
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
相位一致条in-step condition
万能附部件,铣头universal attachment
不可预见指一个 有经验的承包商 在提交投标文 那天还不能合理 预见的unforeseeable means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for the submission of the tender
不可预见的外界条unforeseeable physical conditions
专用条particular conditions
两用元部件dual component
严格根条strict root condition
中性neutrality condition
中等使用工作moderate operating conditions
二种状态的器binary element
使释热元和外壳结合的合金fuel-element bond
倒相单向元reverse-directional element
再用试reusing sample
分级 断续进给钻削附step feed drill attachment
刚性条hard conditions
力的作用force conditions
十进数 decade unit
压力承压pressure element
压强型器pressure unit
双值binary element
双通电路双向作用bilateral element
受拉杆tension member
可卸可摘下的detachable plugboard
吻合条in-step condition
固体器装置solid unit
多层元晶体管sandwich type element
在一块金属板上多零同时化学腐蚀法gang milling
失重条状态zero-gravity condition
安全保险连接器breaking piece
安装备用mounted spares
定义文指令define the file
密闭closing piece
小型元miniature component
定位针insert pin
进给work feed
带除部rejector unit
平衡条状况condition of equilibrium
待议事调用卡agendum call card
express goods
恒定安全几何条always safe geometry
成套备complete spare parts
成套备用零set of spare units
承包商的文contractor’s documents
抗压compression member
抗张组tensile component
抗拔力试验用试pullout specimen
前进的连续模cut-and-carry die
plug-in circuit card
插人位置card address
板插拨器card puller
插换部jack-in unit
放射光电元emission cell
数据处理转换data handling component
muniment room
无条without qualification
无线电组multiple component units
最不利条下的试验exaggerated test
最终条end conditions
机器铸machinery iron casting
束几何条beam geometry
受控系统controlled conditions system
标准部制成的计数器building-block counter
树脂密封元resin-cast component
模拟空间环境条simulated space conditions
正规归一normalized condition
没有严格的限制条without qualification
游标高度尺的测深附depth attachment
满足运动条的解kinematically acceptable solution
熄火条burn-out condition
生长屈服yield condition
相补对立complementary event
积分元integrating element
移列部column shift unit
空心 薄壳,空壳slush casting
穿孔元punctured element
符合条matched condition
筒形卷边接合偏心冲床horn press
管道配润滑剂stabbing salve
线圈盘管coil pack
unit construction
结构组元件structure constituent
腐化化粪septic conditions
螺栓坯毛坯bolt blank
装配部build-up member
by the job
合同agreement by piece (契约)
test piece number (Test pc No.)
调制modulator element
过滤元filtered cartridge
开孔透气式燃料元vented fuel element
通用标准interchangeable parts
通用条general conditions
unit construction
pack unit
"配套"无线电零multiple component units
释热元的燃料部分fuel meat
重型物heavy wares (机械,车辆)
重塑 扰动强度remoulded strength
钢锻steel forgings
清理修整casting finish
铸铁机machinery iron casting
锐角附acute-angle attachment
随机偶然random occurrence
装配组装component assembly
非计算条off-design condition
非设计非计算off-design condition
face piece