
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一国法院委托另一国法院对于诉讼案就地调查证据的信letter requisitorial
一般交易条general terms and conditions
一般交易条general conditions of sale
一般条general terms and conditions
一般条general condition
上诉案case on appeal
不带任何条的遗产estate in fee simple
不带保留条的承兑general acceptance
不带保留条的承兑clean acceptance
不承担义务并保留条without engagement and under reserve
不能预料的事unforeseeable event
不附加条的合同absolute ontract
不附带条的援助untied aid
不附带条的贷款untied loan
不附带条的费率non-tied rate
不附条贷款untied loan
业务函official correspondence
业务条professional qualification
两种条的海损two conditions of average
临时证provisional certificate
主动控制的有条出口conditional export
主要关键部major critical component
书面文written document
买卖一般条general conditions of sale
交换条quid pro quo
交换物clearing item
交易条terms of exchange
交易条trade tenns
交易条的无条件确认unqualified confirmation of terms of transaction
交货一般条general conditions of delivery
交货共同条general terms of delivery
交货共同条general conditions of delivery of goods
交货前一切费用包括在内的贸易条delivered terms
交货条delivered terms
交货条delivery conditions
交货条delivery term
产品附accessories of product
仓库交货条ex warehouse terms
仓库交货条ex store tenns
付款条terms of payment
付款条payment terms
优厚条soft terms
优惠条favourable terms
经济援助中的优惠条concessional element
优惠条soft terms
优惠条favorable terms
优惠筹资条soft financing condition
伦敦到岸价格条London landed terms
伦敦起货条London landed terms
伪造文falsification of documents
伪造的证bogus certificate
供出售的零resale parts
供应国按优厚条提供的长期信贷long-term suppliers’ credit on easy terms
供应限制条capacity constraint
供货条term of delivery
保价邮recorded deli very
保价邮insured item
保税仓库交货条in bond terms
保证函格式specimen of the irrevocable letter of guarantee
保险条tenns of insurance
保险条insurance conditions
保险费在内条价格cost, insurance and freight
保险费在内条价格cost and insurance
充分条sufficient condition
合同义务成立的先决条condition precedent
订立合同的先决条condition precedent
免收航空附加费的航空函unsurcharged airmail correspondence
关于海关手续简化和统一的国际公约及其有关海关过境的附 E. 1Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Annex E. 1 concerning Customs Transit
其他函autres objects
其它函other items
其它机械零miscellaneous machinery & parts
具备法定条的公司de jure corporation
具有法律约束力的文legally binding instrument
农场交货条ex plantation terms
净租条不包括租船人佣金的租费net terms
净重条net weight terms
减让条concessional terms
转让unpackaged transfer
转让unpackage transfer
判例案test case
到岸价格加班轮条成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
到货条arrival term
到达港海关交货条ex custom compound
制成零finished parts
制订出售条setting of sales term
副本文save file
劳动条labor condition
遗失missing package
包含进口关税在内的 C.I.F 条C.I.F. duty paid
十分优厚的条significantly finer terms
单因素贸易条single factorial terms of trade
卖出后附有购回条之契约sale and repurchase agreement
卖方交纳进口税的交货条duty paid terms
印刷品邮book post
卸货品质条landing quality tenns
卸货品质条landed quality tenns
卸货费在外条free out
卸货重量条arrival weight term
卸货重量条landed weight tenns
原材料和备采购buying of raw materials and spare parts
双因素贸易条double-factorial terms of trade
双因素贸易条double-factorial tenns of trade
发行条terms of issue
发送文清单mailing list
受下列条限制subject to the constraints
受理案assume jurisdiction
受理案的法院court seized of the case
合伙条articles for partnership
合伙条article for partnership
合同文document of contract
合同条treaty conditions
合同条说明书contractual specifications
合同的无效与仲裁条款无效不是一事的原则美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
合约文obligating document
合约条treaty conditions
同意你方的条agree to your terms
名义上的条nominal terms
商业函commercial letter
商业文通讯commercial message
商业文中的滥调commercial chestnut
贷款商业条commercial terms
商品的有条免税进口conditional duty-free importation
四分之三条分摊three-fourths condition of average
在其他条相同的情况下Caeteris paribus
在海关区交与买方的交货条ex customs compounds
在车站交货条at…station terms
地毯、联接和铁器类carpets & joiner & ironmongery
垫板打货物palletized cargo
复制输出hard-copy output
外国挂号邮foreign registered mail matter
外国邮foreign mail
外走邮unenclosed item
数量多或少条more or less term
够委托代理的条warrant an agency appointment
大型零heavy parts
如包破漏,勿吸气体,勿接触容物,勿吞咽If leaking do not breathe fume, touch contents, swallow
安全条safeguard requirement
完全条full terms
完全条full conditions (full terms)
完成工作所需人的条job specifications
完成工作所需人的条job specification
定期船条liner terms
实际成本贸易条real cost terms of trade
实际条与财政条件real and financial terms
审查案的实体方面review of the merits
审理案时被告应能答辩的原则principle of audiatur et altera pars
审理案的实体方面review of the substance (of a judge ment)
宽大的赊贷信贷easy credit form
封口信sealed letter
将一商品开价为十元quote a commodity at ten dollars
将正式文送达被告serve a formal legal document on the defendant
货物运入许可证invoice licence
小包邮small packet
小包邮特别处理费special fee for small packet
小心扫除和消除破碎包中的东西sweep up and remove carefully the contents of broken package
小心扫除和消除破碎包中的东西sweep up and remove carefully the contents of broken packages
就案的事实作出判决adjudicate on the merits
就案的是非曲直作出判决decide on upon the merits (of the claim)
岸上交货条landed terms
岸上交货条landed tenns
帕累托氏最佳条Pareto optimum
带回执的邮certified mail
平常函査单application for a missing unregistered postal packet
年布鲁塞尔关于碰撞事民事管辖权若干规则的国际公约International Convention on Certain Rules concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision Brussels, 10 May 1952 1952
店铺交货条ex store terms
店铺交货条ex store tenns
当地交货条loco term
当地现有最佳条best prevailing local conditions
录音邮phonopost service
必要条sine qua non
必要条necessary condition
总承付条船方负担装卸货费用gross terms liner terms, berth terms
总物物交易条gross terms of trade
总的一般条"general" general conditions
意外事casus fortuitus
成本、保险费、运费加班轮条到岸价格加班轮条件cost, insurance, freight liner terms C.I.F. liner tenns
成本、保险费、运费条cost, insurance and freight terms (C.I.F. terms)
大量发出的打印信forms design and control form letter
大量发出的打印信form design and control form letter
承印各色零的印刷厂job printer
技术单technology piecemeal
把文缮写一式两份make out a document in duplicate
投交收人亲收deliver to the addresses in person
报值邮mail matter with value declared
抵港条arrival term
拟订机器和设备技术条specifying machines amd equipment
挂号信registered post
挂号信registered letters (post)
计价工作price work
计价的工作priced work
按一般交易条on the usual trade terms
按以前条terms as usual
按公文或证ex facie
按同样条再卖repeat on same terms
按国际商会和解规则的和解条terms of settlement under the ICC International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Conciliation
按工厂交货条销售sale ex-work
按班轮条船上交货价free on board liner terms
按议定条on negotiated terms
.按这些条成交close on these terms
按非优惠条on non-concessional terms
推销信函附letter gadget
推销商品的信call letter
提供蓝图和零providing blueprints and parts lists
提供证tender surrender document
收进邮incoming mail
放宽条softening of terms
放宽条soften the terms
放宽贷款条liberalize the conditions of loans
放宽贷款条easy credit tenns
货物conventional cargo
散货及cargoes and parcels
提货不着nondelivery of the entire package
缺失loss of package
被偷theft of the entire package
一览表check list of documents
证明documentary proof (evidence)
无效果无报酬为条的救助合同"no cure-no pay" salvage contract
"无效果无报酬"为条的救助合同"no cure no pay" salvage contract
无条兑换能力unconditional liquidity
无条契约bare contract
无条意见unqualified opinion
无条最惠国待遇unconditional most-favored-nation treatment
无条最惠国条款unrestricted most-favoured nation clause
无条流动能力unconditional liquidity
无条账户discretionary account
无条销售absolute sale
无条限制的随机抽样unrestricted random sampling
易于接受的条easy term
普通条usual terms
普遍附有较苛刻的条generally stricter conditions
最优厚的条softest possible terms
最大努力条best effort basis
有关装船时的条conditions as to the time of shipment
有关装船时的条conditions as to time of shipment
有利条favorable terms
有效文effective instrument
债务的有效证obligating document
有条交货conditional delivery
有条定货conditional order
有条援助的效果boomerang effect
有条汇票draft payable with terms
有条de bene esse
有条的免税进口conditionally duty free importation
有条的契约conditional contract
有条的最惠国待遇conditional most-favored-nation treatment
有条的流动能力conditional liquidity
有条的资金供应conditional financing
有条的销售conditional sales
有条背书conditional endorsement
有条转让契约债券escrow agreement bond
有条转让契约债券escrow agreement bonds
有附的票据bill with attached documents
有骑缝戳记的文seal duplicate documents with a single seal half on each
服务条terms of service
服务的条terms of service
未付资费函unpaid correspondence
未列名机器及其配machinery & parts
未收证凭单uncollected vouchers
未解决的索赔案outstanding claims
break bulk cargo
最差的国家most disadvantaged country
照旧terms as usual
苛刻的货款hard loan
苛刻的贷款hard loan
标准保单条uniform policy conditions
标准保单条standard policy conditions
标准的保单条uniform policy conditions
标准紧固standard fasteners
标准贸易条standard trade terms
标准集装箱配standard container fittings
正在审理中suit pending
概括性的经济先决条broad economic prerequisites
比例分担条condition of average
汇兑稳定条condition of exchange stability
泊位装货条berth terms
泊位装货条berth charter
法律文legal instrument
海事报告及附endorsement on sea protest
海水渍条sea damage
海洋运输险条marine insurance conditions
港至港条port-to-port basis
物物交易条barter terms of trade
特惠条concessional terms
现场交货价值,当地交货条loco terms
现场交货条loco term
现状条卖方只负责装运时货物品质,运输途中一切耗损由买方负担such as it is
现状条tale quale
生产之实际条physical conditions of production
生产的物质条physical conditions of production
用于散装货物买卖的 F.O.B. 条F.O.B. ex chute
码头交货条ex quay terms
码头交货条ex quay tenns
破损漏气物必须移至安全地点用于易燃液体leaking packages must be removed to a safe place
hard goods
碰撞事诉讼费collision costs
符合普惠制条的产品product eligible for GSP treatment
符合结算条的交易transaction eligible for clearing
第一条分摊first condition of average
第三类业务条third window terms
第二条货币调整second condition of average
签约文signed instrument
简化贸易手续文trade facilitation document
索赔证document for claim
索赔证claims documents
纯托收案clean remittances
纯易货贸易条net barter terms of trade
纯物物交易条net terms of trade
纯粹竞争条condition of pure competition
纯贸易条net terms of trade
经判决的事res adjudicata
统一保单条uniform policy conditions
耗用零汇总表summary of cost of finished parts used
联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖一般条和标准合同格式General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
联邮邮union mail
航行条navigation condition
船上交货条ex ship terms
船上交货班轮条FOB liner terms
船舶文ship's papers
船舶文ship's documents
船舶证ship's papers
船舶邮ship's bag
苛刻的条harsh terms
范围最广的船舶保险条full terms
草签文initialed text
草签文initial a document
补充函back letter
被保险物的检查inspection of risks
装卸理仓费在外条F.L.O. St free in and out and stowed
装卸理舱费在外条free in and out and stowed
装卸货费在外条free in and out
装卸费在外条free in and out
装船品质条shipped quality terms
装船重量条shipped weight terms
装货费在外条Free in
装运品质条shipped quality terms
装运条terms of shipment
装运重量条shipping weight terms
装运重量条shipped weight terms
装重loading heavy lifts
与随附条件conditions and warranties
与随附条件condition and warranties
定价unit pricing
工资piece wages
工资piece work wage
工资piece rate wage
订约书合同文document of contract
要求documentary requirements
证明原产地文documentary evidence of origin
证明合同的文document evidencing the contract
证明文supporting document
证明文instrument of evidence
评定贷款in assessing terms
货物水上运输条floating conditions
货物的数与件号case number
货物销售条conditions of commercial sale
货运条conditions of carriage
购货协定条terms and conditions of the purchase agreement
贸易所得条income terms of trade
贸易条condition of sales
贸易条指数terms of trade index
贸易条指数index of terms of trade
赎买条term of redemption
起岸品质条landing quality tenns
起岸品质条landed quality tenns
达到品质条arrival quality terms
过境关税附annex on customs transit
过境条terms in transit
过境证transit document
运价表规定的条tariff condition
运至指定场所交货条free delivered port of destination terms
运费付讫条freight or carriage paid to
运费保险费卸货费用在内条价格C.I.F. landed
运费保险费在内的条caf cout, assurance, fret
运费在内条价格cost and freight
运费预付至... 条freight paid to ... terms
运输条consignment conditions
违反合同条breach of condition
违反合同要breach of condition
计算海损average payable on each package
通过海关后交货条duty paid terms
post matters
postal matters
postal mail
postal matter
mail matter
postal item
已交宣告已交邮局,开舱卸货mail declaration
截止日packet day
截止日mail day
押运员postal guard
收发机mailing machine
査验verification of mail
登记单entry billing of postal items
种类classification of mail
运输mail transportation
递送mail carrying
heavy lift
货费用heavy lift charge
重型零heavy parts
重要事material circumstance
销售条conditions of sale
销售条terms of sale
销售条condition of sales
销货信sales letters
销货条term of sale
车辆条款accessories clause
附上文DOC. attach
附上文document attached
附保留条在契约上make reservations
附加条additional conditions
附带条incidental condition
附带条的信贷tied credit
附带条的安排tying arrangement
附带条的贷款tied loan (aid)
附有条with proviso
附有条的交款qualified contributions
附有条的债券conditional bond
附有条的发行认购conditional subscription
附有条的合同以同时购买其他物品为条件的买卖合同tying contract
附有条的售货单conditional bill of sale
附有条的投入tied input
附有条的销售conditional sales
附有条的销售合同conditional sales contract
附条承兑qualified acceptance
附条承诺conditional acceptance
附条报盘conditional offer
附条的交货conditional delivery
附条的保证qualified guarantee
附条的动产抵押据conditional bill of sale
附条的承兑汇票qualified acceptance of a bill of exchange
附条的承兑汇票conditional acceptance
附条的承担义务conditional undertaking
附条的承担义务conditional liability
附条的承诺书qualified instrument of commitment
附条的抵押品qualified guarantee
附条的提单conditional bill of lading
附条的最后通牒qualified ultimatum
附条的背书conditional endorsement
附条的船员收据foul mate’s receipt
附条的装货单foul shipping order
附条的装货单condition shipping order
附条的销售合同conditional sale contract
附条背书qualified endorsement
附条要约conditional offer
附条认付qualified acceptance
附条议付conditional acceptance
附条证明书qualified certificate
附条销售condition sale
附条销售conditional sales
附条销售conditional sale
易燃品等限制条下的货物restricted freight
随船长送达邮captain's mail
随身携带的小行李hand baggage
非优惠条non-concessional terms
非减让条non-concessional terms
须以一月份交货为条accepted provided shipment during January
预制构prefabricated unit
预发advance copy
驳船交货条ex lighter terms
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