
Terms for subject Technology containing 人造 | all forms | in specified order only
乙烯基塑料人造vinyl leather
人造世界man-made world
人造rayon filament
人造厂废水wastewater from rayon mill
人造丝制造厂rayon manufacturer
人造丝厂rayon silk works
人造丝厂rayon works
人造丝厂rayon mill
人造丝浆rayon pulp
人造丝浆筛渣rayon reject
人造丝纤维rayon fiber
人造丝织物artificial silk fabrics
人造丝绳rayon cord
人造丝芯运输带rayon belt
人造丝轮胎线rayon tyre yard
人造云母build-up mica
人造云母moulded mica
人造云母molded mica
人造云母artificial mica
人造云石artificial travertine
人造云石artificial travertin
人造介质artificial dielectrics
人造假石French stuc
人造假石面French stucco
人造偏振片Polaroid film
人造偏振箔Polaroid foil
人造candle lighting
人造candle light
人造光源artificial light source
人造artificial crown
人造artificial ice
人造冰场artificial ice rink
人造冰洲石artificial Iceland spar
人造凝灰石man-made travertine
人造凝灰石man-made travertin
人造凝灰石artificial travertine
人造凝灰石artificial travertin
人造凡士林artificial vaseline
人造刚玉synthetical corundum
人造刚玉砂轮alundum wheel
人造地球卫星man-made earth satellite
人造地球卫星artificial earth satellite
人造卫星地面satellite ground station
人造卫星加注燃料站refueling satellite station
人造卫星壳体涂层satellite coating
人造卫星探测器satellite probe
人造卫星整流罩satellite fairing
人造卫星自动跟踪天线satellite automatic tracking antenna
人造卫星试验场satellite test range
人造厩肥synthetical manure
人造厩肥synthetic manure
人造双折射synthetical birefringence
人造双折射synthetic birefringence
人造古迹artificial monument
人造同位素transmutation product
人造同位素artificial isotope
人造回声器artificial echo unit
人造回波artificial echo
人造土地man-made land
人造土地artificial ground
人造土壤anthropic soil
人造圬工体man-made masonry unit
人造圬工用砖石artificial masonry unit
人造man-made land
人造地平artificial horizon
人造地热流体储层artificial geothermal fluid reservoir
人造地热系统man-made geothermal system
人造地球卫星地球物理观测站orbiting geophysical observatory of artificial earth satellite
人造地球卫星天文学satellite astronomy
人造地球卫星运动理论theory of artificial earth satellite motion
人造地砖artificial stone tile
人造地表man-made ground
人造地震artificial earthquake
人造地面砖artificial stone tile floor covering
人造地面砖artificial stone tile floor cover
人造块体artificial block
人造坝座abutment block
人造塑料man-made plastic
人造塑料材料man-made plastic material
人造大理石marble resin
人造大理石scagliola marble
人造大理石man-made marble
人造大理石art marble
人造大理石artificial travertine
人造大理石artificial travertin
人造天体artificial object
人造天体天文代号astronomical number of artificial heavenly bodies
人造天体天文代号astronomic number of artificial heavenly bodies
人造天空artificial sky
人造太阳灯artificial sunlight lamp
人造太阳行星solar space vehicle
人造奶油厂废水margarine factory wastewater
人造奶油废水margarine wastes
人造宇宙飞船man-made space-craft
人造宝石imitation jewel
人造宝石paste jewel
人造宝石synthetical gem
人造宝石synthetic gem
人造宝石artificial gem
人造尖晶石synthetical spinel
人造尖晶石synthetic spinel
人造岩芯synthetical core
人造岩芯synthetic core
人造干燥artificial drying out
人造平原man-made plain
人造庭园man-made ground
人造magic hand
人造措施artificial measures
人造放射性同位素induced radioisotope
人造方块堤human-made block dike
人造方块堤artificial block dike
人造无机粉尘artificial inorganic dust
人造无水石膏artificial anhydrite
人造无烟煤artificial anthracite
人造日光artificial daylight
人造有机物anthropogenic organics
人造有机集料synthetical organic aggregate
人造有机集料synthetic organic aggregate
人造有机骨料synthetical organic aggregate
人造有机骨料synthetic organic aggregate
人造木材man-made wood
人造机器man-made machine
人造杏仁油artificial almond oil
人造imitation wood
人造材料synthetical material
人造材料synthetic material
人造材料artificial material
人造hard board
人造极光man-made aurora
人造柏油artificial bitumen
人造标石artificial monument
人造树胶artificial gum
人造树脂man-made resin
人造树脂synthetical resin
人造树脂manufactured resin
人造树脂artificial resin
人造树脂基胶合剂manufactured resin-based cementing agent
人造树脂基胶黏剂man-made resin-based adhesive
人造树脂基黏合剂manufactured resin-based bonding medium
人造树脂类黏结剂man-made resin-based adhesive
人造棉纱spun rayon
人造棉细布staple fibre muslin
人造楼面砖artificial stone tile floor covering
人造楼面砖artificial stone tile floor cover
人造橡皮manufactured rubber
人造橡胶man-made rubber
人造橡胶masticated rubber
人造橡胶synthetical chloroprene rubber
人造橡胶synthetical rubber
人造橡胶synthetic chloroprene rubber
人造橡胶artificial rubber
人造橡胶乳液synthetical rubber latex
人造橡胶乳液synthetic rubber latex
人造橡胶块synthetical rubber
人造橡胶块synthetic rubber
人造橡胶密封neoprene seal
人造橡胶密封垫片neoprene sealing gasket
人造橡胶嵌缝料synthetical rubber filler
人造橡胶嵌缝料synthetic rubber filler
人造气体manufactured gas
人造气溶胶示踪技术artificial aerosol tracer technique
人造氧化铝synthetical alumina
人造氧化铝synthetic alumina
人造水晶synthetical quartz
人造水晶synthetic quartz
人造水晶synthetical crystal
人造水晶synthetic crystal
人造水泥artificial cementing agent
人造水泥artificial cement
人造水泥大理石cement man-made marble
人造汗液synthetical perspiration
人造汗液synthetic perspiration
人造沙漠man-made desert
人造沥青synthetical asphalt
人造沥青synthetic asphalt
人造沥青artificial bitumen
人造沥青artificial asphalt
人造沥青骨料混合料artificial asphalt-aggregate mixture
人造沥青骨料混合料artificial asphalt-aggregate mix
人造泡沫artificial foam
人造洪水波artificial flood wave
人造流星artificial meteor
人造海水synthetical seawater
人造海水synthetic seawater
人造润滑油artificial lubricating oil
人造清漆synthetical varnish
人造清漆synthetic varnish
人造man-made lake
人造湿地artificial wetland
人造滑冰场artificial skating rink
人造滑冰场artificial ice rink
人造火山灰permutite pozzolana (质材料)
人造火山灰artificial pozzolana (质材料)
人造火山灰材料man-made pozzolanic material
人造火山灰质材料artificial pozzolanic material
人造热水循环系统artificial hot-water circulation system
人造焦油沥青artificial bitumen
人造煤气artificial gas
人造燃料synthetical fuel
人造燃料synthetic fuel
人造燃气manufactured fuel gas
人造环境man-made environment
人造环形山artificial crater
人造琥珀胶ambrain cement
人造allotriomorphic granular
人造的结构产品man-made structural product
人造的结构材料man-made structural material
人造皮革sham leather
人造短纤维切断机staple fibre cutting machine
人造短纤维条staple fibre top
人造短纤维清洗机staple-fibre washing machine
人造reconstituted stone
人造synthetical rock
人造synthetical stone
人造reconstructed stone
人造masoned cast stone
人造man-made stone
人造cast stone
人造石地板面层artificial stone flooring finish
人造石地板面层artificial stone floor finish
人造石地面granolithic finish
人造石地面granolithic flooring
人造石地面granolithic floor
人造石地面granolithic concrete surface
人造石地面砖patent stone tile floor covering
人造石地面砖patent stone tile floor cover
人造石块artificial stone block
人造石墨synthetical graphite
人造石工作patent stone work
人造石工场patent stone shop
人造石工场artificial stone shop
人造石工艺artificial stone work
人造石材precast stone
人造石材cast stone
人造石材artificial stone block
人造石材分裂机splitter for reconstructed stone
人造石板artificial slate
人造石板artificial flagstone
人造石构件artificial stone work
人造石棉man-made asbestos
人造石棉artificial asbestos
人造石楼板面层artificial stone flooring finish
人造石楼板面层artificial stone floor finish
人造石楼梯patent stone staircase
人造石楼梯artificial stone staircase
人造石楼梯patent stone stair
人造石楼梯artificial stone stair
人造石楼面granolithic flooring
人造石楼面granolithic floor
人造石楼面修整artificial stone floor dressing
人造石油synthetical petroleum
人造石油synthetic petroleum
人造石油alternate fuel
人造石油沥青artificial asphalt
人造石灰华man-made travertin
人造石灰华man-made travertine
人造石灰华manufactured travertine
人造石灰华imitation travertine
人造石灰石artificial limestone
人造石砌块cast stone blok
人造石砌块artificial stone block
人造石砖artificial stone tile
人造石砖瓦patent stone tile
人造石膏石protean stone
人造石花砖地面装修artificial stone flooring finish
人造石花砖地面装修artificial stone floor finish
人造石花砖饰面artificial stone floor covering
人造石花砖饰面artificial stone floor cover
人造石英synthetical quartz
人造石英synthetic quartz
人造石英man-made quartz
人造石英晶体artificial quartz crystal
人造石英玻璃synthetical silica glass
人造石英玻璃synthetic silica glass
人造石表皮patent stone skin (层)
人造石踏步granolithic tread
人造石防水层artificial stone waterproofer
人造石面层artificial stone skin
人造石饰地面granolithic concrete
人造石饰面granolithic finish
人造石饰面cast stone finish
人造manufactured sand
人造crusher screenings
人造砂石artificial sandstone
人造研磨料artificial abradant
人造砖石artificial masonry unit
人造砖石单元man-made masonry unit
人造硬沥青artificial gilsonite
人造硬石膏by-product anhydrite
人造硬石膏artificial anhydrite
人造artificial carbon
人造磁场artificial magnet field
人造磁铁artificial magnet
人造artificial grind stone
人造磨料manufactured abrasive
人造磨料artificial abrasive
人造磨石Norton pulpstone
人造磨石artificial grit
人造礁石artificial reef
人造祖母绿synthetical emerald
人造祖母绿synthetic emerald
人造稠黄油whipped toppings
人造空间飞行器man-made space-craft
人造立体镜artificial stereoscope
人造粗骨料artificial coarse aggregate
人造红宝石synthetical ruby
人造红宝石synthetic ruby
人造纤维man-made fiber
人造纤维单丝rayon monofil
人造纤维厂rayon factory
人造纤维材料man-made fiber material
人造纤维绳synthetical fiber rope
人造纤维绳synthetic fiber rope
人造synthetical paper
人造synthetic paper
人造artificial fine grain
人造细集料artificial fine grain
人造细集料artificial fine aggregate
人造细颗粒artificial fine aggregate
人造细骨料artificial fine grain
人造细骨料artificial fine aggregate
人造细骨料混凝土man-made fine concrete aggregate
人造织品man-made fiber fabric
人造结构artificial formation
人造羊毛cellulose wool
人造群青factitious ultramarine (蓝)
人造肥料synthetic fertilizer
人造肥料synthetical fertilizer
人造肥料artificial manure
人造肥料artificial fertilizer
人造肥料撒播机artificial fertilizer distributor
人造背景artificial background
人造腐殖质synthetical humans
人造腐殖质synthetic humans
人造膨润土hand-made bentonite
人造膨润土粒hand-made bentonite ball
人造花岗岩石面allotriomorphic granular
人造花岗石granitoid (面)
人造花砖地面装修artificial stone tile floor covering
人造花砖地面装修artificial stone tile floor cover
人造草皮artificial grass
人造蓝宝石synthetical sapphire
人造蓝宝石synthetic sapphire
人造synthetical wax
人造行星man-made sun satellite
人造裂缝man-made fracture
人造装饰石decorative artificial stone
人造角闪石artificial amphibole
人造象牙artificial ivory
人造资本artificial capital
人造起偏振镜Polaroid polarizer
人造轻集料synthetic light weight aggregate
人造轻集料synthetical light weight aggregate
人造轻集料artificial light weight aggregate
人造轻集料混凝土synthetical aggregate light weight concrete
人造轻集料混凝土synthetic aggregate light weight concrete
人造轻骨料synthetical light weight aggregate
人造轻骨料synthetic light weight aggregate
人造轻骨料artificial light weight aggregate
人造轻骨料混凝土synthetical aggregate light weight concrete
人造轻骨料混凝土synthetic aggregate light weight concrete
人造运动场地athletic surfacing
人造金刚石synthetical diamond
人造金刚石synthetic diamond
人造金刚石粒synthetical grit
人造金刚石粒synthetic grit
人造金刚石钻头synthetical diamond bit
人造金刚砂artificial carborundum
人造金红石synthetical ruffle
人造金红石synthetic ruffle
人造钙华manufactured travertine
人造钻石man-made diamond
人造铁氧体artificial ferrite
人造闪电发生器lightning generator
人造阳光artificial sunlight
人造陆地reclamation land
人造障碍物man-made obstacle
人造集料synthetical aggregate
人造集料manufactured aggregate
人造集料synthetic aggregate
人造集料artificial aggregate
人造man-made rain
人造artificial precipitation
人造synthetic leather
人造synthetical leather
人造support vinyl (衬垫用织物的乙烯制品)
人造leather cloth
人造coated fabric
人造革挂幔artificial leather hanging
人造革挂幕artificial leather hanging
人造革挂毯artificial leather hanging
人造飞船artificial spacecraft
人造食物artificial nourishment
人造饰面板artificial decorative board
人造骨料synthetic aggregate
人造骨料synthetical aggregate
人造骨料artificial aggregates
人造骨料manufactured aggregate
人造骨料artificial aggregate
人造鬃毛漆刷synthetical bristle brush
人造鬃毛漆刷synthetic bristle brush
人造黄油vegetable butter
人造黄油oleo oil
人造黏合剂manufactured adhesive
人造黏合剂man-made bonding medium
人造黏土碎砖manufactured clay brick sand
人造黏结料artificial bonding agent
人造黏结料artificial bonding adhesive
人造黑沥青artificial gilsonite
光面人造plain cast stone
光面人造plain artificial stone
分析期人造物品artifact during analysis
制造费用分配的人工小时法labor hour basis for overhead application
喷撒人造石铺面楼granolithic sprinkle finish flooring
喷撒人造石铺面楼granolithic sprinkle finish floor
地球同步人造卫星geosynchronous satellite
多晶人造碳纤维polycrystalline manmade carbon fibre
干纺醋酯人造air-spun acetate rayon
平纹人造丝织物butcher rayon
平行布置的人造凸起障碍物parallel bumps
彩色人造宝石colour synthetical jewel
彩色人造宝石color synthetic jewel
微型人造卫星跟踪系统minitrack system
微孔人造cellular leather cloth
成绞有光人造复丝bright multifilament rayon yarn in skein
房屋建造工人building construction labour
房屋建造工人building construction worker
房屋建造工人building construction labor
房屋建造技术人员building construction technician
扁平人造flattened rayon
普通人造plain artificial stone
有色人造石铺石tinted granolithic (的)
木质人造wood base fibre and particle panel material
木质人造man-made wood board
木质人造板材wood base panel material
构造运动名称的创始人originator of name of tectonic movement
标准人造standard artificial stone
氨基甲酸乙酯人造橡胶urethane elastomer
水泥人造大理石cement artificial marble
浇制人造石板用的铁板granolithic plate
硅化人造橡皮密封环silicone elastomer seal ring
硅酸盐水泥人造大理石Portland cement imitation marble
硅酸盐水泥人造大理石Portland cement man-made marble
硅酸盐水泥人造大理石Portland cement manufactured marble
硅酸盐水泥人造大理石Portland cement artificial marble
简单人造plain cast stone
素色人造plain reconstructed stone
红白人造宝石red white compound jewel
人造plain patent stone
人造光牢度fastness to artificial light
航用人造卫星navigational satellite
造桥人bridge builder
配有人造光的植物灌溉plant irrigation with artificial light
醋酯人造acetate rayon filament
醋酯人造acetate wool
醋酸人造acetate silk
人造沸石manganese permutite
阿奇逊人造石墨Acheson graphite
阿拉伯人造卫星Arabian satellite
隔声人造man-acoustical stone
隔声人造man-acoustic stone
非工人责任造成的损失时间lost working hours unaccountable to workers
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