit transfer price
目标收益率价格设定target-rate-of-return pricing
短期价格short-period price
短程极限价格short run marginal cost
短程限界价格short run marginal cost
短航程平均价格short run average cost
码头交换价格条件free at wharf
码头交货价格条件free at wharf
示踪剂价格cost of tracer
社会商品价格总额total value of social commodities
票面价格nominal par
离岸价格生产地定价法free on board point-of-production pricing
积载费及平舱费在内的离岸价格stowed and trimmed
积载费及平舱费在内的离岸价格free on board
税金在内的价格price including tax
稳定的价格stable price
空间价格差别spatial price discrimination
竞争导向的价格政策competitive-oriented pricing
索取价格price appeal
纳税后价格price after tax
结算价格making-up price
结算价格clearing price
统一价格代码uniform pricing code
统一价格拍卖uniform price auction
统一市场价格uniform market prices
统制价格controlled price
统包价格lump-sum price
统包价格all-in price
统括价格blanket price
缺货价格scarcity price
耐用品价格durable goods price
股票价格price of share
舱内交货价格free in
舱底交货的到岸价格freight (1立方英尺≈0.028立方米)
船上交换价格free overside
船上交货价格free on ship
船上交货价格free on steamer
船上交货价格free on board
船上交货包括堆装价格free on board stowed
船舱底交货的到岸价格freight ex ship's hold
虚构的价格fictitious quotation
补收价格subsidized price
补进价格making-up price
装运日价格day of shipment price
要素价格均等化factor-price equalization
要素价格差别factor-price differentials
要素价格边界factor-price frontier
规定价格fixed the price
计算价格造价calculative cost
计算价格given price
计算价格compute price
计算价格calculative cost
计算税价格taxable value
认可价格subscription price
议定的价格agreed price
议销价格sale at negotiated price
调拨价格appropriate price
调整价格price adjustment
调整价格price change
调整价格readjust price
调整价格modify price
调整价格adjust price
调整后价格adjusted price
账面价格book price
账面价格accounting price
货物估定价格valuation paper
购买与租赁价格purchase-to-lease ratio
购入价格cover price
费用价格因素cost/price factor
费用与价格差额cost price differential
费用加利润价格cost-plus profit price
赊卖价格credit price
赊销价格credit price
赎债价格call price
起运地点交货价格free on board shipping point
超过价格exceed the price
超过票面以上的价格at a premium (股票)
软化价格softening price
输人港船边交货价格free overboard
输入港船边交货价格free overside
边境交货价格条件franco border
边境交货价格条件franco frontier
边境交货价格条件free border
边境交货价格条件delivered at frontier
边际价格向量marginal value vector
边陆价格marginal price
过高的价格exorbitant price
运费价格申报declared value for carriage
进口价格imported price
进口商品价格管理price control of import commodities
进口需求的价格弹性price elasticity of demand for import
远航程平均价格long run average cost
迫售价格价值forced sale value
逆反价格体系adverse pricing system
逆反价格体系adverse pricing structure
通告价格publicly posted price
通行价格prevailing price
通行价格observed price
道-琼斯运输业股票价格平均指数Dow-Jones transportation average
配给价格ration price
钻头价格bit cost
钻孔预算价格field rate
铁路旅客运输价格railway passenger transport tariff
铁路旅客运输价格railway passenger traffic tariff
铁路运输价格railway transport rate
铁路运输价格指数railway transport rate index
铁路运输中间的投入价格指数rate index of intermediate input in railway transport
销售价格retail price
销售价格差异selling rice variance
锯齿价格ratchet rate
长航程限界价格long run marginal cost
闭市后价格after hours value
附加费用价格loaded price
降低价格lower the price
降低价格reduce the price
降低价格bring forward
降低价格bring down price
限制价格订货limited price order
限定价格price ceiling
限定价格pegged price
集团价格bloc price
需求价格灵活性price elasticity of demand
非公开招标的价格price not-competitive
非公开招标的价格non-competitive price
非固定价格公债dirty bond
非高峰期价格off-peak tariff
预付价格advanced price
预兆价格shadow price
预先规定合同价格flat fee contract
预定价格target price
预期价格anticipated price
预期的价格上涨中滞后变量lagged variable of unanticipated inflation
预算价格estimated value
预算价格费用estimated cost
预算价格estimated amounts
预算价格extended price
预计价格anticipate price
飞腾性价格volatile price
驳船交货价格free on lighter
黏性价格sticky price
Showing first 500 phrases