
Terms for subject China containing 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
不正当价格行为illicit price behaviors
中标确定价格bid-winning price
以低于成本的价格at prices below cost
价格主管部门price departments
价格合理fair price
价格工作人员personnel in charge of pricing
价格干预措施price intervention measures
价格总水平general price level
价格成本调查investigations into price and cost
价格政策pricing policies
价格歧视discriminate in terms of prices
价格the Price Law
价格监督检査monitoring and checking of prices
价格秩序price order
价格管理权限limit of the power of price control
价格自律self-discipline with regard to prices
价格舆论监督public opinion for the monitoring of price
价格行为price behavior
价格评估appraisal for prices
价格违法行为illegal activity relating to price
价格违法行为illegal pricing act
价格违法行为price law violating act
价格部门price departments
低于成本的价格below cost price
冻结价格freezing price
劳务价格charge for the labor services
发票价格invoice value
商品价格price of all merchandises
固定商品价格fixing commodity price
国家规定的价格price fixed by the state
居民消费价格总水平the consumer price index
市场价格market prices
房地产价格评估appraisal for real estate prices
房地产成交价格real estate transaction prices
推动价格总水平上升drive up the price level to a certain extent
操纵市场价格control market prices
操纵证券交易价格manipulate the trading prices
最低转让价格minimum transfer price
标定的价格price appearing on the label
法定的价格干预措施legal price intervention measure
煤炭销售价格price of coal
租赁价格price of the lease
自然垄断经营的商品价格prices for merchandises of monopoly in nature
证券交易价格trade price of securities
调整价格adjust prices
运用补助、贴息、税收、价格等经济手段employ economic means such as subsidies, discount interest, tax and pricing (to)
重置价格replacement prices