
Terms containing 他的 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一个成功的商人必须熟悉他要去做生意的那个地方的当地情况A successful businessman has to familiarize himself with the local conditions at the place where he is going to do business
gen.一出来,我和伊莱就像印第安人围着篝火那样在他的周围跳跃着,央求他带我们去看电影Once outside, Eli and I jumped around him like Indians around a bonfire, pleading him to take us to the movies
econ.一切采购事务都集中到他们的总公司All purchasing has been centralized in their head office
econ.一名英国汽车制造商有意购买他的最新发明A British car manufacturer intended to buy his latest invention
commer.一张大金额支票解入他的账户A large check was paid into his account
econ.一旦发现有人占用你的财产,你可以控告他犯有非法扣押罪You may proceed against any person found in occupation of your property as guilty of unlawful detainer
econ.上个月他们得到了一种新型仪器的专利权They took out a patent for a new type of instrument last month
nautic., tech.上层建筑或其他建筑物的高度height of a superstructure or other erection
econ.上面是他们寄来的投资成本分类细目Above is a breakdown of investment costs they posted to us
econ.下半年,他们获得了 100%的利润Over the last half of the year, they earned profits of 100%
econ.不剥削他人的个体经济the non-exploitative individual business
econ.不受他人权利和索赔限制的货物goods free from all rights and claims
China, polit.不受其他行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉subject to no interference by any other administrative organ or any public organization or individual
avia.不可能建造这样一个循环工作的机器,这机器除了从单一热源吸热和举起重物作功之外,而不引起其他的变化No cycle process is possible whose sole result is the flow of heat from a single heat reservoir and the performance of an equivalent amount of work on a work reservoir
securit.不可转换成其他证券的股份non-admitted stock
gen.不,我真的需要亲自跟他说No. I really need to talk to him personally
econ.不比其他的second to none
busin.与债务人连带负责的其他方any other party jointly and severally liable with the debtor
expl.世纪其他国家就没有可以与爱迪生相比的发明家Other counties had no inventor to compare with Edison last century. 20
econ.业务经理伪造他的开支账The account executive fiddled his expense account
expl.为了减少索赔事件的发生、炸药的使用人员保存完整的爆破作业记录是聪明的举措、监测爆破振动和冲击波、尽可能通知公众、尽量降低钻孔和交通噪声、减少粉尘并减小其他可觉察到的影响In order to reduce damage claims, the explosives user is wise to keep complete records of his operations, to monitor vibrations and airblast, to do what he can to inform the public, and to minimize drilling noise,dust,traffic noise, and other perceptible effects
gen.为他人举行结婚仪式的人marrier (牧师,官员)
securit.为他人保管的证券securities deposited for others
busin.为他们各自的权利与义务for their respective rights and interests
commer.为其他公司代收欠款的公司collection agency
refrig.为小朋友们提供的娱乐环境和设施远不止于此,比如他们还可以试试顶级的冰激淋机There will be lots more to keep children entertained, including the chance to visit a state-of-the-art ice cream machine
China, polit.书面委托有选举权的亲属或者其他选民代为投票write a statement and entrust their relatives who have voting rights or other voters to vote on their behalf
adv.买一而获赠其他产品的买主premium buyer
commer.买方收到提单后立即抵押给他的银行On receipt of the bills of lading, the buyer pledged them to his bank at once
gen.人们如今甚至用巧克力和其他的甜食Nowadays, people even use chocolate and other sweet things
gen.they 的所有格她,它们的their
gen.they 的物主代词她,它们的东西theirs
gen.他不断受到头痛的折磨He was constantly tormented with headache
commer.他为自己的发明获得专利权He patented his invention
gen.他买了强力清洁剂来清洗布满油污的炉子He bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven
gen.他们也面临着将棉花制成布料以生产服装的问题They also face problems with making cotton into fabric to produce clothing
commer.他们创造了一种新的测试方法They've developed a new process of testing
commer.他们发现他的财务报告有些矛盾之处They discovered certain discrepancies in his financial report
sport.他们发现,减肥成功者除了较少食用高脂肪含量的食物外,家中电视机之类的设备也较少,并且拥有不少健身器材They found that the slenderized subjects, in addition to having fewer high-fat foods in the house, also had fewer TV sets and more exercise equipment
gen.他们可以自己做,来掌握自己的口味They can cook them themselves to make sure exactly how they like it
gen.他们在花园里刨出一个装满古币的坛子A jar full of ancient coins was raked up by them in the garden
gen.他们很少食用富含碳水化合物、纤维素成分的食物They take just a few food rich in carbohydrate and fibrin
expl.他们成功地采用了超声波技术把鱼赶走、有效避免爆破对珍贵鱼类和其他水生物的不利影响、因而体现了工程建设与生态保护的和谐They have successfully adopted ultrasonic technology to drive away fish, which effectively avoided the impact of blasting on such valuable fish and other aquatic organisms, thus reflecting the harmony of engineering construction and ecological protection
expl.他们把买书的费用记在公司账上They charge the books they bought to the company's account
expl.他们把做衬衫的好几种布样作了比较They compare quite a few samples of cloth for shirts
gen.他们昨天检修的是一台透平it was a turbine that they overhauled yesterday
gen.他们有轩尼诗 XO、蜜糖儿、马丁尼……以及别的酒They have Hennessy XO, Hello Honey, Martini...and other drinks
gen.他们根本没有统一制服,想穿什么尽管穿,有的穿的是牛仔靴,有的穿着低跟便鞋,还有穿绅士鞋的Without set uniforms, they dressed in whatever they wanted - cowboy boots, loafers, and saddle shoes
commer.他们的业务活动扩展到多种行业。扩大的Their business activities spread over a multitude of lines
gen.他们的主要手工制品是陶器、纺织品和编织品Their major crafts are pottery, textiles, and basketry
cloth.他们的制服是用海军呢做的Their uniforms are made of navy cloth
gen.他们研究的目的在于提高耗牛毛的适用性They do the research for the purpose to increase the usability of yak hair
gen.他们端上来的菜太难吃了What they served tasted very bad
gen.他住在离我住处十英里的地方he lives ten miles from where I am living
commer.他做的生意兴隆He is driving a roaring trade
gen.他出现食欲不振、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷的症状His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills
sport.他加快速度、一会儿就把其他的动动员都甩在后面了Quickening his pace, he soon left all the others behind.
gen.他同会诊医生咨询自己的伤残情况He contacted his consultant to consult with him about his disability
cloth.他喜欢 V 领的T恤He likes T-shirts with a V-neck
gen.他回来的时候给我们买了一些华而不实的工艺品He bought us some gingerbread works as present
expl.他因受到抢劫杀人罪的指控而被捕He was arrested for being charged with robbery and murder
gen.他在上班。你要不要他的电话号码?He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number?
gen.他在大颗钻石上雕琢小平面的技巧不同凡响The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable
cloth.他在扣眼上别了紫丁香的小花枝He wore a sprig of lilac in his buttonhole
gen.他处采用的elsewhere taken
sport.他奋力一举,举起了 205 公斤重的杠铃He strained and raised the barbell of 205 kilograms
sport.他对力量训练课表现出极大的兴趣注释:workout 主要指改进身体素质特别是力量训练He shows a great interest in the workout
gen.他往约翰的杯子里倒啤酒,直至酒溢出来He poured beer into John's beer mug until it was brimming over
sport.他必须跑得很快才能追上领先的赛跑运动员He had to run very fast to overtake the lead runner
gen.他感到肚子胀胀的He feels bloated in his abdominal area
gen.他把我所需要的给了我he gave me what I wanted
expl.他把自己的大部分积蓄用于资助贫困大学生He applied most of his savings for support of poor college students
gen.?他抛售了他的那些跑车He closed out his line of sports cars
expl.他担心的是钱要不回来He is concerned that he cannot get the money bode
sport.他是一个很好的很差的短跑运动员He is a good poor sprinter
gen.他是做什么的what is he
gen.他最近在雅典市中心为体育用品巨头耐克找到了一个很好的零售店铺地址He has recently secured a prime retail location in central Athens for the sportswear giant Nike
gen.他有一顶锥形的帽子He has a hat with a taper
commer.他未买进大批期货是很明智的He is best advised not to buy large quantities of forward goods
gen.他正在接听别的电话He is speaking on another phone
chem.他正试图搞清楚这种催化剂到底是如何制出氧气的He is trying to learn every detail about just how the catalyst is making the oxygen
sport.他没有跑 10,000 米的耐力He does not have the stamina to run the 10,000 metres
gen.他现在有事,没办法接你的电话He is tied up at the present time. He is not able to take the call
sport.他现在适合参加重大的赛跑比赛He is in training now for the big race
commer.他登记了客户的所有订单He booked all the orders from his customers
gen.he 的物主代词他的东西his'n
gen.he 的所有格他的his'n
gen.he 的所有格他的his
gen.he 的物主代词他的东西his
gen.他的书打破了君主政体的神秘感His book destroyed the mystique of monarchy
expl.他的到来泄漏了整个行动计划His coming here has blown all the operation
sport.他的动作十分协调His movements are well-coordinated
sport.他的助跑速度快、起跳有力、动作协调、是一名有希望的跳高运动员With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, he is one of the promising high jumper
expl.他的回答源于无知His answer issues from ignorance
gen.他的夹克没有衬里His jacket was unlined
expl.他的思维方式就是那个样子That is typical of his way of thinking
gen.他的戏剧历经两个多世纪而不衰His plays have endured for more than two centuries
busin.他的手像老虎钳一样紧紧抓住了我的手臂He held my arm in a vise-like grip
gen.他的手刚摆到一半,立刻停下来,脱下他的高尔夫球帽,闭上眼睛,深深地鞠躬并默默祈祷He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer
gen.他的支票日期填迟到六月份His cheque is postdated to June
sport.他的终点冲刺确实是了不起His final sprint was really wonderful (注释:sprint 作名词使用时主要的意义有两个。一是冲刺; 另一是短跑。具体的意义要根据它在句子中或上下文所起的作用而定。)
sport.他的终点冲刺确实是了不起His sprint at the finish was really wonderful (注释:sprint 作名词使用时主要的意义有两个。一是冲刺; 另一是短跑。具体的意义要根据它在句子中或上下文所起的作用而定。)
expl.他的观点与我的计划不相容His viewpoint does not consist with my plan
gen.他的视力不行了his sight is going
commer.他的财政计划惨败His financial scheme crashed disastrously
expl.他的飞机在5000m的高空起火了His plane fird at a height of 5000 m in the sky
gen.他的鹰钩鼻上架着一副金色无框眼镜On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles
gen.他终于对此问题获得新的认识he has come to see the problem in a new light
sport.他缺乏的是高强度训练All that he lacked was intensive training
gen.他胸部觉得闷闷的,好像透不过气来He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a feeling that he is suffocating
commer.他表现岀速办事务的能力He showed his ability in the despatch of business
commer.他表现岀速办事务的能力He showed his ability in the dispatch of business
commer.他被授权批准对该国实行经济制裁的提案He was given the authority to approve the proposals for economic sanctions against that country
sport.他觉得他最不想做的就是在他父亲位于克利夫兰的体育用品商店里干活。他希望能逃离那里He supposed he mostly wanted to escape a career in his father's sporting-goods store in Cleveland
gen.他认真地注视着她的脸,捕捉每一丝细微的表情变化He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression
gen.他说他会来的he said he would come and he did come
gen.他说的都是真的what he says is all true
tech.他请珠宝匠把他的名字刻在手表背面He had the jeweler engrave his name on the back of the watch
sport.他轻松地跨越了所有的栏架He cleared all the hurdles easily
gen.他非常了解中国的历史he has a good knowledge of Chinese history
China, law代为保管的他人财物another person's money or property under one's custody
commer.代理人必须向委托人说明有关客户的一切重要实际情况以供他考虑是否接受客户的订单The agent is obliged to disclose all material facts to his principal which are likely to influence the latter when deciding whether to accept the customer's orders or not
econ.会上他们通过一项使工资稳定的提议They passed a proposal to stabilize wages at the meeting
tech.估算储量的其他参数other parameter of estimated reserves
expl.似乎没有人愿意承担替他吃东西的义务No one seems willing to assume any obligation of eating instead of him
gen.但是在其他情况下,肝脏移植可能是急性肝衰竭患者的唯一治愈希望But in other situations, a liver transplant may be the only cure for acute liver failure
gen.你可以打电话或者写信给美国大使馆说明你的情况,然后,他们会要求你填写一些表格Well, you can telephone or write to the American embassy to tell them about your case. And then, they will ask you to fill in some forms
gen.你知道他是做什么的吗do you know what he is
gen.你要其他的副餐吗?Do you want any side orders?
expl.使用电子延迟顺序可以增加5 - 10个百分点的抛掷量、且不必增加炸药能量或其他爆破投人An increased throw of the order of 5 - 10 percentage points may be obtained through the use of electronic delay sequences, without any increase in explosives energy or other blast inputs
China, polit.依照宪法、民族区域自治法和其他法律规定的权限行使自治权exercise the power of autonomy within the limits of their authority as prescribed by the Constitution, the Law on Regional National Autonomy and other laws
China, polit.保障公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利safeguard citizens rights of the person and their democratic and other rights
nautic., tech.储藏易燃液体的其他处所other spaces in which flammable liquids are stowed
inf.这样the like of him
gen.这样his like
gen.像阿迪达斯这样的非奢侈品品牌,在中国其他地方扩张可能会比较困难For brands that do not fall into the luxury category, like Adidas, expansion elsewhere in China can sometimes be difficult
gen.先生,你好! 我的外公想要去澳大利亚玩,但是他不会说英语。我能帮他填写这张申请表吗?Hello, Sir, my grandpa wants to visit Australia, but he doesn't speak English. May I assist him with his visa application?
China, polit.关于在航空器内的犯罪和犯有某些其他行为公约Convention on offences and Certain other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft
nautic., tech.关于油污损害民事责任的保险和其他财务保证的证书certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage
China, polit.关于解决国家与他国国民之间的投资争端的公约Convention on the Settlement of investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of other States
gen.所有他的every other
gen.他的some others
avia.其他可选择的建议方案alternative proposal
ecol.其他因素不变的需求曲线ceteris paribus demand curve
nautic., tech.其他完全卤化的 CFCother fully halogenated CFCs
securit.其他所有权的限制other ownership restrictions
securit.其他放款人关心的问题other lender concerns
China, polit.其他有关的专门委员会other appropriate special committees
ecol.其他条件不变的假设ceteris paribus assumption
expl.其他潜在的岩石脆弱带other potential rock weakness areas
securit.其他用于投资证券的贷款other loans for purchasing or carrying securities
China, law其他签章的效力effect of others' signature
securit.其他缴纳的资本other contributed capital
securit.其他证券法上的考虑other securities laws considerations
busin.其他预算上的other budgetary
nautic., tech.具有中等失火危险的辅机处所、货物处所、货油舱和其他油舱以及其他类似处所auxiliary machinery spaces, cargo spaces, cargo and other oil tanks and other similar spaces of moderate fire risk
tech.兼作其他用途的住宅house for dwelling and other uses
expl.再说、这种氧化剂微珠的粒度极小、致使氧化剂与燃料的接触比其他任何双组分炸药的接触更为紧密Further, the extremely small particle size of the oxidized droplets results in much more intimate oxidized/Juel contact than exists in any other two-component explosive
expl.出于对遇险同事的挂念之心、他做这事没有预先打报告Out of concern for his colleagues in danger, he did it without report in advance
commer.制造商努力宣传他们的货物The manufacturers try to boom their goods
busin.加入他人已订合同的行为act of accession
amer.加强与他人的关系look after one's fences
gen.加强与他人的关系mend one's fences
gen.加拿大建立的第一个国家公园跨越了风光无与伦比的山区,全年开放,可供游客观赏野生动物、游览和进行其他户外活动The first national park established in Canada spans a region of unparalleled mountain scenery and is open year-round for wildlife viewing, sightseeing, and other outdoor activities
adv.包装内其他商品的优惠券cross coupon
econ.化工及其他部门的工会组织国际联合会International Federation of Chemical and General Worker's Unions
expl.医生说毫无节制的吸烟、引发了他的肺部疾病Smoking without restraint, says the doctor, is contributive to his lung diseases
commer.协议规定代理商不得在约定的地区内承担销售其他供货商的类似产品The agreement provides that the agent shall not undertake to sell similar products for other suppliers in the agreed territory
sport., med.卡他性的catarrhal
adv.厂家经常向零售商提供他们能用于广告、宣传和公共关系方面的促销手段Manufacturers often provide retailers with aids they can use in their advertising, publicity, and public relations
adv.厂家采用促销手段使未来的零售客户和公众了解他们的产品Manufacturers use sales promotion to make their merchandise known to prospective retail buyers and to the public
China, polit.反对资本主义的、封建主义的和其他的腐朽思想combat capitalist, feudal and other decadent ideas
sport.只有标枪金属头的尖端比其他部位先插人地面、 投掷方为有效A javelin throw shall be valid only if the tip of the metal head strikes the ground before any other part of the javelin
sport.8 号竞走运动员受到警告处分、 因为他的两只脚同时离开地面Walker No. 8 received a caution because his two feet left the surface of the ground at the same time in race walking
econ.合伙人对他们自己的毁约要负法律上的责任The partners should be legally liable for breaking their engagements
econ.合资企业与其他经济组织的合并merger of the joint venture with other economic organization
econ.同我们经营的其他计算机一样,这部计算机也有三年的保修期Like all other computers we handle, this computer also accompanied with three-year guarantee for our aftercare service
China, law向他人追偿的权利right of recourse against any other person
econ.向制造者提供的商标是个人的,不得转让他人The trademark granted to the manufacturer is personal and should not be transferred to another person
tech.吹灰器和其他孔的气体保护填料gas shield packing for soot blower and other hole
lat.拉丁语 和其他的inter alios
securit.商誉及其他无形资产的摊还amortization of goodwill and other intangible assets
gen.嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?
busin.因其他货物导致的被保货物的损坏damage caused by other cargo to the insured cargo
ecol.因考虑环境问题带来的其他问题environmental spillover
tech.土壤侵蚀对其他地方的影响off-site impacts of soil erosion
gen.在一些情况下,申请者会因为一些更严重的问题被拒签。申请者过去或者目前的行为,例如吸毒,或者其他犯罪活动都可能成为其被拒原因In some instances, the application is denied for more serious reasons. An applicant's current or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, as examples, may make the applicant ineligible for a visa
gen.在一栋楼房的花园里有一场街舞音乐会,在这里他遇见了这三名青年He met this trio at a hip hop concert staged in the garden of a mansion
gen.在其他条件相同的情况下all other conditions being equal
sport.在分道内进行的所有的赛跑、每名运动员必须始终保持在指定给他的分道内进行赛跑In all races run in lanes, each competitor shall keep within his allocated lane from start to finish
sport.在"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"
gen.在地中海国家,如果你和别人交谈,不愿碰触他们的手臂,或者打招呼时,不亲吻他人,不拥抱他人,那么别人会觉得你冷漠In Mediterranean countries, if you refrain from touching someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm embrace, you'll be considered cold
expl.在场的人都为他们的人身安全忧虑People present are all concerned about their personal safety
sport.在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line
gen.在欧洲国家,购物时插队是很不礼貌的行为,会遭他人轻视In Europe, cutting in line is rude and would be despised by others when shopping in the mall
gen.在水中捕鳗鱼用的细颈篮或其他工具eel-buck (pot)
shipb.在质量方面其他牌号的商品很难与我们的相比In respect to quality, I don't think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.
gen.在黄石国家公园的牧场里,两头长耳鹿正警惕地观察狼和其他食肉动物的动静A couple of mule deer are on the lookout for wolves and other predators in a meadow in Yellowstone National Park
tech.地产的他人继承权estate in remainder
gen.基督教徒们相信,“最后的晚餐”是耶稣基督受难之前与他的十二个门徒在圣城耶路撒冷共同享用的一顿晚餐According to Christian belief, the Last Supper is the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his twelve apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion
USA, space增大推力的德尔他火箭thrust augmented Delta
expl.夏日的干热风烘烤着庄稼和其他生灵Dry summer blasts bake crops and other life
commer.外国投资人可调回他们的投资及其资本收益The foreign investors are allowed to repatriate their own invested capital and any capital gain
gen.多备几瓶阿司匹林和其他成药,这样就够我们用一年的了。Store up more bottles of aspirin and other common over-the-counter drugs that we all tend to use from time to time throughout the year (小贴士: Drug 和 medicine 都是药的意思,但我们说 take the medicine, 不说 take the drug。drug 一词,特别是当用作复数形式即 drugs 时,可以当“毒品”讲,而 medicine 则没有这个含义。“药店”不是 drugstore, 而应该是 pharmacy。)
gen.大一些的孩子可能喜欢出去吃个汉堡或在他们喜欢的咖啡厅喝杯拿铁Older teens might enjoy going out for a hamburger or a latte at their favorite coffee place
gen.大卫站在巨大游轮的甲板上迎接着黎明到来,他眺望着大海,尽量避免目光与耀眼的太阳直接接触David stood on the deck of the huge cruise ship at dawn, looking out over the ocean as he shielded his eyes from the dazzling sun
econ.大多数买主不愿贸然订购他们不熟悉的货品Most buyers are hesitant to order a commodity with which they are not familiar
tech.大宴会中较其他桌子高的餐桌high table
gen.天使之吻鸡尾酒刺激了他的食欲The Angel's Kiss sharpens his appetite
gen.好的,我在超市叫了辆出租车回酒店。到所住旅店时,他跟我要100美元,不然就不让我下车OK, I hailed a cab at the market and asked the driver to take me to my hotel. But when I arrived at my hotel, he asked me for 100 dollars, or else he wouldn't let me out of the car
sport.如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified
gen.如果你跟洛杉矶任何一个电影人交谈,他们一定会告诉你全球电影票房的上升给好莱坞带来的是根本性的改变Speak to anyone in the film industry in Los Angeles and they will tell you that the growth in global box office is bringing about fundamental change in Hollywood
gen.如果在他们身上看到了任何的伤痕,我就用药膏涂在上面If I find any cuts or scraps on their bodies I apply healing ointment to their wounds
gen.如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website
sport.如果我们让跑得最快的 8 号运动员定步速、其他队员就会被抛在后面了If we let the fastest runner No. 8 set the pace, the other runners will be left behind
commer.委任库克先生为他的商务助理accredit Mr. Cook as his commercial assistant
China, polit.委托有选举权的亲属或者其他选民代为投票entrust their relatives who have voting rights or other voters to vote on their behalf
gen.婆罗浮屠为爪哇夏莲特王朝的国王们所建,他们像柬埔寨高棉国王一样,在国内到处建造寺院和神殿,所刻石雕长达数英里Borobudur was built by the Sailendra kings of Java who, like the Khmer kings of Cambodia, covered their country with temples and shrines containing miles of stone carvings
expl.学校开除了这孩子的学籍、这对他父母是个沉重打击The boy was dismissed from the school. It was a hard blow to the parents
gen.对于一些病人,他们说,谈话治疗和药物治疗相结合的效果最好For some patients, they say, a combination of talk therapy and medication works best
busin.对他人行使自己的权利exercise of ones rights against...
comp.对他种程序的管理程序supervisor program over other kinds
commer.对其他竞争中的供货商取得优势gain dominance over other suppliers in competition
gen.对忙于接听其他呼叫者电话或解决其他问题的人来说,时间过得很快,但对于等待的人来说时间就过得很慢了Time passes quickly for the person who is busy with other callers or issues, but for the person on hold, time creeps by
gen.寻找彩蛋活动是孩子们在复活节玩的一种游戏,他们要找出藏起来的鸡蛋Easter egg hunt is a game that children play at Easter where they try to find hidden eggs
tech.岩土的其他工程性质other engineering property of rock and soil
gen.工厂的一名发言人称,他们以为这只拖鞋是用作店面橱窗展示的A spokesman for the factory said they thought the slipper was for a shop window display
sport.布勃卡是历史上最伟大的撑竿跳高运动员、他曾获得多次世界冠军Bubka, history's greatest pole vaulter, was a many times world champion
refrig.带有贮藏室的他助式柜台serve-over counter with integrated storage
busin.常驻的企业、其他工商业及类似单位resident industries, other producers and similar units
expl.幼儿园的小孩子们由他们的老师负责照顾Small children in the kindergarten are taken in the charge of their teachers
securit.应急准备和其他潜在损失的准备金provision for contingency and other probable losses
securit.引诱他人投资资金的民事责任civil liability for inducing others to invest money
gen.当他被抬上救护车的时候我看到他了。事情发生得太快了! 一辆客货车拐过弯来直接撞向了公共汽车的一侧I saw him when they carried him into the ambulance. It happened so fast! The van came around the corner and crashed right into the side of the bus
commer.当货运单据转让给最终买主,他就取得提单收货人的资格When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading
expl.很多西方人把耶稣比作他们心中的太阳Many westerners compare Jesus Christ to the sun in their hearts
gen.很好。我会等他的来电That fine. I'll await his return call
gen.很高兴他们叫了你。我的肚子很疼!感觉好像问题很严重I am so glad they called you. My stomach is killing me! It feels like something is really wrong with my stomach!
gen.必胜客经理说,他正要把钱放在夜间存款箱子里的时候,那个持枪歹徒从黑暗中闪出,用手枪指着他,抢走了银行帆布袋A manager of Pizza Hut said, when he was about to drop the money in a night depository, the gunman stepped out of the shadows, pointed a pistol at him and grabbed the canvas bank pouch
gen.您要的茶里是放柠檬还是其他别的东西?Would you like to put lemon or something else in your tea?
gen.您还需要其他的吗?Would you like anything else?
gen.我今年想送给他一些特别的礼物I would like to give him something special this year
econ.我们与这家银行交往的经验使我们不能向你们提供一份有利他们的报告Our experience with this bank does not warrant our giving you a favourable report
commer.我们从未听到其他客户类似的不满We've never received a similar complaint from other customers
econ.我们会把他们的具体需要通知你们的We will advise you of their specific requirements
econ.我们充分相信我们的产品质量最优,足以与其他任何产品竞争We are quite confident that our product can rival any others due to the best quality
econ.我们再三要求他们延期,但尚未收到他们的答复Although we have repeatedly asked them for an extension n., yet we have not received their reply
econ.我们再次和他们用电传联系,结果他们确认了你们4月20日信中的报价We have telexed them again with the result that they confirmed the offer you made in the letter of April 20
gen.我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank
econ.我们同原来的代理人签订一项法律合同,禁止他出售上述货物We concluded a legal contract with the original agent prohibiting him from selling the above-mentioned goods
econ.我们和他们就与此交易有密切关系的一切条件进行了讨论We have talked with them all conditions germane to the transaction
gen.我们因他的进步而高兴we are glad of his progress
econ.我们将很快跟这个可能的买主联系,听听他的意见We will get in touch with the prospect soon and listen to his opinions
econ.我们怀疑他们是否能取得这些商品的进口许可证We questioned whether they can get the import licence for these articles
econ.我们想知道他们是否具备工厂设计及工程技术方面的能力We wonder whether they possess the capability of design and engineering of plant
gen.我们所有的客服人员都在忙着服务他们的顾客,请等五分钟后,就会有人接听您的电话All of our representatives are currently busy serving their customers. Your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes
econ.我们授予他们在美国独家销售的代表权We offered them exclusive representation in America
econ.我们提供给他们有关每个部分的结构和详细规格等的资料We will give them information on the construction of each part as well as detailed specifications
gen.我们有两个人在匹卡德利广场下车,其他的人要去泰德美术馆#wo of us want to get off at Piccadilly Circus and the rest want to drop at the Tate Gallery
econ.我们答应向他们支付专利权使用费,作为使用创造发明的特权的报酬We promise to pay the royalty to them as the reward for the privilege of using their inventions
econ.我们要设法说服他们接受我们的建议We will try to reason them into the acceptance of our proposal
econ.我们认为再和他们联系是不合适的We consider it inadvisable to contact them again
econ.我们非常感激你方大力协助,说服他们同意我们的意见We are very grateful to you for your kind offices in talking them around to our views
econ.我对他讲话的内容作了一些修改I made some corrections to the text of his speech
econ.我已把这笔钱记入他的贷方I have placed the money to his credit
gen.我应该马上叫他的儿科医师来,还是等等看将会怎样?Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?
gen.我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need
gen.我感谢他的努力,并祝愿他身体健康I appreciate his efforts and I wish him well
gen.我找不到我的行李,而其他人的行李都到了I can't find my baggage, and everyone else's has arrived
econ.我方法律顾问赞同我们同他们所订的协议Our counsellor approved of the agreement which we concluded with them
econ.我方订货发运时,我们会及时得到他们的通知We will duly receive their advice when they send out our goods ordered
gen.我有急事找史密斯先生,但我忘了他的房间号码I have something urgent to speak to Mr. Smith, but I forgot his room number
gen.我查看了他护照的盖印I looked at the stamp in his passport
commer.我的销售计划与他的计划相吻合My marketing plans dovetailed into his
gen.我真的必须今晚到达巴黎,请你替我找其他的班机好吗?I really have to get to Paris by this evening. Would you please try to find any other available flight?
gen.我知道个叫“优特价俱乐部”的购物中心,有时他们会有大促销I know a place called Price Club. They have great deals occasionally
gen.我能知道是谁发现并把它送来的吗?我想向他当面致谢Could I know who has found my bag and brought it here? I want to give my personal appreciation to him or her
gen.我要看一看他是否在。请问我该告诉他谁打来的?I'll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please?
gen.我觉得他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致I think his interest in photography is only a passing fad
econ.我请他做我的律师,为我诉讼辩护I asked him to act as my lawyer to defend the lawsuit
gen.或其他同类的东西等or the like
expl.战场上、炮火炸掉了他的双腿The gunfire on the battleground blew his legs off
gen.所有其他的evezj other
sport.所有投掷链球的动作必须在护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors
sport.打——个电话就可以把健身教练叫到家,他还随身带有各式各样的健身器材One phone call will also bring a fitness coach to your house, bringing all manner of fitness equipment with him
gen.托尼通过微博对他生病的女友表达了问候和祝愿Tony sent greetings and regards to his ill girlfriend through microblog
gen.把我们关于这个题目的书都给他们give them what books we have on the subject
econ.按照贵方的指示,他们上周已把钱存入贵方的往来账户上In accordance with your instructions they deposited the money in your current account last week
China, polit.损害其他公民的合法的自由和权利infringe upon the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens
China, law授予的其他权力other power granted
securit.他的互斥投资mutually exclusive investment
tech.他的补救exclusive remedies
tech.排他性的私有财产形式form of exclusive private property
tech.排他性的管辖条款exclusive jurisdiction
commer.接到代理人的电传后我们立即与他联系We got in touch with the agent immediately after we received his telex
sport.接力赛跑时、由 4 名队员组成的接力队中的前3名运动员、必须把他们手中的棒交给下一名运动员In the relay race, the first three runners of the four-member team must pass the baton to the next runner
sport.接力赛跑运动员将接力棒传给他的队友The runner passed the baton to his team mate
adv.提供调查其他商店价格等的服务shopping service
adv.播报其他频道节目信息的有线电视频道barker channel
adv.收播他台节目的延迟hot feed
China, polit.收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有关资料collect and sort out the deliberated opinions from group meetings and the opinions offered by the various quarters as well as other relevant information
sport.新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds
econ.明天他们会给你有关这组人员的资料Tomorrow they will give you the personal data of this group
gen.明白了,先生。我帮您查一查,请问他的姓名怎么拼写?I see, sir. I'll check it for you. How do you spell his name, please?
gen.是的。但是飞机延时了,他们11号不能到那里了Oh, yes. But the plane was late, so they won't be there on the 11 th
sport.最后一圈他赢得了万米赛跑的胜利He won the 10,000 metres race in the last lap
econ.最后,他们会对所发生的争执提供一份书面决定或公断书They will render a decision or award in writing upon such disputes finally
expl.最近几十年、由于二氧化碳及其他温室气体的大量排放、人们关切的全球变暖问题敦促诸多工业调研和实施减少气体排放的标准Global warming concerns due to large quantities of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases GHGs in recent decades are driving many industries to investigate and implement emissions reductions
gen.1月16日是西班牙的圣安东尼赎罪节,男人们骑马穿过火焰来展示他们的勇敢January 16th is San Antonio Atonement Day in Spain. Men show their braveness by riding horses through the fire
gen.有 10 张面值 100 的美金和5张面值50的人民币,还有3枚25美分的硬币和其他硬币There are ten $100 bills, five 50 RMB bills, three quarters and some other coins
commer.有些中国人已经将宜家作为他们自己家庭的延伸Some Chinese have always treated IKEA as an extension of their own homes
gen.有人引述他的话说he is quoted as as having said that
gen.有人引述他的话说he is quoted as saying that
econ.有人警告他投机股票有破产的危险They warned him of the danger of bankruptcy in stock exhange speculations
China, polit.有关刑事、民事、国家机构和其他的基本法律basic laws governing criminal offences, civil affairs, the State organs and other matters
China, polit.有关刑事、民事、国家机构和其他的基本法律basic laws pertaining to criminal offences, civil affairs, state organs and other matters
gen.有没有什么其他的地标?Are there any other landmarks?
tech.未充分利用的underutilized land
securit.未认可能换取其他证券的股票non-assented stock
sport.朱建华的助跑速度快、踏跳瞬间爆发力好、动作协调、他是有发展前途的跳高选手之一With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, Zhu Jianhua was one of the promising high jumpers
sport., cloth.李宁开始动手修改典型的制服,增加了迷你裙,合身的衬衫和其他元素Li Ning has begun tinkering with the typical uniform, adding miniskirts, fitted shirts and other elements
gen.材料价格在亚洲的其他地方也在上升,包括印尼和新加坡Price of the material is also on the rise throughout other parts of Asia, including Indonesia and Singapore
gen.杰克知道莉莉从不愿掏钱,所以这次他提议各付各的Jack knew Lily never offered to pick up the bill, so he suggested go halves this time
gen.比其他问题更重要〔优先考虑〕的一个问题a question that takes precedence over the others
gen.比较简单的做法就是,按照电话簿黄页部分所列出的出租车公司的号码打电话叫车,让他们派车上机场接您It's easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages for a telephone directory and ask them to send a cab to pick you up at the airport
gen.没有其他的选择余地have no option
expl.炸药感度根据所受外界能量作用的不同、可分为冲击波感度、撞击感度、摩擦感度、静电感度、雷电感度或其他能量形式的感度The stimulus to which an explosive is exposed must be included in any reference to the sensitivity, whether shock, low-velocity impact, friction, electrostatic charge, lightning, or other source of energy
gen.独具特色的海上迪厅、沙滩篝火及其他娱乐活动一定会给您留下美好的回忆Unique marine disco, beach bonfire and other recreational activities will give you good memories
securit.用于持有证券的其他贷款other loan for carrying securities
gen.用户场景为客户提供自助服务,使用户可以管理他们的银行账户,查找支行和自动取款机,以及与银行雇员联系Consumer scenarios provide customers with self-services where they can manage their banking accounts, find branch offices and ATMs, and initiate communications with banking staff
sport.田径竞赛的基本技术对其他运动具有普遍意义The basic athletic skills are common to all other sports (注释:1. athletics 田径运动 Br. E.(英国英语)track and field 田径运动 Am. E.(美国英语) 2. athletics 是田径运动的总称,可用作单数也可用作复数。)
sport.田径运动的基本技术对其他运动项目均具有普遍意义The basic athletic skills are common to all sports. (注释:1. track and field 是复合名词,它是田径运动的总称,使用动词时,通常用单数。2. track and field 田径运动, Am. E.(美国英语)athletics 田径运动,Br. E.(英国英语))
commer.由于公司最近对其他行业的分散投资Earnings were not affected by the decline because of the firm's recent diversification into other lines
busin.由其他因素引起的增加induced increase
busin.由其他因素诱发的投资减少induced disinvestment
gen.直到二战以后比萨在美国才开始变得流行起来。当时驻扎在意大利的美国士兵吃了很多比萨,他们回到家乡还想继续吃It wasn't until after world war II. The soldiers based in Italy had eaten lots of pizza and wanted to continue eating it when they came home
econ.看来他们没有真正理解你话中的含意It seems that they didn't really understand the implication of your remarks
tech.碰撞他船的船colliding ship
expl.神话往往唤起小孩子的好奇心、而惊险故事激起他们的想象力Mythology often firs children's curiosity, stories of adventure their imagination
China, polit.《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》所附的“禁止或限制使用地雷、诱杀装置和其他装置的修正议定书”修正的第二号议定书Amended Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices Amended Protocol II Annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
China, polit.禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约Convention Against texture and other Quel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
busin.移居他国的工人emigrant workers
sport.竞走的每一步过程中、运动员在后脚离地面前、他的前脚必须与地面保持接触During the period of each step, the advancing foot of the walker must make contact with the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground
sport.第二棒运动员在他的队友到达接力区前就开始跑动The second runner starts to run before his teammate reaches the passing zone (注释:目前接力区最常见的用法是 take-over zone)
gen.约翰昨晚是穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会的It was best suit John wore to the dance last night
commer.纳税人接到他退税请求未获准许的通知The taxpayer was notified of the disallowance of his claim for refund
China, polit.经历了长期的艰难曲折的武装斗争和其他形式的斗争waged protracted and arduous struggles, armed and otherwise, along a zigzag course
expl.经济凋敝促成他的企业破产The economic depression contributed to his industrial bankruptcy
gen.经过了高温消毒的仪器都盛在一个盆里,他把这个盆端上工作台,用冰冷的镊子从热水里夹出工具,动作还是不慌又不忙He brought the basin of sterilized instruments to the worktable and took them out of the water with a pair of cold tweezers, still without hurrying
expl.经过多次实地测试、他们的结论是、如果药量的增加、破碎量和飞石的速度也随之剧增After repeated field experiments, they drew a conclusion that as the charge increases, the fragmentation and the velocity of the broken material increases as well
econ.缔约各方应该履行他们的合约The parties should honour their contract
sport.美国超级田径明星卡尔刘易斯在男子 4 × 100 米接力赛跑中担任第四棒最后一棒、夺得了他本人的第四块奥运会金牌、美国队创下了 37.83 秒新的世界纪录U.S. super star Carl Lewis captured his fourth Olympic gold medal by anchoring the U. S. 4 × 100 metres relay team to a world record time of 37.83 seconds
gen.翅状的纽扣使他更有活力。三、鞋帽The wing buttons make him more dynamic
econ.老板想胁迫他的雇员这样做,可是没有得逞The boss attempted to intimidate his employees into doing so but in vain
HR胜任工作的知识、技术、能力与其他特征knowledge, skill, ability, and other personal characteristics required for good job performance (KSAOs)
commer.船长拒绝离开他的船桥The captain refused to leave the bridge of his ship while the danger lasted
gen.莉莉身着红裙走进来时,他那海绿色的眼睛闪闪发光His sea green eyes lighted when Lily in red dress came in
gen.蒂芙尼镶嵌以蒂芙尼的名字命名,他是历史上首次使用此方法的人Tiffany setting was named after Tiffany, who used the method for the first time in history
expl.虽说他20世纪是个无足轻重的工程技术人员、但在炸药乳化制作方面却有至关重要的发现Although as an insignificant engineering technician last century, he made a significant discovery in the making of explosive emulsion
securit.被打包转售给其他人的风险risk packaged and sold to others
gen.被批准的 I-20 表格只是签证官决定是否颁发签证要考虑的因素之一。如果申请人的总体情况显示其赴美的主要目的不是学习,那他的学生签证申请就可能被拒The approved I-20 is just one piece of information the interviewing officer must consider when deciding whether a visa may be issued. Student visas may be refused if it appears that the applicant's primary purpose of travel is not to attain an education
house.要想避免意外烫伤和其他相关伤害,一种方法就是调低热水器设定的温度One way to avoid accidentally scalding and related injuries is to turn down the temperature of your hot water heater
busin.要求他方履行分担责任的诉讼action for contribution
gen.观众们很欣赏他戏剧化的演技和诙谐的幽默感His dramatic acting style and witty humor delighted the audience
pack.该液体灌装机性价比高,小容量填充十分精确,主要用于水性和其他低黏度产品的充填This liquid filling machine is the machine of choice for high value; small volume fills at very high accuracy. It is primarily suitable for aqueous and other light viscosity products
gen.请你不要挂断,我替你找他的号码Would you hold the line, please? I will find out his number for you
gen.请转告他我已经收到他的礼物了,谢谢他送我这么可爱的手镯Please tell him I have received his gift. Thank him for the lovely bracelet
gen.请转告他我想要买电视广告上的汽车Please tell him I would like to buy the car on the TV commercial
expl.读起史书、他时常有去参观埃及的金字塔群的想往Reading history books, he is sometimes fird with a desire to visit the Egyptian pyramids
busin.调动中型企业和其他非跨国集团的潜力mobilizing the potential of medium-sized enterprise and other non TNCs
adv.购买某商品获赠其他商品或折价的促销活动near pack event
adv.购买某商品获赠其他商品或折价的套装near pack
commer.购入其他企业时的公积金surplus at date of acquisition
sport.赛跑运动员获得"第二次呼吸"的能力取决于他的身体状况The ability of the runner to achieve second wind depends chiefly on his physical condition.
gen.赴美旅游团组预约:不少于15人组成的目的相同,且共同出行的团组,可以申请特殊团组预约。如果旅行社需要反复为其他游客进行签证申请预约,可以网上创建一个“旅行协调员”账户,而不使用团组预约Groups of not fewer than 15 individuals, traveling in the U. S. together for the same purpose, may request a special group appointment. If you are a travel agency repeatedly booking appointments for other travelers, you can create a travel coordinator profile in our online system, rather than booking group appointments
sport.跳远运动员在他的小组里训练最刻苦The long jumper trains the hardest in his group
gen.过去,人们喜欢高品位的电影,但在今天,民众却对充斥着暴力、裸露镜头以及其他类似情节的电影情有独钟In the old days, people preferred classy and high value movies, whereas today, the common person prefers a movie with violence, nudity, or other things of that nature
sport.过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球与标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year, in shot put and javelin, and he hopes to add another for discus next year
gen.这些工具是他们的,你们的在那边these tools are theirs, yours are over there
sport.这位跳高运动员在他的小组里训练最刻苦The high jumper trains the hardest in his group
gen.这是他自己干的吗did he do it himself?
gen.这是8808房间的罗杰先生,我走后,史密斯先生会来。您能帮我把这个交给他吗?This is Mr. Roger in room 8808. Mr. Smith will come for this while I am out. Could you hand it to him,please?
expl.这本书是他的This book belongs to him
commer.这桥造价大大超岀他们的预料The cost of building the bridge was much more than they had bargained for (on)
gen.这款头巾是一种非常华丽的发饰,上面可以插羽毛、珠子、花朵以及其他别致的装饰The fascinator is a particularly ornate hair accessory that can feature feathers, beads, flowers and other fancy trimmings
expl.这种解释对我们了解他的生平故事很重要This explanation is of concern to our understanding of his lifetime story
gen.这部影片有精彩的追车场面以及其他一些惊险刺激的镜头There are spectacular car chases and some thrilling moments in the film
fishery遗弃、丢失或以其他方式抛弃的渔具abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear
tech.那些人中的一个拿起一个备用轮胎砸在他的头上,他当时就昏了过去One of the men picked up a spare tire and brought it down on his head, knocking him out
sport.那位跑得最快的运动员迅速地把其他运动员甩在后面The best runner was rapidly leaving the others behind.
nautic., tech.重要用途的所有其他锅炉辅锅炉、废气锅炉、经济器和蒸汽加热蒸汽发生器auxiliary boilers for essential services auxiliary boilers, exhaust boilers, economizers and steam-heated steam generators
econ.销售部抱怨财务部不停地干预他们的工作The sales department complained of continual interference from the financial department
China, polit.镇压叛国和其他危害国家安全的犯罪活动suppress treasonable and other criminal activities that endanger State security
sport.长跑除能加强心肺及其他主要器官的功能外、还能使全身得到锻炼In addition to strengthening the heart lungs and other vital organs, distance run exercises the whole body
tech.防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染的海洋公约Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matters into Ocean
China, polit.防止倾倒废物和其他物质污染海洋的公约伦敦倾废公约Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution By Dumping of Wastes and other Matters
gen.除了颜色外并没有其他设计上的差别There are no design differences except a color difference
securit.随机投资平均收益率高于其他投资的假设random walk theory
gen.非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。如果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late
China, polit.非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由unlawful detention or deprivation or restriction of citizens' freedom of the person by other means
expl.非硝化甘油助爆药虽说比硝化甘油炸药更具抗冲击、震动或摩擦引起的偶然爆炸性、但仍需要按其他炸药的安全方式来对待Though these non-nitroglycerine boosters are more resistant to accidental detonation from impact,shock or friction than dynamite, they must be handled in the same manner as other explosives
refrig.靠墙放置的他助式壁柜back-wall service cabinet
commer.预先规定如果在发生他们所不能控制的某些意外事件时双方的权利和义务It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
expl.风把他的礼帽刮掉了His hat blew off
gen.飞机降落跑道了,麦克斯及他的旅游团马上就来了The flight is running on the runway, Max and his tour group is coming
expl.首相喉咙发炎、明天的会上他不能讲话Due to the severe fire in his throat,the prime minister will not be able to give a speech at tomorrow's conference
nautic., tech.高温设备的护层隔热和绝缘材料,特别是全船其他设备管线和高温管道、排烟管、服务处所蒸汽管、高温燃油/水/液体管的护层隔热、垫片、压盖thermal laggings and insulation for high temperature applications, special pipes and high temperature conduits uptakes, exhausts, service spaces steam pipes, high temp fuel /oil / water /other fluid laggings, gaskets, glands
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