
Terms for subject Microsoft containing | all forms
interface (A reference type that defines a contract. Other types implement an interface to guarantee that they support certain operations. The interface specifies the members that must be supplied by classes or other interfaces that implement it. Like classes, interfaces can contain methods, properties, indexers, and events as members)
圖形裝置Graphics Device Interface (An executable program that processes graphical function calls from a Windows-based application and passes those calls to the appropriate device driver, which performs the hardware-specific functions that generate output. By acting as a buffer between applications and output devices, GDI presents a device-independent view of the world for the application while interacting in a device-dependent format with the device)
多語系使用者MUI 套件Multilingual User Interface Pack (A set of language-specific resources for multiple supported languages. MUI technology enables users to set the user-interface language according to their preferences, provided the required language resource files are present on the computer. It is designed to enable large corporations to deploy a single version of Windows worldwide, while enabling their local users to select the user-interface language)
明確面實作explicit interface implementation (The implementation of a class or structure member that is accessible only through the interface that the class or structure implements)
Active Directory 服務Active Directory Service Interfaces (A directory service model and a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces. ADSI enables Windows applications and Active Directory clients to access several network directory services, including Active Directory)
Exchange 管理命令Exchange Management Shell (A command-line interface and associated command-line plug-ins for Exchange Server that enable automation of administrative tasks. The Exchange Management Shell is built on Windows PowerShell technology, formerly codenamed Monad)
訊息應用程式發展Messaging Application Programming Interface (A messaging architecture that enables multiple applications to interact with multiple messaging systems across a variety of hardware platforms. MAPI is built on the Component Object Model (COM) foundation)
語音使用者Voice User Interface (An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using speech inputs)
語音使用者VUI An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using speech inputs (VUI)
電話使用者Telephone User Interface (An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using DTMF or touchtone inputs)
電話使用者TUI An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using DTMF or touchtone inputs (TUI)