
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
索引index rerun
chain of events
供给约束条supply constraint
信息系统应用软的失灵failure of information system applications
全整数约束条all-integer constraints
初始约束条initializing constraint
协议一般条general conditions of agreement
协议特别条special conditions of agreement
可能相同事equally likely events
合同条terms of contract
国家方案文country programme document
培训组training module
基本文Basic Documents
基本文basic instrument
多余的约束条redundant constraint
多夫曼一斯坦纳条用于预期垄断企业的广告和利润间关系的模型Dorfman-Steiner condition
完全情报条值的期望值the expectation of the conditional value of perfect information
审计摘要文audit summary file
对偶约束条dual constraint
工作地点生活条报告post report
工作规划组work planning module
形式信form letter
承诺文commitment document
拟订国别计划背景文country programming background paper
授权文authorizing document
描述性文situation document
分项document line
印刷要求document printing request
处理电子申请系统缩写为E-DPR系统E-DPR System
处理电子申请系统缩写为E-DPR系统Electronic Document Processing Request System
归档复核再制机collating interfiling reproducing punch
标识documents ID
类型document type
旅行文travel document
无法预料的突发事event that could not be foreseen
服务条conditions of service
杂项承付费用文miscellaneous obligation document
价值conditional value
conditional value
利润损失conditional profit loss
利润表conditional profit table
标准信form letter
标准项目文standard project document
标准项目文格式SPD format
标准项目文格式standard project document format
次要约束条secondary constraint
现行最佳就业条best prevailing conditions of service
现行最佳就业条best prevailing conditions of employment
现行最佳服务条best prevailing conditions of service
现行最佳服务条best prevailing conditions of employment
电子函授权e-mail authorization
电子邮自动通知系统automatic email notification system
相互关系约束条interrelationship constraint
相依事dependent event
确认confirmation copy
等式约束条equality constraint
约束条与变数constraint and variables
约束条矩阵constraint matrix
纯文本电子邮plain text e-mail
给定的约束条specifying constraint
统计互依事statistically dependent events
统计独立事statistically independent events
聘用条terms of employment
背景研究文background study paper
融合约束条blending constraint
计划文programme document
计算机硬体系结构computer hardware architecture
计算机硬芯片computer hardware chips
计算机辅助软及系统工程学computer aided software and system engineering
议题文issue paper
设备构equipment component
证明文supporting documentation
证明文documentary evidence
起草文能力drafting abilities
包解决方案software package solutions
工程学software ergonomics
的制作与外购make or buy for software
迅速处理索赔的便捷条facilities for the expedite settlement of claims
运输问题解答的约束条bound for solution to the transportation problem
附带条的援助tied aid
集体完全事collectively exhaustive events
雇佣条terms of employment
需求约束条demand constraint
非预期事unexpected occurrence