
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一审案first instance cases
上市条requirements of listing
上诉、抗诉案appealed and protested case
上诉、抗诉案case of appeal or protest
不公开审理的案not hear a case in public
不再具备上市条fail to meet the requirement of listing
不符合录用条unqualified for recruitment
不符合条的罪犯criminal who does not meet the condition
不符合法律规定条fail to meet the conditions provided by law
与案无关irrelevant to the case
与案有关的所有材料all the materials pertaining to the case
与被调査事有关的事项matters relating to a case under investigation
专有行使软著作权exclusive exercise of software copyright
严肃查处各类土地违法违规案strictly investigate and prosecute all cases of land use that contravene laws and regulations
严重突发事serious emergency
中央 9 号文Document No. 9 of the Central Committee
中央 9 号文Decree No. 9 issued by the Central Committee
中央9号文精神the guiding principles set out in Document No. 9 of the Central Committee
中央9号文精神the guiding principles of Decree No. 9 issued by the Central Committee
书面确认文written confirmation
买卖条buying and selling requirements
争议案disputed case
二审案second instance cases
人民检察院直接受理的案case directly accepted by a people's procuratorate
人畜饮水条conditions of drinking water for human beings and animals
代收货价邮协定Cash-on-Delivery Agreement
任职文appointment document
任职条qualifications for the office
伤害事incident of injury
伪造选举文falsification of electoral documents
伪造选举文forging electoral documents
使一法律文生效execute a legal document
侦査终结的案case investigation concluded
侵权案infringement case
侵权案case of tort
便利条facilitating conditions
保卫条protection condition
保存有关文和资料keep the relevant documents and materials
寄递业务correspondence delivery services
信息泄露事information leak incident
信贷条requirement for granting loans
停止对案的侦查suspend investigation of a case
入境证entry certificate
全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》附一第七条和附件二第三条的解释Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC Regarding Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
全国性的重大刑事案major criminal cases that pertain to the whole nation
公共卫生事public health accidents
公司债券上市条requirement for the listing of corporate bonds
公平的就业条fair conditions for employment
公开审理行政案try administrative case in public
公诉案public-prosecuting case
公诉案the case of public prosecution
公诉案public prosecution case
公诉案case of public prosecution
共同政治文common political paper
关于对轮式车辆、可安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部制定全球性技术法规的协定Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles
凭批准文by virtue of the document of approval
凭有效身份证upon the strength of the valid identity certificate
出入境证exit and entry certificates
出境证exit certificate
出示合法证show the legitimate certificate
出示工作证show one's work certificate
出示执法证produce the certificate for law-enforcement
出示相应证produce an appropriate certificate
出示证show the paper
刑事案criminal cases
刑事案的侦查investigation in a criminal case
列入附三的法律laws listed in Annex III
创造环境和条create the environment and conditions
制定法律的条成熟the conditions are ripe for making a law on the affair
办学条conditions for running education
办理刑事案handle criminal cases
办理刑事辩护案plead for the accused in three million criminal cases
办理案handle a case
办理治安案deal with cases of public security
动物防疫条合格证certificate of conformity to the conditions for animal epidemic prevention
劳动争议案labor dispute case
劳动安全卫生条occupational safety and health conditions
劳动就业条conditions for employment
劳动条标准standards for working conditions
募集文financing document
形式form of the original copy
所有人owner of original copy
反革命案counterrevolutionary case
发回的案case remanded
受理案的法院court hearing the case
受理案通知书notification of acceptance of a case
受理选民资格案entertain a case concerning voting qualification
受移送的案case referred to
合作条cooperation conditions
合同条conditions of the contract
合法证legal certificate
《国家突发公共事总体应急预案》the Master Plan for Rapid Response to Public Emergencies
国际邮互换局International Postage Exchange Bureau
坚决查处违纪违法案resolutely deal with all breaches of the law or disciplinary regulations
处置突发事respond to emergencies
复核死刑案review of cases involving death sentence
复议的案reconsidered case
委托函letter of entrustment
安全保卫条security protection condition
安全条论证safety condition argumentation
安全生产条conditions for safe production
完善安全生产条perfect the conditions for safe production
审判刑事案try criminal cases
审判抗诉的案trial of a protested case
审判案trial of a case
审判案try a case
审判第一审案trial of cases of first instance
审判管辖不明的案try a case over which jurisdiction is unclear
审査案examine a case
审理一审案handle first instance cases
审理案adjudication of a case
审理民事案trial of civil cases
审理民事案try civil cases
审理行政案try administrative cases
审理行政案handle administrative cases
寄递邮deliver postal matters
对有关地方性法规和工作文进行全面梳理screen all relevant local laws, regulations and decrees
对行政案独立行使审判权independently try administrative cases
对行政法规、地方性法规、司法解释等规范性文的备案审查工作the filing and inspection of administrative regulations, local regulations, legal interpretation documents and other regulatory documents
导致发生突发事cause the occurrence of an emergency
尚不具备立法条的议案bills that call for legislation where conditions are not yet ripe
就业条conditions for employment
履行条comply with the conditions
工作证work certificate
平常邮ordinary postal materials
平常邮ordinary mail
应对突发事respond to an emergency
应对突发事的决定、命令decision and order in response to emergency
应对突发事的措施measures in response to an emergency
应对突发事能力surge capacity
建立健全应对突发公共事管理体制机制establish sound mechanisms for responding to public emergencies
建筑构components of buildings
开具证明文supporting document prepared
开庭审理案court sessions are opened for case hearing
开拆他人邮open the mail of another person
弹劾案impeachment case
录用条requirement for recruitment
影响到案的判决affect the judgment on the case
影响案正确判决hinder the correct judgment of the case
必备文essential document
惯常条customary terms
我国社会主义民主政治建设的一大事a matter of great importance in the improvement of China's socialist democratic politics
扣押的物品、文seized articles and documents
扣留邮withhold mail
执法证certificate for law-enforcement
抗诉案case protested
报告突发事信息impart information on emergency
招标文documents for bid invitation
持枪证certificate permitting the holding of guns
持用无效出境证hold invalid exit certificate
收取collected piece by piece
按照中央9号文精神in accordance with the guiding principles set out in Document No. 9 of the Central Committee
排放条conditions of emission
提交原submit the originals
提供便利条provide convenience
提供良好的条create favorable conditions (for)
提起公诉的案case initiation of a public prosecution
撤销案dismiss the case
收购条terms of acquisition
收集突发事信息collect information on emergencies
故意延误投递邮intentionally delay the delivery of mail
故意提供虚假证明文deliberately provide false testifying paper
精神the guiding principles of a decree
旅行证travel documents
普通刑事案ordinary criminal case
有关批准文relevant documents of approval
有利益冲突的案case involving conflicts of interests
有效旅行证valid travel documents
有效身份证号码number of valid identity documents
有条conditions permit
有被害人的案case that involves a victim
未了结的民事案unsettled civil case
未成年人犯罪案case involving criminal offense committed by a juvenile
机密文confidential paper
已成就conditions fulfilled
已成就fulfillment of the conditions
恶劣adverse conditions
成熟create the right conditions
枪支持枪证certificate permitting the holding of guns
枪支管理证certificate for control of guns
枪支运输许可证permit for transport of guns
枪支配购证certificate for rationed purchase of guns
核准verification certificate
核准文approval document
根据案情况in light of the seriousness of the crime
根据经济条in the light of the economic condition
发生地place where the case originated
受理费court cost
当事人party of a case
的事实facts of the case
的侦查investigation of the case
的审理handling of the case
的起诉prosecution of the case
真实情况true circumstance of a case
检举案impeachment case
检査证明文certificating document for inspection
检测条testing facilities
次生事secondary incidents
残次零配defective or substandard spare parts
民事侵权案case of tort
民事案civil cases
民用枪支制造许可证certificate permitting manufacture of guns for civilian use
治安案case of public security
法人条qualifications of a legal person
法定安全生产条statutory conditions for production safety
法定条statutory condition
海事案maritime case
海事请求保全条condition for a maritime preservation
海关处理的案cases handled by the customs
涉外案case involving foreign elements
涉外民事案civil cases involving foreign elements
涉外民事案的期间period for the trials of civil cases involving foreign elements
涉嫌伤害事involved in an incident of injury
特别程序审理的案try a case in which a special procedure is followed
特别重大突发事especially serious emergencies
犯罪案case involving crime
生效条conditions on validity
生效条collateral conditions on the entry into effect
疑难、复杂、重大的案difficult, complex or major case
登轮证board pass
监督执法证certificate of supervision enforcement
相关工作文.work-related documents
相应证appropriate certificate
破产案bankruptcy case
确认文confirmation document
社会安全事incident endangering public security
离婚案divorce case
私了 案compounding case
私自开拆他人邮stealthily open the mail of another person
种畜禽防疫条condition for prevention of epidemic diseases among the breeding livestock and poultry
移送审查起诉的案case transferred for examination before prosecution
移送起诉的案case transferred for prosecution
税收违法案case of violation of law on tax collection
突发事信息系统information system for emergencies
突发事应对in response to emergencies
突发事应对法the Law on Response to Emergencies
突发事应对法草案the draft Law on Response to Emergencies
突发事应急指挥机构command for emergency response
突发事应急机制emergency response mechanisms
突发事应急预案体系precautionary system for emergency response
突发事隐患hidden danger that may lead to emergencies
突发公共事public emergencies
突发公共卫生事医疗救治体系a medical treatment system for public health emergencies
《突发公共卫生事应急条例》Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response
突发公共卫生事预警和应急机制system for early warning and response for public health emergencies
符合服兵役条qualify for military service
符合法定条comply with the relevant statutory requirements
符合法定条meet the statutory condition
符合法定条meet the condition prescribed
符合规划条in compliance with the condition for planning
第一审民事案first instance over civil case
第一审行政案administrative case of first instance
简单的民事案simple civil case
简单的海事案simple maritime case
管理证certificate for control (of)
繁殖条conditions for breeding
终止条conditions for the termination
经复议的案reconsidered case
经济纠纷案cases of economic disputes
给据邮receipt mail
编制招标文prepare documents for bid invitation
缴验证submit the certificate for examination
网络安全事network security incident
自诉案case of private prosecution
获悉突发事信息get information on emergency
虚假证明文false certificate
行政执法机关移送涉嫌犯罪案的规定Regulations on the Transfer of Cases Involving Crimes by Administrative Organizations
行政案administrative cases
衍生事derivative incident
补充侦查的案cases calling for supplementary investigation
要约的条terms as stipulated in the tender offer
规划条conditions for planning
规定条prescribed condition
规范性文regulatory document
规范性文regulatory documents
规范性文备案审查the filing and inspection of regulatory documents
工作work on the basis of piecework
设立条conditions for establishment
设计文design papers
工本费cost of the card
证券发行申请文application for securities issuance
评议案deliberate a case
诉讼文court documents
classroom software
负有处置突发事职责charge with the duty to handle emergencies
贯彻落实文精神implement the guiding principles of a decree
资格条qualification requirements
资质认定条qualification accreditation conditions
走私案smuggling case
起诉条condition for initiation of a prosecution
超出要约的条overstep the term as stipulated in its tender offer
身份证种类和号码type and number of the identification certificate
转让入境、出境证transfer an entry or exit certificate
开发者software developer
登记机构venue for software registration
著作权software copyright
著作权人software copyright owner
轻微刑事案a minor criminal case
违法案case of violation of law
适用简易程序的案case in which summary procedure is applied
选举文electoral document
选民资格案case concerning the qualification of voters
处理场所mail processing center
寄递mail delivery
损失loss caused to mail
收寄验视checking the inside of mail received for delivery
查询track mail
检疫quarantine of mail
运输transport of mail
运递mail delivery
部门发布的规范性文regulatory documents issued by government agencies
配购证certificate of rationed purchase
重大刑事案major criminal case
重大影响的案cases that have major impact
重大案major case
重大犯罪案major criminal case
重大的犯罪集团案grave case that involve criminal gang
重大突发事major emergencies
重大突发事风险评估体系risk assessment system for serious emergencies
重审案retrial of the case
鉴别发distinguishing the addresser
银行业突发事emergency in the banking industry
防疫条conditions for epidemic prevention
阻碍投递邮obstruct from delivering mails
1C:与贸易有关的知识产权协定Annex 1C: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
2:关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解Annex 2: Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
IB:服务贸易总协定Annex 1B: General Agreement on Trade in Services
1A:货物贸易多边协定Annex 1A: Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
3:贸易政策审议机制Annex 3: Trade Policy Review Mechanism
附加条restrictive conditions
附加条批准conditionally approval
附加限制性条impose additional restrictive conditions
附有条condition attached
附条conditions attached
驾驶许可条requirements for driver's license