
Terms for subject Finances containing 价值 | all forms | in specified order only
一般物价水平可变现净值会计general price-level net realizable value accounting
一般物价水平现值会计general price-level present value accounting
一般物价水平调整时值会计general price-level-adjusted current value accounting
上市股票市价总值aggregate value of listed stock
不变美元价值constant-dollar value
丧失转换价值的可转换证券busted convertible
买人价值entry value
买卖盘价值限制order consideration limit
争股股票之帐面价值book value per share of stock
价位值tick value
价值为本审计value for money auditing
价值低估公司undervalued company
价值低估证券undervalued securities
价值加权市场指数value-weighted market index
价值加权平均价value-weighted average price
价值加权指数value-weighted index
价值value bill
价值及增长类指数value and growth style indices
价值变动value change
价值型基金value fund
价值审计value auditing
价值导向投资理念value-oriented investing philosophy
价值平均法value averaging
价值投资value investing
价值投资法value investing
价值投资经理value manager
价值投资者value investor
价值线投资考察公司Value Line Investment Survey (美国一家著名的独立于政府、发行人和交易所之外的投资服务机构)
价值线综合平均指数Value Line Composite Average Index
价值线综合指数Value Line Composite Index
价值线综合指数期货Value Line Composite Index futures
价值线综合指数期货合约Value Line Composite Index futures contract
价值经纪人value broker
价值缩水tumble in value
价值value share
价值陷阱value trap
价内值in-the-money amount
价外值out-of-the-money amount
价外值out of the money
价格之单位价值单位unit of value (standard unit of value)
企业总价值total enterprise value
优先股账面价值book value of preferred stock
估定价值appraisal value
估计全部核査价值estimated total audit value
低于或高于帐面价值发行股票stock issued at less or at more than book value
低于票面价值—有贴水par below - at a discount
保单价值准备金policy value reserve
保险价值insurable value
保险数字的价值actuarial value
保险现金解的价值cash surrender value
修正后账面价值modified book value
借款价值比率loan-value ratio
债券价值溢价premium over bond value
债券价值bond value table
债券票面价值par value of bond
允许的帐面价值减低数额writing down allowance
公允价值会计fair value accounting
公允价值变动损益profit and loss on changes in fair value
公允价值变动收益gain on the changes in the fair value
公允价值套期fair value hedging
公允价值模式fair value pattern
公允价值确定方法methods for confirmation of fair value
公允价值计量measurement at the fair value
公允价值计量fair value measurements
公平价值会计fair value accounting
内在价值intrinsic value (期权位于价内的金额,即期权相对现行远期市场价格的价值)
冲账后账面价值writing-down value
净期权价值net options value
减去折旧的资产价值written down value
分离点销售价值sales value of split-off method
剩余价值规律law of surplus value
加权市价总值weighted market capitalization
原价减折旧之价值cost less depreciation
原始价值original cost
原始价值aboriginal cost
原始成本价值original cost of value
原帐面价值original book value
参与价值指数value index of participation
发现价值会计discovery value accounting
取得附属企业股权的成本超出帐面价值的数cost of subsidiary stock in excess of book value at acquisition
受益的资产价值beneficiary asset value
变现价值current liquidation value
变现价值sales yield value
变现价值cash realizable value
可保险之价值insurable value
可变现价值基础realizable value basis
可转换证券的投资价值investment value of convertible securities
合约价值contract value
合计价值aggregate value method
售价低于或高于帐面价值selling price less or more than book value
售价等于帐面价值selling price equal to book value
商品价值quantity of value
商誉价值摊销goodwill amortization
回收权之价值value of call privilege
固定资产帐面价值book value of fixed assets
基准市场价值base market value
基期价值base period value
基本价值fundamental value
基点价值value of a basis point
基金帐面价值value shown by the book of the fund
增涨价值appreciated value
多头市场价值long market value
大盘价值基金large-cap value
子公司投资帐面价值超过成本部分excess of book value over cost of investment in subsidiary
子公司投资成本超过帐面价值部分excess of cost over book value of investment in subsidiary
存货的帐面价值book value of inventories
官价汇率等值par of exchange
实质价值real value
实际价值tangible value
实际美元价值real dollar value
客观性与交换价值objectivity and exchange prices
对销价值opposing values
寿险内含价值EV of life
小盘股价值基金small-cap value fund
已付清的价值基础paid-in value basis
市场价值加权法market value weight
市场价值对账面价值的比率market-to-book ratio
市场价值比率market value ratio
价值par value
年金保单价值准备金annuity non-forfeiture value
应纳税的价值rateable value
当前市场价值current market value
怙计可变现价值estimated realizable value
成交价值trading value
成本与帐面价值之差异difference between cost and book value
投资价值或现行成本孰低lower of investment value or current cost
折价增值discount accreted
折余价值written-down value
折余价值固定资产depreciated value book value
折余账面价值written-down book value
抵借价值loan value
抵押价值hypothecary value
抵押物拍卖价值foreclosure value
担保价值collateral value
拍卖价值forced-sale value
按其价值计算in value
按市价计值mark to market
按市价计值marking to market
按市价计值保证金marking-to-market margin
按市价计值后的损失marking-to-market loss
按市价贬值depreciation on market price basis
按帐面价值per books
推动经济向价值曲线的上端发展move the economy up the value-curve
提高帐面价值write up
价值股份duff stock
无形资产价值减记或销帐write-down or write-off of intangible
无折旧价值undepreciated value
无清算价值资产unadmitted assets
无票面价值no par
无票面价值without par value
无票面价值no par
无票面值股份的设定价值stated value of no-par stock
无票面值股份的设立价值stated value of no par stock
时间价值time value (又称"外涵价值 (extrinSic value)"外在价值",指期权合约的购买者为购买期权而支付的权利金超过期权内在价值的那部分价值)
普通股价值最大化maximization of value of common stock
普通股每股账面价值book value per share of common stock
普通股设定价值stated value of common stock
普通股账面价值book value of common stock
最佳价值value at best
最终价值terminal value
价值资产admitted asset
有形价值tangible value
期权的时间价值time value of option
期货合约价值futures contract value
未变现价值unrealized value
未完工程价值value of uncompleted construction
权益工具公允价值fair value of the equity instruments
标普公允价值排名S & P fair value ranking
欧式现金或无价值二元期权European cash-or-nothing binary option
欧式现金或无价值二元看涨期权European cash-or-nothing binary call
欧式资产或无价值二元期权European asset-or-nothing binary option
欧式资产或无价值看涨期权European asset-or-nothing call
欧式资产或无价值看跌期权European asset-or-nothing put
残余价值scrap value
每普通股账面价值book value per common
每股帐面价值book value per share
每股清算价值liquidation value per share
每股资产价值asset value per share
没收担保品价值foreclosure value
法定价值stated value
法定价值价格legal value
清算价值break-up value
清算价值liquidating value
清算拆卸价值break-up value
物价指数国民生产总值gross national product implicit price deflator
特许权价值franchise value
现时价值market value
现行价值美元current-sized dollar
现行清算价值current liquidation value
现金价值cash value
现金价值cash valuation
现金价值选择权cash value option
现金或无价值二元期权cash-or-nothing binary option
现金或无价值二元看涨期权cash-or-nothing binary call option
现金或无价值二元看跌期权cash-or-nothing binary put option
现金或无价值期权cash-or-nothing option
现金或无价值看涨期权cash-or-nothing call option (若在到期时,股票价格低于执行价格,该期权一文不值; 当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一个固定数额)
现金或无价值看涨期权cash-or-nothing call (若在到期时,股票价格低于执行价格,该期权一文不值;当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一个固定数额)
现金或无价值看跌期权cash-or-nothing put option (若在到期时,股票价格高于执行价格,该期权一文不值;当股票价格低于执行价格时,该期权支付一个固定数额)
现金或无价值看跌期权cash-or-nothing put (若在到期时,股票价格高于执行价格,该期权一文不值;当股票价格低于执行价格时,该期权支付一个固定数额)
生命价值life value
申报价值declared value (stated value)
留存价值residual value
看跌期权价值put value
短期价值short-period value
有形资产减流动负债破产企业的财产清理价值break-up value
票面价值nominal par
稳妥价值再生产成本减已使用年代价值sound value
空头市场价值short-market value
空头市场价值short market value
空头期权价值short-option value
系列按金价值series margin value
紧缩价值指数deflation of value index
约定保险价值agree insured value
约定的保险价值agreed insured value
纯粹债券价值溢价premium over straight bond value
绝对价值absolute value
继续营业价值going concern value;going value
美式现金或无价值二元期权American cash-or-nothing binary option
股东价值shareholder value
股东价值转移shareholder value transfer
股本帐面价值book value of capital stock
股票价格对账面价值比率price-book value ratio
股票溢价超过面值的缴入资本paid-in capital in excess of par value
股票票面价值face value of stock
获救货物或船舶的价值salvage value
营运中企业的价值going concern value
行权价值exercise value
价值face value
设定价值指无票面股份的规定价格。按英美各国法律规定,发行无票面股份的公司,对于每股的价格,仍应加以规定,但实际发行的价格,每与此项价格不符。stated value
设定价值declared value (stated value)
证券价值value in securities
证券的认可价值admissible securities value
评估后价值assessed value
财产价值value of property
财产价值评估assessment of property value
财产之估定价值assessed value
账面价值加权book value weights
账面价值报酬率book value rate of return
账面价值权益报酬率rate of return on book-value equity
账面价值超过投资成本额excess of book-value over investment cost
货币价值变动会计accounting for changing money and value
货币价值调整会计money-value adjustment accounting
货币价值负债money-value liabilities
货币价值项目money-value items
货币价值项目货币性流动资产money value items current monetary assets
货币的时间价值time value of currency
货币的时间价值概念time value of money concept
贴现后边际价值生产力discounted marginal value productivity
贷款价值loan value
贷款与价值比率loan-to-value ratio
资产价值asset value
资产价值value of asset
资产价值之调整adjustment of assets values
资产价值未实现增值准备reserve for unrealized increment in assets value
资产价值调整adjustment of assets value
资产公允价值fair value of the assets
资产或无价值二元期权asset-or-nothing binary option
资产或无价值期权asset-or-nothing option
资产或无价值看涨期权asset-or-nothing call option (若期权到期时标的资产价格低于执行价格,则该期权一文不值当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
资产或无价值看涨期权asset-or-nothing call (若期权到期时标的资产价格低于执行价格,则该期权一文不值当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
资产或无价值看跌期权asset-or-nothing put option
资产或无价值看跌期权asset-or-nothing put (若期权到期时标的资产价格高于执行价格,则该期权一文不当股票价格低于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
资产组账面价值carrying value of asset group
资产账面价值carrying value of asset
资本价值theory of capital value
资本的价值构成value composition of capital
资金价值审计value for money audit
超过票面一般价值be at a premium
超过设定价值的缴纳资本paid-in capital in excess of stated value
超过该租赁资产已服务之价值expiration of the service value
足额保险价值full insurance value
转换价值溢价premium over conversion value
退保现金价值cash surrender value
鉴定价值appraised value
销售价值sale value method
阻碍价值指为阻止同业在邻近地区设店竞争或妨碍本店营业而购入资产的价值nuisance value
附加价值对销售额百分比ratio of value added to sales
附加价值value-added rate
附加价值附加价值/产值ratio of value added
隐含价值embedded value
非票面价值no par value
面值或设立价值par or standard value
额定价值authorized value
风险价值value at risk (指在市场正常波动下,某一金融资产或证券组合的最大可能损失,也即在一定概率水平(置信度)下,某一金融资产或证券组合价值在未来特定时期内的最大可能损失)
风险价值分析value-at-risk analysis
风险价值指数risk value index
风险价值模式value-at-risk model
风险价值跟踪系统value-at-risk tracking system
高于票面价值一有升水par above - at a premium